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Technokat - Ban Request

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First of all, I would like to make something very clear. I have stood by and waited for a good while (Over several Ckeys actually for myself) For the countless warnings/punishments given to technokat to hopefully give him a change of heart. After this mornings round I Personally Can't take it anymore honestly, not just for breaking the rules- but simpley for the way technokat acts and treats different members of the community, I would like to make it clear that the reason this is not a player/character complaint is because of the sheer length of time this has been occurring for, and that it is not only in-game with his characters (primarily victor kaipov) But also OOC chat, as well as on the forums. It's seriously with a heavy heart I type this up right now as I did not want to have to be the one to do this- but it seems like nothing is improving what-so-ever from a bystanders eyes.This is a request for a permanent ban considering the problem seems to be getting even worse.


BYOND Key: (In this particular case I would rather keep this anonomous, if an admin or somone handeling the situation would like to know, please messege me here on he forums, the byond client, or in-game a-helps)

Accused Players Byond Key: Technokat

Time of Act: over an extremely extended period of time.

Reason for Ban: Breaking the rules repeatedly and getting several warnings and showing no signs of improvement from them. AS well as behavior on an OOC level, and being reminded/confronted about behavior on an OOC level both in the forums and in-game, with yet again no sign of improvement.

Evidence: First off- let me start by saying i apologize for the sheer length of this evidence section- but the evidence collected has been from past as well as present, Also note that the forums section of this evidence has had the worrying replies in question cut and pasted without the context of the situation, because 1: it would just make this redundantly long. and 2: because the context really doesn't matter- its the sheer behavior im concerned about. and its everything that he essentially posts on the forums that shows this behavior in question.

Let me start off with just a couple things from this mornings round-


As I stated- the sheer behavior both IC and OOC here is just- wrong. It's disrespectful, vulgar, degrading and flat out wrong to be acting this way, and to further let everyone know something. This all took place within about thirty minuets of playtime. Techno joined- this happened, He left.

That being said- lets move on to the bulk of things here- The forums I do realize the lot of these have been resolved- as stated this is purely for example of the behavoir on the forums its not /meant/ to have context.(I couldnt possibly keep logs of the entire time this has been going on- forgive me. However, I think the sheer number of warning/punishments that have been handed out can speak for themselves.)


And The list here could just go On, and on....and on....Pretty much everything ever said by techno on the forums- that I have ever come across has just been, Pessimistic, Rude, Degrading, Crude, Vulgar or just flat out wrong. And Im pretty positive I am by far not the only one that is- frankly just sick and tired of hearing it. On a further note- I don't mean to be putting my nose where it doesnt belong but- as stated in a post by baka here on the forums, Techno has TWENTY-EIGHT Warnings, when most everyone else kisses the server goodbye at fewer...why should techno be getting such special treatment when he continues to fail to show improvement in almost every aspect?(if you would like more evidence on the forums in light of behavoir, just use the search function on the person in questions username)

Posted (edited)

There were things, but were deleted by a forum moderator. ~Dreamix

On the topic, I think that Techno's behavior is rather unpleasant. The constant bickering and mocking others, on forums and in-game ("gassing the catbeasts", mocking lesbians). The valid-hunting behaviors, semi-afking in security until someone's needed to be robusted, anti antagonistic attitude, suggestions of more ways for security and antags to fight (suggesting chainsaws, and other things). Being overly-robust without knowing where to stop. Saltiness after dying, you call it. Complaining about how Aurora is bad.

Sometimes, I wonder if Techno shouldn't be playing on less-HRP servers. EDIT: I would like them to tone it down a little.

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

Why's it even being cited how Techo said "Lesbians taking over station", anyways? He's clearly joking (even if the statement IS true, and I don't see the relevance in trying to reference a lighthearted joke on something as serious as a ban request.

You are asking to never see this player again. Be careful with your credibility.

Edited by Guest

Posting on Techno's behalf, because he's still forumbanned until the 17th.


Hi, firstly I'd love to see entire logs instead of it being cherry picked, because it looks like I've said SHIT RP INBOUND first place, whilst its been over an hour later after joining. Then with the in character thing? Snyder and Kaipov hate each other, if you haven't known. The whole "lesbian" hate thing is a running joke going for ages now, I'm sure nobody is getting offended by it, nor' am I when someone throws something at me. Also, the rest of the info you've posted of my toxic behaviour on forums was like, a while back and after I was frustrated with Baka coming up with random facts. I also don't think I'm posting anything very insultive to Thundy, only that saying the round was a clusterfuck that time, and you should start voting for extended instead? Oh, also do note, I'm forumbanned already for "toxic" behaviour recently, and talks with mods. If you're into thinking I've been left unpunished. Regardless, if you'd get the notes, you'd see most of them are most likely spam and addressing something, not fully about my whole actions.

