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Guest Marlon Phoenix

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Sol First Party Announces Candidate for ‘67 PM Elections!

Article 3 of the Winner Take All arc

The camera, following the typical SANN jingle, zooms in on the always stern Harold MacMillan.

“Welcome back to The State of Sol. This evening we will be visiting Harmony City, Luna, where the Sol First Party is expected to announce its candidate in short order. We go now to the AESCO-L Museum of Aeronautics and Astronautics, where our reporter, Céline Eylenbosch, is waiting. Céline?”

The screen splits, with one half containing MacMillan, and the other, a blonde and quite obviously Cytherean, woman.

“Hello, dear viewers! We’re here in the lovely Aldrin Auditorium, where the Sol First Party is going to be announcing their candidate after quite the process. Everyone’s ready to see their candidate for the first time.”

“Any predictions?”

“The frontrunner seems to be Senator Toshiyuki Sumida, who’s from this district of Harmony City. There are a few darkhorse candidates, but they aren’t likely to surprise us tonight. Oh! It’s time for the announcement.”

“Fellow Solarians,” a voice booms over a speaker, prompting a camera switch to one showing the stage, “Please welcome the next Prime Minister of the Solarian Alliance, Toshiyuki Sumida!”

Confetti fires from cannons as a middle-aged Lunan man enters the stage, smiling and waving at the assembled crowd. The crowd erupts into cheers, which Sumida amplifies by waving his arms upwards in a pump-up motion as he reaches the podium. After taking in the crowd, he waves for quiet, which the crowd eventually gives him.

“My fellow Solarians,” Sumida begins, “The last several years have tried our Alliance, but we have come out of the darkness strong! We must seize this opportunity to put the priority on us first!”

Sumida pauses as the cheers grow again, waiting a few moments for them to die down.

“The Sol First Party will put our needs as a nation, and your needs from the government, first. We must focus on restoring the planets in the Reconstruction Mandates, and rebuilding ourselves! We must defend our borders and every citizen, whilst avoiding foreign entanglements that seek to drag us down!”

More cheering erupts from the crowd.

“If I’m elected Prime Minister, we will bring in a new era of the Alliance that puts our nation before everything else!”

“I will protect us from foreign corporate interests, and put our own first! Together, we will lead the Alliance back to glory! Thank you all!” Sumida throws his hands up and the crowd goes wild, while he continues to stand at the podium and enjoy the reception, before the commercial break interrupts the scene.




Solarian Popular Democratic Party and Communist Party Announce PM Candidates

Article 4 of WINNER TAKES ALL: The '67 Solarian Federal Elections

UNITY STATION, EARTH – This afternoon (GST), the remaining two parties announced their candidates for Prime Minister in the upcoming election. Both the Solarian Popular Democratic Party and the Communist Party of the Alliance of Sovereign Solarian Nations announced their respective candidates at their conventions, though both are seen as having little chance of winning.

The Solarian Popular Democratic Party announced Callistean Senator Anastaise Renaud as their nominee for Prime Minister. Senator Renaud, a popular senator from Callisto, gained many supporters within her own party for her response to the local Naval garrison’s violent dispersal of a protest calling for intervention in the Northern Wildlands.

Among Renaud’s many promises during her acceptance speech were to fight for the workers of the Alliance against corporate influence, expand assistance to the Reconstruction Mandates, and re-establish the Alliance diplomatically with the Spur.

The Communist Party announced its candidate as Kliment Pavlov, an influential planetary politician from Pluto. Among the party’s many goals are the expansion of social programs, nationalization of many corporate assets, and significant reform of the central government.

Further Reading:

  • San Colette national ice hockey team stuns Pluto in Olympic knockout stages
  • Today in History: The Boston Tea Party
  • ‘Boat Chicken’ Incident Injures 7 in Helios City


Election Date Announced!

Article 5 of WINNER TAKES ALL: The '67 Solarian Federal Elections

NEW YORK CITY, EARTH — Earlier today (GST) the provisional government announced an official date for the Solarian 2467 general federal election. Elections are, assuming no delays, to take place on 27 February, with all votes for prime minister expected to be counted by either 28 February or 1 March (Earth Standard Time). Senatorial elections may take longer. Most senatorial seats are up for election due to delays experienced during the civil war.

Absentee voting is to be determined on a planet-by-planet basis. A government spokesperson contacted by the SANN advised voters to contact the Department of the Interior, if in the Alliance, or Department of State, if abroad, for more information.

