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A clear definition of when it's EOR and when EOR rules apply




There's been mixxed signals about when it's still ok to do antag actions in departures, and when it's okay to discuss the round in OOC when the shuttle is called.

Currently, I've been getting mixxed signals on when discussing the round is OK. A few people think it's fine when the shuttle docks, I've had staff tell me the shuttle has to leave the Aurora, and others tell me the shuttle has to arrive on the Odin first.

As for antag actions, I have no idea. It seems sometimes it's not allowed when the shuttle docks, sometimes it's only not allowed in departures, sometimes it can happen up until the shuttle docks, and then only banned in the shuttle and departures and fine anywhere else.

What's the exact stance on these?

5 answers to this question

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IC in OOC: Only fine after the shuttle departs. That is what the staff has been enforcing since I was a trial moderator, and it still holds true.

EOR: Applies to starboard primary hallway, escape, CT/escape shuttle, and Odin once the shuttle has docked. Anywhere outside of those designated areas, hostile actions can be taken by antagonists without repercussion, but if staff ask you to stop, then you should stop because we might be in the middle of messaging someone on the Odin for EOR, and then getting 3 logs per burst fire from a Nuke Op in the bridge will be heavily getting in the way.

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I've been told that reasonably RPed antagonist actions can still happen in places like departures, even after the shuttle docks. Lets say the antags have spent the whole round setting up to prevent the crew from leaving via RP. As the shuttle gets called they alert the crew that people entering departures will be killed and place up a blockade of sorts. Now, once the shuttle arrives they should not be expected to instantly abandon those actions. Their ability to maintain hostile actions should be able to remain all the way up until the shuttle departs and even until the round restarts. I feel that it's only reasonable.

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Personally, I believe the rule should be refined to; No actions that could damage the shuttle so much it's unable to launch and thus the server requires a restart vote.

It does not make sense logically, on a HRP server, to have an entire wing of the station reserved as a safe area for crew to run to when a transfer is called.

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  Xelnagahunter said:
I've been told that reasonably RPed antagonist actions can still happen in places like departures, even after the shuttle docks. Lets say the antags have spent the whole round setting up to prevent the crew from leaving via RP. As the shuttle gets called they alert the crew that people entering departures will be killed and place up a blockade of sorts. Now, once the shuttle arrives they should not be expected to instantly abandon those actions. Their ability to maintain hostile actions should be able to remain all the way up until the shuttle departs and even until the round restarts. I feel that it's only reasonable.

This has happened before.

Generally speaking, if there is a great deal of buildup, and appropriate measures have been taken to inform staff you aren't griefing, things can be allowed to slide to a degree, at least from what I've seen and done.

Disclaimer: Not an Official Answer. Personal account only.

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