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[Accepted]WhatsUpBrotendo's Diona App

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: WhatsUpBrotendo

Character Names: Yeqol Xusha, Dayo Abioye, Ka’Akaix’Kog Zo’ra, Ka’Viax’Ryt Zo’ra, Enzaril Kanza

Species you are applying to play: Diona

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Light brown

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.


Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I’ve interacted with hydroponics-grown nymphs quite often and it’s always been a blast helping them grow and trying to convince crewmembers to provide blood samples. More recently, my Skrell character Yeqol has become more involved with diona, having replaced a hand with a nymph prosthetic, and also adopting a newly-formed gestalt into their family unit. I’ve also been interacting more with the Diona team since becoming a lore deputy, and all of this has made me appreciate and become more interested in the lore behind the species.


Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

They’re a species where multiple members come together to form a collective consciousness, and each nymph that forms this gestalt shares its own knowledge and experience with the whole. This makes cooperation important for proper function as the individuals have an effect on how the whole is able to interact with their environment and those around them. 


This also has an effect on their psychology, as mind types form based on the members of the gestalt. The structures that form are unique to the gestalt and have a large effect on how they are able to function; democratic structures such as Harmonious Hymn often lead to large gaps in speech as they decide their actions based on what the majority wants, while Chaotic Cacophony is more anarchic since the nymphs are prone to talking out of turn as an example.


Character Name: Seeking Knowledge Beyond The Veil


Please provide a short backstory for this character


Seeking Knowledge Beyond The Veil merged in 2250, coming from the Kshhr cluster on Xrim. They consist of six nymphs who have come together to form a Competence Choir structure within the gestalt, merging together after realising each nymph had a common interest in science.


In 2265 Veil was given the opportunity to leave Xrim after applying for Federation citizenship. They believed that Federation space was the best opportunity for them to pursue a scientific career, and came to this consensus despite some members of the gestalt having anxiety at the thought of leaving their home planet. They eventually found themselves on Qerrbalak where they went on to take a course in theoretical physics, the gestalt finding themselves interested in the science behind teleportation specifically.


Over the decades, Veil became more and more enamoured with the Federation; its collective and apparent meritocratic ideals appealing to how the gestalt itself operates. Veil is a loyal citizen of the Federation because of this and it has further deepened Veils already existing dislike for synthetics, something that stems from their experience on Xrim and their clusters interactions with Shkrh in the past.


Recently, Veil has been given an offer from NanoTrasen to work abroad in Tau Ceti as a telescientist, something that was eagerly accepted by the gestalt as until now most of their work has been theoretical. They are looking forward to working in Tau Ceti, where they hope to interact with diona outside of the Federation and listen to their experiences, as well as interact with other species not typically found in the Federation. Some members of the gestalt have shown similar fears to their initial emigration from Xrim however, having mild anxiety at the thought of working with synthetics.


What do you like about this character?

I like this character because they allow me to explore some themes regarding non-Skrell in the Federation, which should bring out some interesting interactions in-game.


How would you rate your role-playing ability?

Good, not great. Nothing to write home about.

Edited by WhatsUpBrotendo
Posted (edited)

I don't think ive ever had a bad interaction with brotendo. They characters they make free very real. Plus one.

Edited by Gr33d

Has Veil ever drank blood, if so what kinds have they imbibed and why?

If they never have, why have they avoided drinking blood? 

Is Veil a geras or a coeus?

What does veil think about geras, and how do they treat them?

Is Veil part of a greater gestalt that they split from or are they independent currently? 


What does Veil think of the Eternal and the choir on Mendell?


5 hours ago, Lmwevil said:

Has Veil ever drank blood, if so what kinds have they imbibed and why?

If they never have, why have they avoided drinking blood? 

Is Veil a geras or a coeus?

What does veil think about geras, and how do they treat them?

Is Veil part of a greater gestalt that they split from or are they independent currently? 


What does Veil think of the Eternal and the choir on Mendell?


1) Veil took a few blood donations from Skrell colonists on Xrim to better understand Nral'Malic. They're not averse to drinking blood, but doesn't go out of their way to try and get blood samples unless it's required to better understand a subject.

2) They are 213 years old, making them a geras. They typically believe that those younger than them require tutoring, especially new-born diona, and those older than them to be gestalts worthy of veneration.

3) They're independent, being formed from a handful of nymphs with common interests that weren't linked to any greater gestalt.

4) They follow the orthodox Eternal faith and are happy that they are able to work in the same area of space that the figurehead of the Eternal faith resides. Veil is likely to meet the choir in some capacity seeing as they're also considered community leaders for the species, which Veil would be looking forward to, seeing it as an opportunity to learn from more experienced Dionae.

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