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TheFurry - Player Conduct Complaint

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: OneOneThreeEight

Player Byond Key: XXTheFurryXX (or whatever)

Staff involved: Anyone involved in the Chaznoodles complaint, also in my own complaint.

Reason for complaint: Exhibiting alarmist behavior patterns, extremely quick to throw around accusations of metagrudging based on IC issues, throws a fit in OOC spectrums whenever they don't get what they want in IC. Extreme OOC paranoia of security/command. Does not seem able to separate IC from OOC or able to enjoy the game with its positives and negatives. Extreme levels of bias.

Approximate Date/Time: Over the course of the past month, and today.

I'm going to start with how I was initially accused of breaking the Golden Rule as well as accused of metagrudging for IC actions, listed in this thread: http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=3494

I was extremely passive in this thread and I was quite honestly intentionally giving honeyed answers and not telling my experiences with TheFurry in greater detail than what should've been necessary to tell. My entire goal of it was to make it go away because I didn't have anything to lose or to actually be guilty of. So I admitted to some levels of 'guilt' just so that Furry can back off with his 'u r meatgrudging me' crusade and I can go back to playing the game with the people I enjoy roleplaying with and not have to bother with addressing that crap ever again.

Unfortunately, I have now realized that while Furry is still meeting his anti-meatgrudge crusade quota, there is absolutely no way anyone can sensibly roleplay with Furry without the aforementioned party throwing a fucking childish fit when things don't go their way in complaint boards.

I was much more miffed than I had let on when I saw that I was being wrongfully accused of metagrudging and for 'being a dick for no raisin.' This thread served as the first example where I was left with an awful taste in my mouth in regards to the conduct of this player.

Onward to the Chaznoodles complaint thread, where I was initially going to post a long, multi-paragraph post calling out the fallaciousness and incessant whining of TheFurry, until I saw SoundScopes state that everyone should back off of THAT thread. The point of this thread is to make this anti-meatgrudge crusade that Furry is waging on everyone who wrongs poor Safi in IC for not giving them all-access and a backrub, to stop. I've gotten very sick of this childish behavior and it does not deserve to continue on any longer than it already has. His behavior is completely unbecoming and can be equated to a toxic league of legends player on a terrible losing streak, and is extremely tilted.

Here was what I was going to post, it sums up the thread in my perspective from what I read in detail. Whether or not it is 100% correct is not up to me to decide, but the fact of the matter is is that Furry is once again complaining about an IC issue that could've been simply dealt with by making an incident report about it and calling it a day while the DOs get a chance to investigate.


Eight mins into the round Chaznoodles as captain denied a signature for a permission for me to be outside of genetics after testing. For those that don’t know unless you get this signature you either spend the entire round cooped up in your lab or cooped up in the brig. The stated reason was because I was playing a tajara. Now racism can be fun to rp at times, but using your whitelist privilege (captain no less) to push your weight around is not conducive to fun roleplay. His actions completely shuts down any potential of doing anything with genetics. The point of a whitelist is to encourage fun and enjoyable rp for players. Shutting down an entire lab and shutting down a players chance to play simply breaks that rule. Racist characters are fine, but a majorly racist head of staff that shut downs any fun any xeno could have is not what a whitelist is about.


dude what

How is this an OOC issue, at all? Oh, darn, he denied you the right to walk around medical with active genetic modifications. gee wilikers, it's almost as if this is an IC issue that could be brought up in an incident report to complain about, and it's a fighting chance that the DOs could make a precedent ruling on how genetics is to operate.

like, fuck, if you want a solution, there's a really easy way to go around this. Step one, backup your clean S.E. Step two, backup your genetically modified S.E. Step three, get your clean SE injector, use it, then walk out to do whatever. Step four, come back, inject yourself with your work and continue on doing stuff. This takes maybe 5 minutes to do and it causes zero problems.

Or we can just whine in a player complaint that we didn't get what we wanted like we always do at risk of throwing around metagrudge accusations at people who want absolutely nothing to do with your crap but are unfortunately forced into roleplaying with you and your problems. Yeah, let's do that instead.


Hi, before I left for work i was ghosting at the time and managed to watch this situation unfold. The captain played by chaz did indeed deny the executive permission form allowing you to leave your lab with the genetic modifications and explained to you that due to unrest and revolt of tajarans he considered it a security risk.

He also stated over command channel that you are free to experiment on yourself in your lab and a discussion was initiated between him and the RD katelynn mcmullen. The captain contested he found no reason that any meaningful research could be gained and considered it too risky, mostly yes because of your race.

Frankly I'm not sure if I consider this whitelist abuse. Chaz was quite willing to engage in discussion on the issue and give his reasons. I'm not sure if I agree that this decision completely shuts down your round either as you could simply save the relevant powers to discs and give yourself a clean SE when you wanted to leave. Annoying? Yes but I really feel like chaz was playing true to a particular character his created and the conflict born from it was quite interesting.


This is an amazingly logical explanation for his actions, and I do not see him in the wrong whatsoever. He made a decision based on variables that were logically relevant to the equation, specifically that you were Tajaran, and that the rest of the Tajaran were causing problems that shift because of whatever reason that I honestly don't give two shits about, it sounds like this should've been resolved IC.

There was roleplay between the captain and the RD, and the captain DID actually allow you, Furry, to do whatever you wanted within the confines of your lab. Consider this: A xenobiologist would not be expected (nor allowed) to perform slime tests outside of the xenobiology lab because of the potentially high risks involved. Hell, if they ever bring their work outside of their lab I fully expect them to be prosecuted on the terms and conditions of Directive Four. This makes sense, this is purely practical and logical in every sense and I don't understand why you have a problem with this parallel. I'm worried you're actually horridly biased here, or at least taking this way too fucking personally.


The captain did not override the research director's opinion that you should be allowed to self-test, which means he did not overstep his bounds. No exceeding of official powers occurred, no member of command staff is obliged to sign that waiver of yours, and sometimes your boss is going to snub you. It happens, it's part of life.


This is extremely important here, and all things considered, the captain reserves the right to override an order from a department head of staff if they believe it better fits the goal of productivity and a safe/non-chaotic workspace. They didn't actually do this, they merely said they weren't going to approve of a geneticist taking their research out of their designated lab.


On the contrary, while its possible i may be mistaken i did not once witness the captain use any form of slur such as cat or furball. Perhaps safiya did and in missing it but overall i found him to be quite respectful about it despite the issue being racially motivated.


Also an important point. The captain was witnessed by an impartial party to be respectful and be operating within the realm of procedure.


