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Nanotoxins Moderator Application

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Basic Information

Byond Account:Nanotoxin

Preferred means of contact: Forum PM's, Skype

Age: 18

Timezone: EST

How often do you visit/use our forums?: I'm on the forums every day, as I browse them at work.


How long have you been with our community: I've been with this community since late last september

Do you have any experience in forum moderation or administration?: I do. I've been a moderator on a prison server for CS:S, a Garry's mod Prop hunt server, and have adminned two different Minecraft servers.

Have you ever been banned from our server or forum, and if so, how long and why?: I have not.


Why do you play SS13?: I play Space station 13 because I enjoy being able to interact with such a large community in such a way that isn't 360 no scopes, or hacking and slashing. I'm actually able to have conversations, make friends and enjoy myself fairly well.

Why do you play on Aurora?: I play on Aurora because I enjoy the Aurora code, and immensley enjoy the community/player base. I have made a lot of friends on this server, and I always enjoy making more.

What do moderators do?:Moderators assist the admins in whatever task they need assisted with, to make their lives easier. They help contain any outbursts that may arise on the server, as well as help out game mechanic questions.

What does it mean to be a moderator for our community?: I'd say a moderator for this community is the same as any other community. To watch over the community, make sure everyone is enjoying themselves while also following the rules and guidelines.

Why do you want to be a moderator?: I want to be a moderator because I want to be the change I want to see. I don't want to complain about the server, I'd actively like to improve upon what is already a good server. I'd like to help all those who need it and make sure admins are happy.

What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: As of late, I've come to a spritual, and have become much more self away in my actions and behaviours. I have also stopped using any type of illicit drug and I think I have returned to when I was an admirable person. I am able to maintain professionalism in any sort of situation. I like for problems to be worked out and talked about. I enjoy helping and including people.

How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I handle them very well. I'm much more relaxed and able to handle any situation thrown my way. I'm also willing to provide examples to back these claims up, if need be.

Anything Else You Want to Add: I thank you for taking the time to read over my application.


The recent posts regarding issues like Cassy's ban is not fit for a moderator. The fact that you own a skype chat with people that are kind of well, somewhat controversial, and many more things, is why'd I'd never give any staff position to Nanotoxin, or ever commend.



I see your point of view and reasons for concern. I would like to clear some things up,

With the recent posts regarding Cassys ban and server, I had attempted to be level headed, professional and aware of points on both sides, and I think I succeeded for the most part. As for owning the group, that should be irrelevant. They know I wont be swayed by their opinion, and neither have the other staff that has been in the group.


I'm going to preface this with: Abstaining, because I'd rather not hurt your chances for a moderation position for another time or another place.

I will say this, though. What occurred left me with a bad taste in my mouth, and probably several others.

Honestly, I think the timing couldn't have really been any worse in terms of moderator applications.

Given that the fires have just now died down, maybe it's a little too early to tell whether or not you'll be a good mod.

Basically, "Not right now. Perhaps the next time around" is my line of thought.

The recent posts regarding issues like Cassy's ban is not fit for a moderator.

You'd probably want to link to specific posts to avoid making this a blanket statement. I won't bother digging through Nanotoxin's entire post history, but I don't remember him saying anything particularly inflammatory or otherwise inappropriate in the recent threads we've had.

Remember, people, it's not because somebody has been involved in drama that they're necessarily bad. Make sure you clearly understand the reasons why you'd have a grudge to hold against that somebody before judging them. It's really easy to make unfounded assumptions, otherwise.


You've applied a good few times now, so let me ask you this. Is there any improvement you think you've made to yourself, or your conduct? Or more generally, what's different now?

Another point. Purely out of curiosity. You said that loyalty to friends is admirable, but not desireable in a member of staff. Did you mean that outright, ending with a full stop? If so, why?

You've applied a good few times now, so let me ask you this. Is there any improvement you think you've made to yourself, or your conduct? Or more generally, what's different now?

Another point. Purely out of curiosity. You said that loyalty to friends is admirable, but not desireable in a member of staff. Did you mean that outright, ending with a full stop? If so, why?


Any improvments to myself? Oh Geez. Well for one, I'm completely indifferent towards the person I had had conflicts with before. I'm aware that what I had posted on her moderator app seems petty, but if I had seen a friend of mine moderate a server in such a manner, I would make sure the staff was informed of that persons past as well. I had a terrible history with cocaine, which has since been rectified.(clean since june 14th). As such, I'm not as easily annoyed or angered by things as well as being able to think clearer about my words and actions. And although it isn't much to you, have I found myself spiritually, which has had me in such a better mood all the time.

In regards to the second point, it was meant in context with what I had said about Thundy. That she was loyal to a fault. However, I do think that loyalty to friends is acceptable, until it gets to a certain point. Where they would do special things for X, or ignore Y to do things for X.


My thoughts...?

I didn't really have a good impression of Nanotoxin at first. He made a thread a few months ago where I thought he kinda looked like a tool (the one about rogue nuke ops where it kinda seemed like he ditched his operatives for kicks), then there was obscure relationship drama pretty much everyone knows about. /However/, since then, he's acted... fairly decent?