As for my own thoughts, I think Techno is too salty. He needs to take some time to think about how that reflects on how people perceive his behavior, as well as on the kind of unpleasant climate it creates for others.

Example: there's nothing wrong with calling a crew transfer after joining if the round has been going on for 4 hours. If extended doesn't sound appealing to you, and you'd prefer a new round, you have the right to start that vote. The worst that can happen is that a majority of people will be content with the current round, and vote for it to continue. The behavior Techno displayed, however, is pretty unpleasant. As much as most of it may be ironic or personality quirks, liberally calling people "asshats" while going "what the fuck" at the reaction to the crew transfer paints you as a negative, intimidating and hostile person.

For this reason, I'm not surprised that a lot of people are holding prejudice against Techno. And I don't think he should be judged for his actions alone; his outward behavior greatly affects how other members of the community react to him, and it's his responsibility to learn how to use this behavior to obtain favorable results instead of unfavorable ones.

I can pick up that that was entirely inappropriate, that's what was meant.

I wonder, how's that relevant and important? Do you even know the context? If you think that EORhappiness's behavior is 'entirely inappropriate', that's not the right thread. Let me direct you to the right thingy. see, Hive's post.


Hi there buddio. No offense, but I was actually disagreeing with you.

I think it's hypocritical of EOR to say "This is outrageous and warrants a total removal of a player" when they do something just as inappropriate within the last week, even when this ban request was clearly in the works, since the screenshots are dated.

I'd like EOR to re-evaluate his own behavior before effectively attempting to banish someone from a community, because if I can tell you one thing, it's that getting rid of people creates a false utopia and makes less extreme shit seem worse until we're banning people for slugging each other in the arm.


Looks like my relevant post got deleted.


I think it's hypocritical of EOR to say "This is outrageous and warrants a total removal of a player" when they do something just as inappropriate within the last week, even when this ban request was clearly in the works, since the screenshots are dated.

I'd like EOR to re-evaluate his own behavior before effectively attempting to banish someone from a community, because if I can tell you one thing, it's that getting rid of people creates a false utopia and makes less extreme shit seem worse until we're banning people for slugging each other in the arm.


Why are posts being deleted. This is an honest argument.

If parties don't want to have their feelings hurt, then don't click this spoiler. However, a tangible argument exists below.

Subject: Technokat - Ban Request


I used the search function on your username like you asked.


Wonder why I own so many stuffed animals- And be very interested in the fact that I have a penis. Probably followed by inserting it into random things to see what its like- considering I have no idea.


What was that about inappropriate OOC conduct?


The point of this is to prove that everyone says stupid shit in the silliness and immaturity of the moment, and they'll learn to regret it as soon as a minute later.

Don't rip that out just because you want Techno to have no defense, lmao



Just want to jump in feet-first and bloody my nose a bit in all this by saying: Are we absolutely sure that we want this person completely and utterly removed from the server?

Personally, I see good points made on both sides here.

Side 1 - Technokat can and does have some issues and has recieved an abnormal amount of warnings.


Side 2 - Technokat didn't mean any harm and everyone posts stupid things.

The fact is, this is a game in which a number of anonymous individuals come together to roleplay. The server is hosted, for free and without even donations, by a member of the staff. There are a set of rules to follow posted everywhere. The staff has given this individual many warnings. A number of members both like AND dislike this member in particular, apparently strongly enough that arguments break out over and over about this member. These are all facts.

So. Can anyone suggest a course of action other than a ban? Or, if you really do believe in a ban, how about a solid justification of why any other path is not an option?

Why are posts being deleted. This is an honest argument.

If parties don't want to have their feelings hurt, then don't click this spoiler. However, a tangible argument exists below.

Subject: Technokat - Ban Request


I used the search function on your username like you asked.


Wonder why I own so many stuffed animals- And be very interested in the fact that I have a penis. Probably followed by inserting it into random things to see what its like- considering I have no idea.


What was that about inappropriate OOC conduct?


The point of this is to prove that everyone says stupid shit in the silliness and immaturity of the moment, and they'll learn to regret it as soon as a minute later.