Chaz has Ooc obligations and responsibilities as a white listed player to encourage fun and interesting role play situations for the crew. Having an ic reason to behave the way he does, doesn’t exempt his responsibility as a whitelisted player. He played a great racist character, but he broke a big rule for whitelisted players and that is to encourage not hamper the enjoyment for other players in the round. If he wants to play a racist character that is fine, but don’t let him do it in a position where he can affect so many so negatively by avoiding responsibly of making this a fun atmosphere. (how many xenos play regularly?). That is the center of the complaint here. As nightmare said “are we really going to have to always deal with racism and shutting down xenos roleplay because captain.


Right, I'm sorry, the kid gloves come off here. This statement is a load of privileged shit and it's absolutely absurd you're saying this. Command staff do NOT have an obligation to cater to the needs of the crew. They have an obligation to do their job and manage their assigned lanes. OOCly, Whitelisted players have an obligation to not be griefing, irresponsible shitters, and to not catastrophically fail repeatedly. In the sake of the captain, they have sufficient enough power to step into a lane when needed in order to speed up bureaucracy/work productivity and get shit done. Peons get shit on by their boss all the time and get told "no", this is not a new thing and I don't know why you're treating like it is a terrible thing for RP. Chaz's actions as a captain made sense.


So we're allowed to kill people who speak another language over comms? Purrrrfect. And yes, Tajara could be widely discriminated, as you say. But I do not think that NanoTrasen would openly promote that, you won't be able to convince me of that. And Tajara were discovered and taken in about 100 years ago? So, I don't think that any current captain (this one in particular) would be in post before hand. No one wants a free pass, but being openly racist like that makes no sense in a professional setting. Discriminated or not


I bet it got your fucking attention, and I hope it did, because it's pretty clear that was the intention. To get your catbeasts to shut the absolute fuck up and stop being shits. You and Furry both roleplay extremely defiant and anti-authoritarian characters, and it gets downright annoying how much you both borderline self-antagonize sometimes. You less than Furry, to be honest. Unfortunately, IC issue.


I have to agree with Furry. Whitelisted players are obligated to help expand roleplay, and furry was literally forced to sit in a tiny lab because of the captain. Not only that, but if racism and lore were meant to coincide with jobs and the function of the station so much, Taj wouldn't be heads, Unathi wouldn't be heads, sec, science, or anything outside of general bitch work because of everything going on right now in Unathi lore.


they can literally play any other job are you fucking kidding me

No. No, no, no, no. Geneticists are not FORCED to do anything. What this is, is a case of a complete lack of creativity and an unwillingness to do something interesting with their position and ROLEPLAY something.

Also, irrelevant lore argument.

Skipping more discussion between Furry and Garn, as they've covered points already.


Really? That’s what your going to go with? Let’s take a raise of hands, how many people think the captain will ever be punished ic for doing anything short of just shooting a cat? Now let’s take a raise of hands of how many xenos are going to have an unfun time rping with this damn captain. This is whitelist abuse because he’s using his position of power to create an unfun time for a large majority of players.


I'm raising my hand right now in favor of the captain being open to punishment in IC, but not if you're never going to take it up to the people who actually volunteer to administrate in character as the Duty Officers. Like, seriously, use the freaking incident reports to make a complaint. It's unbelievable how you guys are using the OOC complaints more than the IC ones. Also, I'm staying my hand in the case of the xenos crying about this certain captain, because that's a stretch of an assertion.

I would assume that if you're causing trouble as a xeno race, you're going to be singled out as someone who causes trouble and for being a troublemaking xeno. That's how it works when you're the minority.


Right, after reading all of that nonsense, I figure you all want a break. Reiterating the bad conduct of Furry, once again: Flinging wild accusations of meatgrudge based on logical IC action, extreme OOC paranoia of security/command staff characters and players that seeps into IC, completely unable to separate IC from OOC and enjoy the game how it was meant to be played: To let the story tell itself and have a short story be told about yet another shift/round on the NSS Aurora, aka Space Station 13, and not to attempt in rewriting it so that certain characters get unfair plot shields while everyone else gets the butt end of the Deus Ex Machina. Furry is also extremely biased and very difficult to logically argue with in the state when their own characters are threatened in some way or don't get their own way.

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: OneOneThreeEight

Player Byond Key: XXTheFurryXX (or whatever)

Staff involved: Anyone involved in the Chaznoodles complaint, also in my own complaint.

Reason for complaint: Exhibiting alarmist behavior patterns, extremely quick to throw around accusations of metagrudging based on IC issues, throws a fit in OOC spectrums whenever they don't get what they want in IC. Extreme OOC paranoia of security/command. Does not seem able to separate IC from OOC or able to enjoy the game with its positives and negatives. Extreme levels of bias.

Approximate Date/Time: Over the course of the past month, and today.

I'm going to start with how I was initially accused of breaking the Golden Rule as well as accused of metagrudging for IC actions, listed in this thread: http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=3494

I was extremely passive in this thread and I was quite honestly intentionally giving honeyed answers and not telling my experiences with TheFurry in greater detail than what should've been necessary to tell. My entire goal of it was to make it go away because I didn't have anything to lose or to actually be guilty of. So I admitted to some levels of 'guilt' just so that Furry can back off with his 'u r meatgrudging me' crusade and I can go back to playing the game with the people I enjoy roleplaying with and not have to bother with addressing that crap ever again.

Unfortunately, I have now realized that while Furry is still meeting his anti-meatgrudge crusade quota, there is absolutely no way anyone can sensibly roleplay with Furry without the aforementioned party throwing a fucking childish fit when things don't go their way in complaint boards.

I was much more miffed than I had let on when I saw that I was being wrongfully accused of metagrudging and for 'being a dick for no raisin.' This thread served as the first example where I was left with an awful taste in my mouth in regards to the conduct of this player.

Onward to the Chaznoodles complaint thread, where I was initially going to post a long, multi-paragraph post calling out the fallaciousness and incessant whining of TheFurry, until I saw SoundScopes state that everyone should back off of THAT thread. The point of this thread is to make this anti-meatgrudge crusade that Furry is waging on everyone who wrongs poor Safi in IC for not giving them all-access and a backrub, to stop. I've gotten very sick of this childish behavior and it does not deserve to continue on any longer than it already has. His behavior is completely unbecoming and can be equated to a toxic league of legends player on a terrible losing streak, and is extremely tilted.

