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Halloss for alcohol


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Basically, various alcoholic substances give a different amount of halloss on ingestion. This would mainly produce hilarious results with people trying to down full glasses of absinthe/whatever pure alcohol.

I don't feel it's necessary, perhaps it could be amusing but I'd rather keep the bar untouched.

It's not necessary, but neither are most if not all of the suggestions we implement by default. The game is working okay as it is.

Perhaps something that could be interesting to discuss would be possible fears/downsides concerning the idea?

The hell is halloss?

You know when you get zapped by security with the tasers as you run away the minute they approach you?

That's halloss, Actual name is holodamage. Basically it's mental pain induced by the taser/getting beat by the energy sword/Getting punched in the boxing ring.

Realistically, it's a nice way to subdue someone by putting them in a state of holographic pain, which fades away over time. Mechanic wise, it puts them in crit without actually killing them.


You also get Halloss from damage in general. It's basically pain damage, all-in-all.


Why do we need to change alcohol?

Other than some people don't know how to handle their drink and bartenders continue to serve them.

Why do we need to change alcohol?

Other than some people don't know how to handle their drink and bartenders continue to serve them.

Fun factor.

I thought it was a good idea from the "remove alcohol" thread, so I figured it deserved its own suggestion.


While I was initially up for this idea, when I think about it again I think implementing vanilla Halloss for alchohol is going to be... rather silly.

Allow me to illustrate a scenario.

>You drink a bit too much from your hilariously large glass cup of beer

>Everything goes dark

>horrible burning agony

> You slump to the ground, too weak to continue.

>Oh god, please end the pain!

Im just saying, im pretty sure halloss has a bunch of pain specific messages which probably wont be able to convey the fact that you're drunk properly. I am all for adding other extra drunk effects like a vertigo causing swirly screen or something similar.

Im just saying, im pretty sure halloss has a bunch of pain specific messages which probably wont be able to convey the fact that you're drunk properly. I am all for adding other extra drunk effects like a vertigo causing swirly screen or something similar.

Proper tuning/balance would prevent that from happening. Have most regular drinks give little/no halloss, with straight liquors giving more (enough that taking a few shots over a 5 minute period would carry little effect, but trying to down an entire bottle in one go would knock you on your butt).

Screen effects would be nice. I doubt an alcohol rework is a priority, but it would be nice to have some visual hint that your character is drunk.

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