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Inis Truesight's Medical Wristband


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BYOND Key: Gollee

Character name: Inis Truesight

Item name: Medical Wristband-EPILEPSY

Why is your character carrying said item to work? To alert medical if she has a seizure. (Getting bored of resting after being flashed, and being shaken awaken constantly)

Item function(s): Being able to be worn on the glove slot.

Item description: A stainless steel tag on a plasticised (Don't correct me, I'm British, that's right) wristband, it reads "ABSENCE EPILEPSY-2U CITALOPRAM"

Item appearance: A white plastic band with a steel tag on it.

Additional comments: I considered getting a item for a pill of Citalopram, but this was suggested to me after Inis had a seizure due to wizard.

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It'll be in this saturday's pull request (Nov. 14, 2015).


// Inis Truesight's Medical Wristband - Gollee
name = "medical wristband - EPILEPSY"
desc = "A stainless steel tag on a plastic wristband. The tag reads 'ABSENCE EPILEPSY-2U CITALOPRAM'"
icon = 'icons/obj/custom_items/inis_medicalwristband.dmi'
icon_state = "inis_medicalwristband"
contained_sprite = 1
species_restricted = list("exclude") // So that any species can wear it (It's a wristband, not full-fingered gloves).
sprite_sheets = list() // To remove the 'Vox' entry that would override the sprite if worn by a vox
gender = "neuter" // Makes it read 'Has a medical wristband on his hands' instead of 'Has some medical wristband on his hands'

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