Here was what I was going to post, it sums up the thread in my perspective from what I read in detail. Whether or not it is 100% correct is not up to me to decide, but the fact of the matter is is that Furry is once again complaining about an IC issue that could've been simply dealt with by making an incident report about it and calling it a day while the DOs get a chance to investigate.


Eight mins into the round Chaznoodles as captain denied a signature for a permission for me to be outside of genetics after testing. For those that don’t know unless you get this signature you either spend the entire round cooped up in your lab or cooped up in the brig. The stated reason was because I was playing a tajara. Now racism can be fun to rp at times, but using your whitelist privilege (captain no less) to push your weight around is not conducive to fun roleplay. His actions completely shuts down any potential of doing anything with genetics. The point of a whitelist is to encourage fun and enjoyable rp for players. Shutting down an entire lab and shutting down a players chance to play simply breaks that rule. Racist characters are fine, but a majorly racist head of staff that shut downs any fun any xeno could have is not what a whitelist is about.


dude what

How is this an OOC issue, at all? Oh, darn, he denied you the right to walk around medical with active genetic modifications. gee wilikers, it's almost as if this is an IC issue that could be brought up in an incident report to complain about, and it's a fighting chance that the DOs could make a precedent ruling on how genetics is to operate.

like, fuck, if you want a solution, there's a really easy way to go around this. Step one, backup your clean S.E. Step two, backup your genetically modified S.E. Step three, get your clean SE injector, use it, then walk out to do whatever. Step four, come back, inject yourself with your work and continue on doing stuff. This takes maybe 5 minutes to do and it causes zero problems.

Or we can just whine in a player complaint that we didn't get what we wanted like we always do at risk of throwing around metagrudge accusations at people who want absolutely nothing to do with your crap but are unfortunately forced into roleplaying with you and your problems. Yeah, let's do that instead.


Hi, before I left for work i was ghosting at the time and managed to watch this situation unfold. The captain played by chaz did indeed deny the executive permission form allowing you to leave your lab with the genetic modifications and explained to you that due to unrest and revolt of tajarans he considered it a security risk.

He also stated over command channel that you are free to experiment on yourself in your lab and a discussion was initiated between him and the RD katelynn mcmullen. The captain contested he found no reason that any meaningful research could be gained and considered it too risky, mostly yes because of your race.

Frankly I'm not sure if I consider this whitelist abuse. Chaz was quite willing to engage in discussion on the issue and give his reasons. I'm not sure if I agree that this decision completely shuts down your round either as you could simply save the relevant powers to discs and give yourself a clean SE when you wanted to leave. Annoying? Yes but I really feel like chaz was playing true to a particular character his created and the conflict born from it was quite interesting.


This is an amazingly logical explanation for his actions, and I do not see him in the wrong whatsoever. He made a decision based on variables that were logically relevant to the equation, specifically that you were Tajaran, and that the rest of the Tajaran were causing problems that shift because of whatever reason that I honestly don't give two shits about, it sounds like this should've been resolved IC.

There was roleplay between the captain and the RD, and the captain DID actually allow you, Furry, to do whatever you wanted within the confines of your lab. Consider this: A xenobiologist would not be expected (nor allowed) to perform slime tests outside of the xenobiology lab because of the potentially high risks involved. Hell, if they ever bring their work outside of their lab I fully expect them to be prosecuted on the terms and conditions of Directive Four. This makes sense, this is purely practical and logical in every sense and I don't understand why you have a problem with this parallel. I'm worried you're actually horridly biased here, or at least taking this way too fucking personally.


The captain did not override the research director's opinion that you should be allowed to self-test, which means he did not overstep his bounds. No exceeding of official powers occurred, no member of command staff is obliged to sign that waiver of yours, and sometimes your boss is going to snub you. It happens, it's part of life.


This is extremely important here, and all things considered, the captain reserves the right to override an order from a department head of staff if they believe it better fits the goal of productivity and a safe/non-chaotic workspace. They didn't actually do this, they merely said they weren't going to approve of a geneticist taking their research out of their designated lab.


On the contrary, while its possible i may be mistaken i did not once witness the captain use any form of slur such as cat or furball. Perhaps safiya did and in missing it but overall i found him to be quite respectful about it despite the issue being racially motivated.


Also an important point. The captain was witnessed by an impartial party to be respectful and be operating within the realm of procedure.


Chaz has Ooc obligations and responsibilities as a white listed player to encourage fun and interesting role play situations for the crew. Having an ic reason to behave the way he does, doesn’t exempt his responsibility as a whitelisted player. He played a great racist character, but he broke a big rule for whitelisted players and that is to encourage not hamper the enjoyment for other players in the round. If he wants to play a racist character that is fine, but don’t let him do it in a position where he can affect so many so negatively by avoiding responsibly of making this a fun atmosphere. (how many xenos play regularly?). That is the center of the complaint here. As nightmare said “are we really going to have to always deal with racism and shutting down xenos roleplay because captain.


Right, I'm sorry, the kid gloves come off here. This statement is a load of privileged shit and it's absolutely absurd you're saying this. Command staff do NOT have an obligation to cater to the needs of the crew. They have an obligation to do their job and manage their assigned lanes. OOCly, Whitelisted players have an obligation to not be griefing, irresponsible shitters, and to not catastrophically fail repeatedly. In the sake of the captain, they have sufficient enough power to step into a lane when needed in order to speed up bureaucracy/work productivity and get shit done. Peons get shit on by their boss all the time and get told "no", this is not a new thing and I don't know why you're treating like it is a terrible thing for RP. Chaz's actions as a captain made sense.


So we're allowed to kill people who speak another language over comms? Purrrrfect. And yes, Tajara could be widely discriminated, as you say. But I do not think that NanoTrasen would openly promote that, you won't be able to convince me of that. And Tajara were discovered and taken in about 100 years ago? So, I don't think that any current captain (this one in particular) would be in post before hand. No one wants a free pass, but being openly racist like that makes no sense in a professional setting. Discriminated or not


I bet it got your fucking attention, and I hope it did, because it's pretty clear that was the intention. To get your catbeasts to shut the absolute fuck up and stop being shits. You and Furry both roleplay extremely defiant and anti-authoritarian characters, and it gets downright annoying how much you both borderline self-antagonize sometimes. You less than Furry, to be honest. Unfortunately, IC issue.


