NewOriginalSchwann Posted February 27 Posted February 27 Solarians go to the Polls! Article 27 of WINNER TAKES ALL: The '67 Solarian Federal Election The camera, after the traditional SANN jingle, focuses on an unexpectedly tired-looking Harold MacMillan, with a mostly drained Callistean flag-decorated coffee mug sitting next to him on his desk on a coaster. While he might have slight bags under his eyes, the veteran newscaster looks as confident as ever as he nods to the camera. “Good evening, and welcome to a special edition of The State of Sol. I’m your host, Harold MacMillan. This election cycle our coverage begins very early, with multiple planets across the Alliance choosing to open their polls at midnight on the 27th. We now go to, well, about an hour’s ride by rail from our office to an election precinct in New Edinburgh, where our ace reporter Cèline Eylenbosch is reporting live. Over to you Cèline.” In contrast to the somewhat tired MacMillan, Eylenbosch looks as good as ever — as if she fell off the cover of an Idris fashion magazine. She smiles at the camera. Behind her is a line of Callisteans outside the concrete-and-glass facade of a government building stretching up into the sky. In the background cars whizz by, some honking, and an elevated magnetic railway hisses by, cars rattling slightly as they pass. “Thank you, Harold. I’m here at the Nnamdi Azikiwe Street government building, which serves as the election precinct for the surrounding half-kilometer of Callisto,” behind her the line of voters have noticed Eylenbosch and are starting to wave to the camera, some whistling and waving both Callistean and Solarian flags. “As you can see, dear viewers, Callisto’s excited to vote. Aren’t you?” Eylenbosch levels her camera at a young woman with a Callistean flag hat and a takeaway coffee in her hand. “I’m totally excited to vote!” she yells, throwing a V for victory sign up into the air. “GO RENAUD!!!” Her fellow Callistean join in with clapping and whistling as Eylenbosch turns the mic back to herself and begins walking down the line, using some device in her hand to manipulate the camera’s angle — she’s apparently using a camera drone rather than an actual cameraman. As the camera turns to look down the line, more Callisteans wave to it. The crowd here is a diverse one — men and women, young and old, middle-class bureaucrats and working-class longshoremen. A car honks as it passes by, Callistean flag trailing from one window. “As you can see, today’s events have drawn quite the crowd.” The camera switches focus back to Eylenbosch, who now stands beside a middle-aged man in a Solarian Army veteran’s hat. “Are you excited, my dear veteran?” she turns her mic towards him. “I’m as excited as any man can be!” he responds. Eylenbosch’s expression changes a bit — this man has a Mendell City accent. “Are you from Tau Ceti?” she asks, looking curious. “Yeah! I am, yeah. I left it in ‘52 after it seceded — like hell was I going to sit by and stay in a ‘democracy’ run by the Trasens!” “You think Biesel isn’t a democracy?” “Hell no!” some Callisteans around the expat clap and cheer at his comments. “Dorn and that new guy, Torvald, they’re both owned by NT! But we’ve got a real democracy here in the Alliance, and that’s something worth fighting for!” “Is that why you joined the Army?” “Yeah! Then I volunteered for the Coletters — the regular Army said I was too old, but I still got some fight in me!” the man grins as a man behind him claps him on the shoulder. “Never put an old soldier down!” “Thank you for your time, sir,” Eylenbosch nods her head to the veteran and keeps working her way down the line. “How are things in the office?” “I’m going to try to get some sleep in the break room in a bit,” MacMillan responds. “Then get back to coverage. High spirits otherwise.” Eylenbosh nods to the camera. “I’ll be here in the meantime, dear viewers, providing the coverage you’ve come to expect from the SANN. For example, what do you think about the election?” Eylenbosch levels her microphone at a thirty-something man in a business suit and overcoat, who looks up from his phone in momentary surprise – he almost drops it, but manages to keep his grip on it. “I’m, ah– I’m excited for it! Sorry, you kind of surprised me. I didn’t get to vote during the last election because ATLAS closed this precinct,” the crowd around him boos and jeers at the mention of the group, “but now I’m here, and I’m not letting anyone take this from me! GO RENAUD!!!” The crowd near the man cheers as Eylenbosch turns the mic back to herself. “Thank you. Harold, back over to you.” The camera switches back to MacMillan at his desk. He’s refilled his coffee mug in the meantime, and added a few new papers – printed ones, not the dataslate he’s typically seen with – to his desk. He nods to the camera. “The State of Sol will be right back with more continuous coverage in just a few minutes. For now, stay tuned – and have a good night.” The camera zooms out as the traditional SANN jingle plays, and MacMillan rubs his face and then speaks to someone off camera, lifting up a few papers. Whatever he says isn't recorded by his mic.
