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SilverSZ - Tajaran Application

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BYOND Key: SilverSZ

Character Names: Ilse Van Volvalaad and Valerie Corneau have been my recent ones.

Species you are applying to play: Tajara

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Cream

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Of course

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

Tajara on aurora have one of the most detailed and interesting histories and lore of any of the races involved in the setting, touching on a large number of interesting ideas, themes, and concepts that other races simply don’t have.

My recent reading into the lore along with talking to the tajaran lore team solidified a character concept using these themes and ideas unique to tajaran lore and so I am applying for this whitelist in order to be able to play this character.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

There are several things that make playing a tajaran different from role-playing a human, one of the largest being the history and culture of Adhomai and the tajaran people being vastly different from that of the current human race in Aurora. Having only just reached an armistice to a brutal civil war following an equally brutal previous civil war means that the average tajaran will have been raised and experienced very different life to an average human.

Tajaran religion is completely unique compared to human religion and a large part of a majority of tajaran’s lives on the planet which also contributes to them role-playing differently to humans and their faiths. Tajaran culture is also very different and contains ideas not seen in other races, such as the caste system built around the differences present in the biology of the various tajaran ethnicities, such as the intelligence of the njarir leading to their place as leaders in the caste system, or the strength of the zhan giving them a place as manual labourers.

Finally, a major difference between a tajara and a humans is their place in the galaxy and Biesel. Humans are the dominant power of the Spur as a whole and also the dominant species in Biesel. Playing a tajaran who is a foreigner to human culture as a whole rather than someone who grew up human leads to very different roleplay.

Character Name: Kyrylo Marrkrisya

Please provide a short backstory for this character

Born in the wake of the First Revolution. Kyrylo’s mother and father were Njarir nobles prior to the First Revolution but had been forced to abandon their estate, titles, and wealth in order to survive the revolutionary war once it came to Amohda. They survived in a rural village by living in poverty under the lie of being descendants of a family stripped of nobility long ago. The family as a whole lived in poverty and fear, suffering heavily from the anti-njarir racism present in post-revolution Adhomai. Living off subsistence farming, Kyrylo worked with his parents as soon as he was able. Despite their situation his father and mother managed to impart on him basic literacy, whilst his father taught him about his birthright, culture and swordsmanship in secret when possible, along with imparting his own faith in the ma’ta’ke pantheon, specifically  Rredouane to the young Kyrylo.

The small family managed to survive in poverty, obscurity and fear until the onset of the second revolution around 17 years after Kyrylo’s birth. With the NKA rising up in the north Kyrylo’s father saw the chance to restore the monarchy in his own home of Ahmoda. Leaving his wife behind he took Kyrylo with him to fight against the PRA and Kyrylo himself was more than eager to fight for glory, fortune and his birthright. Meeting with a group of mainly loyalist m’sai, but also some njarir and even hharar and zhan, armed with weapons left over from before the first revolution and swords characteristic of Amohda. They formed a guerrilla force with the aim of fighting the PRA that occupied Amohda, integrating the traditional sword-fighting techniques of Amohda into irregular ambush combat. Kyrylo killed his first PRA soldier shortly after in a raid on a supply caravan, earning his fathers earnest approval.

A year after however the situation became far more chaotic on the Island, with the assassination of Hadii and the uprising of the ALA the island had descended into a chaotic 3 way war. The force informally lead by Kyrylo’s father was forced to extort and steal food and supplies to continue fighting, as well as raid and attack enemy forces. This continued for several years until the group was able to receive some aid from the NKA in the form of weapons, food, some soldiers and a military advisor, who stayed with them a short time in order to better organize the unit to fit the NKA’s structure. Placing Kyrylo’s father as the commander with Kyrylo, now 23, being granted the position of second in command. Kyrylo himself got along well with the Advisor, a Njarir male not much older than him, and managed to keep in touch even after they parted ways.

The reorganization of the unit did little to change how it operated however, and they still conducted irregular guerilla warfare with a focus on close combat using traditional Amohdan fighting. As the war went on the brutality of the unit towards enemies and civilians who supported them only increased as a response to the desperation of the war. This did not sit well with Kyrylo's more idealistic view of war and hurt his faith as he felt that the ma’ta’ke gods would not allow such brutality to continue.

However, things truly hit their worst in 2459, when Kyrylo’s father was killed by a DPRA soldier during a raid, leaving Kyrylo to mourn whilst taking leadership of the unit. Things however only got worse, as much of the land had been devastated, food became scarce.. Many of the unit died from disease, starvation and constant skirmishing with enemy forces. This, combined with the death of his father, broke Kyrylo’s faith. Despite continuing to profess his belief it became hollow, with him believing that the ma’ta’ke gods had abandoned them, or had never cared in the first place.

After the ceasefire between the NKA and DPRA was signed, royalist forces withdrew from Amohda. While Kyrylo was bitter to see his homeland left in the control of the enemy, he understood the reality of the situation and swore that one day it would be reclaimed. The next year however saw a turn in fortune for the njarir, his friend the military advisor had inherited his fathers titles, becoming a count and a member of the officers party in parliament. He was able to unite Kyrylo with his mother who had survived the war as a refugee and helped Kyrlo gain a place at the Kaltir Law Academy.

Attending the Academy opened a whole new world to Kyrylo, primarily with access to a wealth of literature and knowledge previously inaccessible to him. Whilst his focus went primarily to his studies a large amount of his free time was devoted to reading literature, among which he found himself drawn to more esoteric topics. From raskarism to ancient occultism to ancient tajaran theory. Kyrylo quickly developed his own strain of ma’ta’ke including all the esoteric ideas he had studied.

His studies and delving into esoteric subjects continued during his time at the academy, keeping them secret other than with fellow interested students and his count friend who had become intensely interested in the same ideas. The most notable event of this time in his life was when his count friend invited him to join the Njarir’Akhan Renewal Society as he had become a member. After verifying Kyrylo’s pure heritage he was made a member, and quickly found many friends within the society, quickly coming to support the dogma of the revival royalist movement and integrating it into his esoteric beliefs, using them justify heavily reactionary views of the Tajara caste system and nobility.

After graduating Kyrylo had to face a new issue in his life, his mother had grown too old to work and needed someone to take care of her and money to support her. Kyrylo decided to take the best paying job that he could find at the time for this reason, which was working off-world for a human corporation, Idris Incorporated. This job brought him to Biesel, where he has been working as an Investigator for a short time. Now living in district 6 and sending money back home to his mother, he continues to support and argue for the revival royalist cause, and spread his esoteric ideas to like-minded individuals.

What do you like about this character?
Kyrylo touches on many ideas and themes that I really think will be fun to play on the station, from his esoteric ideas and religion and how they will play off various events, other religions and ideas and his attempts to keep them obscured. His ultra reactionary beliefs in regards to monarchy, nobility, the caste system, aliens and other aspects of tajaran society. His ties to Amohdan culture and its traditions such as the lodges and his burning desire to one day see it restored to monarchist hands and his experiences of the brutality and horrors of the second revolution..

How would you rate your role-playing ability?
9/10, I consider myself rather good at roleplaying in general.

Additional Comment:
I’d just like to say thank you to Coalf, Alberyk and Canon for their help with this application over the past few days, they were amazingly good at responding to my questions which I’m sure they have heard many times before and even at times offering ideas that I never originally had but worked into the character. They made the whole experience far easier than it would have otherwise been.


I don't think I have any questions or doubts about the backstory. It uses the lore very well to create a character and insert them in the station setting.



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