I have to agree with Furry. Whitelisted players are obligated to help expand roleplay, and furry was literally forced to sit in a tiny lab because of the captain. Not only that, but if racism and lore were meant to coincide with jobs and the function of the station so much, Taj wouldn't be heads, Unathi wouldn't be heads, sec, science, or anything outside of general bitch work because of everything going on right now in Unathi lore.


they can literally play any other job are you fucking kidding me

No. No, no, no, no. Geneticists are not FORCED to do anything. What this is, is a case of a complete lack of creativity and an unwillingness to do something interesting with their position and ROLEPLAY something.

Also, irrelevant lore argument.

Skipping more discussion between Furry and Garn, as they've covered points already.


Really? That’s what your going to go with? Let’s take a raise of hands, how many people think the captain will ever be punished ic for doing anything short of just shooting a cat? Now let’s take a raise of hands of how many xenos are going to have an unfun time rping with this damn captain. This is whitelist abuse because he’s using his position of power to create an unfun time for a large majority of players.


I'm raising my hand right now in favor of the captain being open to punishment in IC, but not if you're never going to take it up to the people who actually volunteer to administrate in character as the Duty Officers. Like, seriously, use the freaking incident reports to make a complaint. It's unbelievable how you guys are using the OOC complaints more than the IC ones. Also, I'm staying my hand in the case of the xenos crying about this certain captain, because that's a stretch of an assertion.

I would assume that if you're causing trouble as a xeno race, you're going to be singled out as someone who causes trouble and for being a troublemaking xeno. That's how it works when you're the minority.


Right, after reading all of that nonsense, I figure you all want a break. Reiterating the bad conduct of Furry, once again: Flinging wild accusations of meatgrudge based on logical IC action, extreme OOC paranoia of security/command staff characters and players that seeps into IC, completely unable to separate IC from OOC and enjoy the game how it was meant to be played: To let the story tell itself and have a short story be told about yet another shift/round on the NSS Aurora, aka Space Station 13, and not to attempt in rewriting it so that certain characters get unfair plot shields while everyone else gets the butt end of the Deus Ex Machina. Furry is also extremely biased and very difficult to logically argue with in the state when their own characters are threatened in some way or don't get their own way.

Edited by Guest

So this is stemming back to my complaint against delta and the general treatment of genetics. Delta, your complaining that I made a complaint over having to spend almost every single round in the brig because I moved a locker. I’m sorry, having to spend every round in the brig because I moved a locker is not enjoyable. It’s not how the game was meant to be played and it makes for extremely poor story writing. You say I should “enjoy the game how it was meant to be played” and “let the story tell itself” can you explain to me how being in the brig every time you move a locker with genetics is how the game was mean to be played? Or how it makes for a grand story that I get to sit every round in one tiny box because security flipped out over genetics? No, my crusade against the treatment of genetics is valid.

you had an awful taste in your mouth? I had a terrible taste every time I was harm batoned by some security member for walking out side of genetics. I’m not complaining that I didn’t get my way every single time or mixing ooc issues with ic issues. I’m complaining that if I want to touch genetics then I get to be in a tiny box the rest of the game, which I don’t think that’s the way a roleplay game was meant to be played. So yes, I am going to complain about it because it’s a valid ooc thing to complain about. I let up about you metagrudging, i let up the ic ooc paranoia remnate from the treatment of travis davis. The only thing I still have problems with is when security abuses its power and I'm even letting up on that because it's being fixed. You are literally saying I'm a toxic player because i complained that i am tired of being stuck in a tiny box for wanting to roleplay and explore a specific job in a roleplaying game.

Now on to what sparked this complaint. Let me be clear with this, I never once said chaz is metagrudging. In fact I was extremely hesitant of even write the complaint at all. I was encouraged by four other players (one a mod) to go ahead and post the chaz complaint. I was going to let chaz be handled ICly over the issues that happened. But after explaining what happened to four friends every one of them told me to submit this complaint because they had a bad experience with chaz too and wanted the complaint submitted. Hell over half of what you were going to reply to (in that complaint) wasn’t even in response to my comments. In the end, I even backed off because I was satisfied that the DO’s handled it. I acknowledge that an IC report might have handled this appropriately but the reason I didn’t submit one is because; one until very recently the DO’s have been very ineffective; and two I was told by four others to submit this as an ooc complaint. I am not on some giant crusade against chaz or anyone else right now. I’ve been allowed to moderately do genetics and when I’m arrested reasonably I happily go along with it. Chazs complaint only exists because the lack of confidence in DO’s and I was told to submit one by a number of people.


So this is stemming back to my complaint against delta and the general treatment of genetics. Delta, your complaining that I made a complaint over having to spend almost every single round in the brig because I moved a locker. I’m sorry, having to spend every round in the brig because I moved a locker is not enjoyable. It’s not how the game was meant to be played and it makes for extremely poor story writing. You say I should “enjoy the game how it was meant to be played” and “let the story tell itself” can you explain to me how being in the brig every time you move a locker with genetics is how the game was mean to be played? Or how it makes for a grand story that I get to sit every round in one tiny box because security flipped out over genetics? No, my crusade against the treatment of genetics is valid.

you had an awful taste in your mouth? I had a terrible taste every time I was harm batoned by some security member for walking out side of genetics. I’m not complaining that I didn’t get my way every single time or mixing ooc issues with ic issues. I’m complaining that if I want to touch genetics then I get to be in a tiny box the rest of the game, which I don’t think that’s the way a roleplay game was meant to be played. So yes, I am going to complain about it because it’s a valid ooc thing to complain about. I let up about you metagrudging, i let up the ic ooc paranoia remnate from the treatment of travis davis. The only thing I still have problems with is when security abuses its power and I'm even letting up on that because it's being fixed. You are literally saying I'm a toxic player because i complained that i am tired of being stuck in a tiny box for wanting to roleplay and explore a specific job in a roleplaying game.

Now on to what sparked this complaint. Let me be clear with this, I never once said chaz is metagrudging. In fact I was extremely hesitant of even write the complaint at all. I was encouraged by four other players (one a mod) to go ahead and post the chaz complaint. I was going to let chaz be handled ICly over the issues that happened. But after explaining what happened to four friends every one of them told me to submit this complaint because they had a bad experience with chaz too and wanted the complaint submitted. Hell over half of what you were going to reply to (in that complaint) wasn’t even in response to my comments. In the end, I even backed off because I was satisfied that the DO’s handled it. I acknowledge that an IC report might have handled this appropriately but the reason I didn’t submit one is because; one until very recently the DO’s have been very ineffective; and two I was told by four others to submit this as an ooc complaint. I am not on some giant crusade against chaz or anyone else right now. I’ve been allowed to moderately do genetics and when I’m arrested reasonably I happily go along with it. Chazs complaint only exists because the lack of confidence in DO’s and I was told to submit one by a number of people.


