EORhappiness Posted November 30, 2015 Share Posted November 30, 2015 AS A REMINDER THIS IS JUST WHAT I PERSONALLY THINK ABOUT THE SKRELL, I AM JUST SPOUTING THIS OFF IN THE SUGGESTIONS THREAD BECAUSE IT KIND OF COULD BE A SUGGESTION FEEDBACK ON THIS WOULD BE PRETTY COOL- ALSO GENERAL "HOW TO IMPROVE SQUIDMAN THREAD" JUMP IN AND SHARE IDEA'S MUH FRIENDS honestly have to say- And I know this might sound like a stupid reason buuut...The only reason I haven't made a skrell white-list yet. Is because of that flippen accent man.... Don't get me wrong,I'm By FAR not against accents on species- I love the Tajarans Third person speak and rolling of the R's and the unathi's hissing of the S's but Really, I find the skrell accent hard to grasp and write out- even when I was practicing, The double letters like the SH's seem a bit much for me as they are used /very/ frequently and arn't typed out as smoothly as the unathi's S's or Tajara's R's... In my personal opinion if we could bump it down to one letter, (maybe W) and figure out a new accent, It would be a lot easier to manage and I would be a lot cooler with it. OR, Abandon the accent and give them somthing else about their speech that makes it unique! like the dionea have with there collective type speak referring to themselves as "We". Thats my biggest issue, to be honest but here are a few other things I could think of. Jargens Disease, I mean I REALLY do not want to play as a dying race, thats just my complete personal opinion. I'm Sure plenty of people find it an intriguing aspect for people to make them want to play them. But- it's not my jive, Not sure how many others think that as well but I do. The lore right now is equivalent to a five year old trying to mimic a Da'vinci in MS paint with the text tool out. Not sure how to put this one but, They just- Don't give off the aura of uniqueness the other races do...And I am honestly not sure how to aid in that.Just- The general feel of the skrell seems, like the color grey in a rainbow, people look at them and go WHY ARE YOU EVEN THERE GRAY- YOUR POINTLESS GTFO OUT OF MY RAINBOW, GOD....And That saddens me, it really truly does. I really think they need a SERIOUS makeover as a race to even compete with the others. I mean- give them some nicer buffs! somthing to entice people in...Look at the Robust as hell unathi, or the Claw Bearing tajarans that can see in the dark (kind of)...IPC's are immune to chems, Dionea are walking TANKS for gosh sake! What do the Skrell have that compares to that? I mean. They have /stuff/ but nothing that can /compare/, The rest of the races have something that can compare with one another while the skrell have been left in the outfield of the contest, They need something- something awesome. Something epic like everyone else, Something unique...and we can make it based of their superior intellect even! Don't even have to be a big thing, Lets say skrell are so smart they can pick up languages easily right? They can pick up to TWO extra languages including Alien languages like Siikh Maa's or Solian, Maybe even Voxese as a trade language- OR since there so hyper advanced technologically How about even Robotic speak! OR Telepathy, That would be cool Just- be able to whisper into someones head that's within eye-shot, Not really a huge thing but, its COOL. Maybe due to there Aquatic Heritage they require less oxygen than humans and are not as harmed by pressure- or even IMMUNE to pressure damage entirely, Now I know that ones a leap- but I think that would be something to Shove skrell in the right direction, Give them that edge, that robustness they need to compete with other races. Now- those are just my opinions but...I love the skrell as an /Idea/ and would love to play them if they improve, but right now...there's just no benefit to playing a skrell besides slime and warbling... Link to comment
Dreamix Posted November 30, 2015 Share Posted November 30, 2015 In regards to mechanical differences, Skrells were supposed to be changed/improved: No idea when the idea was binned. +Accents. +The genophage/disease/whatever. Skrells aren't really a dying race. Two quotes: "The females can lay anywhere between 5-50 eggs"+"this led to the Skrell coming up with a serum that made it impossible for a Skrell mother to give birth to more than one batch of eggs during her entire life." So, yeah. 5-50 kids per mother/father pair means many kids. Take look at China (if I have my facts/sources right), families/father+mother/pairs are only supposed to have one child, and China's still overpopulated. Link to comment
Frances Posted November 30, 2015 Share Posted November 30, 2015 Thanks for the feedback! I think it's a good idea to make new threads about Skrell ideas, I just made a big thread in case some people didn't realize that. -I always thought the accent was pretty hard to type, and it is getting changed for something better. -The Skrell can honestly be pretty boring as a race, and they lack fun characterization. This is something I am trying to change. -I don't know about buffs because those would require coders, and people don't tend to really care about the buffs for their roleplay (how often do you see Tajarans mention that they can see things in the dark? You hear people complain about Tajaran/Unathi claws being sharp but that's about it). -I also don't know about giving them telepathy. It sounds like a pretty big advantage over department radios. (If you are an antag and you attack a person you can take off their radio. Harder to take off a Skrell brain - and it tends to make players angry.) I will look at it if coders are interested, but it is not in my plans for this week. -The Skrell are dying? Oh, no! Why did no one tell me about this? Link to comment
