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[Accepted] Clem tries again (Unathi app)

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BYOND Key: ClemTheDuck

Character Names: Niko Pelz, Yukio Takano, Scout Tanaka, Taeko Mori

Species you are applying to play: Unathi

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Purple

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: yep


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.


Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I find feudal and martial societies interesting, especially in scifi. Unathi are appealing as they have much more unique character motivations compared to that of standard humans. I do wanna play around with the different religions and how Unathi from these religions would react to the greater spur. Their focus on spiritualism as a whole and how open it can be to interpretation is very appealing, Th’ahk in particular. This gives a lot of opportunity to explore how Unathi express their spirituality, I want to play around with and explore how this view on spirituality changes between Unathi, whether that be from their location on Moghes, or their experiences growing up. In general, Unathi religion has a free air to it, where exploration out of the norm while still remaining in the bounds of the religion is possible. Also I really fucking love geckos


Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Besides the fact that you are a 6-7-foot-tall lizard. I believe the strong religious and spiritual ties are one of the biggest differences. There is a much larger affect that a Unathi’s religion has on a character’s interactions compared to that of most humans in lore. With this being said, there is still a lot of wiggle room in the ways an Unathi character can view their religion and express their spirituality, which leads to a lot of variation in how different Unathi chars view and are influenced by their beliefs.


Character Name: Askoza Kaszka

Born to a rural peasant family in the Hegemony in 2438. Askoza spent their childhood in the midst of the Contact war, loosing friends, and family alike during the conflict. By the end of the war, Askoza had seen the majority of their clan perish from the fighting. Scarred and homeless, they were one of many who were moved to Ouerea after their lands were destroyed by the fallout.


With the planets infrastructure unable to account for the growing refugee population, finding work was already tough enough, but missing an arm, made that nearly impossible. Askoza lived in the slums, barely surviving. When Aut’ahk began preaching in the slums, Askoza was drawn in by their talk on prosthetics. Seeking a quiet life after spending their life in war, Askoza joined the commune in the Hinshaw Valley.


Life in the commune was peaceful. Askoza took a great interest in the construction of the Aut’ahks prosthetics and augments, learning much from the shamans in regards to building and maintaining them. The budding commune could not sustain itself fully however, and with a lack of credits, paying for supplies from merchants was difficult. Being among the youngest in the commune, Askoza volunteered to work abroad with Hephaestus Industries so that the commune can have a source of credits.


Over the next 9 years they studied under Heph, obtaining a masters in Mechatronic Engineering and Robotics. They worked on designing improved prosthetics and augments, even trying to streamline and enhance the processes that the Aut’ahk would use to create their own prosthetics. Originally working out of the HAS Olympus over Mars, they have now transferred to the Aurora due to the increase in instability in the Sol region.


Askoza finds the change from Unathi to human space freeing. They see their augs and prosthetics as a way to heal and improve themselves. Humans tend to be much more open to augmentation as a whole, and human corporations like Hephaestus are at the forefront of advancements in the field. Askoza believes in bettering the health of Unathi back home, and see prosthetics and augmentations as the way to do it. They find the stubbornness of Unathi restricting and harmful. Even in the commune they would find the Aut’ahk clinging to old and sometimes inefficient means to create their augments. Askoza hopes that one day, they could use their designs to help the Unathi who have been hurt and scarred from the Contact War, a futile dream, but a dream nonetheless.


What do you like about this character?

I like their motivation, wanting to improve the lives of their kind after the Contact War. Their constant need to improve things is also something that can come into play as well.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I like to believe my characters are all unique in some way. I can definitely keep a character, also do well when improvising. So like 8/10


Edited by Haydizzle

Hi there!


1. Personally, I believe an origin story to be incredibly important when analysing a whitelist application. Perhaps expand on your first paragraph surrounding the Contact War?

Some methods to expand;

 - Were they born in a recognized city? (https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Moghes#The_Hegemonic_Cities_and_their_Fiefs)

 - How did this affect them? Lets say they were born in Kutah (Th'akh Heartlands). How would the presence of Th'akh have affected them? How did the encroaching wastelands affect their perception on the Contact War? 

