Guest Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 BYOND Key: Inverted_Rectum Player Byond Key: Sarko, Jamini, Callum(?), whoever plays Lavonne Daveiga. Staff involved: None. Reason for complaint: So, changeling round. I am the changeling. I am also Jeremy Mortland, head of personnel. I walk around the station and act weird and inhuman, screeching over the Radio and generally being a changeling. I manage to stealthily eat the quartermaster, using the lack of general comms, courtesy of the HoS. I am of course, undiscovered and go around the station for 10 minutes more without any accidents. Then, I wander into R&D and generally act slightly insane before Serenity shoos me away. I bolt into maintenance and come up in surgery. I hit a single light. It breaks. Every door in the room is now bolted closed. I manage to escape trough the recovery room. Every door in the medbay is now bolted. Apparently, breaking a light and trespassing is now cause for /tg/ tier silent door bolt RP from our AI, named COMPUTER. Whose player has another complaint about them bolting the shit out of everything. So, anyhow. After some door bolt RP the Head of security comes to the rescue. I dont blame him or security for harming me, I actively tried to kill them and injected them with hallucination stings in an attempt to get them off of me. I'd consider being taken out of the round by them to be fair game, if not for COMPUTER bolting everything down to secure its greentext the moment it saw me hit a light tube. Anyhow, the Head of security is in the medbay, I manage to hide in a small patch of darkness I created earlier untill he got in a position in which I can stun him safely and slap him around with an arm blade. He gets up, slaps me once with a telescopic baton, we both retreat due to our wounds. Fun stuff. That's when the CMO, Martin Anderson (Which I assume is Callum. If not, I apologize and will edit) rushes out of his office waving a flash above his head. He decides the logical course of action in this case is to charge the screaming scorpion-arm blade deformed manthing which just cut the head of security to bits with his flash. He valiantly ignores any threat to his personal being or the fact that he may or may not be a doctor, who is not trained to deal with eldritch arm-blade horrors and effortlessly flashes my changeling. Okay. Some times later I die due to unrelated shenanigens. So, after a while I decide to give the round another chance. I rise up from the dead and leap out of my morgue tray, shuffling off after Jamini's paramedic while groaning because regeneration doesnt fix popped lungs. His reaction to an undead, deformed head of personnel with a giant blade instead of a hand was a silent Jeremy Mortland has been touched by the defibrillator paddles by Omnir Al-Nasser! Lavonne Daveiga, who was nearby at the moment thought to help our RP with a Lavonne Daveiga holds up the flash. Take a closer look. I mean. Screeching undead monsters? Just zap and flash them. We get those like, every week. I mean, it's a good thing doctors are distributed flashes to deal with this sort of thing. I was put in a straitjacket, while unconscious, and that's the end of that. This isnt my first time having Jamini pull a /tg/ on me, as I remember a previous cult round during which he responded to a very insane Haruspex wielding a scalpel with silent stungloves to the face. In summary, what I want to achieve by this complaint is: 1. A stern lecture against the practice of rushing undead sword wielding monsters with a flash, especially after they eviscerated the Head of Security in front of you, or busted out of a morgue tray and ESPECIALLY doing all that while you're a doctor. 2. An AI Jobban for Sarko, as he seems to play AI so he can hunt down antags and bathe in greentext. 3. Someone telling Jamini to stop arming his character to the teeth every round in the hopes that an unlucky antag will try to give him a chance to escape rather than stunmurdering them. Approximate Date/Time: 27th of April, 8 PM EEST
Sarko Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 I was the AI again, you was tresspasing into RD and after that in medbay restricted ares, also breaking station property so as i always do, a security call to your location and bolting you down to prevent scape like any other criminal. Its difficult to be an antag while an AI is active, but dont blame the player, blame the game.