Don't rip that out just because you want Techno to have no defense, lmao

True. But heres the thing- the problem isn't that everyone says stupid shit- Because they do, thats true. The problem is when somone is told Repeaditively Not do do somthing, and they essentially just say F**k you, and continue it anyways, because it really looks like thats whats going on in technos case here.

Let me Re-cap and Clarify.

1:This is mainly about the fact that these things have occured so much with proper warnings and punishments without any visible improvement what-so-ever and in fact the possibility of the behavoir getting worse.

2: even though it was said several times before, I Will say it again because aparently some people are not getting it, yes the logs have been picked, Does that mean anything NO AS I stated this is about the behavoir in general, in which case things Like thishave been repeadidly said by Techno, and in any case- in any circumstance. Treating fellow players like this is Wrong in any circumstance, I understand we are all guilty of it once in a while- its only human. however, It almost seems anymore like over 75% of the stuff techno says in any aspect, IC or OOC is like this. even after the constant warnings and reminders.


Just want to jump in feet-first and bloody my nose a bit in all this by saying: Are we absolutely sure that we want this person completely and utterly removed from the server?

Personally, I see good points made on both sides here.

Side 1 - Technokat can and does have some issues and has recieved an abnormal amount of warnings.


Side 2 - Technokat didn't mean any harm and everyone posts stupid things.

The fact is, this is a game in which a number of anonymous individuals come together to roleplay. The server is hosted, for free and without even donations, by a member of the staff. There are a set of rules to follow posted everywhere. The staff has given this individual many warnings. A number of members both like AND dislike this member in particular, apparently strongly enough that arguments break out over and over about this member. These are all facts.

So. Can anyone suggest a course of action other than a ban? Or, if you really do believe in a ban, how about a solid justification of why any other path is not an option?


Allow me to elaborate further-

Side 2 - Technokat didn't mean any harm and everyone posts stupid things.

Ok- Except Technokat has been warned before about this- and it did nothing. Now I agree its only human to say stupid things. Heck we have establishes even I have within this very week! It's simply the fact that this topic has been brought up before- well more than once, Techno has has Alot of time and WAY more chances than anyone else has gotten to improve upon himself- and hasn't.

if you really do believe in a ban, how about a solid justification of why any other path is not an option?

Like I Said- I really REALLY don't want to be here, because from now on im going to be "that guy", so believe me I wouldn't have come here if I hadnt thought of anything else. Unfortuneatly we have Tried everything Else with Technokat and nothing has worked he has been Antagbanned,Forumbanned (Not sure if he has been Temp-banned), HE has TWENTY EIGHT warnings over his head, Player complaint after Complaint After Complaint...and Im certaint there are IC incident reports as well...The simple fact here is that, yes every other road has been exhausted and there is Zero improvement shown, with some thinking he has gotten even worse.


I think most of us can all agree there's a problem to be solved. The steps to solve it need to come either from Techno, or from staff. Pretty much the only thing staff can do on their own is remove Techno.

As for what Techno himself could do: he could take in reasonable criticism, and attempt to modify his behavior. I see some discussion of bad stuff Techno did, and punishments he received. There's supposed to be a link between the two - you recognize that you've been punished because the stuff was bad and you won't do it anymore - and I don't see that link being discussed very much by involved parties.

Ideally, I'd like Techno to post here and tell us what he thinks of his behavior, and if he agrees or disagree with our desire to encourage him to change it (and if he understand why we don't like some of it, too.)

Posted (edited)
I think most of us can all agree there's a problem to be solved. The steps to solve it need to come either from Techno, or from staff. Pretty much the only thing staff can do on their own is remove Techno.

As for what Techno himself could do: he could take in reasonable criticism, and attempt to modify his behavior. I see some discussion of bad stuff Techno did, and punishments he received. There's supposed to be a link between the two - you recognize that you've been punished because the stuff was bad and you won't do it anymore - and I don't see that link being discussed very much by involved parties.

Ideally, I'd like Techno to post here and tell us what he thinks of his behavior, and if he agrees or disagree with our desire to encourage him to change it (and if he understand why we don't like some of it, too.)


Right- I understand techno has a forum ban, but I agree he should be here to represent himself, Im rather interested in what he has to say. Let me say a few things though here to make it clear, and more a messege directly to techno here...

Techno, I Really want you to understand that this is not some Attack on you, I and the people I talk to about his really feel we are on the defensive here by doing this actually, and that may sound confusing but please hear me out. It does not matter if you said these things jokingly or not, The fact is you have offended a great number of people, Repeatidly, And there are a few who would not mind just seeing you gone still...but, I digress.

