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bobbob212's command application

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BYOND key: bobbob212

Discord Username: Afya#2724

Character names:

Kevin Wardle (Bridge crew)

Maya (AI/Robit)

Edmund Baker (Security officer)

Amari Linzenge (Deaf bartender)

Afya Kassab (Machinist)

Khair Tu'zhir (Shaft miner)

Nasya Rahal (Warden)

Nameera Rasul (Counselor)

Amara Nasr (Bridge crew)

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Been playing Aurora off and on for two and a half years. Recently been getting into it a huge amount this last month. Been playing SS13 in general for around eleven years.
Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? I have not

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:
There's a fair few things that a head of staff bring to the table OOCly. Their purpose is to help bring organization and leadership to their department, bringing around more interactions within. They are there to help calm things down when things get crazy. They are also there to show players, especially new ones the way. To teach them new things about the department, or about lore itself. 

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:
Whitelisted players have a higher responsibility to keep within character, being more serious and responsible. Ones to help encourage RP within the round and follow the rules. The best way to do this is  to stick around in the community and help people out.

Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?

With the phoron shortage going on Rasul has had less time piloting and more time commanding. The SCC recently undocked a new ship, the Horizon. Nasr has worked piloting/commanding a small shuttle within the SCC for three years. With this new ship comes new opportunities for advancement once again.

Other than that it hasn't been a huge amount going on in Tau Ceti that has affected her career directly. Such as members of the Free Council getting temporary citizenship status within the Coalition of Colonies, which doesn't directly affect her but which she watches with great interest to see what happens.

What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?
I'm mainly interested in playing XO. Though the idea of creating some characters for CMO and Consular Officer does sound appealing.

Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?
Indeed I have.

Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.:
Currently it's just Amara Nasr who I'd like to bring up to XO. Though I do have other potential plans for different jobs as listed above.

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?
Yep yep.

Have you linked your byond account to the forums? 

Yes I have indeedy.

Extra notes:


Bobbob is always a pleasure to play with. They're very active in rounds, seek out interaction and generally are a treat to rp with. I think they'd make a really good XO and have some really good presence in the round akin to some chars like Holiday Lynn and Akham.



I don't feel like I've ever seen any of your characters actually roleplay beyond simply being... in the round? When you're not rolling antagonist, you mostly seem to just play a selection of different Tajara that all talk in extremely broken Basic, like they're cavemen. One of those is your bridge crew that you want to promote to XO, and I really wouldn't want to see an NKA Tajara with deliberately mangled grammar take up that position, personally.



From the couple of characters I have seen, and roleplayed with, most of them seem pretty chill, fun, engaging, and honestly pretty cool. I have no doubt in their roleplaying skills and have faith that they could properly roleplay a character in a command role without much issue. They have earned my +1

48 minutes ago, Omicega said:

I don't feel like I've ever seen any of your characters actually roleplay beyond simply being... in the round? When you're not rolling antagonist, you mostly seem to just play a selection of different Tajara that all talk in extremely broken Basic, like they're cavemen. One of those is your bridge crew that you want to promote to XO, and I really wouldn't want to see an NKA Tajara with deliberately mangled grammar take up that position, personally.

That's fair. In terms of broken basic, Nasr is one of the ones that doesn't have this limitation. I wouldn't want to have a member of command unable to communicate clearly, especially if they're a Tajara. Besides this I do have plans for human heads of staff. I've just been playing my Taj alot more recently to expand their backstories/personality since they are the newest chars I currently have.


Not massively impressed really, for some similar reasons outlined above. Your RP seems fine, but the vast majority of the time it's being hijacked by constantly going after antag gimmicks that tend to involve taking over the bridge, then killing yourself. It's gotten pretty old. I think you need time playing and integrating actual characters rather than shells for deathmatching before going for a WL.


I don't see how Amara Nasr could be an XO. She, if I'm honest, talks like she's just come off the boat from Adhomai. 

9 hours ago, bobbob212 said:

In terms of broken basic, Nasr is one of the ones that doesn't have this limitation.




These are collected from one round I played with her. I think you should diversify a bit, as I've only seen you play kind of quiet Tajara who lack fluency in Basic. Additionally, when playing antag, you tend to escalate strangely, like detonating and venting much of the station with no escalation, or killing yourself while trying to steal the Intrepid over an intoxication charge.

5 hours ago, Faye <3 said:


Thanks for the advice! Sometimes my characters start to merge into one another a little bit, especially when tired.  That round definitely wasn't my best, was a bit tired and was my last round before bed. Wasn't expecting to get tator and I missed quite a few things I could have done better.

Posted (edited)

Going to start this off with saying that I definitely support this application, and want to see you get your command trial at a minimum so I can give more structured feedback. 

I would like to give my full-throated support for you getting this Command WL overall, but I think that I might have to echo some of the same concerns that others have been saying in this application. Not at all that you are a bad player, I think it is actually the opposite. You appear eager to learn, and overall a good spirit and addition to the community. I do, however, find it difficult to get to really see your characters on more than a surface level. This is not faulting your RP abilities, but I think the issue is that you are casting your net rather wide with your current roster of characters. You have many many characters to fill different jobs (not necessarily a bad thing), but they tend to be very surface level in terms of characterization. 

Ideally, I think it would be best if you worked on cutting down how many characters you actively are playing for a bit and focus more on developing the quality of these select few. Really, it is difficult to get a read on your characters. I have interacted mainly with Maya and Amara Nasr, especially Nasr in the past few days. I genuinely am having decent interactions, but I am left feeling that there isn’t a whole lot to them, if you are understanding what I am saying.

Now, I don’t want to discredit this in terms of your application, since I think that you have what it takes, but I would like to see some development on your part, especially if you get a command trial. Because of this, I am +1ing this application for you to get your trial. I’ll make sure to keep tabs on how I think you’re doing with it, should you get accepted, and then make sure to give actual specific feedback afterward. 

I am always glad to see new command players, and I hope to see that this turns out well.

EDIT: Just want to add that after talking to you over Discord about some of the points I brought up, I am heavily supporting that you get your command trial, and then we move forward from there. I'm glad you were receptive to the criticism. 

Edited by YouJustGotOwened
Adding a point

This application is denied.

I have witnessed questionable interactions myself and agree with what Owen says. I think you need to work on characterisation more before you get a command whitelist -- most of your characters (especially your Tajara, as that's what I've been observing the last few days) seem to follow the same notes, both appearance-wise and personality-wise, which is not the kind of thing I want to see from command whitelistees.. Additionally, with how you currently portray Nasr, I do not believe she should be promoted to a head of staff position at all.


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