Dreamix Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 Lavonne Daveiga's player here. I joined as assistant, generally... assisting with things. If security is over-staffed, I join with Daveiga as assistant, trying to get a reassigment to under-staffed department. You know how was I treating hallucination stings? I was stuffing patients into a sleeper, and giving them dexalin+dylovene, because it worked once (or many times, or hallucination just ended). Lavonne Daveiga, Me, battle medic: Lavonne Daveiga, who was nearby at the moment thought to help our RP with a Lavonne Daveiga holds up the flash. Take a closer look. The moment I saw you approaching to me and Jamini's character, we were talking with Captain, phrases appeared such as: "oh god, it is now alive", "DNC won't be needed" or "security is coming" or "I have a flash!" (Daveiga), "flash him!" (Captain), "I will!" (Daveiga). I thought you were down anyway (because of injuries) so flashing once (or twice, I don't remember) won't change anything, as it does 0 damage. And that "scorpion-arm blade deformed"-stuff does not work very well in a 2D game, where character appearance does not really change, just gets bloody or down on the floor. "/me is waves with his arm-blade" would help with RP (I know I am not the best Role Player here, I rarely use /me's). -I was later (or before this situation) promoted/reassigned to medical doctor (I asked only for a nursing intern). -I found the flash and put it in my satchel before, when security were hallucinating. -Lavonne Daveiga has security and police employment records, that might be the reason she stayed calm during these situations Sarko, door RP: I (IIRC) have never heard anything from his AI. Just a word or two at the round end. It just responded to "AI open door"s with opening these doors. Jamini, battle medic (?): No idea what to say. Other than "metagaming" (??? not sure). Her character knew surgery, chemistry, cryo, everything (I am not sure if that is a bad thing) Callum, the sleeping CMO: He just locked himself (no shutters) in his office early (or not?) in the round, he stayed there for ~80% (???) of the round, no idea why. I considered ahelping if I should cryo him.
Cassie Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 Sarko. Uh, being security AI (unless you've been commanded to do so, or your laws dictate you to actively hunt for suspicious behaviour/uphold corporate regulations) is a form of powergaming. I know it helps get antags more effieciently, but it makes it almost impossible for a round of antag actions to take place - which is kind of what antags are for. Overzealous AIs ruin changeling rounds, traitor rounds, inhibit revolutionary/cult rounds and encourage antags to be overly stealth (which can lead to powergaming or boring rounds). I used to play AI like that, it's fun to do but consider what it's like to be at the end of it.
keinto Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 I was the AI again, you was tresspasing into RD and after that in medbay restricted ares, also breaking station property so as i always do, a security call to your location and bolting you down to prevent scape like any other criminal. Its difficult to be an antag while an AI is active, but dont blame the player, blame the game. Or you could try notifying Security of the minor crimes being committed first, which were Vandalism and Trespassing, and see what they order you to do. Note that I said minor crimes. You wouldn't waste time notifying anyone if the suspect was priming a bomb, or something similar. He was just trespassing and breaking a light. In my opinion, what you did was powergamey. As for the actions of the Medbay people, why are you so prone to taking one of the few antags out of the game? Not only are your characters not giving fucks about their immediate well-being, which is also powergamey, but you are turning the round into extended. This is why my sighing intensifies every time Security chases after antags like they are taking in personal when they know there is only one or two antags in the round. Try give them the chance to make the round interesting by giving them some leeway. SS13 Antags don't have the time neither the plot conveniences movie antags do. And a movie would be pretty boring if the bad guy got locked up/killed halfway through the story. I'm pretty sure most of you see the game as a story as well, right? Wouldn't you like to make it an interesting one?
Baka Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 We can do without the ";)" and the snide comments, please.
Sarko Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 I was the AI again, you was tresspasing into RD and after that in medbay restricted ares, also breaking station property so as i always do, a security call to your location and bolting you down to prevent scape like any other criminal. Its difficult to be an antag while an AI is active, but dont blame the player, blame the game. Or you could try notifying Security of the minor crimes being committed first, which were Vandalism and Trespassing, and see what they order you to do. Note that I said minor crimes. You wouldn't waste time notifying anyone if the suspect was priming a bomb, or something similar. He was just trespassing and breaking a light. In my opinion, what you did was powergamey. As for the actions of the Medbay people, why are you so prone to taking one of the few antags out of the game? Not only are your characters not giving fucks about their immediate well-being, which is also powergamey, but you are turning the round into extended. This is why my sighing intensifies every time Security chases after antags like they are taking in personal when they know there is only one or two antags in the round. Try give them the chance to make the round interesting by giving them some leeway. SS13 Antags don't have the time neither the plot conveniences movie antags do. And a movie would be pretty boring if the bad guy got locked up/killed halfway through the story. I'm pretty sure most of you see the game as a story as well, right? Wouldn't you like to make it an interesting one? This comentary was interesting and constructive . As and AI i want the antags to try to trick me, distract me, disable me. Is really sad their best chance is just the AI looking to another place intentionally...