 - You mentioned that they were born a year after the Contact War had begun. This mean that throughout their early life they were exposed to events that would have had a great impact of a hatchling. What do you think could've changed them forever? (https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Contact_War

2. Religion is a very important aspect of Unathi, if I can go so far as to call it one of their main themes. You do not expand on this throughout your application, so I'd encourage you to do so. 

Some methods to expand; (https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Unathi_Religion)

 - What did they believe before evangelical Aut'akh managed to convert them?

 - How does their previous belief affect their perspective of Aut'akh? Do they carry over some "traditions" so to speak? Did they find it difficult adjusting? 

 - How does Aut'akh affect them today? 

3. Moving on to the last segments of your application. Your Unathi appears to have high ambitions for their life. Do they believe that their way is better? Would they go so far as to enforce their ambitions on another? 

4. How does your character feel about other species? Do they harbour resentment towards Skrell and Humanity for their influence on Ouerea, or do they appreciate these species for their actions?

5. How does your character feel about megacorporations? Do they think they have involvement in the Contact War? 

6. With the introduction of the "Hephaestus' Valkyrian Dream" addition with the Biesel Culture Project, how do you think this impacts your character? (https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Biesel)



Thanks for reapplying! It is good to see that the ending of the last application didn't discourage you. I'm particularly curious in your answer to Caelphon's second question and one other answer to question of your choice; after that, I'll pass a verdict.

3 hours ago, Haydizzle said:

Thanks for reapplying! It is good to see that the ending of the last application didn't discourage you. I'm particularly curious in your answer to Caelphon's second question and one other answer to question of your choice; after that, I'll pass a verdict.

oke oke here we go

Askoza's clan was Th'akh, and growing up they did practice. The transition into Aut'akh wasnt too difficult to them, due to the overlap of beliefs. What really drew Askoza in was their belief of the weakness in flesh. Seeing the carnage of the Contact war take the lives of their own clan, even loosing their arm in the crossfire, and seeing the growing wasteland claim the once fertile lands of their home taught them about the fragility of biological systems. The Aut'akhs desire to improve and adapt through augmentation was appealing to them, Askoza saw it as a way to become whole again, and a way to become stronger as a race. Another big draw for their transition over was the less traditional aspects of the Aut'akh. Seeing how the Unathi's stubborness and adherence to tradition had begun the Contact War, and the Hegemonies struggle to deal with the fallout on Moghes, Askoza saw a better future in the Aut'akh communes. A community where everyone can thrive together. Today, despite seeing how even the Aut'akh grip onto their own form of tradition, the core tenets of the religion very much drive Askoza. They believe that their prosthetics and augmentations are creating stronger vessels for the spirit, more efficient than flesh and blood. They see standard biological systems as overly complex, whereas purpose built porsthetics are simple, built with a single purpose, Lasting longer, and fixed easier, they believe the simple fact that one can easily name all the components and systems of a prosthetic over the countless biological reactions, and systems of natural born bodies, means that the soul has more control over its vessel. There was some doubt at first, believing that turning their back on Th'akh would invite disaster from angered spirits, a belief swayed by the very fact that their life leading up to this point has been in a disaster. 


Personally they believe that augmentation results in stronger bodies. However while they believe that a stronger body results in a stronger spirit, they also believe that the vessel belongs to its spirit and hence only the individual can choose what happens to their own body. They design their augments and prosthetics so that people who wish to, can become stronger. However they do harbour a small sense of superiority when it comes to more traditionalist Unathi. Askoza believes they are more enlightened, and that the Hegemony is obstinate, refusing to change in the face of the growing wasteland. 


Askoza likes those who appreciate the need to improve and adapt, so they tend to have an appreciation for their Skrell and Human coworkers. Askoza believes that the skrell and human influence on Ouerea has had a positive effect on the planet. This extends into some megacoporations. Askoza appreciates the work of Zheng-hu and Hephaestus due to their work in the prosthetic and augmentation fields. After all, its Hephs credits that are going to their commune. Aksoza sees the stubborness of the Unathi as being the main cause of the Contact war, and its the same stubborness and pride that kept it going for so long, destroying their planet.

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