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BYOND Key: wheasymold552

Character Names: Evie Dennis, Qeross Jia’Meyk (plus a ton of others that have so little play time they aren’t even worth mentioning)

Species you are applying to play: IPC

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:Yes


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.


Why do you wish to play this specific race: I think that unlike other species, IPC’s have a lot of interesting roleplay opportunities, at least in the sense that when you play as your IPC you consider their directives like preserving their chassis etc rather than their morals. Not only do they have well developed lore but they also have interesting ingame mechanics that can force you to think differently about different circumstances. While they do have some limitations, I think another appealing aspect of IPC’s is their diversity. IPC’s come in so many shapes and sizes and all work a little differently which is great when it comes to making a character because almost everything is left up to interpretation. While one IPC may react one way, yours could react the complete opposite.

(One paragraph minimum)


Identify what makes role-playing this species different from role-playing a Human: Well, as stated above, while playing as an IPC there’s a lot of things you have to consider that you don’t while playing an organic species. Instead of morales you have your directives and the way they were programmed. Another difference is just the mechanics implemented into the game. You have to see a roboticist while injured and have to remember to recharge. One of the bigger differences is the way you speak. There’s lots of slang that only IPC’s use while speaking in EAL and while speaking more organic languages like Basic they talk using literal meanings and no slang.

(One Paragraph minimum)


Character Name: Ella Moore


Please provide a short backstory for this character: Ella’s positronic brain and chassis were manufactured in the year 2462 on order from Nanotrasen. Her specs include a synthskin shell, the most precise motors available for precision pouring and an increased memory bank to help document her discoveries. She’s been employed in nanotrasen’s various biological labs since her creation and is currently owned by nanotrasen. Ella has no problems with this sort of relationship, her positronic brain wired in such a way that makes her top priority her research which she expresses in a very passionate manner. While Ella seems very advanced in certain fields such as xenobotany and xenobiology, her extremely young age and lack of experience with social interaction make her function in public worse than the average IPC, coming off as overly nice in a robotic fashion, seeming to never become upset, even when she should and caring far too much for strangers she’s only just met. Her behavior appears even more outwardly strange as people get to know her, realising that quite literally all she does is research. She might be cooped up in her lab for weeks at a time only coming out periodically to charge and even when she’s away from the lab with all of her work completed, she’s still studying taking mental notes of different human behaviors and habits.


What do you like about this character? The biggest thing I like about Ella as a character is her way of studying LITERALLY everything. I think it will be really interesting to roleplay out a sort of curiosity in everything and a desire to learn as strong as Ella’s. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen such a trait expressed through an IPC before so hopefully others find it interesting as well.

(Describe what you like about this character)


How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would say that my roleplaying ability is “alright”. I’ve gotten compliments on my emoting ability which I would suspect I’ve gotten good at by playing my character Evie Dennis who usually communicates through gestures and body language rather than through her words, though I find myself often influenced by my ooc emotions during rp. This is one of the reasons I’ve applied for IPC because playing as an IPC will force me to take a more analytical approach to my roleplay.

notes: The name is in reference to Ruth Ella Moore, a bacteriologist and microbiologist as well as the first African American female to receive a phd in a natural science. (according to wikipedia however I've only done a little bit of research so don't quote me on this.)


Thanks for applying! I just have some questions for the application, to start.

The idea of an IPC preserving their chassis over their morals is interesting. How would an IPC's morals be determined?

Could you expand on the differences between humans and IPCs? Just to name a few points, what about IPCs' place in the galaxy? How are they treated, how do they behave, how do they think?

Could you describe Ella's personality further and why it's the way it is?  You mention her acting in a passionate manner when it comes to research as well as acting overly nice around people. Why would she be taking notes?

Just keep in mind that everything an IPC does has a reason behind it, whether it was initial programming by its makers, or its own observations and analysis.


I think, at least with my interpretation of it, an IPC wouldn't necessarily have morals unless explicitly coded in (which I know nothing about computers and programming so I don't know how hard this would be to do.) At least in Ella's case however, she doesn't have morals I would say but takes more of an analytical approach to EVERYTHING. She looks at a decision she could make and determines based on the possible outcomes and with some risk analysis which decision is the best. For example, Ella may to do something that takes longer to achieve the same result simply because it's significantly safer having weighed the risk vs reward.

Humans have emotional factors in their thought processes while IPC's are almost always analytical. IPC's are built for a purpose while humans tend to find out what they like later in their life. I believe that an IPC's place in the galaxy is pretty much just to work. Is that right morally? Absolutely not, but that's how it works out in this universe. They were purchased for work and that's what their owners are going to make them do. I think IPC's behave and think in so many different ways based off of how they as machines interpret certain lines of code etc. For example, Ella takes all of her directives very literally, not even wanting her chassis to become a little scratched let alone dented  or worse and so she'll do anything in her power to prevent that. This causes her to act extremely nice, specifically because she's seen how her fellow IPC's have been mistreated and "vandalized" in the past. Due to her "risk analysis", she's decided that humans are less likely to act out against her if they like her. 