The only reason I made this request was because everything that can be done about you has been, and nobody is really sure of what else to do anymore. And These things are nothing that can be argued they are proven facts. I will say this- With the heavy involvement of staff and a tight watch and leash, I would be willing to let this go and give you- another chance One. More. but In that case I think that everything should be held overhead, and the next time you repeat offend somthing, I think it should be the end of it all for you here said and done- No more warnings and no more chances. I don't think you realize just the sheer number of people you have , frankly, Pissed off at this point. And Those are the only terms I would be willing to drop this request for, Im sorry.

I would like to request that Techno's forum ban be lifted Tempararily so that he can speak on his own behalf here It does not feel right for him to not be able to be here to have a chance to defend himself.

After thinking about it again some more- I have decided to Take that back. I hate to be the ass in the barrel so to speak but, this is long overdue and too many chances have been given in the first place. I think this should be the nail in the coffin.

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

May I just say that this is entirely ridiculous? Not the thread, but the fact it even needs to exist. Techno has 20 something notes, like Baka said on his unban request, most people get kicked the curb after 3 or 4. Add onto that the fact before he was even banned once he had 7 or 8 complaints on the forum about them, and was supposed to be on thin ice after finally being banned and then unbanned the first time. The ice couldn't have been thicker if he sitting down on top of an iceburg, and hes now the only person to have two ban requests. Why is Techno so special and given so many chances? Why, with all of these problems, and even the staff saying they're sick of him, has he only being antag banned twice?

Edited by Guest

Most of the recent incidents that led to Techno's antag-ban are currently being reviewed (general combat incidents, see the thread about Garnascus, and his own appeal). A lot of people have a bad kneejerk reaction to characters being killed on Aurora, and I have to admit Techno has become an unjust target of at least some of this unfounded critique. (I'm not saying he's perfect, but I believe his combat-related play has been acceptable lately.)

This is entirely different from his behavior, however.

I don't know what mods wish to do with the forum ban, but I'd be glad to relay Techno's words to this thread in the meantime. (I'll probably hold back on participating myself if that's the case, though.)

Mai I just say that this is entirely ridiculous? Not the thread, but the fact it even needs to exist. Techno has 20 something notes, like Baka said on his unban request, most people get kicked the curb after 3 or 4. Add onto that the fact before he was even banned once he had 7 or 8 complaints on the forum about them,and was supposed to be on thin ice after finally being banned and then unbanned the first time. The ice couldn't have been thicker if he sitting down on top of an iceburg, and hes now the only person to have two ban requests. What is Techno so special and given so many chances? Why, with all of these problems, and even the staff saying they're sick of him, has he only being antag banned twice?


I Agree with you completely- Im not sure myself why staff has yet to just Ban him already...Just given the history

Most of the recent incidents that led to Techno's antag-ban are currently being reviewed (general combat incidents, see the thread about Garnascus, and his own appeal). A lot of people have a bad kneejerk reaction to characters being killed on Aurora, and I have to admit Techno has become an unjust target of at least some of this unfounded critique. (I'm not saying he's perfect, but I believe his combat-related play has been acceptable lately.)

This is entirely different from his behavior, however.

I don't know what mods wish to do with the forum ban, but I'd be glad to relay Techno's words to this thread in the meantime. (I'll probably hold back on participating myself if that's the case, though.)


Non-Antag Combat related stuff? Sure. But thats the very least of the concern here. It's just time. This should have been done long ago and nobody has an answer for why it wasnt.


uh. no. No, I don't think this warrants TechnoKat's removal from the server.

No, what TechnoKat needs is a self-orchestrated push to improve his (quite shitty) attitude and his in-game personality (which, again, not as stellar).

Permanent bans are for people you never ever ever want to see on the server ever again. Permanent bans are issued with the intent to protect the playerbase from a particularly self-destructive and immolative player, hell-bent on destroying everything.

TechnoKat has not gotten to the point where they are literally Robotik yet. However, I think he's very close to the threshold of salty madness, and I don't think any of us want that.

From what I can tell, he's already constantly monitored when he's in sec, anyway.

Slightly off-topic, is anyone getting the vibe that the OP is a malicious alt? 20 posts and they're in here for a ban request of another player?

No, what TechnoKat needs is a self-orchestrated push to improve his (quite shitty) attitude and his in-game personality (which, again, not as stellar).