Well then.

Since Chaz is banned from the forums, I'm speaking for him, and he had this to say.


"As I'm banned from the forums, I had to get someone else to post this for me. Much cheers to them for taking time out to do that.

Now, as an overthought, it's interesting that you decided to make a player complaint during the round in which the happenings took place, due to an IC issue. I believe you broke more rules right there than I did by denying your request. Since when was denying paperwork ever grounds for a complaint, anyway?

1. I'd like to know whom the 4 players backing you up on making a complaint are, because if it's the people I'm thinking, then it's metafriends/metagrudging issues.

2. I would also like to know how proper and thought-out IC reasoning designed as part of the character's background, that had no major impact on any player aside from yourself who decided to take a pissfit, is grounds for an OOC complaint.

3. At no point did I threaten to shoot Tajarans, whether in a previous round or anything. If the staff check the logs, they will see that I asked Tajaran to desist from using catbeast language over the public comms, at which the character was told 'fuck you', and called 'a bitch', at which point I asked the HoP to use Telecomms to mute them from public comms as a breaking of the radio misuse Space Law crime.

4. The IC reasoning behind the refusal to sign the form which was brought to the character was this: Since Tajaran recently rebelled and killed numerous humans, others and their own kind, having one walking about aboard a top-secret, high-tech experimental research facility could be perceived as a threat to station safety and security. Alongside this, due to Genetics being an experimental department, allowing it out into public areas where the Genetic user could be subject to genetic instability (such as serious wounds or death) would be a danger to the mental health of the crew.

5. At no time were you 'forced to sit in a tiny lab'. You were perfectly welcome to wander about as long as you did not have powers. Using a clean SE is a good method to this, if you actually know Genetics. Test powers whilst in the controlled testing environment of the Genetics lab, and remove them when going outside. Simple as.

6. As a whitelisted player, there is a responsibility to act within your department and be a good head. There is no responsibility to bow to the whim of any player who wants to do what they want, to do so would be bad RP. By doing this, I created a situation which could have been explored through RP ICly, but you instead decided to throw a fit and make a complaint, which is bad conduct. The first rule of improvisation is take what someone else says, go with it, and add more as it progresses.

7. On another follwing note, I'd like to say the character was not a racist. They took into account the happenings on Tajplanet, and made an educated choice based on these. I clearly stated that it was a race issue, but not racism.

8. 'Look at whos backing this complaint, they are all cats, they are all going to be affected by this captain': Then maybe you should take a look at what you are doing that would so cause you to be affected in this way. From my experience, Tajaran players are all rebellious, toeing the line of self-antagging every round and complaining that people discriminate against their character just because they're a cat, rather than looking at their own bad actions. Of course they're going to be affected. People who do wrong things are going to be affected, and that goes under the bracket of misuse of comms (Nightmare) and genetic testing (Furry), as well as any other crewmember who takes bad actions. It's not singling anyone out, it's dealing with the people who do these things, when they do them.

9. If you're taking insults such as 'cat' and 'furball' to such a level that you feel the need to antagonise other, maybe you should relax. It's like calling Soghun 'lizards' or 'scales' and IPCs 'bots'. Not once have I seen any other race get pissed about nicknames. It's just Tajarans. What does that tell you about the players playing those?

10. I would have liked to have been present to dispute the case of my report/arrest, but unfortunately I had to disappear. It's interesting that the whines of a Tajaran were taken over the thoughts of a Captain with ridiculous years of experience and making choices like these.

11. Turns out the character's age is set at 28. THat's a mistake, it has been rectified. Thanks for pointing that out, Alberyk.

Thanks to the comments from players saying sticking to my choice was a good option. If you're going to play a character you play it, you don't change just because other people want you to fit in with what they want.

*This is my reply to both threads pertaining to this matter, seeing as the original complaint was locked just as this was about to be posted. Don't delete or edit this please if it seems out of place, it's a reply to both threads.


And for my own personal opinion:

I don't see what the big fuss is about, I believe people are throwing the "racist" card when clearly this is just a show of good work ethic, people with genetic powers are an absolute threat to station security, with powers that can EASILY overpower even the most heavily armed and armored of people while giving them no chance to fight back. You should consider yourself lucky that you are even allowed to experiment on yourself, let alone be allowed outside of your lab while having said powers.

Another thing, taking biology and racial history into account, it is well known the Tajaran are rebellious, and rather feisty (a common trait amongst all tajaran on the station that I have seen), so it is no wonder that they would be treated differently compared to humans. Genetic super power testing in my opinion should be completely restricted to R&D and genetics, because in my eyes it is far too dangerous to be around normal crew members.

Finally, I (the HoP) requested that a reason should be given that the geneticist should be allowed outside the lab with her powers, and despite repeated requests over the command channel (To the RD no less) I was not given an answer.


Well then.

Since Chaz is banned from the forums, I'm speaking for him, and he had this to say.


"As I'm banned from the forums, I had to get someone else to post this for me. Much cheers to them for taking time out to do that.

Now, as an overthought, it's interesting that you decided to make a player complaint during the round in which the happenings took place, due to an IC issue. I believe you broke more rules right there than I did by denying your request. Since when was denying paperwork ever grounds for a complaint, anyway?

1. I'd like to know whom the 4 players backing you up on making a complaint are, because if it's the people I'm thinking, then it's metafriends/metagrudging issues.

2. I would also like to know how proper and thought-out IC reasoning designed as part of the character's background, that had no major impact on any player aside from yourself who decided to take a pissfit, is grounds for an OOC complaint.

3. At no point did I threaten to shoot Tajarans, whether in a previous round or anything. If the staff check the logs, they will see that I asked Tajaran to desist from using catbeast language over the public comms, at which the character was told 'fuck you', and called 'a bitch', at which point I asked the HoP to use Telecomms to mute them from public comms as a breaking of the radio misuse Space Law crime.

4. The IC reasoning behind the refusal to sign the form which was brought to the character was this: Since Tajaran recently rebelled and killed numerous humans, others and their own kind, having one walking about aboard a top-secret, high-tech experimental research facility could be perceived as a threat to station safety and security. Alongside this, due to Genetics being an experimental department, allowing it out into public areas where the Genetic user could be subject to genetic instability (such as serious wounds or death) would be a danger to the mental health of the crew.

