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Incident Report - 15/08/2465

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Reporting Personnel: Vasquez, Kira Eladio
Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Warden
Game ID: cpj-dbas

Personnel Involved: 
Kira Vasquez - Warden (Reporter)
Castor Jensen - Investigator (Offender)
Paige Murphy - Off-duty (Witness)

Secondary Witnesses: 
Elwood Johnson - Officer (Witness)
CL-04401 - Officer (Witness)
Frank Pewter - Officer (Witness)
Logan Wright - Head of Security (Witness)

Time of Incident: Roughly 20:30-20:45 ship time, 15/08/2465

Real Time: 15/08/23 
Location of Incident: Security (Brig), Kitchen, Radio Communications [Security]

Nature of Incident:
[ ] - Workplace Hazard
[ ] - Accident/Injury
[ ] - Destruction of Property
[ ] - Neglect of Duty
[x] - Harassment
[ ] - Assault
[x] - Misconduct
[x] - Other - Failure to Execute an Order (I asked the Commander to give a 'no politics and racism' order over communications, he obliged, Castor did not obey.)

Overview of the Incident: 

Security department ended up having a chat about usage of the word "cat" to describe Tajara. I and the Tajara Ana Roh'hi'tin were vehemently against usage of the slur to describe a Tajaran individual. Elwood made a few off-hand comments about it, but agreed with me.

This is where Castor, and to some extent Frank, comes in. Castor asks if using the word "cat" is acceptable, to which all of us immediately say no. Later asks if using the phrase "cool cat" is acceptable, as it is "endearing". I explain that while it is endearing, it still makes use of a slur and is more than likely offensive. He replies with "endearing and offensive...I like that" before walking off.

Later asks if using the words "domesticated" and "house" are offensive; I could not be properly sure if Castor was referring to cat.exe, our personal AI, or if he was once again being racist to Tajaran staff. However, when I replied, "if you're talking about Tajara? Yeah." He replied, "Uh huh. When was this decided?" At this point I had asked everyone to stop discussing it at least once, and to some people like Elwood, twice or thrice. I told Castor specifically to not use the word "cat" at least once, in varying degrees of politeness.

The final straw was "Call me drunk, silly, stupid - but I am not racist against catpeople!" over security communications. I reached out to investigations and had them pull our radio logs from telecomms after the fact, and I provided a recording below. It was at this moment that I lashed out and couldn't stand for it, as the several times I had asked them to stop, and moreover asked Logan Wright, our Commander to drown it out, the remarks did not cease. In my rage, I struck and grappled Castor as a last-ditch effort to communicate to him what he was saying was, indeed, offensive. This was a major mistake on my part that I believe was made in good faith due to him being on our work force; I was reprimanded by our captain that shift, Joliba Kasongo, who filed an injunction stating to keep a no-contact-outside-of-work relationship with Castor until this was resolved.

Paige and others (Elwood/Frank/Codus/Azradov) were there to see Castor continue to goad me into a fight after the fact, mocking me and saying things like "if I didn't have HR on my ass, I'd beat you", and words to that effect. It was at this point that I disengaged and made the motion to file an incident report with the help of Alsina Tau'ha'nor, Executive Officer.

Submitted Evidence: 
As mentioned, here is the comms chatter from our security radios. I also included the Commander's initial response to me over PDA when I asked him to take care of it. I'm sure if there's anything else relevant, you can ask investigations to parse more of our radio logs and whatever happened to be near a security camera, if they haven't been wiped yet.



Would you like to be personally interviewed?: 
[x] - Yes
[ ] - No

Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: Yes, Alsina Tau'ha'nor, to elevate it via an IR, and Logan Wright, to snuff it out in the first place.
Actions taken: Commander made a remark over communications (detailed above) per my request to snuff out the usage of Tajaran racial slurs. Executive Officer and Captain Joliba Kasongo spoke with some of the affected parties.

Additional Notes: I take full responsibility for the minor assault and accept in hindsight I made a lapse in judgement. Despite this, I know for a fact that I uphold my duty as both an officer and a warden, and although I am not a perfect human being (I would even go so far as to say striking someone for making a racist comment is only natural), I can always try. I value my peers and the rest of the crew on-ship as though they are another family, as I wouldn't be an officer if I made no effort to advise and police them--but I should not have taken such a rash and direct path to handle this.

Edited by dessysalta
minor clarification addition, it's final now


TO: Kira Vasquez, Warden, SCCV Horizon

FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report




This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the HR Division to review.


If necessary, you will be contacted by a HR Assistant when an investigation begins.


DTG: 15-19:21-TAU CETI STANDARD-08-2465





TO: Kira Vasquez, Warden, SCCV Horizon

FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report


This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Amunet Meritites (BoryaTheSlayer).
You may be contacted by the HR Assistant for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.


DTG: 21-10:22-TAU CETI STANDARD-08-2465



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