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Granodd - Command Whitelist App

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BYOND key: Granodd

Discord Username: Granodd#8535

Character names:

Nira Desinova
Maelys Strelitz
Ava Nyoko
Ka'Viax'Ung K'lax
Arthur Caladius

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: I first started playing in 2017 when I got my IPC whitelist, though didn't start seriously playing until 2019 where I played for a few months, then disappeared until some time in the late summer of 2021. I've been somewhat active on Aurora since then.

Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:
Heads of staff help to control the flow of a round, and are one of the primary actors with interacting with antagonists. The way a round goes can largely depend upon how a Head of Staff decides to respond to the actions of a round's given antagonists. Heads of Staff can also help to mediate the crew's response to antagonists to keep things from getting too out of control as well.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:
Whitelisted Head of Staff players are often looked to for some form of guidance with the jobs or departments that they lead. A Chief Engineer for example would be looked to for assistance in properly setting power and fixing the ship/station. In a sense they're the go-to for tutoring newer players, as well as setting the standard for how players should behave in that sort of job. A good example would be how a Head of Security handles a situation.

Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?
Currently Tau Ceti, and much of the Spur, is undergoing a phoron shortage, leading to its own slew of issues. After a recent failed invasion from a rogue fleet of Sol ships, the Megacorporations in Tau Ceti have joined together into the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. Their most recent endeavor together is the construction of the SCCV Horizon, their flagship project for scouting out regions with untapped phoron, as well as helping to find and establish areas for the TCFL and PMCG to operate from.

Jeriko, an avid worker of Hephaestus Industries, finds himself changing from the venue of a rock in the middle of nowhere to a nice ship. With the integration of the corporations into the SCC, job opportunities within his field of work, Cargo and Mining, have changed around. In order to obtain a role such as Operations Manager, he'll need to become familiar with the operating structure of the SCC as a whole, as opposed to just Hephaestus. In addition, he'd have to brave the world as a free IPC, no longer under the protection of his previous private owner.

What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?
Operations Manager
Corporate Liaison
Consular Officer

Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?

Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.:
Jeriko (Baseline IPC) - Operations Manager
Viktoria Zhao (Dominian) - Captain

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?

Have you linked your byond account to the forums? 


I've seen Granodd portray interesting characters and make a real effort to interact with people, strangers or familiar. They have a pretty wide range. and I'd be interested in seeing what comes of that in a command position. Little else to say other than that I think it's worth giving them a chance at a trial.


Trial starts today and ends in a week.

Try to get feedback regarding your command play during this time, you can post your application once per round in ooc to get people to give you feedback.


I've seen Jeriko around a few times recently, and think that he is a very interesting character and a good addition to have on the Operations Manager rotation. I wasn't aware you were on trial for a command whitelist at the time, so I don't have entirely specific feedback right now, but I will make sure to keep an eye out for your command characters in future rounds. So far, I think you've been doing a good job with your trial. 


Seen Jeriko on a couple of rounds, and in each the Operations Department is kept running smoothly. I've no doubt he'll make a great addition to whitelisted command players. His roleplay is of a great standard and he puts the effort in to communicate with all parties as best as he can, which I observed specifically while filling in an Interim HoS position in a round. 


From previous interactions and observing their conduct, Granodd is an excellent player whose characters all feel unique and very well worked on and developed. It's brilliant to see how Jeriko as a character evolved from the first few rounds I remember observing him to now, and all signs point that the player will handle the command shenaniganry that the planned roles tend to have. Granodd absolutely has my full support.



I also somewhat recently played under Jeriko as a hangar tech, and can confidently say they did a great job. They handled an IC dispute within the department well, and I also saw them diligently help a newer player in adjusting. Big +1.

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