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[Accepted] Flpfs Unathi Application

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BYOND Key: Flpfs
Character Names: Swan, Jack Mayfly, Ernesto Zhao
Species you are applying to play: Unathi
What color do you plan on making your first alien character: A shade of grey, probably light grey.
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:
I liked the unathi lore after interacting with players in-game. I particularly liked reading the section on honor and the different wasteland clans.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
Their society is much different from Humans, based on concepts like honor, which is integral to an unathi's reputation, and clans, which almost every unathi is a part of. Physically, they are much more stronger than humans and their presence is more imposing. Their politics also has the clash of the Traditionalists and the Hegemony, and there are also interesting specifics like the life of unathi in Dominia. Their economy is also different, working on a guild-based system with patronages rather than the human megacorporations we are used to.

Character Name: Azorisk Ozeuoi 

Azorisk was born in 2436, to a small family on the outskirts of Darakath. While his father fought in the Contact War, his mother worked as a healer, and always emphasized the pursuit of knowledge to her son. 

While the war raged on, Azorisk took on an interest in tinkering with old devices, sparking an interest in everything that beeped or clicked. Often times going to visit the junkyard nearby, he took things apart simply to see how they worked, and learned how to work with simple, mechanical tools. Sadly, this wouldn’t last long, as he would soon be conscripted as he came of age, to fight on the frontlines, as his father did. 

The fighting dragged on, and they were pushed back all the way into their home city again. As Darakath fell, Azorisk and his family defected, managing to flee to a deserted part of the wasteland. Abandoning all that he knew and loved, they were confused and lost, but hope wasn’t gone.

The family decided to join clan Ozeuoi to survive, and Azorisk used his talent to serve his clan, building and repairing generators, balloons and turrets. While the work was tiring and the wasteland was hostile, Azorisk found a strong sense of community there, and particularly enjoyed the company of the dionae that worked alongside him. A believer of Th’akh, he thinks that eventually Moghes will be returned to its original state as intended by the ancestors, after much hard work.

After some time in the clan, he was approached by Hephaestus Industries representatives looking for new talents to hire into the company. Encouraged by his family, he decided to obtain formal education and leave the planet for now, so he could send money back to them and support the clan. Azorisk was ecstatic at the opportunity, seeing it as a chance to finally become an accomplished individual and as a way to obtain prestige, making his family proud of him. 

Moving to Tau Ceti for his studies, he resided in district eleven due to the cheap housing. Working odd jobs on shuttleports with less than optimal conditions, he had to give it his all to make ends meet and have a little extra to send back after it all. 

Suffering some culture shock due to the diversity of Biesel, he distrusted IPCs, seeing them as simply pieces of machinery that were treated too seriously, and preferred to speak to other sinta he met and a few dionae, sometimes visiting the Eternal’s temple for conversation.

Perhaps enjoying the comforts of modern life too much, he adopted habits that would raise eyebrows back home, such as taking a liking to canned goods and sweets.  After lots of sleepless nights, Azorisk finally graduated, and was hired by Hephaestus to work around Biesel. Enjoying his new-found employment, Azorisk takes a good view upon Hephaestus and sees it to be as a benevolent corporation in the Spur, one that treats its workers well. Being shuffled from small jobs such as shuttle repair and maintenance, he proved his experience enough to be selected for a position aboard the NSS Aurora.

What do you like about this character?
I like that he's been changed by his time in Tau Ceti, it's gonna be interesting to see him talk to other sinta and what they think about it.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I think it's good enough, most of the time.

Notes: None

Edited by Haydizzle

I've had quite a few experiences with Flpfs' characters, with almost all of them being enjoyable or developing some sort of story in some way! It was a pleasure helping out with this, and I look forward to interacting with waster-boy right here.

That being said, I do actually have ONE question: has some of the habits he developed while in the Wasteland and with the Ozeuoi transferred over to his life in Biesel? If so, what and how?

On 01/09/2021 at 16:17, Flpfs said:

Notes: None

Sorry for the delay. I'm interested in Venty's question, as well as the following:

How does he struggle with unathite culture? Where does he find friction with more tradition-oriented sinta in the Hegemony back home and abroad?

On 05/09/2021 at 14:53, Venty said:

That being said, I do actually have ONE question: has some of the habits he developed while in the Wasteland and with the Ozeuoi transferred over to his life in Biesel? If so, what and how?

Some habits carried over, yes. Azorisk is excessively paranoid when alone at night. This has led to him placing several locks on his door and always spying out of the window, every so often.

18 hours ago, Haydizzle said:

How does he struggle with unathite culture? Where does he find friction with more tradition-oriented sinta in the Hegemony back home and abroad?

He's tried to hide this new side of him to the folks back home, and maintains a false façade of bravery to more traditionalist sinta, lest he appear weak. Currently he's been struggling with staying in tune with his original values and he's gonna try to figure out who he really is and how he fits as a sinta into the larger Spur outside of the Hegemony, unrestricted by the social rules back home.

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