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Pst, if ya want to keep breathing, I'd advice keeping quiet


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Aim gun at person.

Person goes "AH, [You] IS KILLING ME IN [Place] AREA AT [X],[Y]. SHITCURITY!"

Is way bad.


Aim can be autotriggered on someone using their headset if you set it to trigger on that.

So no more calling for sec while someone is holding a gun to your head.

Because that is stupid.

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Guest Menown

Because I'm one of the few that RP the headset as being touch activated, I don't even allow myself to talk into my headset when I'm being aimed at, as me touching it would probably get me shot.

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Yeah, this definitely makes sense. Nothing worse when you're trying to hostage take as an antag and your gun target spends more time on the station comms telling it all than roleplaying the situation they're in.

Possibly do that for PDAs as well?

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Tip for all you powergamers: You can open the PDA while it's in your suit pocket (and probably while in the ID or belt slot) by clicking and dragging the PDA sprite info a viewable location by your character. It just opens the screen and you can do whatever without ever putting it in your hands.

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Frankly? I'd shout anyway.

Hostages never survive. Ever. Calling sec, or not, doesn't change that yer gonna die.

Using the hostage feature to take hostages is dumb and virtually never works out. There are better ways to do it. For example: stunning them and tying them up. (Funfact, stuns stop you from using your headset long enough for your attacker to remove it and still tie you up.)

Just shoot 'em if they shout. There's no need to add more auto-fire actions to take_hostage.

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Tip for all you powergamers: You can open the PDA while it's in your suit pocket (and probably while in the ID or belt slot) by clicking and dragging the PDA sprite info a viewable location by your character. It just opens the screen and you can do whatever without ever putting it in your hands.


Psh, naw, you're just stretching your neck out and then rotating it to face your PDA so you can use telekinesis to message people with it.

But, really, I would like a restriction on having to have the PDA in your active hand in order to message people as well, but that's another suggestion for another thread.

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So why have the feature if it's useless?


It is supposed to be a "move and get shot" action. People use it for more than it's really intended to be used. If you want to have full-blown intentional hostage situation, you need to do more than just click on someone once. Shout them to the ground, tie them up, stun them. etc.

The whole point of the feature is a reflexive fire in response to movement. Not someone speaking over comms. Taking hostage should not be an i-win button.

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So why have the feature if it's useless?


It's pretty much like an aim assist, it's extremely useful in open-field combat. You get 10% more accuracy for holding a take_hostage intent. turn on the fire mode thingy in the verbs for the weapon if you want it to not break the targeting of your opponent if they move.

Breaking line of sight breaks the aim, though.

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You have two seconds to break sight as is though. And it would make sense to reflexively shoot someone if they talk into their headset.

The general point of it is to take a hostage. If someone REALLY wants to get shot, okay. When thinking of hostage situations you're kind of funneling to one way of doing it. That is, stun, tie, lesbay speedstrip. The ol' one-two. I enjoy roleplaying hostage situations. I've been on both ends and I've had to shoot several people for talking. I do tell them to be quiet. I do tell them to get down. I also give them a limited time to comply before I MAKE them get down. But I would like people to fear talking into their headsets.

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This will not stop hostages from talking, it will only do something you're allowed to do anyway after they talk, which is shoot them. It only cause misfire, give extra work to the already backlogged devs and complicate the controls further.

Edited by Guest
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Why not just shoot them manually after they talk?

The amount of coding this would require doesn't necessarily justify the tiny reward, if you ask me. Then again, maybe Scopes or Skull will get bored and do it for funzies (because this really does happen in the world of coding. My world of coding anyways.)

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maybe Scopes or Skull will get bored and do it for funzies

Happens way more than you think.

Floating mobs, machines damaging long hair, frying limbs on people, smashing someone into a wall like you can tables, Bluespace Cat, player panel revamp.

All from bordoom.

For now I feel that if you see them talk on their headset by the message '[name] speaks into the [type of headset]' message and you told them not to, shoot them.

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