CampinKiller Posted February 27 Posted February 27 Election Day Coverage Continues! Article 28 of WINNER TAKES ALL: The '67 Solarian Federal Election The camera, after the traditional SANN opening jingle, focuses on the still tired-looking face of Harold MacMillan, longtime news anchor of the SANN. He nods to the camera. His desk still has the Callistean flag coffee mug on it and a small stack of papers. “Good afternoon, and welcome back to the SANN’s continuous coverage of the 2467 federal elections. I’m your host, Harold MacMillan. With voting still ongoing across the Alliance we have no final results yet, but do have some initial projections for a few Solarian member-states, and live coverage from across the Alliance. Now, let’s look at some of our team’s projections. MacMillan opens the packet of papers on his desk and stands up. The camera follows him over to a large screen showing dozens of Solarian planets with predictions written next to them — most simply reading UNKNOWN. “Some predictions so far from the SANN based on early polling: Callisto, Renaud — no surprise there. Luna, Sumida. New Hai Phong, Trang. Venus, Strom. Pluto, Pavlov. Some others: Silversun, Visegrad, Earth — strong initial leads by Strom. Mars, Ganymede — strong initial leads by Renaud,” MacMillan closes his booklet and looks back to the camera. “We now go, live, to Earth, where Eberichi Oteh is reporting from one of its most populated cities. Eberichi?” The camera switches to Oteh, who’s standing on a street corner in a very urban area. Behind him is a large sign reading “ELECTION PRECINCT” which has been posted above a door, out of which a long line of Solarians have queued. Beside it stands a police officer with his hands on his belt, and beside him stands a taller IPC wearing a vest with “POLICE SYNTHETIC” on the front. The sounds of urban life are all around — people talking, cars going by and honking, and the sound of a subway passing underfoot. Oteh nods to the camera. “Hello Harold! I’m here at 11th and Berry’s intersection, at one of the many election precincts across Earth — this one in New York City. The people here are excited to vote for their next prime minister!” some of the New Yorkers in the background give affirmations at Oren’s last statement. “We’ve spoken to a few of them earlier, such as a man who said he changed his vote from Trang to Strom after the last debate.” “Why did he do that?” “He said she seemed to blame the Sol System for her problem, and was concerned she’d be a vengeful person in office.” “Interesting. Any other opinions on the candidates?” “People in this area seem to mostly support Strom or Remaud, Harold.” Woman in the back cups her hands and shouts “GO RENAUD!” in response to Oteh, to some clapping and affirmations from other voters. The policeman shakes his head, having likely been at this door for hours. “Strom supporters cite his anti-corporate language and patriotism, while Renaud voters believe she’ll be best for the average Solarian.” “Anything else?” “That’s all I have for now, Harold. We’re catching the suborbital to Beijing soon, so we’ll have more in a few hours.” “Thank you, Eberichi.” “Of course. Back over to you.” The camera switches back to MacMillan, now behind his desk again, as he points to the camera. “We’ll be right back with more election coverage, so stay tuned!”
