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Hocka's Tajara Application

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BYOND Ckey: Hocka
Discord username: hocka

Character names: Junko Yoshida

Species you are applying to play: Tajara


General Whitelist Requirements

What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: Silver M'sai (192, 192, 192)

Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this species?: Since starting to play on Aurora again after a few years of not really playing very much I've been making a new roster of characters instead of playing my old ones. I'd like for the next character I make to be a Tajara, since it's not a species I've really tapped into at all and I suddenly feel interested, leading me here.

What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: The very first thing that leaps to mind is how Tajara talk in a different perspective to Humans (unless with someone they trust deeply of course) which is something that'll be relevant in just about every RP scenario. The next thing that comes to mind for me after that is the temperature - the Horizon's obviously tuned to a temperature that's comfortable for Humans, but really warm for Tajara since their home planet is rather cold so the character's not likely to dress up as much as my other characters are, unless they're fine with being boiling hot. There's also things like having a semi-prehensile tail and ears that move depending on the character's feelings and can be utilised also in RP.


Character Application

Character Name: Nashdka Komarovii

Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon.

Nashdka Komarovii was born on the 4th of May, 2438 to two M'sai parents in the midst of the Interwar Period in the city of Nal'tor. When the Second Revolution rolled in Nashdka's father went on to fight for the PRA - unfortunately losing his life during a battle in the same year Nashdka turned 18. This started a series of depressive habits for Nashdka, usually resorting to alcohol with what little money she could scavenge. Her alcoholic tendencies over the next year caused her relationship with her mother to grow more and more sour - eventually reaching a breaking point soon after she turned 19 and she scrounged up enough cash to buy herself a way to Crevus, a place she could find cheaper drinks to drown herself and be free of judgement while doing so.

It didn't take very long before the reality of Nashdka's new living situation became apparent to her. With her ties to her mother and family practically gone Nashdka resorted to relying on skills and knowledge her mother had passed onto her in her younger years - namely the application of medical aid. While absolutely not the highest quality care that could be found it became a rather marketable skill with how violent the streets of Crevus could get. Over the course of the next roughly 8 years in Crevus Nashdka managed to develop her skills - allopwing her to ask for higher payments - in the medical field by providing medical care to the enforcers of Olokun Curios and make progress in breaking free of her abuse of alcohol. With this, she was eventually able to enlist with Ringspire via her employment with Olokun. After going through the Foreign Hire Program at the academy on Eridani I she was scheduled to work aboard the SCCV Horizon so that she could make progress on attaining officially-recognised qualifications while gaining experience working on a ship.

How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character?

Having ran away to Crevus somewhat close to the end of the Second Revolution, not being able to have anything to do with her past life and only being focosed on her day-to-day survival until very recently terms like 'Phoron Scarcity' that she occasionally overheard while working with Olokun & Ringspire just seemed like corporate buzzwords to her. Now, these things seem like potential for more adventure with her newfound employer (something she hadn't even taken into account when getting involved with Olokun) at best, and just more work at worst - such as the PMCG being offered new contracts on vessels like the Horizon or filling the gaps in the SCC's forces in areas like the Corporate Reconstruction Zone following the Solarian Collapse.

How does your character view the megacorporation they work for?

Mixed, leaning towards positive. PMCG not only granted her what she considers to be a very prestigious job but also opportunity to experience the Orion Spur for herself, rather than obscure references in a bar. As well as this, she has personal issues with how she sees life outside Crevus, and is thankful to be brought out of Adhomai, even if that is kept purely secret to avoid scrutiny. At the same time though she is aware that she gets her money from a company that commodifies war, and without war her father wouldn't have fight - which would've meant avoiding her finding herself in Crevus at all. She doesn't bring this up however so the suits don't suspect she'll be a problem.


1. She kept her PRA citizenship, even during the brief lifetime of the Tajaran Citizenship Act.

2. While Nashdka doesn't consider the PRA "ideal", namely because spending time in Crevus has encouraged her to value her freedom more and more and she feels as though the PRA can't beat Crevus in that regard, they're still her favoured faction among the three because it was the PRA who ushered in the megacorporations and kept them there which allowed her to secure this path out into the Spur, which she is greatful for and she would never make her grievances with the PRA known, maintaining the outside look that she is loyal to the party to avoid persecution. She has a stronger disliking for the other two factions - she completely blames the DPRA for the death of her father and is wary of how long their tolerance of Crevus would last if the PRA and the NKA were to no longer get in the way, given the city's affiliation with human corporations and how deeply entrenched they are. In regards to the NKA, Nashdka believes them to be nothing more than an attempt to drag Adhomai back to what it was before the Revolutions, which she considers downright evil.

3. She puts her faith in the Ma'ta'ke Pantheon, though being in Crevus for as long as she has means that most of her "worship" went to Rredouane, something she's likely to keep up with after leaving Adhomai.

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