5. At no time were you 'forced to sit in a tiny lab'. You were perfectly welcome to wander about as long as you did not have powers. Using a clean SE is a good method to this, if you actually know Genetics. Test powers whilst in the controlled testing environment of the Genetics lab, and remove them when going outside. Simple as.

6. As a whitelisted player, there is a responsibility to act within your department and be a good head. There is no responsibility to bow to the whim of any player who wants to do what they want, to do so would be bad RP. By doing this, I created a situation which could have been explored through RP ICly, but you instead decided to throw a fit and make a complaint, which is bad conduct. The first rule of improvisation is take what someone else says, go with it, and add more as it progresses.

7. On another follwing note, I'd like to say the character was not a racist. They took into account the happenings on Tajplanet, and made an educated choice based on these. I clearly stated that it was a race issue, but not racism.

8. 'Look at whos backing this complaint, they are all cats, they are all going to be affected by this captain': Then maybe you should take a look at what you are doing that would so cause you to be affected in this way. From my experience, Tajaran players are all rebellious, toeing the line of self-antagging every round and complaining that people discriminate against their character just because they're a cat, rather than looking at their own bad actions. Of course they're going to be affected. People who do wrong things are going to be affected, and that goes under the bracket of misuse of comms (Nightmare) and genetic testing (Furry), as well as any other crewmember who takes bad actions. It's not singling anyone out, it's dealing with the people who do these things, when they do them.

9. If you're taking insults such as 'cat' and 'furball' to such a level that you feel the need to antagonise other, maybe you should relax. It's like calling Soghun 'lizards' or 'scales' and IPCs 'bots'. Not once have I seen any other race get pissed about nicknames. It's just Tajarans. What does that tell you about the players playing those?

10. I would have liked to have been present to dispute the case of my report/arrest, but unfortunately I had to disappear. It's interesting that the whines of a Tajaran were taken over the thoughts of a Captain with ridiculous years of experience and making choices like these.

11. Turns out the character's age is set at 28. THat's a mistake, it has been rectified. Thanks for pointing that out, Alberyk.

Thanks to the comments from players saying sticking to my choice was a good option. If you're going to play a character you play it, you don't change just because other people want you to fit in with what they want.

*This is my reply to both threads pertaining to this matter, seeing as the original complaint was locked just as this was about to be posted. Don't delete or edit this please if it seems out of place, it's a reply to both threads.


And for my own personal opinion:

I don't see what the big fuss is about, I believe people are throwing the "racist" card when clearly this is just a show of good work ethic, people with genetic powers are an absolute threat to station security, with powers that can EASILY overpower even the most heavily armed and armored of people while giving them no chance to fight back. You should consider yourself lucky that you are even allowed to experiment on yourself, let alone be allowed outside of your lab while having said powers.

Another thing, taking biology and racial history into account, it is well known the Tajaran are rebellious, and rather feisty (a common trait amongst all tajaran on the station that I have seen), so it is no wonder that they would be treated differently compared to humans. Genetic super power testing in my opinion should be completely restricted to R&D and genetics, because in my eyes it is far too dangerous to be around normal crew members.

Finally, I (the HoP) requested that a reason should be given that the geneticist should be allowed outside the lab with her powers, and despite repeated requests over the command channel (To the RD no less) I was not given an answer.


A complaint about a complaint.

My favorite type of complaint.

So, lets get started by clearing somethings up:

For TheFurry:

What exactly were you hoping to achieve from the complaint against Chaznoodles? Why?

For OneOneThreeEight:

As you have made clear your dislike of TheFurry's current behavior, how would you expect them to act differently in the future?


A complaint about a complaint.

My favorite type of complaint.

So, lets get started by clearing somethings up:

For TheFurry:

What exactly were you hoping to achieve from the complaint against Chaznoodles? Why?

For OneOneThreeEight:

As you have made clear your dislike of TheFurry's current behavior, how would you expect them to act differently in the future?


I expect them to think for a minute when presented with an obstacle in-game, and ponder "I wonder how I can work around this without complaining that said obstacle exists and that it should go away because it applies to me negatively and it's such a struggle to deal with."

I expect them to know the difference between an IC issue and an OOC issue, and avoid bringing up problems where the two overlap in particularly compromising ways.

Furry needs to stop complaining at any opportunity and throwing around accusations of metagrudge when no such thing ever took place. They also need to think for themselves and avoid peer pressure, because whoever those four 'friends' are that encouraged/pressured Furry to make the complaint, are acting like complete degenerates and need to back the fuck off because the bias is absolutely unreal.

Furry also needs to make an apology to me, to Chaznoodles, and to anyone else they wrongfully accused of metagrudging in the past.


I expect them to think for a minute when presented with an obstacle in-game, and ponder "I wonder how I can work around this without complaining that said obstacle exists and that it should go away because it applies to me negatively and it's such a struggle to deal with."

I expect them to know the difference between an IC issue and an OOC issue, and avoid bringing up problems where the two overlap in particularly compromising ways.

Furry needs to stop complaining at any opportunity and throwing around accusations of metagrudge when no such thing ever took place. They also need to think for themselves and avoid peer pressure, because whoever those four 'friends' are that encouraged/pressured Furry to make the complaint, are acting like complete degenerates and need to back the fuck off because the bias is absolutely unreal.

Furry also needs to make an apology to me, to Chaznoodles, and to anyone else they wrongfully accused of metagrudging in the past.


4. The IC reasoning behind the refusal to sign the form which was brought to the character was this: Since Tajaran recently rebelled and killed numerous humans, others and their own kind, having one walking about aboard a top-secret, high-tech experimental research facility could be perceived as a threat to station safety and security.


Eh, no. The humans are believed to have provided the rebels with weapons, not to mention after the war, humans were elected into positions of power, because so many Tajara felt they'd be able to lead them.

If Tajara were such a risk to walk about this /HIGHLY PUBLICIZED AND NOT TOP SECRET AT ALL/ space station, why would they even be hired?


4. The IC reasoning behind the refusal to sign the form which was brought to the character was this: Since Tajaran recently rebelled and killed numerous humans, others and their own kind, having one walking about aboard a top-secret, high-tech experimental research facility could be perceived as a threat to station safety and security.


Eh, no. The humans are believed to have provided the rebels with weapons, not to mention after the war, humans were elected into positions of power, because so many Tajara felt they'd be able to lead them.

If Tajara were such a risk to walk about this /HIGHLY PUBLICIZED AND NOT TOP SECRET AT ALL/ space station, why would they even be hired?