Dreamix Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 (edited) As for the actions of the Medbay people, why are you so prone to taking one of the few antags out of the game? Not only are your characters not giving fucks about their immediate well-being, which is also powergamey, but you are turning the round into extended. I, Lavonne Daveiga's player only flashed the changeling, when it was lying on the floor. I thought it is down because of pain-crit, damage, changeling regeneration, to add a 'feared but still wanted to not-die-RP-thing' as it would not change the game too much, not because I wanted to ruin Inverted's round. I did not call the security there, I told Captain it is not dead anymore and that I have a flash. I did not tried to put a straight vest (or whatever) on it. Also, I would like to ask, what did Inverted_Rectum expected? You wanted us, medical doctor and EMT to run away, screaming how 'bad and scary' your character is? Or maybe rest on the floor, peeing in our pants, waiting till you absorb us? Both, while waiting for security to come and 'ruin the RP'. edit: This comentary was interesting and constructive . As and AI i want the antags to try to trick me, distract me, disable me. Is really sad their best chance is just the AI looking to another place intentionally... HoP was just trespassing and breaking the light. Is that just 10 or 15 minutes in the brig or shorter? As HoP has access to change his ID to have Captain-like-full access, he might just be searched and brigged for a few minutes. HoP could also just say "I just wanted to make a unexpected visit in medbay, check if the doctors are working, etc. A broken light? That was an accident, I accidentally bumped into it when looking at my PDA". Also: -trick-how exactly? With a smoke bomb? Or teleportation? Or changing identity? You can just track when the person appears next and tell security where that person is. -distract-how exactly? By a bomb? How would changeling HoP make a bomb? -disable-how? EMP? Bomb? Rush into your core and change your laws/card you/whatever? Wouldn't be that ganking? If not, wouldn't you just say ";halp, hop is in my core, halp plaese"? Not metagaming is easier than making 537586 escape plans, 4124 bombs put in strategic locations, 8658 hostages to die if things go wrong and being not robusted by antag hunting security, ganks, grey-tide, laser-sniping, whatever. Edited April 27, 2015 by Guest
keinto Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 You wanted us, medical doctor and EMT to run away, screaming how 'bad and scary' your character is? Yup.
Dreamix Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 Okay then, I did wrong, I apologise. But again: "And that "scorpion-arm blade deformed"-stuff does not work very well in a 2D game, where character appearance does not really change, just gets bloody or down on the floor. "/me is waves with his arm-blade" would help with RP".
keinto Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 Okay then, I did wrong, I apologise. But again:"And that "scorpion-arm blade deformed"-stuff does not work very well in a 2D game, where character appearance does not really change, just gets bloody or down on the floor. "/me is waves with his arm-blade" would help with RP". That is very true. Sometimes the antags forget to use their me's to their fullest potential, but I think the mere fact that a dead hostile just came back to life should be enough excuse to gtfo there ASAP.
Guest Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 Okay then, I did wrong, I apologise. But again:"And that "scorpion-arm blade deformed"-stuff does not work very well in a 2D game, where character appearance does not really change, just gets bloody or down on the floor. "/me is waves with his arm-blade" would help with RP". Honestly, I dont want to get you in trouble for flashing a paincrit defib stunned changeling, I understand that Mortland looked more like a barefoot gasping madman then an alien monster, my complaint against you is lowered. Jamini saw my arm transform, however. ;) So, you admit this is how you always act as an AI, and that this is how you intend to continue acting as an AI?
Sarko Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 ;) So, you admit this is how you always act as an AI, and that this is how you intend to continue acting as an AI? Im always learning on this game and usually adding interesting things to my gameplay, obiusly if i recive constant imput about something im doing is not well recived for the rest of the players is clear that im not doing something well and i need to change that point. The more interesting thing for me said here is that if an AI take down all the antags too early the round goes to a extended and that is clearly not what people voted and wanted. I will try to dont make things as difficult as i was doing but remember, i also want to be rolplayed, try to do something about the AI. In any case i will try to avoid AI for some time, is not funny for me to get always a complain and not funny for the people that need to complain. But in this case and thinking it, i was wrong, i was acting too fast just bolting you there and calling security, perhaps i should asked you what are you doing and let you trick me with the answer, not just bolting and cutting the gameplay... Thanks too make me see it
Guest Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 Fair enough, sorry for getting so fired up earlier. I consider this complaint resolved, archive the thread when you see fit.
Baka Posted April 27, 2015 Posted April 27, 2015 Alright. Since the OP said it is resolved with him I will be closing and locking. Any further information, questions, or concerns can be brought up to me.
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