EORhappiness Posted November 30, 2015 Author Share Posted November 30, 2015 Thanks for the feedback! I think it's a good idea to make new threads about Skrell ideas, I just made a big thread in case some people didn't realize that. -I always thought the accent was pretty hard to type, and it is getting changed for something better. -The Skrell can honestly be pretty boring as a race, and they lack fun characterization. This is something I am trying to change. -I don't know about buffs because those would require coders, and people don't tend to really care about the buffs for their roleplay (how often do you see Tajarans mention that they can see things in the dark? You hear people complain about Tajaran/Unathi claws being sharp but that's about it). -I also don't know about giving them telepathy. It sounds like a pretty big advantage over department radios. (If you are an antag and you attack a person you can take off their radio. Harder to take off a Skrell brain - and it tends to make players angry.) I will look at it if coders are interested, but it is not in my plans for this week. -The Skrell are dying? Oh, no! Why did no one tell me about this? ' I was under the impression the genetic thing was killing them off rapidly- at least thats the impression I got form it- THANK GOD ITS NOT. because I /really/ wanna play skrell...Also, question. why do we associate them with squids? They are slimy Typically green pretty much amphibious little dude...sounds like a frog to me, not a squid, I never got that one, Like is it /just/ cause of the tenticulars? Link to comment
Frances Posted November 30, 2015 Share Posted November 30, 2015 I have no idea if the Skrell are dying or not - I'm still looking at their wiki page and trying to decide what needs to be changed or not. But that does sound pretty depressing, so I'm not sure if I will keep it in unless there is a good reason I don't know why so many people call them squids, they don't look like squids to me Link to comment
EORhappiness Posted November 30, 2015 Author Share Posted November 30, 2015 I have no idea if the Skrell are dying or not - I'm still looking at their wiki page and trying to decide what needs to be changed or not. But that does sound pretty depressing, so I'm not sure if I will keep it in unless there is a good reason I don't know why so many people call them squids, they don't look like squids to me Well Ffrances- I got your back! Im totally pumped to see the skrell Actually get somthing done with them I REALLY REALL REEEEEAAAAALLLLY wanna see them get popular- I literally know of only ONE SINGLE SKRELL ON THE SERVER- Flaundra Muelack. I want to know more Akward squishy people! Especially- I WANT TO BECOME ONE. Link to comment
Frances Posted November 30, 2015 Share Posted November 30, 2015 I don't know why people call me FFrances (or Ffrances, or my favorite variation, Ffances) when my username is just Frances. I even changed my ckey so that it would stop yet it still happens Link to comment
EORhappiness Posted November 30, 2015 Author Share Posted November 30, 2015 I don't know why people call me FFrances (or Ffrances, or my favorite variation, Ffances) when my username is just Frances. I even changed my ckey so that it would stop yet it still happens oh- sorry. I will call you SKRELLMASTER FRANCES.- just frances for short. but seriously though...what could we do to Add to the skrell- maybe Make them immune to or have a massive de-buff to burn damage, Cuz Slimey layer of protection, or maybe they can't be shocked- there body is an excellent conducter but maybe its made of a substance that can't be grounded- so they bypass the shock/burn...Skrell engineers and scientists would be more widely played then- it seems like it would be "their roles" anyhow, seeing as intelligence y'know?... or the whole language thing I talked about- or maybe they heal in cryo faster because they metobolize the chems more effeciently...I dunno- just tosing out idea's as they hit me. ALSO frances - http://aurorastation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Skrell Link to comment
Frances Posted November 30, 2015 Share Posted November 30, 2015 Why do they need to have a mechanical buff, though? Their strength has always been their intelligence, not combat. I am actually thinking of some ways to give them in-universe buffs, basically "roleplayed" buffs. Some really crazy things that players could do with Skrell characters, that they have in fact sorta been able to do already but I just think no one has thought of it yet. But they are not combat buffs. Anyway, I'll say more on that when I have an actual reveal to post about the changes. And thanks for the link to the wiki, it is very appreciated. I have already been looking at it but I will look at it again. Link to comment
EORhappiness Posted November 30, 2015 Author Share Posted November 30, 2015 Why do they need to have a mechanical buff, though? Their strength has always been their intelligence, not combat. I am actually thinking of some ways to give them in-universe buffs, basically "roleplayed" buffs. Some really crazy things that players could do with Skrell characters, that they have in fact sorta been able to do already but I just think no one has thought of it yet. But they are not combat buffs. Anyway, I'll say more on that when I have an actual reveal to post about the changes. And thanks for the link to the wiki, it is very appreciated. I have already been looking at it but I will look at it again. One last thought on my telepathy thing- thinking about it more...Heres a good one- So They Can communicate telepathically- EVEN WHEN UNCONCIOUS- /massive pro/ right? Heres the thing- It can ONLY be with other skrell AND they have to be within a certain tile radius huh? I know its a mechanical buff again but still, I think its pretty awesome. ALSO - for an RP buff- maybe...uh...Maybe they can like...uhhhh...Do- things, Like be contortionists really epically, Because squishiness? Or...They can Understand somones intention or motive more easily due to enhanced intelligence- or- uhhhh...Stuff... Link to comment
Jakers457 Posted December 1, 2015 Share Posted December 1, 2015 They're not getting telepathy. Just the ability to tell eachother's emotions with different coloured fonts because as everyone knows, the skrell seem rather void of emotion to other races. Edit: Unless Skull has changed the project. Link to comment
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