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"Like" button for posts

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We use PhpBB, right?

Add this: https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=2162699

Often, I'll find someone is going to post something I really agree with, and... there's just no way to really show support short of making another post. And sometimes, I can't really put what they said any better, and rephrasing their argument would be pointless, as I'd rather not spam up a thread with pointless noise. But there's times like these where being able to show support is still important, whether to show you agree with that person's stance, or just like an idea they submitted, or simply a post they made. So short of posting to only say "I like this", a "Like" button would be a pretty nifty feature to have.

As critical endorsements (for whitelists as well as suggestions) are now reviewed by staff, this shouldn't create a new problem of "+1s" either. I find that in general people are pretty good at submitting their criticism and ideas, and if someone has to say something, they'll tend to make the effort to write it.


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We use PhpBB, right?

Add this: https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=2162699

Often, I'll find someone is going to post something I really agree with, and... there's just no way to really show support short of making another post. And sometimes, I can't really put what they said any better, and rephrasing their argument would be pointless, as I'd rather not spam up a thread with pointless noise. But there's times like these where being able to show support is still important, whether to show you agree with that person's stance, or just like an idea they submitted, or simply a post they made. So short of posting to only say "I like this", a "Like" button would be a pretty nifty feature to have.

As critical endorsements (for whitelists as well as suggestions) are now reviewed by staff, this shouldn't create a new problem of "+1s" either. I find that in general people are pretty good at submitting their criticism and ideas, and if someone has to say something, they'll tend to make the effort to write it.


This was done on another forum I frequent. However, after a bit the like system was updated so you can now give a number of different ratings to posts. IE, "Like", "Informative", "Insightful", "Hugs", and "Funny". However, even just a simple one-rating 'like' system would be better than nothing at all.

Here is an example of the system in action,in a thread discussing the merits or lack thereof of said ratings system.

I think it's important that you be able to see who liked a post as well.

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