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Dekser become frogge [Skrell Whitelist Application]

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Dekser

Character Names: 



Species you are applying to play: Skrell

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Orange

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: No yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race: Frogs are funny Looking into Skrell lore I was suddenly fascinated by their history, biology and how the psionics were explained. How Skrell interact with each other is particularly interesting with psionics affecting their society greatly. Then once I had learned that Srom was an actual mechanic that's never used I just had to WL and give it a go.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: 

Psionically, Skrell have the ability to ping other minds, read other minds' surface thoughts, psionically message and detect the psionic ability of another person. Other than abilities, Skrell are separated into two categories regarding their psionics. Listeners and Receivers, these affect how Skrell interact with Nlom (or the wake). Nlom is described as a "thought field" able to influence Skrells emotions, thoughts and opinions. A receiver is more in tune with Nlom and is more affected by it, their opinions are often adjusted and leaned to fit what a model citizen with a high credit score would believe. Contrarily Listeners are fairly separated from Nlom and instead view things from their own standpoint, though this makes them untrustworthy to receivers. The ratio between Listeners and Receivers is roughly defined at 9:1 with Listeners being the minority, in rare cases because of this unspoken discrimination, a Listener might succumb to Nlom and allow it to alter their beliefs. All of this is not to say Nlom is a negative thing, it can be a very useful tool in uniting a population.

Physically, Skrell lack facial muscles and convey their emotions fairly differently from other species which can make communication with non-skrell complicated. Skrell are amphibious and capable of breathing underwater as well as above, their cold-blooded nature and mucus covered bodies also allow them to adapt to different environments very easily. Provided they are moisturized of course. Skrell have large dangling headtails adorning their heads, biologically these are to protect, dampen and assist in incubating eggs but since the Abyssal Era and the sterilization of roughly 70% of all Skrell, headtails have remained as "hairstyles" of sorts but serve little actual purpose for those unable to reproduce. Skrell feel stress differently from Humans, while less affected they are very visibly affected when suffering severely. Secreting black liquid through the eyes.

Culturally, The Jargon Federation applies a social credit score to all of its citizens which can heavily affect someone's life. This credit score heavily relies on the social media Glup'itq or Viv-ID. The only social media platform available to the Federation public. A citizen with a 7/10 - 10/10 is a typical citizen within the Federation, life with this score can actually be very pleasant. 4/10 - 6.99/10 would label you a second-class citizen. Limiting travel, disallowing reproduction and overall lower privileges along with general discrimination, it would be smart to increase that credit score. 0/10 - 3.99/10 would bring you to join the lowest citizens. These citizens gain no privileges and can often be sent to rehabilitation centers while facing intense discrimination and have forced birth control implemented to restrict reproduction. All of these scores are necessary to take into account when building a character.

Character Name: Quexzi Oxiqilaxth-Xayrth




Please provide a short backstory for this character: Born April 14th 2369 in the Supernova Era, they are currently 94 years old. Quexzi was raised by a fairly wealthy Skrell family living in Kal'lo on Qerrbalak, psionically gifted and all Scientists or Docters. The family line had always been successful which made their Qrri'Myaq and Qraa'Myaq both very enthusiastic to bring this child into society and hopefully raise successful member of the Federation. Quexzi was one of two eggs, unfortunately Quexzi's sibling to be died before hatching, this caused some to distrust the other egg for various reasons. It was determined that Quexzi would move into the Medical field just a few months before they hatched.

In their first few years after birth, Quexzi was identified to be a listener, they also showed very little interest in performing basic motor functions and mostly spent their time learning to read. When the time came for their Qeblak Coming of Age Ceremony, Quexzi passed the test with flying colours. Their revealed fortune entails glory, happiness and despair. From Scuttle School onwards things only descended, their gradings began to gradually decrease. No matter how much time Quexzi spent studying, it never snapped and they continued to struggle throughout their time in Untuk’mak. By 34 years old, Quexzi passes onto colleges late. Their grades slipped but toward the end made a barely stable come-back and allowed them to pass. They were now technically an adult.

