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Inis Truesight's Medical Wristband


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BYOND Key: Gollee

Character name: Inis Truesight

Item name: Medical Wristband-EPILEPSY

Why is your character carrying said item to work? To alert medical if she has a seizure. (Getting bored of resting after being flashed, and being shaken awaken constantly)

Item function(s): Being able to be worn on the glove slot.

Item description: A stainless steel tag on a plasticised (Don't correct me, I'm British, that's right) wristband, it reads "ABSENCE EPILEPSY-2U CITALOPRAM"

Item appearance: A white plastic band with a steel tag on it.

Additional comments: I considered getting a item for a pill of Citalopram, but this was suggested to me after Inis had a seizure due to wizard.


Simple, huge sense to have, can lead to medical RP. I'm not seeing any questions I might have. I'll accept this application. It will be moved to the Accepted Items sub. Keep an eye out for devs with questions that might post on this thread.


It'll be in this saturday's pull request (Nov. 14, 2015).


// Inis Truesight's Medical Wristband - Gollee
name = "medical wristband - EPILEPSY"
desc = "A stainless steel tag on a plastic wristband. The tag reads 'ABSENCE EPILEPSY-2U CITALOPRAM'"
icon = 'icons/obj/custom_items/inis_medicalwristband.dmi'
icon_state = "inis_medicalwristband"
contained_sprite = 1
species_restricted = list("exclude") // So that any species can wear it (It's a wristband, not full-fingered gloves).
sprite_sheets = list() // To remove the 'Vox' entry that would override the sprite if worn by a vox
gender = "neuter" // Makes it read 'Has a medical wristband on his hands' instead of 'Has some medical wristband on his hands'

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