NewOriginalSchwann Posted February 28 Posted February 28 Voting Begins to Close Across the Alliance Article 29 of WINNER TAKES ALL: The '67 Solarian Federal Election After the opening SANN jingle the camera focuses on, as always, the indomitable if tired Harold MacMillan. He nods to the camera — the papers and Callistean flag coffee cup remain on his desk. “Good evening, and welcome back to the SANN’s special coverage of the 2467 federal elections. Across the Alliance, including here on Callisto, polls are beginning to close and more ballots are being counted. With me by phone is Doctor Giacomo Principi, a Solarian election expert. Doctor, can you hear me?” A short pause follows before Principi, through a phone on MacMillan’s desk, responds. “Yes, Harold. I can hear you— sorry, it’s a bit crowded in here,” Principi is a bit hard to make out over some background noise in his audio. “Can you hear me?” “We can, yes. It’s a bit hard though, lots of background noise.” “Sorry— I’m with my staff and we’re monitoring the election results as they come in. You said you had questions?” “I do, yes. What do you think of the election so far?” “Well, it’s gone quite smoothly aside from some minor disturbances — the kind of things local police handle, such as unruly voters and the like. It’s a sign of the durability of Solarian democracy — we endured Frost, and now we’re going back into the right path.” “That’s good news for us,” MacMillan nods to the camera. “Any idea who will win?” “Well,” Principi hrms, pausing for a moment. “It’s still hard to say, Harold. But we’ve seen two candidates pull ahead in early polling.” “Which ones?” “Strom and Renaud — Pavlov was leading for a bit as the Soviet republics tend to count their votes faster. Both performed strongly in polling, so it’s not as surprising as it might seem.” “Any other observations?” “Sumida and the SFP aren’t doing as well as anticipated outside of areas they’ve traditionally performed well in, and neither is Trang. We won’t be able to speculate about why until much later, but the gap between these two candidates and the leading two is only getting larger based on government numbers.” “Thank you, Doctor.” “Of course.” “That was Doctor Principi. We go now to another source, our very own Le Quynh Cong reporting live from Cua Song. Le?” The camera switches to the bespectacled reporter, yet again wearing her respirator and now standing outside of an election precinct somewhere in urban New Hai Phong. Behind her a line of Hai Phongers file into the precinct — the line is definitely smaller here, but there’s an impressive number out for how late it is. Cong waves to the camera. “Hi Harold!” “How’s the situation there?” “Good! Precincts across the planet like this one are staying open until midnight, so workers can get in to vote, and most of the people you can see behind me are Hephaestus workers coming in from second shift or getting ready to leave for third shift.” “You’ve been reporting from New Hai Phong all day, Le. Have there been any incidents?” “One, Harold, but we didn’t see it personally. An election precinct in an area dominated by the Socialist Unity Party was shut down temporarily by police due to alleged dangerous weather conditions and civil unrest, but was opened shortly after by soldiers from the 4th Haphongese Armored Division working with election officials. A source close to Senator Trang informed me she’s been involved in multiple holocalls with Governor Lai and is alleged to be threatening to demand a recount of the planet’s votes if necessary.” “Concerning news, Le. Hopefully there’s no further disruptions.” “Hopefully,” Cong nods to the camera. “Back over to you.” The camera switches back to MacMillan. “The SANN will be right back with more coverage of the elections, so stay tuned!” 1
NewOriginalSchwann Posted February 28 Posted February 28 BREAKING: Pavlov, Sumida, Trang Concede — Race Narrows to Strom and Renaud Article 30 of WINNER TAKES ALL: The '67 Solarian Federal Election After the SANN opening jingle the camera zooms in on Harold MacMillan, who sits behind his desk and leans on it slightly -- coffee mug off to one side and stack of papers to the other. The veteran newscaster still looks tired -- he's been at this for well over 24 hours, with only short breaks -- but maintains his ever-resolute demeanor and expression “Breaking news in the election just now as three candidates have conceded defeat in the race. We now go to Luna, where Senator Sumida is about to give a short speech announcing his