Because of their failing grades, they were unable to land in Gliutip'lyaz University. This greatly disappointed their Qraa'Myaq and Myaq'Lak who often berated Quexzi for being lazy. With their social credit at just barely 4.0, Quexzi was on the verge of being sent to a rehabilitation center. A few Qu'Draa claimed they saw this coming as the second egg had perished it was a bad sign, in conjunction with the fact that Quexzi is a Listener and not a Receiver, many terrorized the tadpole. However they were all very quickly hushed by Quexzi's Qraa'Myaq. Unable to pass their grades, Quexzi considered an alternative form of income which may have involved underground crime rings but decided against it, fearing the disappointment of their Qraa'Myaq. Quexzi was admitted to a rehabiliation facility for 6 years, while spending time there news had reached that very suddenly, Quexzi's Qraa'Myaq had suffered a fatal heart attack and died. The news terrified and confused Quexzi for many reasons. They began to better their studies.

With the loss of their Qraa'Myaq, Quexzi pushed themselves to the very limit. Working as hard as they could. Leaving the rehabilitation center with a 5/10 social credit score, they re-enrolled into a fairly small college and began studying Nursing. Several years had passed and Quexzi had left the college with a Skrellian degree in Nursing and with social credit score just barely passing 6.54. Now 54 years old, Quexzi was a valued member of Skrellian society, with their degree, they moved to study medical science and anatomy to further increase their knowledge. Just like their Qrri'Myaq and Qraa'Myaq had planned. Within this painful decade of studying, Quexzi made several Qu'Kaax of sorts, who they studied in groups with. At 64 Quexzi felt complete, they had dipped into the bottom and come all the way back. They knew they had done their Qraa'Myaq proud.

From there Quexzi began looking deeper into robotics and science, despite how heavily they were taught to view synthetics negatively, Quexzi could not control their fascination with the beings. Their Listener nature shields them from the nudging power of Nlom but despite this, Quexzi had on their own volition decided that synthetics are pieces of equipment that malfunction and are overall negative. This does not mean they cannot serve their purpose, as such Quexzi began searching for a career in robotics. This was clearly impossible inside the Federation and so they found a position as a Surgeon and waited, working with their Docters degrees instead. By now they were 68 years old, they would work at the same hospital on Qerrbalak for the following 12 years with little interruption. Even making a Qu'Poxii they had decided not to enter Qeblak with, even after a J'ox'a.

Now being 80 years old, Quexzi decided to set a goal to study robotics, despite the almost overwhelming forces hating Synthetics, the itch of knowledge was right there to scratch. Quexzi was not passionate about Medical work, they began studying the very basics that they could. Including exosuit construction, electric work, basic steelworking and so on. When they felt confident that they had learned all they could, Quexzi moved to The Traverse to be closer to the Orion Spur. In a futile attempt to search for more knowledge of Synthetics.

(Glup'itq profile with customized background and fonts)



Leaving everyone they knew behind, Quexzi moves to The Traverse Estuaries, to a small habitation station. Shifting from a comfortable credit score and wealthy family was difficult for Quexzi but they figured this trip would not last for more than a few years. There they were unable to find a college, but did meet many Skrell with great stories and knowledge to teach Quexzi. After working as a general practice physician aboard the vessel for about 3 years, Quexzi met an Engineer they originally viewed as a Qu'Nioh. Several months later both agreed to refer to each other as Qu'Poxii. This other person, Ti'xilux Zxluith'Taxiz was very similar to Qu'Poxii and both very much so enjoyed the others company.

Continuing an additional 2 years aboard the vessel and Quexzi had the discussion of returning home to Qerrbalak. Ti'xilux was entirely against the idea, saying she wanted to move to the rest of the Orion Spur someday. Hours of a difficult debate passed and Quexzi agreed to move to the Orion Spur on the condition that the two J'ox'a. The conversing lasted for some time and revealed many secrets hidden with Ti'xilux, though most were easily forgivable, considering how clear of a match the two were. Post duel, it was decided that the two were compatible but the timing for reproducing was not optimal. As such they continued living fairly peaceful lives on this mostly unknown habitation station for several more years.

2463, Quexzi is 94 years old and their Qu'Poxii 107 years old. The two had recently heard of the military being deployed against its own citizens and of the resistance fleeing with refugees. The two found their way joining the first wave of fleets leaving for Biesel, joining Grand Councilor Candidate Weibii in their escape of the Federation. This rather sudden escape caused them to leave almost everything behind, including the life they had started on the small habitation station. Being forced to join the TCFL was frustrating for Quexzi as they never did excel in physical movement but nonetheless they finally had access to study robotics. They began as soon as they could and had many plans for the future, including plans of reproducing with their Qu'Poxii. Quexzi also intended to re-learn the Qeblak religion as they had began to neglect it later in life. Not long after being shielded from the Federation by Biesel, Quexzi would employ with the SCC on Aurora as a Surgeon despite their weak passion for the field.