4. The IC reasoning behind the refusal to sign the form which was brought to the character was this: Since Tajaran recently rebelled and killed numerous humans, others and their own kind, having one walking about aboard a top-secret, high-tech experimental research facility could be perceived as a threat to station safety and security.


Eh, no. The humans are believed to have provided the rebels with weapons, not to mention after the war, humans were elected into positions of power, because so many Tajara felt they'd be able to lead them.

If Tajara were such a risk to walk about this /HIGHLY PUBLICIZED AND NOT TOP SECRET AT ALL/ space station, why would they even be hired?


We funded the rebels in Afganistan against the soviets, didn't stop us from hating brown people, and eying them suspiciously.

They're hired be we are physically not allowed to not let that happen lore wise, I mean people threw a bitch fit when they weren't allowed to be heads.

4. The IC reasoning behind the refusal to sign the form which was brought to the character was this: Since Tajaran recently rebelled and killed numerous humans, others and their own kind, having one walking about aboard a top-secret, high-tech experimental research facility could be perceived as a threat to station safety and security.


Eh, no. The humans are believed to have provided the rebels with weapons, not to mention after the war, humans were elected into positions of power, because so many Tajara felt they'd be able to lead them.

If Tajara were such a risk to walk about this /HIGHLY PUBLICIZED AND NOT TOP SECRET AT ALL/ space station, why would they even be hired?


We funded the rebels in Afganistan against the soviets, didn't stop us from hating brown people, and eying them suspiciously.

They're hired be we are physically not allowed to not let that happen lore wise, I mean people threw a bitch fit when they weren't allowed to be heads.


I find this complaint to be highly unbecoming. I think I will make a complaint about your complaint concerning Furry's complaint.

However, I don't really see why this merits punishment. While Furry's actions to me were disagreeable, it is clear that they were the spur of the moment actions, and following the moment felt the need to safe face, or was just dragged back in. The idea of this being 'alarmist patterns' doesn't really make sense, because this is the first time Furry has done something like this - a formal, controversial complaint. If similar complaints were to follow, then it could become a pattern,


I find this complaint to be highly unbecoming. I think I will make a complaint about your complaint concerning Furry's complaint.

However, I don't really see why this merits punishment. While Furry's actions to me were disagreeable, it is clear that they were the spur of the moment actions, and following the moment felt the need to safe face, or was just dragged back in. The idea of this being 'alarmist patterns' doesn't really make sense, because this is the first time Furry has done something like this - a formal, controversial complaint. If similar complaints were to follow, then it could become a pattern,

-Post removed-


Furry's been playing lots of times as human character, Travis especially, I don't believe it's because he's a furry himself he's playing tajaran characters. Also, I think discussing about fetishes isn't the right time now.

-Post removed-


Furry's been playing lots of times as human character, Travis especially, I don't believe it's because he's a furry himself he's playing tajaran characters. Also, I think discussing about fetishes isn't the right time now.


While I'm a completely neutral and uninvolved observer in this whole affair, I did hear various reports of, and I quote, "[safiya Isra] walking around with telekinesis and stripping naked to take a nap on the brig desk."

As I believe this ties in with the whole "geneticist with powers" drama, I'd kinda like to see if we could get a statement on that. (And I'll explain why I'm asking after we get said statement. But I promise I'm heading somewhere with this.)


While I'm a completely neutral and uninvolved observer in this whole affair, I did hear various reports of, and I quote, "[safiya Isra] walking around with telekinesis and stripping naked to take a nap on the brig desk."

As I believe this ties in with the whole "geneticist with powers" drama, I'd kinda like to see if we could get a statement on that. (And I'll explain why I'm asking after we get said statement. But I promise I'm heading somewhere with this.)


For TheFurry:

What exactly were you hoping to achieve from the complaint against Chaznoodles? Why?

Tenenza I have to say thank you for asking the right questions.

When I submitted the complaint about chaz I did not want nor intend for it to become the explosive argument that it did. I was put-off by the interaction I had with his character. When I spoke with several friends they told me they had similar interactions however none of them submitted a player complaint. I was not calling for a ban or revoking a whitelist or anything. I didn’t think this was a major game breaking issue but I did want it pointed out and voiced that it is an issue. I wanted to get it down on paper that chaz had created some unpleasant situations by using his whitelist privilege. In this case I did think it was a rather minor violation but still a violation. I wanted to voice it so that if this was not handled ICly and it continued in the future then we would have my complaint as reference material. That was my intention and reasoning for submitting the complaint. When jakpak explained that the situation was able to be resolved ICly (to my surprise) I pretty much dropped the issue.

Since delta already responded to your question for him I’ll put in my thoughts to what he thinks.


I expect them to think for a minute when presented with an obstacle in-game, and ponder "I wonder how I can work around this without complaining that said obstacle exists and that it should go away because it applies to me negatively and it's such a struggle to deal with."

I really like how you link something from almost 12 months ago when I was a brand new player to ss13 and had no idea what custom items where all about. I know in the months that I’ve played this I’ve grown.

Anyways, So the majority of my gameplay I figure out how to deal with obstacles in game and overcome them myself. Other than dealing with meta-hate from security over genetics I pretty much always handle things ICly. In fact other than genetics I rarely initiate a bwoink myself, normally it’s in response to an admin because another player that is upset by the way things were handled in IC.


I expect them to know the difference between an IC issue and an OOC issue, and avoid bringing up problems where the two overlap in particularly compromising ways.


I acknowledge that the issue with chaz could have been handled in an IC way. I honestly am not used to being able to depend on DO’s. For a longtime they have been ineffective or irrelevant. If the way they handled chaz is from their recent reformation then I welcome it. I am truly sorry that I did not depend on them first. I had my reasons, but the way they handled this case shows me that those reasons are no longer applicable.


Furry needs to stop complaining at any opportunity and throwing around accusations of metagrudge when no such thing ever took place. They also need to think for themselves and avoid peer pressure, because whoever those four 'friends' are that encouraged/pressured Furry to make the complaint, are acting like complete degenerates and need to back the fuck off because the bias is absolutely unreal.


So this is twofold and I addressed some of it already. I do not complain at every opportunity. I complain when there is a major problem that is killing roleplay. If we want to generalize my complaint it revolves around how despicable security roleplay can be (a complaint that many people share). Let me ask, What do you do when there is a problem delta? You complain about it to fix it. Furthmore, my complaining about a problem seems to be working. Since I started this I’ve had amazing roleplay with security staff (even involving genetics).