I mean, I don't know if he'd make a good mod or not. Perhaps he's killing babies in his free time and everyone on staff knows about that and that's why they're reluctant to give him a shot. But if there's nothing like that, like... give him a trial? I know there's a few people I've harshly judged on first contact who ended up being very mature and valuable additions to the community months later (heck, I jobbanned Jackboot because I thought he was doing a terrible job at playing heads of staff and now I'm convinced he's the best loremaster we could have).

And I don't really know Nanotoxin. I never spoke to him personally. So for the record, this is all an outsider's perspective.


I had a terrible history with cocaine, which has since been rectified.(clean since june 14th).
Coming to terms with an addiction and taking the proper steps to dealing with it is no easy endeavor. Congratulations on staying clean.

I have been tossing up on whether to post here or not. I found Nano's post on my moderator application to be quite biased and I don't believe he portrayed me accurately. In respect of his opinion, however, I won't broach that here.

What I will say is that, respectfully, I would have to withdraw my application if you decide to accept Nano. I do not wish to put any pressure on that staff to accommodate me and I would, with nano there, not be able to do my job.

I have been tossing up on whether to post here or not. I found Nano's post on my moderator application to be quite biased and I don't believe he portrayed me accurately. In respect of his opinion, however, I won't broach that here.

What I will say is that, respectfully, I would have to withdraw my application if you decide to accept Nano. I do not wish to put any pressure on that staff to accommodate me and I would, with nano there, not be able to do my job.

As I said, I would be able to get statements from others, but that is not for this thread.

I would encourage you not to retract your application however, as I stated, I am completely indifferent towards you, so if you wish to be a moderator, then you should and will be able to do so without hassle on my end.

I have been tossing up on whether to post here or not. I found Nano's post on my moderator application to be quite biased and I don't believe he portrayed me accurately. In respect of his opinion, however, I won't broach that here.

What I will say is that, respectfully, I would have to withdraw my application if you decide to accept Nano. I do not wish to put any pressure on that staff to accommodate me and I would, with nano there, not be able to do my job.

As I said, I would be able to get statements from others, but that is not for this thread.

I would encourage you not to retract your application however, as I stated, I am completely indifferent towards you, so if you wish to be a moderator, then you should and will be able to do so without hassle on my end.


You have things to site from my past, from more then a year ago, which would, in your words, make me "not be fit for a moderator."

I do not feel that it's fair. If you cannot look past previous mistakes, then no one should be moderator. I'm sure you wouldn't want someone bringing up all the things you've previously done in this regard.

I would have to withdraw if you were accepted. I could not see anything but conflict arising from us working together.

I have been tossing up on whether to post here or not. I found Nano's post on my moderator application to be quite biased and I don't believe he portrayed me accurately. In respect of his opinion, however, I won't broach that here.

What I will say is that, respectfully, I would have to withdraw my application if you decide to accept Nano. I do not wish to put any pressure on that staff to accommodate me and I would, with nano there, not be able to do my job.

As I said, I would be able to get statements from others, but that is not for this thread.

I would encourage you not to retract your application however, as I stated, I am completely indifferent towards you, so if you wish to be a moderator, then you should and will be able to do so without hassle on my end.


You have things to site from my past, from more then a year ago, which would, in your words, make me "not be fit for a moderator."

I do not feel that it's fair. If you cannot look past previous mistakes, then no one should be moderator. I'm sure you wouldn't want someone bringing up all the things you've previously done in this regard.

I would have to withdraw if you were accepted. I could not see anything but conflict arising from us working together.

I've come to terms with my misakes, and they've made me who I am today. If you would like to bring them up and discuss them, then you are free to. I had simply brought up the topic of your previous admin/mod expirience on your moderator application. It was relevant to the topic.However, if you don't think you are able to work with me, that is fine. Out of respect for you, if you are to be accepted, I will take my down so that you are not uncomfortable.


I like that you two are trying to respectfully tell each other to "fuck off". However either of you being willing to take back your desire to be staff due to another person shows me that you don't want it enough to look past differences. This can lead to grudges being held against non-staff in a manner that I don't see good for the server. I don't support or not support in particular, Nano. I'm just stating what I feel about your current stance.

I like that you two are trying to respectfully tell each other to "fuck off". However either of you being willing to take back your desire to be staff due to another person shows me that you don't want it enough to look past differences. This can lead to grudges being held against non-staff in a manner that I don't see good for the server. I don't support or not support in particular, Nano. I'm just stating what I feel about your current stance.

No, I am more than willing to look past it. I don't think you read what I wrote right, or I didn't word it correctly. I am more than willing to work with her, and am in no way telling her to "fuck off". I said I would redact my application if she were to be accepted, as not to cause her discomfort or whatever it is it would cause. My history with her would not affect my professional relationship with her.


Out of respect for you, if you are to be accepted, I will take my down so that you are not ncomfortable.

*Edit - When I said this, I meant If she is accepted, I would step down, not to cause problems.