Further Reading:

  • SFP Holds Rally on San Colette
  • Phoron Cleanup on D’Anzin Expected to Take Five Years
  • People of the Spur: The Assunzionii
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SANN Exclusive: Your Guide to Voting Abroad

Article 6 of WINNER TAKES ALL: The '67 Solarian Federal Elections

UNITY STATION, EARTH - Earlier the SANN reached out to the government for information about how Solarian citizens can vote if they are either abroad or on a planet other than the one they are registered to vote on. For more information we have reached out to Doctor Mei Jiang, State Department foreign service officer assigned to the Solarian embassy in Xanu, and Doctor Guoliang Li, program supervisor at the Department of the Interior.

Attached are official portraits of Jiang and Li, both typical-looking Solarian bureaucrats clad in dark suits and standing in front of Solarian flags.

SANN: For Solarians abroad, how do they know they’re eligible to vote?

JIANG: Solarian citizens above voting age who reside abroad are eligible to vote for federal positions, such as prime minister or senators, but local elections are determined on a precinct-by-precinct basis. When in doubt, contact the local board of elections where you were registered — your local embassy or consulate can help you send a letter to them if you’re confused.

SANN: What about Solarian crewmembers of interstellar vessels?

JIANG: For foreign-registered vessels you’ll need to contact the embassy, or consulate, of the area where the vessel is registered. They’ll be able to assist.

LI: For Solarian-registered vessels, such as military ships, contact your registered voting precinct and let them know what ship you are on.

SANN: How do you request an absentee ballot abroad?

JIANG: That’s through the Solarian Voting Abroad Initiative, or SVAI, which is run by the Department of the Interior. You can request one online, and contact your local embassy or consulate’s voting assistance officer if you need help.

LI: Domestically, you’ll have to contact the voting precinct you’re registered in and submit an absentee ballot request. For most precincts, this can be done online. For Martian voters abroad, you’ll need to contact the Department of the Interior to determine what precinct you are registered in if your prior address was in the exclusion zone.

SANN: How do you receive an absentee ballot?

LI: In the Alliance you’ll receive it by mail, either electronically or physically depending on how you request it. Abroad, either by mail — if the area has a reliable postal service, such as most of the Coalition — or via pickup at a consulate or embassy if the government either lacks an effective postal service — such as Vysoka — or is likely to interfere with the process — such as Biesel.

SANN: What about returning the ballot?

JIANG: The Department of State recommends absentee ballots submitted abroad be returned to the nearest embassy or consulate directly, so they can be transported via diplomatic courier.

LI: Domestically, you can send it back via conventional mail or certified electronic mail.

SANN: Thank you both for your time. Do you have resources for Solarian voters to contact?

JIANG: The best resource to contact is your local embassy or consulate. The Department of State’s website has helpful links and contact information for them.

LI: Citizens with questions can reach out to 2467elect@doi.gov for further information, or check our website.


Further Reading:

  • Suwon Sea Bandits Score 4-3 Win Over Ton Gwai Triads in Third Game of Alliance Series
  • “Promise of Jintaria” - University Classmates Reflect on Strom
  • Navy Officer, 14 Students Injured in “Rocket Sledding” Incident on Callisto
Posted (edited)


The SANN's State of the Race: January 2467

Article 7 of WINNER TAKES ALL: The '67 Solarian Federal Elections

As part of our coverage of the 2466-67 election cycle, the SANN is dedicated to giving you, the Alliance citizen, the best possible overview of our election we can. Our statisticians have worked tirelessly to ensure our model is the most accurate in the Spur.


Sol System

  • Mercury: STROM
    • Opposition to Hephaestus has led to a SPP lead on Sol’s hottest world.
  • Venus: STROM
    • The SPP has shot out ahead of other parties in initial polls, particularly with Jintarian groups. Among Cythereans, polling is split.
    • Initial polls show a roughly equivalent split between the SSUP, SPP, and SPDP outside of CPASSN-dominated areas. The Alliance's most populated world remains hotly divided between the candidates!
  • Luna: SUMIDA
    • Initial polling shows the SFP performing well across all groups on Luna.
  • Mars: RENAUD
    • While limited data is available, initial polling shows Mars split roughly evenly between the SPP, SSUP, and SPDP, with a slight lead by the SPDP.
  • Callisto: RENAUD
    • Good governance by the SPDP is expected to give the party a win on Callisto, one of the most populated bodies in Sol.
  • Europa: STROM
    • Limited data available from Europa suggests a lead for the SPP among its underwater cities.
  • Ganymede: RENAUD
    • Like Callisto, Ganymede is expected to go for the SDPD due to its reputation for good governance,
  • Titan: RENAUD
    • The SPDP’ reputation for good governing, and a positive track record in Titan’s cities, is expected to carry them to victory.
  • Enceladus: RENAUD
    • The cities of Enceladus are expected to go for the SPDP.
  • Triton: SUMIDA
    • Significant Navy presence on Triton suggests a win for the pro-military SFP.
  • Titania: SUMIDA
    • Naval presence on Neptune’s moons has long made them SFP strongholds.
  • Pluto and Moons: PAVLOV
    • Pluto is anticipated to vote among communist party lines.
  • Eris/Dysnomia: SUMIDA
    • Like Triton, Navy presence in the Sol System’s furthest body suggests a win for the SFP.