withdrawal.” Macmillan gestures at the camera, which swaps to a view of a well-decorated room featuring a stage and podium. Behind the podium sits Senator Toshiyuki Sumida, the Sol First Party’s soon-to-be-former candidate for PM. “My fellow Solarians,” Sumida begins. “We have fought a hard campaign and given our all in hopes of winning the prime minister’s office, but we can no longer ignore the stark reality of statistics: we have lost our chance. Sumida pauses for a moment. “But do not be disheartened or ashamed, as the struggle for our venerable Solarian principles continues, and our party is performing well in senatorial polling. We may not be the prime minister’s party, but we will be a voice he or she cannot ignore. Please accept my sincerest apologies for my failure to secure the position, and may our Alliance continue to prosper. Thank you,” as he ends his speech, Sumida steps out from the side of the podium and bows deferentially to the audience. Sumida’s speech is followed not by cheering, or jeering, but by polite clapping as he gracefully stands back up, then exits both the stage and the race. The camera switches back to MacMillan. “With Senator Pavlov declining to hold a speech we now go to New Hai Phong, where Senator Trang is preparing to concede.” MacMillan gestures to the camera again, which switches to a view of a union hall on New Hai Phong. In contrast to the well-dressed and formal-looking Lunan, Trang’s sleeves are rolled up to her elbows and her suit jacket is off. She leans on her podium as a crowd looks on, then stands up and begins speaking. “I know you’re disappointed in this — believe me, I am too — but let me tell you that we have not even begun to fight for our cause as a party! Trang pauses a moment as the crowd cheers and claps. “We have not won the prime ministership, no, but we remain a force to be reckoned with in Solarian politics! And while we are,” she pauses again, “will we ever stop fighting against corruption and corporatism?!” Trang leans her mic towards the crowd. “NO!” they respond as one. “Then we may have conceded this race, but we’ll never concede our ideals!” Trang throws her fist into the air to cheers! “Thank you for choosing me to be your candidate, and long live our Alliance and the Socialist Unity Party!” The crowd cheers as Trang exits the race with her popularity intact. The camera switches back to MacMillan. “Two to go, audience. Exit polls indicate Strom leading slightly across the Alliance, but only by a few tens of millions. Will he retain that edge? Stay tuned.” The camera fades out as MacMillan looks through his papers, holding them with one hand while flipping through with the other.
NewOriginalSchwann Posted February 28 Posted February 28 BREAKING NEWS: RENAUD CONCEDES – HENDRIK STROM BECOMES THE ALLIANCE’S NEXT PRIME MINISTER! FINALE of WINNER TAKES ALL: The '67 Solarian Federal Election After the SANN opening jingle, the camera zooms in on the once-tired – and now very, very alert – face of Harold MacMillan. It is as if the news has jolted the underslept, overworked veteran newscaster back into awareness through pure adrenaline alone. He nods to the camera. “Breaking news out of New Edinburgh just now, where Senator Renaud has conceded her candidacy in response to the gap between her and Senator Strom widening to well over a billion votes. We now go to the Susuhe District, Venus, where Senator Strom is preparing to give his victory speech.” MacMillan gestures to the camera, which switches to a view of an auditorium with a podium flanked by Solarian flags. Behind it stands Strom – around him is an utterly packed arena filled with Venusians, mostly Jintarians, and a press pit filled with cameras and microphones bearing nearly every national symbol in human space – there are local Solarian agencies, the Mendell City Bugle, the Elyran News Network, the Xanan News Service, the Imperial News Network, and dozens more – all preparing to broadcast this event. The SANN’s camera zooms in on Strom, who moves his hands to silence the cheering crowd. “Good evening, my fellow Solarians. Let me begin by stating I want to express my deep appreciation for every Solarian who voted for me and for the Populist Party – I cannot possibly begin to tell you how proud I am of what we’ve done today! I hope that in my victory, every Solarian from humble origins can see a path for themselves to even the highest office in our Alliance. “I also wish to express my support to the billions of Solarians who chose to vote for other candidates