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A round from the eyes of a Greytide.

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Hi there. I'm Joey. Joey Mortadeliano. My friends call me Joey.


You may be wondering how I ended up in this gig. Well, it's a long story. But hey, we have the time now, don't we?


It all goes back to the beginning of the shift. Air-conditioning, cold linoleum, this place has it all!


Nice wardrobe too. These backpack straps are comfy.

Anyways, I started about my day, looking for someone who could challenge me in the boxing ring. Not typical for a worker like the others, but I'm not here for work. I'm here to help out with work, and box. Along with other things. I've already started the finishing touches on my collector's kit.


These items will surely be the one and only defense I have against the unknown that is space. Good thing I picked the best of the bunch The craftsmanship on these tools is exemplary!

Anyways, I started my search at the bar, where all travellers and adventurers meet.

Right off the bat, I met one of my kind.


His name was Flint, sitting on the stool, and he had impeccable taste for fashion. Good man. Shame he hated boxing.




Even when I called him 'buddio', and tried to persuade him to stay, he was out of there in a New York Minute.

I went about my day, running into blind folk, terminators, and holdin' the door open for borgs. Things were good.



Poor fella' ran right into me. I yelled at him, only to realize the poor guy was blind an' needed a cane. Felt terrible for him.


Up next, some terminator monster-thing started comin' past me, and I thought I'd want to stay on his good side, so I held a door for him.


He didn't seem ta' notice.


Finally, I ran into this real interestin' fella' who looked like he came straight outta' one'a those classic blockbusters you'd take your steady girl out to see each Saturday. Needless t'say, I was impressed! I complimented the dude, and we had some fun with his cosplay-thingy.


I let him run off to do what he needed to do, and kept on walking to the holodeck. Maybe I'd find some friends there, I thought.


Luckily, I ran into a whole party!

I tried askin' some gorgeous baby with some diamond eyes to scooch for me, but she insisted I was flirtin' with her. I was just try'na be nice!


The more and more I sat with her, the more beautiful she looked. It was crazy! B>


When she started to leave, I asked if anyone'd like boxin'. No one even responded. Gah, such a shame.


Soon enough, everyone was leavin' me in the dust.


Before I knew it, I was alone in there.


It hurt my feelings quite a bit, but at least Clucky had my back.


It was then that things started getting a little strange. I went down to see where my gang had left.


Some huge commotion was goin' on, and when I asked- outta' nowhere I was bein' framed for stabbin' 'em!


Now, I'm a man of honesty, and when someone's gonna' lie about me like that, they're gonna' get what's comin' to them. So I rocketed outta' there and ran for my life!


End of Part 1.

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Part 2.

Right as I ran, I passed by a poor sucker who looked like he'd just had the life beaten out of him. It was the Terminator!


I decided to help the poor bugger, and took him into the dorms to keep him comfy and hidden from the public eye. No one could know who was behind the mask.



Right as I was tucking him in, one of those evil machines ran in and started barking orders at us! It was like it was gonna' tear us in half!


I wasn't gonna' let it take my friends, so I stood my ground!



Then my friend told me what was really happening. The machines were rebelling, and both me and Hugo were now loose ends. I kicked the machine out and called for a doctor.


But the doctor was in on it too! She was kidnapping my friend!


I couldn't stop them! I didn't want to hurt nobody!


Then they closed the door on my face, and took away my best friend. His words still haunt me to this day.


I didn't know who I could turn to. Then I realized it. Hugo was my only friend, and I'd do anything to get him back. So I took action.


I didn't make it long, but I proved to them that I was a force to be reckoned with. They told me all sorts of evil lies that Hugo was a criminal. I know who Hugo was. He was a saint.



They were neglecting his health. He was dying! I told them to help him, but they just wouldn't. They tossed me in a cell, and the last sane words I heard Hugo say were...





Then we were separated. And taken away from one another. They started to dive through my possessions.







I was all alone, and lost. Hugo was in his cell, screaming and fighting for his live. He was going mad with fear.


Then they threw me in there with him. With my old friend. We were losing our minds, and they only wanted us to kill each other. I had to put my skills to use. I fought like Hell. Gouged his eyes out. Threw him through the tables. I was a flawless boxer, and poor Hugo never stood a chance against me.


Then came the gas. It was everywhere, and the fight was only making me inhale it faster. Before I knew it, my legs gave out. And then darkness surrounded me.


I awoke in a different cell, this time with Hugo. Our sanity had returned, we were no longer fighting dogs. We were brothers once more.


Hugo still hated the warden, though.


Really hated him. So they moved us, to another cell. Darker. No linoleum. Just spiders and piping.



The guards had no patience left. They wanted blood. They started to flash us whenever we stood up. It was madness.



I never think I'll make it out. Feels like days are beginning to pass. Weeks, more like.


Sometimes the warden comes with dogfood to throw at us. Sometimes I don't know if I'm dreaming or not. I can still see it - my watch, in my dreams.


But it's never real.



This is my new home, and it seems I'll be here until the end of time. I wish I could have been there for Hugo. He died in his cell a few minutes ago. I only heard about it when listening to the guards speaking, outside.

End of Part 2.

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Part 3: The End.

I still see poor Hugo in my dreams, at night. Or whenever I sleep. I'll never forget his last sane words he told me. I knew he would never hurt anyone.


Someone's coming. I must hide.


My time... Is it true? Am I finally free?


I'm walking down security corridor. They finally gave me my watch and belongings. I can finally go back to my old career.


Freedom, at last. I can't believe it!


I hear Hugo might get cloned! I should sharpen up at the locker room before I pay him a visit.


Ahhh, back to where it all started. Funny, isn't i--


...Who's that in the corner? Oh no.


Fight on, Joey! Hold in there!


I can't feel anything. Medics and security members are standing all around me, amidst a sea of bodies. I see Ana Roh'hi'tin face me, while I sit, mixed this group of bald savages. She pulls her pistol.


Then she fires.


The End.

Hoep yuo enjoiyed and se the importanse of beeng nic 2 bal ppl

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I don't find it funny, it is very sad...

"Except what actually happened was I got neglected in medical for 40 minutes and when I went to walk out I broke every bone in my head and died."

Why medical did not care about him?

And why the security officer shot Joey's head?


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I don't find it funny, it is very sad...

"Except what actually happened was I got neglected in medical for 40 minutes and when I went to walk out I broke every bone in my head and died."

Why medical did not care about him?

And why the security officer shot Joey's head?



Because he was a baldie. The most neglected and mistreated type of player in ss13.

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