Core Worlds:

  • Epsilon Eridani: N/A
    • The Eridani Federation traditionally does not report election statistics.
  • New Hai Phong: TRANG
    • Initial polls show a strong pro-Trang lead on New Hai Phong.
  • Silversun: STROM
    • Anti-corporate attitudes have seen the SPP leading among Originals, with the SFP leading among Expatriates.

Northern Reaches:

  • San Colette: SUMIDA
    • Currently a toss-up between the SPP, SFP, and SPDP, the SFP’s pro-military attitude has secured them a small lead amongst Colettish veterans’ groups.
  • D’Anzin: RENAUD
    • The phoron industry of D’Anzin, long dependent on foreign imports, has traditionally been a SDPD stronghold, fearing tariffs would have a negative impact on the local economy.
  • Lhokgon: TRANG
    • The SPP trails the SSUP in Lhokgon, but the planet remains closely divided between the two parties. 
  • Novo Igman: STROM
    • The SPP’s anti-corporate messaging has secured it a lead on war-torn Novo Igman, which fears corporate dominance of its reconstruction.
  • New Peoria: TRANG
    • Polls show the SSUP leading on New Peoria, which needs significant reconstruction.
  • Lycoris: N/A
    • The state of emergency on Lycoris has prevented polling by the SANN.

Southern Reaches:

  • Sankt Frederick: TRANG
    • The SSUP and SPP currently are nearly tied, with both attempting to win over the agrarian vote. Initial polling shows a slight SSUP lead.
  • Visegrad: SUMIDA
    • Initial polling indicates a weak SFP lead, with the SPP trailing slightly.

Expatriate Populations

  • Mictlan: STROM
    • SPP messaging about reunification has resonated strongly with Mictlan who fled their planet’s occupation.
  • Port Antilla: STROM
    • As with Mictlan, the SPP’s message of reunification has resonated strongly.
  • Konyang: SUMIDA
    • Early polling has placed the SFP ahead in the expatriate Konyang population.


Further Reading:

  • Konyang Police Charge Three Tourists with Attempted Poaching of National Bird
  • Solarian Alliance, Galatean Federation Scientists Biggest Winners at 2466 Nobel Prizes
  • Hit Venusian Band Just Us Begins Winter Tour
Edited by NewOriginalSchwann
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Lunarians Give Thoughts on Election

Article 8 of WINNER TAKES ALL: The '67 Solarian Federal Elections

HARMONY CITY, LUNA — As part of our ongoing coverage of the 2466-67 elections, the SANN is dedicated to bringing you up-to-date and hard-hitting coverage that gives you, the viewer,  a perspective on what the average citizen thinks of the election and candidates. Below are a selection of Lunarians and their thoughts on the candidates.

“He is an honest man, hewn from the best traditions of the Alliance’s military and civil service. I struggle to imagine why one would not vote for him [Toshiyuki Sumida], if they were of good character,” — Ottilda Isolde Genoveve von Rantzau, 57, Navy officer.

“I’m not normally a fan of Venusians — too loud and too brash — but [Hendrik] Strom? He speaks to the concerns we have as working people when Sumida doesn’t. He’s got my vote,” — Omari Achebe, 32, synthetic repair technician.

“I have relatives on San Colette. I think [Toshiyuki] Sumida’s the only candidate who knows what the military needs to stay the greatest in the Spur. [Le Hanh] Trang and [Hendrik] Strom didn’t come off as strong during the crisis,” - Guilermo Olgin, 78, cardiovascular surgeon.

“I think the Navy’s going to pick whatever candidate they want. My vote’s not going to matter, so I’m voting for [Kliment] Pavlov. Might as well be funny,” — Llew Belin, 19, philosophy student.

“The provisional government’s done a good job fighting corporations, but we need someone willing to go all the way — not to back down like Strom did. That’s why I’m voting [Le Hanh] Trang,” — Zavier Fares, 32, factory foreman.

“People will disagree with me on this issue, but we cannot fully disentangle our economy from megacorporations so long as other nations, such as Biesel, have limited regulations of them. The best way forward for us is to work with the corporations while controlling them within the Alliance. Only [Toshiyuki] Sumida is up to the challenge,” — Riko Tanji, 48, economics professor.


Further Reading:

  • Department of Defense Seeks ‘67 Funding Increase for Modernization Projects
  • Pluto Reports Increased Helium-3 Yields During 2466
  • Empire of Dominia Claims Gold in Downhill Skiing
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