I can respect that. I'm still not placing a support or no support here though. I really don't know you outside of a handful of forum posts I've read and this application.

I can respect that. I'm still not placing a support or no support here though. I really don't know you outside of a handful of forum posts I've read and this application.

Completely understandable. Thanks for bringing up your concerns though, if you have any more feel free to bring them up.

Given that the both of you have history, I'm willing to believe that both of your applications (not just one or the other) are both compromised in the fact of the matter that, well.

Both of you have history.

And this is only going to become problematic, unless by some act of God, the both of you learn to get along/ignore each other's existence.

But I'm not going to be foolish in saying that's what should happen, because I know it won't.

As much as I know about the situation as has been told by a certain person or two, this is extremely concerning. It's horrid timing and circumstance that the both of you are applying for moderator.

I don't think the staff are going to take chances here, one way or the other. In their position, neither would I.

I'm going to have to give a firm, "No", even though I do believe Thundy would be a good moderator, but I'm extremely worried about conduct issues from the both of you. That, however, is my two cents.


As I've said in Thundy's thread, it's only fair I post my say here, too.

My vote here is also going to be a 'no'. I'm not going to let on specific details, but the both of you share history and certain characteristics/behavioral patterns when you happen to be in the presence or vicinity of each other.

Given what I've been told about past actions about you, Nano, I'm extremely tentative about the thought of you being a moderator.

A lot of people have their own reservations about you (some less private about it than others), and I would argue they are correct in some measures.

If an administrator (read as: if you're snooping and it doesn't need to be your business, it's not your business) or some such would like to know exactly why I feel this way, and as to why I do not believe Nano is fit to be a moderator at this time, feel free to make an inquiry with me, in which I'll run by Nano before discussing certain subjects.

To summarize: No, because of past (and somewhat rather recent) conduct issues that make me question the applicant's general character and attributions. It is nothing personal, but it is the concerns I currently have at this time.


It's been a lot of work, but I do believe that I am able to be get along with Thundy, or at the least, act professional.

I'll be honest. After Thundy and I had broken up, I had resorted to what I had done in the past to cope with things. Usually pot but, this time I took a harder drug. I had become a very angry, volatile, vengeful person. I had done things I regret immensely. Around the begining of last month is when I had realised what a shit I had become. I had started turning my life around at that point though.

They're valid concerns, and no doubt shouldn't be ignored. Also, I'm fairly aware of what concerns/incidents Delta has, and you're free to bring them up in this thread. I'll address them publicly and put the issue to bed.


Okay. Since I am not the Head Admin anymore, the decision does not lie with me. But. There is a point you raised, perhaps in an effort to clear up the past actions, that is making me very cautious about even considering endorsement.

Oh, and please don't take offence. I mean none, this is just my honest trail of thought.

Point one, stress can cause relapse. Simple as that. Getting moderator status would almost certainly put you into stressful situations, and, if what you say is true, end oh so very terribly for you.

And even if you think you can manage it, I'm going to call your judgement off on that count.

Point two. No, seriously. Personal health first. I appreciate the fact that you're a person who is persistently wanting to push himself into Mod, so he can contribute more. But. Yeah. Plus, this creates a whole lot of new variables that I, were I still a head admin, would not want to bother myself with (purely for my own sanity).


In all my experience playing video games, I have never been gotten upset at the game, perhaps enough to write a player complaint, but never screaming in rage. The day that a game stresses me out to the point where I relapse would be the day I quit video games forever. This game is about having fun and bringing people together who would not normally be together. As staff on other servers and games, I have certainly had my fair share of stress inducing people, such as dense people, greifers, rdm'rs, children, and the like, but I handled them with ease. I've certainly handled much more stressful situations since quitting, and have not even thought about it. But yes, my judgement may be off as you say.

I'm not sure what you meant by the second point, it seems to me just to strengthen the first one? I appreciate your concern for my personal health, but I've grown from my mistakes and have seen the positives and the negatives from their outcome. But hell, Even an idiot understands that a hot stove burns, and I'd like to think that I'm a tad smarter than that.

I understand your concern, and I appreciate you bringing it up, as relapse could be a problem in the future, and I don't mean to say your jobs aren't stressful here, but I don't see me going back because of a video game.


This ain't just a videogame, though, this is an online community. Easier to get upset, easier to encounter drama.

Anyway, I understand the sentiment, personally. Back when I was headmin, things weren't particularly stressful (mostly because my staff was so nice), but there was a lot to do, certain delicate situations to deal with, and a lot of pressure to get everything done and to do it right. Nevertheless, I really thrived on being able to manage the community. So I get that people can be in certain high-stress situations and do just fine - and even enjoy it.

  • 3 weeks later...

I too feel as if I must redact my application. I am nowhere near as active now as I once was. To be completely honest, I had only joined to finish off some character stories with Nebula and Sierra, but I had hardly seen them online when I joined.

I have started focusing more on my physical fitness as opposed to video games, so I will probably continue this inactiveness. I do, however, appreciate your consideration and hope the server and its inhabitants co tinues and enjoys themselves.

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