in our election. I understand the sting of defeat can make one feel very low, and assure you I will fight for you as Solarians no matter who you voted for. I wish to express my support for the other candidate as well – every party gave it their all this election, and I firmly believe that more competitive elections lead to better candidates winning. A one-party state only benefits those in charge. “Regardless of who you voted for, we, as Solarians, can take comfort in the knowledge that, despite the best efforts of Frost, ATLAS, and other enemies of Solarian democracy, our process works. Our Alliance has taken five candidates through the greatest system in the history of the human race and chosen the most qualified one not through birth, not through corporate sponsorship – no. Our victor was chosen by one Solarian, with one vote, repeated billions of times. Despite a civil war having ended just two years ago, despite the mismanagement of Frost and his cronies, billions of Solarians came out to vote today! And that, my fellow Solarians, is more important than whatever party you chose to cast your ballot for. “But with the election over we must now look to the great tasks ahead of us, and they are indeed numerous. A civil war launched by would-be dictators, fascists, and autocrats has devastated great swaths of our nation, megacorporations still hold entire Solarian worlds in grips that strangle those living there, and the growing pains of our efforts to create the Spur’s largest non-megacorporate economy plague many areas of our Alliance. It is impossible to stand idly by and we, as the Alliance of Sovereign Solarian Nations, are called to act: to bring our Alliance into a new era of prosperity, without internal conflict and free from megacorporate influence, once and for all! “While in my election headquarters I noted several broadcasters, such as the Susuhe Chronicle, calling this one of the greatest political victories of the 25th century. To that I say – apologies to my hometown broadcaster – it will only be one of the century’s great political victories if our Alliance can, after my term is concluded, walk away with its head held high, stronger than it has been in decades. That is the victory the Solarian people deserve – to live in a new era of prosperity and progress. “It is my great hope that, for the next four years, we can conduct ourselves in a manner that will make the Solarians of future centuries look back and say, ‘This was the start of a new age of prosperity for our Alliance,’ and think on this time with pride, not the shame we feel when we look back to the start of this decade. “Thank you, and long live the Solarian Alliance!” Strom flashes his traditional V for victory sign with one arm as the crowd cheers for him and a large holographic screen behind him displays a fluttering Solarian flag. A new day, it seems, has dawned over the Alliance. The camera feed fades out.
NewOriginalSchwann Posted February 28 Posted February 28 Leaders of the Orion Spur Congratulate Prime Minister-Elect Strom on Victory Epilogue #1 of WINNER TAKES ALL: The '67 Solarian Federal Election UNITY STATION, EARTH - Congratulations from across the Orion Spur have begun to come in for Prime Minister-elect Strom following his victory in the 2467 elections. While Senatorial elections are still being counted and decided, below are some selected responses from interstellar leaders. The All-Xanu Republic and the Office of the President wish to extend our sincere congratulations to Prime Minister-elect Strom for his victory in the election, and look forward to continuing an amicable relationship with the Alliance. The Grand Council would like to congratulate Strom on their election victory. Grand Councillor Jrugl and the other council members are overjoyed to see a return to normalcy within the Solarian Alliance. May the prosperous friendship between the Federation and Alliance continue, Stars willing. The Office of the President of the Republic of Assunzione extends its formal congratulations to the Prime Minister-elect of the Solarian Alliance, and hopes the Alliance will continue to respect and uphold interstellar peace. Crown Princess Priscilla, on behalf of His Imperial Majesty, extends our Empire’s sincerest felicitations to Prime Minister-elect Strom for his victory, and eagerly anticipates further cooperation with the Alliance. May the Goddess watch over the Alliance as it continues to recover from its civil war. The Republic of Biesel extends its congratulations to the Solarian