What do you like about this character?: Quexzi is both goofy and very serious, their fascination with technology (specifically the horrible synthetics) drives them forward and while they had a very difficult start in life, they have struggled through the dirt and prevailed.

How would you rate your role-playing ability:
What's a role-playing 7/10

Expected questions:
Favorite food?
A specific meal their Qraa'Myaq would prepare for them, Aqoliz meat surrounding a Gnaqmi with roasted Dyn in a bowl on the side.
What ethnicity is Quexzi?
Distantly Xiiori, their psionic prowess is very impressive though over the generations the family has become more and more Axiori.
How does Quexzi feel about Humans and other species?
In their medical studies they learned about all various other sapient species' biology and while they have no strong opinions on any, they find Unathi and their carnivorous nature particularly interesting.
Does Quexzi suffer any disorders?
What were Quexzi's parents' credit score?
8.0 and 9.4, both were Receivers and had multiple degrees.

Notes: Please, I spent all night on this, please god don't send me back-aaaAAAAAH

Edited by DekserBecauseILostMyAccoun
Posted (edited)

Before I destroy your hopes and dreams discuss the application, let me applaud you for the effort put into the application. Clearly time, thought, and care went into this, and I've recognized that.

3 hours ago, DekserBecauseILostMyAccoun said:

citizen previously known to have a high social credit score of 8.46

This is a very high SCS for a Listener, who are subtly oppressed in the Federation for being uninfluenceable by the Nlom. It'd be a rare listener to have a high Primary Numerical SCS. Most of the best Listeners linger around low primaries, and the general populace occupies the secondary numericals. 

3 hours ago, DekserBecauseILostMyAccoun said:

Aurora as a Surgeon

3 hours ago, DekserBecauseILostMyAccoun said:

goal to study robotics

3 hours ago, DekserBecauseILostMyAccoun said:

knowledge in construction and engineering.

While it is acceptable to Skrell to have multiple skillsets, and you've chosen areas with overlap. This is a lot for a Skrell that isn't 100 yet. I gently remind you that jobhopping, even as a Skrell, is frowned upon. This is not to say you can't later switch to Roboticist after some character development, but don't flip flop between Surgeon and Roboticist, pick a lane.

3 hours ago, DekserBecauseILostMyAccoun said:

2369 in the late Abyssal Era, they are currently 94 years old.

This date of birth would place your frog firmly in Supernova Era.

Edited by Butterrobber202
Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Butterrobber202 said:

Before I destroy your hopes and dreams discuss the application, let me applaud you for the effort put into the application. Clearly time, thought, and care went into this, and I've recognized that.

This is a very high SCS for a Listener, who are subtly oppressed in the Federation for being uninfluenceable by the Nlom. It'd be a rare listener to have a high Primary Numerical SCS. Most of the best Listeners linger around low primaries, and the general populace occupies the secondary numericals. 

While it is acceptable to Skrell to have multiple skillsets, and you've chosen areas with overlap. This is a lot for a Skrell that isn't 100 yet. I gently remind you that jobhopping, even as a Skrell, is frowned upon. This is not to say you can't later switch to Roboticist after some character development, but don't flip flop between Surgeon and Roboticist, pick a lane.

This date of birth would place your frog firmly in Supernova Era.

I've adjusted the application accordingly and gone over the areas I missed or possibly skimmed over in the wiki, I made this application at 12am to 4am which wasn't very smart.

Regarding their social credit score, even if it is still fairly high for a Listener. Quexzi has a full Docters degree, follows a state religion and did say "Yes, I agree." to an official Jargon statement (as seen on their Glub'itq profile) which I think brings them fairly high up.

As for robotics and Surgery, they have studied basics of the robotics field but nothing advanced and it will take several years before they complete their studies thus, Surgeon. They would also not be licensed to treat robotic limbs or organs and therefore they wouldn't powergame and do it anyway. I've also removed the part about Engineering."

I also added an "expected questions" list.

Edited by DekserBecauseILostMyAccoun
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