Self-orchestrated push? You mean, to find motivation to make himself a better person? To be brutally honest with you, his entire attitude isn't really that appealing from what I've been hearing. If it's true that he has 20-odd warnings and the fact he is forumbanned leaves me to believe he isn't a person who should be sticking around. To be forumbanned basically means you're a toxic person, unless his offence was something different.


Permanent bans are for people you never ever ever want to see on the server ever again. Permanent bans are issued with the intent to protect the playerbase from a particularly self-destructive and immolative player, hell-bent on destroying everything.


Speaking from personal admin experience: You're right, permanent bans are for people who the staff and playerbase wish to never see again. But why is that? It's because they disrupt the community, continue to break order and policy. However, permanent bans are not only for players who like to grief, it is for players who have had warnings, fair warnings and signs and all sorts of material to help them understand their behavior is out of order and needs to stop.

TechnoKat appears to have all this and continues to break the rules (as I'm lead to believe), so why is it he SHOULDN'T be permanently banned? I would like to see a reason for him not being punished, maybe there's something I dont understand or I'm missing from this.


Slightly off-topic, is anyone getting the vibe that the OP is a malicious alt? 20 posts and they're in here for a ban request of another player?


Don't you even dare think about going there. You're going to call people out for doing what they believe is right, espeically with someone who is a repeat offender? No, just no. Stop and don't continue with whatever behavior was going to follow. I'm sure the OP just wants to have things explained and they're looking for action against a player who disrupted a round.

In the likely case Kaipov is TechnoKat, I think we've met before on Sophia Ironmonger character. Unfortunately I don't really know what to say, he's alright for the most part. My OOC experience with him wasn't all bad if any at all. Personally, I think it would be great if there was another way to aid him to getting better but I really can't think of anything right now. He's already under constant supervision and a couple of reports been made against him (IG and here I assume) and he has a good amount of warnings listed.. unless Staff aren't being very clear on what behavior is and isn't allowed to be displayed but I thought they would be clear enough for him to understand his actions.

uh. no. No, I don't think this warrants TechnoKat's removal from the server.

No, what TechnoKat needs is a self-orchestrated push to improve his (quite shitty) attitude and his in-game personality (which, again, not as stellar).

Permanent bans are for people you never ever ever want to see on the server ever again. Permanent bans are issued with the intent to protect the playerbase from a particularly self-destructive and immolative player, hell-bent on destroying everything.

TechnoKat has not gotten to the point where they are literally Robotik yet. However, I think he's very close to the threshold of salty madness, and I don't think any of us want that.

From what I can tell, he's already constantly monitored when he's in sec, anyway.

Slightly off-topic, is anyone getting the vibe that the OP is a malicious alt? 20 posts and they're in here for a ban request of another player?


Unfortunatly, we will have to agree to disagree here. As I and plenty of others believe Techno passed that threshold your speaking of long ago, Delta he has TWENTY EIGHT notes and warnings, countless complaints and other various punishments against him, hes forum banned as of RIGHT NOW for his actions. This has gone on long enough with no improvement, he has had his chance. And I can Say without a doubt (After having been told) That there are several players who think he destroys their game ICly and OOCly, And the lot of those people DONT want to see him here , Ever, Ever again. I know what a permanent ban is for, and thats exactly what the lot of us feel is needed.Everything else that can be done has been done and he has had a ridiculas amount of time to improve and failed misreably. No more chances. just. no. He has had WAY to many as is.


What saddens me is that most of the people posting in this thread claiming to ban Techno haven't (to my knowledge) made an effort to help sort out the issues presented here. They look at the evidence, go "yep, Techno's probably a bad person", and immediately jump to passing judgement that he should be banned, for the most part without trying to communicate their objections with Techno directly, which would have been the simplest thing.

There's two ways to solve these kind of problems. Either try to work with the problematic user, or ban them. As a general rule, you should try to favor the former approach, and only resort to the latter one in case of failure.

The fact alone that Techno has managed to accumulate 28 warnings tells me that something is wrong. On both sides. How exactly do you warn somebody 28 times, yet never try to pull them aside to discuss underlying issues? Giving someone 28 slaps on the wrist without ever resorting to different tactics seems a bit iffy.

What saddens me is that most of the people posting in this thread claiming to ban Techno haven't (to my knowledge) made an effort to help sort out the issues presented here. They look at the evidence, go "yep, Techno's probably a bad person", and immediately jump to passing judgement that he should be banned, for the most part without trying to communicate their objections with Techno directly, which would have been the simplest thing.

