Myphicbowser Posted November 14, 2021 Posted November 14, 2021 (edited) CCIA Staff Application Basic Information Byond key:MyphicbowserCharacter names: Spoiler Katha Mars Za'Akaix'Vak K'lax Zaqix Zixquu Rasputin IRU-Kathy Issa Korvitis Makjurl Hrarvahrrhaz Mrrka Hrarvahrrhaz Ta'Akaix'Itan Zo'ra Vharisk Ssunhred Kalchur El-Amin The Sound Of The Hounds Ka'Viax'lep Zo'ra Azks Eah Ta'Akaix'Loxs'tor C'thur Ra'Akaix'Kel K'lax Ta'Akaix'Tillik'corst'oryx K'lax Ra'Akaix'Bul C'thur Xolis Lar-iise Chell Skanse Za'Akaix'Nem Zo'ra Ka'Akaix'Shai K'lax Rekairq Xowrus Maryam Zaylos Age: 21 Timezone: EST What times are you most available?: Variable, but usually 12-5AM or 5-10PM, depends on work schedule Experience How long have you played SS13?: Not a clue *Fingergun* How long have you played on Aurora?: Three? Two? A certain amount of years, I am not good at time keeping How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you?: I’m consistent on the Discords, I’m pretty active on the actual server, I have almost no presence on the forums except when I’m needed, it just isn’t my favorite way to shout about Vaurca supremacy Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Not from Aurora Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: None that are reputable enough to mean anything, was a Trial mod for Baystation but I didn’t get enough activity in my trial week Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: I’ve been CCIA before Personality Why do you want to join the CCIA?: Paperwork cool! Also the entire branch is just kinda super sick? It’s IC moderation basically, it’s interaction with Central Command and all sorts of other Fax based associates you can reach via Fax, it’s REALLY cool What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: I’d say the ability to sit back and understand, patience is a virtue as trying to organize meetings is hard, real life happens and we need to be tolerant of that, the ability to keep calm is also super handy as sometimes emotions are high or the game is overwhelming if it’s a round issue What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: To add to the round and be the voice of Central Command, really just respond to Faxes and don’t shut down antags if they are faxxed about. You are also responsible for Consular and Liasions and all that I believe What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: To kinda promote taking in-server actions, you know Faxes and stuff, really just kinda be a good presence outside the server to try and get people to do more INSIDE the server How do you handle stress?: Better recently, I keep a cool head and know when to step back if that head gets blown, gotta take the L on this one since sometimes my temper DOES fly but I know how to stop myself before making mistakes due to my temper AND keep working at the same time so nothing slows down, just shunt those emotions to the back How well do you work autonomously?: I have been getting better at working independently, however I will admit at first I will not be the best since it’s been a while and making mistakes is always a bad look, also I need to re-look into the rules of what CCIA can and can’t do, so I’ll be testing the waters for a hot minute until I am comfortable to make informed decisions Additional Notes: I was given the opportunity before and I was thankful, I’d love to do it again as I had a genuine blast and also I feel like I wasn’t that bad. I really hope to be able to support the server again! Edited November 22, 2021 by The lancer Formatting
Desven Posted November 16, 2021 Posted November 16, 2021 What can I say about Myphic? He's cheerful and has done this job before. He constantly tries to improve and tries to get rounds going. I think he's a great player and would be nice to come back to the CCIA. I actually asked him to apply before apps were even open.
The lancer Posted November 17, 2021 Posted November 17, 2021 Interview with the applicant.
The lancer Posted November 22, 2021 Posted November 22, 2021 Thanks for applying, but I'll have to deny this application owing to that you just came back. You are free to reapply at a later date after you've stayed here some more.
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