So, I’ve only accused a select few of meta-grudging (only one of which went to a formal complaint) and I had pretty valid reasoning at the time to make that accusation. Anyone else I’ve accused of such I resolved with them in privately. I didn’t just avoid them or hate them back, I took skulls advise and seeked them out to resolve any feelings of dislike between us. You, are the only one I’ve made a formal complaint about.


Furry also needs to make an apology to me, to Chaznoodles, and to anyone else they wrongfully accused of metagrudging in the past.


Finally and most importantly. I will not apologize to chaz because I do believe he acted wrongly (be it minor) and I never accused him of metagrudging. Now I do think there is a problem with how genetics is treated by security staff. And I do think that until recently you participated in that treatment. I had said this in the complaint against you but I will gladly say it again; I acknowledge that you were not metagrudgeing. What I did not say (and perhaps should have) is that I am sorry I accused you of metagrudgeing. I had my reasons to believe you were (at the time). But when we explored it, it became apparent that I was wrong to accuse you. I pride myself on my accuracy to assess a situation and here I made a mistake and falsely accused you of metagrudgeing. That is something I regret, and I’m sorry for the problems it’s caused. Furthermore, although you did participate in the distain for genetics, I should not have directed the entirety of the cause at you. Many other officers mistreated roleplay in worse ways then what you did. That is another regret that I have, I am sorry I directed the entirety of the problem at you as if you where the sole cause of it. I recognize you had your part, but to direct it all at you was unfair.


For TheFurry:

What exactly were you hoping to achieve from the complaint against Chaznoodles? Why?

Tenenza I have to say thank you for asking the right questions.

When I submitted the complaint about chaz I did not want nor intend for it to become the explosive argument that it did. I was put-off by the interaction I had with his character. When I spoke with several friends they told me they had similar interactions however none of them submitted a player complaint. I was not calling for a ban or revoking a whitelist or anything. I didn’t think this was a major game breaking issue but I did want it pointed out and voiced that it is an issue. I wanted to get it down on paper that chaz had created some unpleasant situations by using his whitelist privilege. In this case I did think it was a rather minor violation but still a violation. I wanted to voice it so that if this was not handled ICly and it continued in the future then we would have my complaint as reference material. That was my intention and reasoning for submitting the complaint. When jakpak explained that the situation was able to be resolved ICly (to my surprise) I pretty much dropped the issue.

Since delta already responded to your question for him I’ll put in my thoughts to what he thinks.


I expect them to think for a minute when presented with an obstacle in-game, and ponder "I wonder how I can work around this without complaining that said obstacle exists and that it should go away because it applies to me negatively and it's such a struggle to deal with."

I really like how you link something from almost 12 months ago when I was a brand new player to ss13 and had no idea what custom items where all about. I know in the months that I’ve played this I’ve grown.

Anyways, So the majority of my gameplay I figure out how to deal with obstacles in game and overcome them myself. Other than dealing with meta-hate from security over genetics I pretty much always handle things ICly. In fact other than genetics I rarely initiate a bwoink myself, normally it’s in response to an admin because another player that is upset by the way things were handled in IC.


I expect them to know the difference between an IC issue and an OOC issue, and avoid bringing up problems where the two overlap in particularly compromising ways.


I acknowledge that the issue with chaz could have been handled in an IC way. I honestly am not used to being able to depend on DO’s. For a longtime they have been ineffective or irrelevant. If the way they handled chaz is from their recent reformation then I welcome it. I am truly sorry that I did not depend on them first. I had my reasons, but the way they handled this case shows me that those reasons are no longer applicable.


Furry needs to stop complaining at any opportunity and throwing around accusations of metagrudge when no such thing ever took place. They also need to think for themselves and avoid peer pressure, because whoever those four 'friends' are that encouraged/pressured Furry to make the complaint, are acting like complete degenerates and need to back the fuck off because the bias is absolutely unreal.


So this is twofold and I addressed some of it already. I do not complain at every opportunity. I complain when there is a major problem that is killing roleplay. If we want to generalize my complaint it revolves around how despicable security roleplay can be (a complaint that many people share). Let me ask, What do you do when there is a problem delta? You complain about it to fix it. Furthmore, my complaining about a problem seems to be working. Since I started this I’ve had amazing roleplay with security staff (even involving genetics).

So, I’ve only accused a select few of meta-grudging (only one of which went to a formal complaint) and I had pretty valid reasoning at the time to make that accusation. Anyone else I’ve accused of such I resolved with them in privately. I didn’t just avoid them or hate them back, I took skulls advise and seeked them out to resolve any feelings of dislike between us. You, are the only one I’ve made a formal complaint about.


Furry also needs to make an apology to me, to Chaznoodles, and to anyone else they wrongfully accused of metagrudging in the past.


Finally and most importantly. I will not apologize to chaz because I do believe he acted wrongly (be it minor) and I never accused him of metagrudging. Now I do think there is a problem with how genetics is treated by security staff. And I do think that until recently you participated in that treatment. I had said this in the complaint against you but I will gladly say it again; I acknowledge that you were not metagrudgeing. What I did not say (and perhaps should have) is that I am sorry I accused you of metagrudgeing. I had my reasons to believe you were (at the time). But when we explored it, it became apparent that I was wrong to accuse you. I pride myself on my accuracy to assess a situation and here I made a mistake and falsely accused you of metagrudgeing. That is something I regret, and I’m sorry for the problems it’s caused. Furthermore, although you did participate in the distain for genetics, I should not have directed the entirety of the cause at you. Many other officers mistreated roleplay in worse ways then what you did. That is another regret that I have, I am sorry I directed the entirety of the problem at you as if you where the sole cause of it. I recognize you had your part, but to direct it all at you was unfair.

I complain when there is a major problem that is killing roleplay.

I still fail to understand how your roleplay was "killed" because a head refused to sign a waiver for you to bring genetic powers out of the lab.

What exactly makes it essential for your character to walk around with telekinesis and x-ray vision every round?

I complain when there is a major problem that is killing roleplay.

I still fail to understand how your roleplay was "killed" because a head refused to sign a waiver for you to bring genetic powers out of the lab.

What exactly makes it essential for your character to walk around with telekinesis and x-ray vision every round?

I complain when there is a major problem that is killing roleplay.

I still fail to understand how your roleplay was "killed" because a head refused to sign a waiver for you to bring genetic powers out of the lab.

What exactly makes it essential for your character to walk around with telekinesis and x-ray vision every round?

as i said, the complaint at chaz was meant to be minor because others had voiced their malcontent as well. What I was referring to when I said I complain about major problems was my lengthy complaint against delta and other security officers treatment of genetics.

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