Alliance for its return to a free and democratic system of governance, and to the newly elected Prime Minister Strom for his victory in the election. The President wishes the new Prime Minister the best of luck, and is hopeful that the return of democracy to the Alliance means it will continue to uphold the spirits of interstellar cooperation and internal reformation it has begun to rebuild after losing them under the leadership of former Prime Minister Frost. The Office of the President of the Republic of Konyang extends its congratulations to the Alliance for its return to democracy, and is hopeful it will continue to uphold interstellar peace under democratic leadership. The Serene Republic of Elyra and Prime Minister Nouzari extend our warmest congratulations to the Alliance for its return to democracy following civil unrest. The Federal Technocracy of Galatea, and Chief Director Ceridwen Yarwood, wish to extend our felicitations to the Alliance for its return to the Spur’s longest-standing democratic tradition. Prime Minister-elect Strom and the Alliance may be assured of the Federation’s continued friendship and support. The United Syndicates of Himeo extends its congratulations to the Solarian people for their return to democracy after multiple years of authoritarianism. Further Reading: Department of the Interior Announces Senate Votes to be Counted by Monday SISA Arrests 15 in Connection with Plot to Illegally Close New Hai Phong Election Precincts Celebrations Continue in Susuhe District, Venus, Following Strom’s Victory
NewOriginalSchwann Posted March 4 Posted March 4 Senate Polls Conclude — Coalition Government Guaranteed? Epilogue #2 of WINNER TAKES ALL: The '67 Solarian Federal Election NEW EDINBURGH, CALLISTO — The Department of the Interior has announced that all senatorial races have been, as of today, concluded with winning candidates aside from several precincts on New Hai Phong, which remain contested due to allegations of corruption and voter suppression. DoI reports indicate big gains in the Senate for the Populist Party and Popular Democratic Party, currently represented by PM-elect Strom and Sen. Renaud, with minor gains for Sol First and the Socialist Unity Party. The Communist Party has polled below all other parties in the election. No party has polled above the 50% required to form a government in the Senate, and the next few weeks are likely to contain negotiations to form the first coalition government since the 2450s. When asked by the SANN, PM-elect Strom provided the following comment: “I’m pleased at how well the Populist Party has performed in the elections and look forward to working with any potential coalition partners in the future. As Solarians, whether in the Senate or in our nation as a whole, it’s important we come together as a united people instead of letting our differences tear us apart.” Sen. Renaud provided the following comment to the SANN: “The success of social democracy in the recent election proves the Alliance is ready to look inwards and take action to address what led us to the crisis of Frost’s government in the first place. As one of the two largest parties in the Senate, we look forward to working together with our partners to better the Alliance for every Solarian!” The breakdown of parties in the Senate is projected to be as follows: Populist: 30% Popular Democratic: 28% Sol First: 22% Socialist Unity: 15% Communist: 5% Prime Minister-elect Strom is expected to be sworn into office by the Senate in the following days. Further Reading: Sen. Sumida, PM-Elect Strom Rumored to be in Coalition Talks All-Xanu Republic Ambassador Meets, Congratulates PM-Elect Strom During Visit to Venus Sen. Trang to Throw First Pitch at Next Ton Gwai Triads Game
NewOriginalSchwann Posted March 5 Posted March 5 Senate Swears in Hendrik Strom as Prime Minister! Epilogue #3 of WINNER TAKES ALL: The '67 Solarian Federal Election The camera zooms in on the serious — and now well-rested — face of Harold MacMillan, complete with his iconic Callistean flag lapel pin. He nods to the camera. “Welcome back to The State of Sol. As always I’m your host, Harold MacMillan. Today we go to Unity Station, where the Senate has just voted to confirm Prime Minister-elect Strom as PM. Reporting live from outside the Senate chambers is our ace reporter, Cèline Eylenbosch. Cèline?” The camera switches to Eylenbosch, who is once again standing in the Alliance’s halls of power. Behind her is a well-furnished wooden door in a classical Earther style, potentially