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Remove TK from genetics, give it to antags as a choice.

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Telekinesis will never ever be useful to non-antag geneticists, it only serves to be the most irritating genetic power ever.

It is the absolute worst, it doesn't belong in the hands of a non-antag.

But instead, I have a suggestion.

Another traitor item.

A TK-injector, costs 7 TC. It's that expensive.

You now get TK at the cost of almost all of your points from your uplink. Nuke ops can pretend to be jedi, I guess, whatever right?




But on a more important note, something really should be done about genetics. Nobody cares that geneticists can see through walls, and nobody cares that they can have free cold resistance if they want to. But Telekinesis? That's really damn annoying to /everybody/ in the round. Something needs to be done about genetics. Making it antag only and removing the visual sprite could be pretty handy, if you made the objects thrown by it deal damage and have a higher cooldown.


I don't really understand what the "purpose" of x-ray vision and coldresist are. Nor why you'd want to remove TK yet hulk isn't even mentioned.

Maybe it's because you can do annoying stuff with TK? None of the powers are terribly useful to non-antags, sadly (they're sorta the end-goal of genetics). I'd argue that TK actually has its non-antaggy uses, though most of it involves hitting switches and buttons you shouldn't be able to hit.

Anyway, genetics should either get a rework or remain (mostly) untouched, but removing half of the major powers and leaving geneticists with nothing to do sounds kinda lame. (Though the job has always been in need of a rework to become something HRP-viable).



So, basically, I've already had this great big screaming argument. Not gonna have it again, don't have the energy.

The only thing I'll add to it is that Telekinetics isn't that strong. You can't grab people with it, you can't operate some machines, you can't use TK + Remote Viewing to any sort of real effect that I know of. It's a pretty niche power that can mostly be used to annoy people. It definitely doesn't rate 7 TC.

Genetics needs an overhaul, this dusty old powers batch is long exhausted of its fun potential.


So, basically, I've already had this great big screaming argument. Not gonna have it again, don't have the energy.

The only thing I'll add to it is that Telekinetics isn't that strong. You can't grab people with it, you can't operate some machines, you can't use TK + Remote Viewing to any sort of real effect that I know of. It's a pretty niche power that can mostly be used to annoy people. It definitely doesn't rate 7 TC.

Genetics needs an overhaul, this dusty old powers batch is long exhausted of its fun potential.


You can throw sharp/force objects at people. Glass shards are my favorite, stun batons are pretty funny too.

TK /is/ actually useful.

Posted (edited)

“Telekinesis will never ever be useful to non-antag geneticists, it only serves to be the most irritating genetic power ever.”

so let me just go down the list.

as non antag geneticist I’ve:

performed sex changes

grown protohumans for harvesting and transplant to remove mechanical organs

provided countless laughs with fur color

turned the station into hobbits vill

assisted in tracking down ninjas and other antags

assisted in body reconstruction

used several of the powers myself to assist in various department tasks.

whats that? Non-antag geneticists aren’t useful? What?

I am amazed how badly people flip out over TK. Yes I know it can be annoying when used in excess but when moving one locker once and your calling for perma brig (which is exactly what happened just the previous round) that’s too much. There are far worse things that are a daily on this server than TK. All last round showed is how people over react so badly that it breaks the game from there over reacting. I had to stop cloning people because someone was calling for my arrest over and over because a book was moved once (I wasn’t even using the damn powers). Their massive overload of metacomplaints is what started breaking down that round, not a book being moved once (it only escalated more because the backlash was so bad). You are trying to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Instead how bout we teach people to chill the fuck out. Simply arrest the one person that is messing around (not in an explosive reaction way but a simple arrest, the way you would any hooligan) and make them remove the power then hold them for hooliganism/contraband. That would have solved what happened in seconds. But no instead an arrest was called for all of genetics (even the ones just sitting in the lab talking) and everyone’s going to be mad about that.

*i suggest this with the mind that safi rarly actaully fucks around with tk*

Edited by Guest

FYI Furry, as much as Delta has been complaining about Geneticist stuff, he was on your side for the most part during the round itself. The CMO was freaking out and ordering a lot of frivolous arrests and we were kind of done with her. We got a lot of misinformation about what you were/weren't allowed to do before we realized arresting you was a huge waste of our time.

FYI Furry, as much as Delta has been complaining about Geneticist stuff, he was on your side for the most part during the round itself. The CMO was freaking out and ordering a lot of frivolous arrests and we were kind of done with her. We got a lot of misinformation about what you were/weren't allowed to do before we realized arresting you was a huge waste of our time.

I know, i felt so vindicated when delta said that in looc, im not mad at him in anyway and infact once he realized what happend i like how he treated it. I support the just idea of arrest the one fucking around, let the one thats not do their thing. I feel like safi was only told to remove hers to because it was eor and this whole thing exploded way more than ever needed to.


not mad at him in anyway but not agreeing with his suggestion eather


What I said in LOOC was me being pissed off for being manipulated by so many people because I couldn't get the facts straight, just an fyi. I was pissed off at people acting like shitters.

What I said in LOOC was me being pissed off for being manipulated by so many people because I couldn't get the facts straight, just an fyi. I was pissed off at people acting like shitters.

I know I figured XD. I still can’t tell if you realized it was how badly everyone was overreacting to this, or if your lumping safi in being a shitter to. I really loved this round as a prime example of how badly the over action and treatment of genetics is. What I did in that round, I could not possibly go about it with any more verification or approval then what I had. I did literally everything by the book and didn’t break one rule. Short of not having the power at all there is nothing I could have done to make sure I was following the rules any more so, as I was already following them to the letter. But still…this happened…


Lets keep this separate from the complaint, even though it was suggested because of the complaint.

There are things that can be roleplayed from TK and reading the round that the complaint and suggestion sprung from some people reacted in an RP manner to the TK abilities, others just ignored it.

As for passing it over to traitors? Honestly I will probably be expecting a suggestion for it to be removed from traitors after a while.

  • 4 weeks later...

You know - TK is only considered 'antaggy' BECAUSE security refuses it. But I've done tests yesterday - and, with proper security, TK and XRay makes them very useful - possibly even too useful against antags.

I say keep it in personally.

You know - TK is only considered 'antaggy' BECAUSE security refuses it. But I've done tests yesterday - and, with proper security, TK and XRay makes them very useful - possibly even too useful against antags.

I say keep it in personally.

i love how much sec complains about it. Then when i go and get full permission to give sec all the powers i dont get one volunteer XD
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