The_Ill_Fated Posted July 11, 2024 Posted July 11, 2024 (edited) BYOND key: the_ill_fated Discord Username: the_ill_fated Character names: Imogen Janse Hazel #S-H11.101 Ilo Kerr Andromeda Maschera How long have you been playing on Aurora? 2.5ish Years Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? Yes, I previously held a command whitelist and had it stripped. I've also received 1 warning regarding shutting down an Antag gimmick in an inappropriate manner. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, in-game? Heads of Staff on Aurora in a lot of cases hold the quality of RP in their hands. Just because of the position of responsibility the characters are in a lot of cases the 'conduit' through which RP flows out towards the rest of the crew, largely in terms of interactions in events, in Antagonist RP, and with off-ship roles. It is the inherent responsibility of Heads of Staff players to act with this in mind, a poor choice while playing in one of these roles can basically break the round, and just turn it into pseudo-extended, where the potential existed for something more engaging. There's also just the aspect of coordinating your crew while in-game. A head of staff can really impact how a round goes just in terms of organization, which can really make a round more enjoyable and create the room for RP to exist, where as the pure-chaos that can go down sometimes in-game when nobody has any idea what's happening isn't super entertaining, or compelling in most cases. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them? This largely ties in with the previous question. But it's the OOC responsibility of a Whitelisted player to further the roleplay of the server as a whole, even if it sometimes comes at the expense of your character's engagement personally. An action that might make individual sense for your character to do, can have the impact of clamping down on a gimmick, or crushing RP before it really has the time to take off. Foremost, it's important that you are in a role, with these OOC responsibilities, to try to funnel the round in a direction that is fun, and engaging, even if your own RP misses an opportunity or two because of it. In the end, it narrows down to making the game fun for the server as a whole. We're all here to try to relax, enjoy some RP, and have a good time. A Head of Staff who acts with this in mind isn't a guarantee it's going to be a great round or anything, but a Head of Staff that doesn't is eventually going to ruin someone's round, and probably make them mad, and that's not what anyone's here for. Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon. It’s been twenty three long years since she’d left. Twenty three years since she’d last seen the sickly green-teal swirl of the algae belt slip away, her face pressed against the glass while the only world she’d ever known turned into nothing but a pale blue dot in the distance. At times she remembered the salt-breeze whipping at her hair, the feeling of her bare hands in the sand, the taste of Reacher Gar, cooked over a roaring fire, confined to naught but an echo of memory. Things have changed since then, She’s changed since then. Barely sixteen when she’d boarded that transport, yet now her fourth decade encroaches upon her, closing in day-by-day. Then she knew only what little the Viceroyalty has seen fit to bestow upon her, now she gazed upon the PH.D. decorating the wall of her Corapt with pride, though she tried not to think of the debts she’d gathered in the process. She’d expected things to be different, knew things would be different. She was right, they were though not nearly as much as she’d feared, yet more than she’d hoped. Shackling herself to Zavodski had been one of the few cards on the table, yet so far it's played out. She counted on it staying that way. The last two decades had been busy, to be certain. She’d never expected that, for the time to have passed her by so swiftly, so surely. Yet the frontier wars of Dominia, the rapid expansion of Biesel, and the inevitable civil strife of Sol had broadened the Spur’s already insatiable hunger for weaponry, filling her days and her pockets. While she toiled unceasingly, whether in the fortified recesses of research-complexes, or in the depths of space, Zavodski provided, both for her, and the Spur’s incessant need for weaponry. Most days despite the hefty demands of her remaining loans, she lived comfortably, if uneasily. It ate away at her, day after day, month after month, year after year, eventually she took the time to consider it. Is this what she fled Sun Reach for? Is this all the Spur had to offer? Is this all there was? No, it couldn’t be. The forms were numerous, they always were. So she worked away at them, day after day in whatever spare time she might have, suffering the repeated, pointless interviews. Then, finally an email graced her inbox. “Reassignment Request: SCCV Horizon” The first line “Congratulations - Status: Accepted” A smile crossed her freckled face, the broadest she’d managed in years. It’d turned out that even one of the most illustrious assignments in all of the SCC, and it’s member-corporations, was always in need of personnel. Maaike Hoeke, Research Director. That would do, very nicely indeed. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? I plan to play Research Director during the trial period, and following. With Consular, and probably some others following it. Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? I have yes, prior to applying I took a solid couple hours to thoroughly re-read all of the Command Role wiki pages, and ensuring I had a more thorough and complete understanding of their requirements, and roles. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking: Maaike Hoek - Research Director Imogen Janse - Consular Officer Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes, I do. Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums? I have. Extra notes: I fully acknowledge that I was pretty grievously negligent in the process that led up to my whitelist being stripped. It was not something I did intentionally, or with any degree of malice, or ill-intent, but in the end that doesn’t matter. It could’ve had some pretty serious consequences to another player, and their character had it gone differently and that’s unacceptable behavior on my part. I’ve taken the month-ish between to consider what I’ve slipped up on in the past, and how I can rectify that, and improve my behavior in-game and oocly to allow for a better experience for other players, as a Head of Staff whitelisted played should. I hope I demonstrate that I fully intend to proceed on a more deliberate, and considered basis, and avoid the mistakes I’ve made previously. Edited July 11, 2024 by The_Ill_Fated 7
CourierBravo Posted July 11, 2024 Posted July 11, 2024 +1 ill fated has been a fantastic player and roleplayer for the whole time I've known her. This player regularly brings a level of RP flavor that I wish i could match half of.
Menroka Posted July 11, 2024 Posted July 11, 2024 (edited) +1 ill fated deserves the whitelist. High level of roleplay, nicely fleshed out characters. Edited July 11, 2024 by Menroka Added more information to comply with the rules.
Comet Blaze Posted July 11, 2024 Posted July 11, 2024 +1 Ill fated has always been an amazing roleplayer capable of making fun and interesting characters. I'm certain they deserve the whitelist.
LforLouiseeee Posted July 12, 2024 Posted July 12, 2024 +1 had to reset my password to post this. really nice player, great rper, have had some good interactions in the past, mainly with Imogen.
N8-Toe Posted July 12, 2024 Posted July 12, 2024 +1 from me. great RP'er, will be happy to have them back
Noble Row Posted July 20, 2024 Posted July 20, 2024 +1 Always enjoy their sense of organization and professionalism. In their time playing their research director I have liked how they've interacted with their fellow scientists, making sure they're entertained, while also balancing the responsibilities of command both OOCly and ICly.
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