leading into a senator’s office. Beside her stands a quite tall Solarian woman of likely middle age, clad in a business suit with a Lunarian flag lapel and wearing glasses. The Cytherean nods to the camera and smiles at it, then begins speaking. “Hello, dear viewers, and thank you, Harold. As you’ve said, the Senate voted earlier to confirm Strom as our next Prime Minister. With me to discuss the confirmation is Senator Haruka Mori, a representative from Harmony City, Luna, and member of Sol First. Senator, can you start by explaining how the vote went for our dear viewers?” Eylenbosch levels her mic towards Mori. “First, let me begin by stating my opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the stances of Sol First. For being a procedure we haven’t done since 2461 — and arguably since before that, considering how few senators were able to attend Frost’s confirmation due to harassment by his paramilitaries — it went quite smoothly. Most of this is formality, with us simply confirming what the people have already decided.” “Did anything unexpected happen, senator? I’ve heard rumors of a disturbance inside there.” “There was, ah, one incident involving Senator Trang. She claimed that New Hai Phong’s seats would abstain until its election disputes had been resolved — corruption issues, according to her own words.” “Did her party abstain?” “Some did. As you and I are talking about the success of this vote, it was, as they say, compter pour des prunes — it only damaged their reputation, ultimately.” “Ahhhh, dear senator, you mean to say it was a worthless gesture?” “It was, yes. I'm not unused to political stunts, but I hope this isn't a bad sign for their future coalition partners if they choose to join one.” “And what do you, dear senator, think of our new prime minister?” “I’m pleased to see a return to democracy by our Alliance and am confident the PM will work to advance traditional Solarian values and principles.” “And what of the word on everyone’s lips, coalition? Are you willing to work with him?” “I can’t speak for Senator Sumida, so I’ll have to refrain from commenting on the matter.” Eylenbosch looks almost disappointed by this response, as if she’s had a toy stolen from her hands. “I see. Well, dear viewers, on that mysterious note we must return to you, Harold. Thank you for your time, Senator Mori.” “Of course,” the Lunarian nods politely as the camera switches back to a view of MacMillan. “Thank you, Cèline,” MacMillan points to the camera elbow resting on his desk. “The State of Sol will be right back after this break, so stay tuned!
NewOriginalSchwann Posted Saturday at 00:39 Posted Saturday at 00:39 Government Formed — Alliance to be Governed by Populist-Sol First Coalition! Epilogue #4 of WINNER TAKES ALL: The '67 Solarian Federal Election UNITY STATION, EARTH — Earlier today (GST) the Senate announced the successful formation of a coalition government between the Populist and Sol First parties, with both parties combined surpassing the required 50% limit to form a government. As part of a power-sharing agreement between the two parties, Hendrick Strom has accepted Senator Toshiyuki Sumida as the Senatorial President, giving Sol First a degree of influence over proceedings they have not possessed since the mid-2450s. When contacted by the SANN, the Sol First Party’s office for interstellar relations provided the following comment: “The Sol First Party is pleased to work alongside our colleagues in the Populist Party to further Solarian interests at home and abroad, while respecting the values that have long made our nation a great one.” The opposition is slated to be headed by Senator Anastasie Renaud’s Popular Democratic Party, with Sen. Renaud serving as Shadow President for the Senate. Madelyn Fitzpatrick, spokesperson for Sen. Renaud, provided the following statement to the SANN: “Senator Renaud and the Popular Democratic Party are excited to get to work governing the Alliance, and see this as a chance to prove our platform – and our effective governance – to the Solarian people.” The junior partners of the opposition are the Socialist Unity Party, led by Sen. Trang, and the Communist Party, led by Sen. Pavlov. Neither responded to the SANN’s request for comment. Further Reading: All-Xanu Beer Lover’s League Publishes “Steins of Sol” Recommendation List Silversun Tourism Board Reports Increased Visitors during Winter Season Konyang’s Suwon Sea Bandits Prepare to Head to San Colette
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