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Colfer - Command Application

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BYOND key: Colfer

Discord Username: Co.lf-er (or) colfer  (I don't know which one works best)

Character names:

[System Control Computer]
[Ka'Viax'Zoin C'thur]
[king (department) robot (REX-598)]
[maintenance drone (REX-993)]

How long have you been playing on Aurora?
More than 2 years at this point

Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?
Yes, I did on 2020-09-09, It was serious, but reduced in severity after added context, it resulted in a warning after being reviewed I believe, but at the time it was a temporary ban

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?
I think heads of staff serve as a role model, a point of reference or as a guide to those who seek knowledge in the head's respective area. A head of staff's duty is to serve as an exceptional member of the community through the actions of their chosen character, as well as a point of interest for administrators or antagonists of the round, to either add spice, play along with gimmicks, or otherwise serve the round in a positive way in order to add and expand to the story as much as they can at the time. Ontop of that, it is their duty to try and help players who seek their help in understanding and more easily grasping complicated parts of their department.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?
I believe the OOC responsibilities of the whitelisted player to other players is to provide meaningful and helpful experiences, however subtle or overt they choose to provide them, as well as to somewhat ensure that the round in progress goes smoothly, by coordinating and helping keep other players calm in times of pressure or hardship, or teach newer players an easy learning experience to the complicated mechanics or functions of whatever department that the head of staff is accustomed and knowledgeable in. I would strive to uphold my spot as a command whitelist holder by doing my due diligence as a matriarch drone to show people that despite drones being devoid of character, you can still roleplay as them by doing important maintenance around the ship, inspecting wires, fixing APC's, cleaning under floor tiles, and washing windows

Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon.
While I could provide a long paragraph detailing the intricacies of my matriarch drone and their background, I feel like that would be dishonest because I would just be making stuff up for the sake of it, as matriarch drones are defined by their lack of character and background, being a simple role to jump into and out of. If it is absolutely necessary, I will describe a backstory for a character I have in mind whos sole purpose is to be a vessel for me to gain access to a command whitelist, and nothing more.

Trajectory is an IPC created by nanotrasen to operate a nanotrasen shuttle service. They became inquisitive of the world due to their constant travel and seek to understand it, leading to their education in science before the phoron crisis. During the phoron crisis, the shuttle they were using had to be grounded due to the expensive engine it utilized not being worth keeping it in service. Nanotrasen, seeking alternatives decided to allow Trajectory to have a new job working as a nanotrasen scientist, rather than leaving them employed as a shuttle operator for a new ship. This eventually resulted in a natural affinity with research due to their predictive algorithms ment for operating new shuttlecraft, and an appreciation for exploring new stars. They specialize in anomaly research and xenoarcheology.

What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?
Matriarch drone and only that
If this isnt a satisfactory answer, then I will play a research director, The bishop IPC called Trajectory, but I will only do so in order to prove my competency, or get denied trying.

Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?
Yes, I'm familiar with it, I've re-read it a few times for this application

Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking:
Trajectory (Research Director)
Matriarch Drone (T-REX)

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?
I'm acutely aware.

Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums?
It says I did.

Extra notes:
I'm re-making this application because my previous application was denied because the administrative team wasn't confident allowing a person to have the command whitelist who has no desire to play a command role, just so they can play a matriarch drone. This denial was because a PR was made to remove the whitelist https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/13974

However, 606 days later, the whitelist is still in place in the server configs, I still want to play a matriarch drone, and I still do not want to play command. I still do not believe matriarch drone should be a fully fledged command role, I'm making this command application as a means to an end, the end being my ability to play matriarch drone

9 hours ago, Colfer said:

I still want to play a matriarch drone, and I still do not want to play command

Then you are contradicting yourself, just as you did in OOC on the server. Matriach Drones are not command. Neither by definition or otherwise. Consulars are also behind a command WL, yet you still cannot apply with them.
Don't make applications for roles you have no intention to play in the first place.

9 hours ago, Colfer said:

I still do not believe matriarch drone should be a fully fledged command role

Yes, I am contradicting myself, because one of the roles is so vastly different from the other command roles that it cannot be considered a command role, I've tried for a very long time to get the whitelist removed from the server config to no effect. I've been told numerous times that I should just make a command application, this is that command application.

8 minutes ago, KingOfThePing said:

Consulars are also behind a command WL, yet you still cannot apply with them.

This is not an application with a consular character or liaison, this is for a matriarch drone OR a research director IPC named Trajectory if necessary


9 minutes ago, KingOfThePing said:

Don't make applications for roles you have no intention to play in the first place.

I fully intend to prove my competency with Trajectory.

12 hours ago, Colfer said:

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?
I believe the OOC responsibilities of the whitelisted player to other players is to provide meaningful and helpful experiences, however subtle or overt they choose to provide them, as well as to somewhat ensure that the round in progress goes smoothly, by coordinating and helping keep other players calm in times of pressure or hardship, or teach newer players an easy learning experience to the complicated mechanics or functions of whatever department that the head of staff is accustomed and knowledgeable in. I would strive to uphold my spot as a command

they understand in my opinion the point of command and what he does with his whitelist does not matter aslong as he is meets the criteria +1


I just removed the whitelisting from matriarch drone; tell me if it works.

That said, the ruling on this isn't changing - we don't want people applying for command just to play drone.

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