There's two ways to solve these kind of problems. Either try to work with the problematic user, or ban them. As a general rule, you should try to favor the former approach, and only resort to the latter one in case of failure.

The fact alone that Techno has managed to accumulate 28 warnings tells me that something is wrong. On both sides. How exactly do you warn somebody 28 times, yet never try to pull them aside to discuss underlying issues? Giving someone 28 slaps on the wrist without ever resorting to different tactics seems a bit iffy.


I apologise, I thought I made it clear I don't exactly support the ban. Well, really in truth I don't as I've stated beforehand my experience with TechnoKat is a pleasant one. However, if this was the average user, things would've been handled alot more differently. But moving on, I find it interesting the point you bring up; maybe he doesn't understand his warnings, or how to improve his behavior. I have to disagree with what you say about not resorting to different tactics - that has already happened and it has no effect.

Since you said you have a connection to him and can post his reply, perhaps you can get us an answer from him directly. And as much as I don't support the ban however the facts are undeniably stacked against TechnoKat in this instance.


He's more toxic on the forums than he is in-game, hence the forum ban. Probably because the nature of a forum allows for more shitposting than actual, civil, intelligent discussion. People go here when they're mad or want to funpost, that's not too hard to discern.

And I figure we can disagree, I don't see a point in convincing people over something I'm not particularly invested in.

I would not agree with TechnoKat tanking a permaban just because of the reasons you displayed. There are very good reasons as to his behavior.

His frustrations (which, albeit, are cringey and over-the-top) with lesbians and tajarans are mostly a stereotype reinforced by people roleplaying in shitty, lackluster and ridiculous ways.

His past with validhunting and powergaming? I will admit partial responsibility to that, as a frequent head of security player. I used to be REALLY shit, and I set a very bad precedent for certain people to follow. I was a very terrible leader and I made the mistake of teaching the people who played under me as a subordinate several destructive things. TechnoKat was a 2014 fall player, a little after the time I came in. He followed my footsteps, in a way, by playing security on a static name character 24/7. Old dogs can learn new tricks, but it's even harder to condition their current behavior out.

He hasn't really seemed to have done wrong by me. He creates problems, yes, but I don't think they're severe enough to warrant a permaban from the server. Just my two cents. I've always been one to give people more chances than they deserve if I believe they have a chance to improve.

...and you called me Delta, okay.

What saddens me is that most of the people posting in this thread claiming to ban Techno haven't (to my knowledge) made an effort to help sort out the issues presented here. They look at the evidence, go "yep, Techno's probably a bad person", and immediately jump to passing judgement that he should be banned, for the most part without trying to communicate their objections with Techno directly, which would have been the simplest thing.

There's two ways to solve these kind of problems. Either try to work with the problematic user, or ban them. As a general rule, you should try to favor the former approach, and only resort to the latter one in case of failure.

The fact alone that Techno has managed to accumulate 28 warnings tells me that something is wrong. On both sides. How exactly do you warn somebody 28 times, yet never try to pull them aside to discuss underlying issues? Giving someone 28 slaps on the wrist without ever resorting to different tactics seems a bit iffy.


The problem is regardless of how it seems, the issue stands. staff /have/ pulled him off to the side and tried to work with him, Many a time, and it has done nothing, As I have said it burns me to say but the only option left is a Permnanent ban, Everyone has tried everything else, We have tried to work with the problamatic user and No real changes have occured, Every step we could have taken before this has been done, In fact each of them has been done multiple times Theres nothing else left to do but this. Look, its not like its the complete end of things, later on down the road a while he can always apologize and appeal, and it can be given another shot. But I agree, This IS a last resort measure, because this flat out is The last resort with techno, Everythings been tried, nothing has changed his attitude.


You don't give someone 28 slaps on the wrists without discussing the issue, you don't get two ban requests without discussing issues, you don't get 10 complaints made about/to you without discussing the issues. At this point, its obviously they either don't want to change their issues, or they don't care enough to. Look at what happens everytime someone makes a complaints about techno, its salt and anger all the way. The fact they've accumulated so much is proof that the former has failed, and thats why people are looking at the latter.

People get banned, bwoinked, poked and prodded for minor things, and Ive seen people get job banned and real banned for things that are like mouthing of to your teacher compared to this, and its not fair to all the people that made those complaints that he gets so much leniency when no one else in entire server does.

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