As I stated above, Ella is way overly nice specifically because of her risk assessment for organics and the possibility that if she made one of them angry they could damage her chassis which would be in direct violation of her first directive. Her passion from her work comes from her second directive which is to conduct her research on biological entities, whether that be in the form of plants like in xenobotany or in the form of animals like in xenobiology. When I say "take notes" I more so mean mental notes or in Ella's case saving data to an internal hard drive system. She takes her directive to study organic entities very seriously and so even when she's been dismissed from her work she still tries to gather as much information as she can so hence the studying of humans as well.


Hi! I'm liking the application so far but I'm curious about a couple of things:

10 hours ago, wheasymold552 said:

Due to her "risk analysis", she's decided that humans are less likely to act out against her if they like her. 

How does it affect Ella when she runs up against the inevitability of someone not liking her? Even the most well-intentioned and kind person will encounter people who don't like them. Presumably, this must have happened at least once in her year-long life working on a NanoTrasen facility or it will eventually happen in future. How might Ella respond to this in the face of her own risk-analysis? Does she ever consider the certainty of meeting someone who doesn't like her despite doing her best to ensure it doesn't happen?

I worry a little that you might be writing yourself into a corner with a character that "only researches". It's difficult to roleplay a character with a one-dimensional personality like that, and I'd like to know what sort of plans you have for developing this character. I assume of course you have an idea on how Ella might branch out in future, with a year being a long enough to for her to consider deviating slightly. You don't need to tell me in-detail, as I expect you'll want to leave this up to IC interactions to decide, but how might you see her developing, theoretically?


Of course people will come to dislike Ella at some point, whether it's happened in the past or will happen in the future, but I think that Ella's response would definitely have some differ depending on how sever said feelings towards her are. Someone not "liking" you is not necessarily a large risk in the same way that a severe synthetic hater might be and so she'd act accordingly. In the case of someone not liking her even after she's tried to be nice? She's probably just stop trying and distance herself from them. In the event of someone full out despising her very existence? That would probably cause her to get VERY far away, maybe even stay the rest of the shift in her lab etc.

And in response to Ella being hard to roleplay, that's kind of intentional. While YES, Ella could have more in-depth character traits, I've accepted that my ability to write good backstory that has actual meaning in a character is very poor so I've gone with a 1 year old synthetic. That way I can go with so far, Ella's not had to make any crazy hard choices and hasn't really strayed too far from work. That's absolutely not saying that she can't develop more traits in response to events etc and that was pretty much the plan. When I roleplay I like to develop lore as I go along and I love seeing characters grow so starting a character like Ella off with the bare minimum, at least in my mind is the perfect way to start that. Now I could have a VERY skewed understanding of how IPC's work and develop and if that's the case then PLEASE say something so that way I can get it sorted. I'm more than open to suggestions and so on and really this app is helping me not only get access to IPC but also helping me sort out some of the overlooked details of my character.

7 hours ago, wheasymold552 said:

She's probably just stop trying and distance herself from them. In the event of someone full out despising her very existence? That would probably cause her to get VERY far away, maybe even stay the rest of the shift in her lab etc.

What about in the case of work? How does Ella fair if she can't, for lack of a better term, run away from a situation?

How does Ella view herself? Her value? Place in the world, so forth?

How does Ella view organics, synthetics? What about synthetic factions like Golden Deep and Trinary Perfection?

8 hours ago, wheasymold552 said:

Now I could have a VERY skewed understanding of how IPC's work and develop and if that's the case then PLEASE say something so that way I can get it sorted.

As I stated previously, as long as an IPC has a clear line of reasoning for its behavior and beliefs, then that's a good place to start.


In the event that a coworker in close proximity wasn't a fan of her, she's have to analyze the situation. Like I've said before, if it was just a mild dislike with no real potential damage to her chassis then she'd most likely continue working while trying not to anger them any more than they already are. However, if Ella feels like her chassis is in genuine danger and she can't feasibly distance herself, I'd suppose she'd report it to security or command. As property of Nanotrasen Ella would be fairly certain that they'd be willing to protect their property.

As I've just briefly mentioned, I like to develop my characters as they go which is why Ella isn't CRAZY in-depth. As of right now Ella views herself as property but values her chassis highly. She doesn't necessarily know how much she's worth though but yeah, as of right now she views herself as property of Nanotrasen. Someone could very easily convince Ella that she's better than that but as of RIGHT NOW that hasn't happen. Keep in mind she's a relatively new and sheltered positronic, working exclusively in the basement of the Aurora. The more she learns and comprehends, the more her views and thoughts will change. 

When it comes to organics, Ella is interested in them because of that whole researching biological entities thing. She views EVERYONE as potentially dangerous but assigns a percent rating to them (or something else, not really sure yet but some how she keeps track) based on how dangerous they are. If they seem safe then she'll enjoy studying them. If they're dangerous then she'll distance herself or report them. (again, all of this is like... RIGHT NOW and it's all subject to change based on what comes up.) Ella is indifferent about synthetics for now, they're not truly "living" and so she doesn't feel a pull to them to study them etc but she doesn't hate them either. They're just there. When it comes to synthetic factions? Again, she's pretty indifferent about them however she wouldn't be very well versed in them anyways so she wouldn't really have any info to base an opinion off of.

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