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XanderDox's Unjobban Request

Guest XanderDox

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BYOND Key: XanderDox

Total Ban Length: Jobban from Captain

Banning staff member's Key: FFrances

Reason of Ban: Failing in my duties as a whitelisted player as the role of Captain.

Reason for Appeal: I have begun playing as other Heads, mainly the Head of Personnel, where I have become Acting Captain multiple times, where I have proved competent in the role. At the time I was banned, I was going through a really tough time, and my stress had superseded my ability to think clearly, and I realize I should not have taken a Head role that round, especially Captain, but I believe I am ready to go on a probationary period of being unbanned from Captain, as I miss serving as it very much, I have learned from my mistakes, and refined my main captain character Alastair Icarus. I think that if given another chance, I can proved worthy of the golden ID.

However, if people could please provide a reason for me not to have this listed, I would love to hear it so I may fix it. I cannot work out kinks without feedback.

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I haven't noticed any of your head characters, but I haven't heard anything bad from you in some time - which is a good sign in itself, and is enough to warrant an unban imo, if you've been playing other head roles just fine.

Will wait a few days to get input from other staff members, and proceed from there.

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I haven't noticed any of your head characters, but I haven't heard anything bad from you in some time - which is a good sign in itself, and is enough to warrant an unban imo, if you've been playing other head roles just fine.

Will wait a few days to get input from other staff members, and proceed from there.


Weird you haven't noticed me as a head, I play as Crimson Auror the HoS, Alastair Icarus the HoP, and Alleran Lore the CMO mostly. Although sometimes I play Niklaus the HoP too.

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Lets just start this off with the high number of rounds that you have decided to force yourself into acting captain when one was not required. also, your behavior has not changed since your ban. so i'm gonna stick the Jace Evans seal of disapproval on this and go back to spying on baldies.

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Weird you haven't noticed me as a head, I play as Crimson Auror the HoS, Alastair Icarus the HoP, and Alleran Lore the CMO mostly. Although sometimes I play Niklaus the HoP too.

I haven't played as much as I'd like to recently, so going off my own ignorance here.

Some people said they had input to give, though, so I'll wait for that.

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I'm going to be brutally honest with you, I have noticed no change in your leadership capabilities. Nothing negative, nothing positive, just a maintaining of the status quo previously observed. This isn't exactly what I would be looking for.

Your reasoning? Was it actually valid, or valid to the degree that it mattered, a shift would be observable. No shift has been observable, from my perspective. Others are free to present counterpoints, as I most definitely do not play with you on a daily basis. There are three notes I would like to touch upon: first, a leader should recognize their mental state, and judge accordingly. Okay, yes, everyone fucks up, I've done so myself, but it should be observable then, as pointed out above.

Point two: There exist two glaring annoyances with your style of leadership, in any leadership position. They are arrogance and shouting. Arrogance due to the fact that you expect respect, yet you give no reason for anyone to respect you. You want to command respect, I get that, but I have not yet once see you do a commendable act of leadership which would actually gain you that respect. Even worse, acting like that will, pardon the very straight forward phrasing, make you out to be an arse. And about the shouting? No, being louder only helps you so far. It's a personal annoyance, this one, but it speaks a little about the first half.

Point three: not staying in your lane. You have demonstrated a complete and utter disregard towards the rest of the command staff on a number of occasions. Worse yet, I would go as far as to say that you have shown outright disrespect towards your fellow leaders. How? By sticking your nose where it does not belong. Examples of this: trying to micromanage security as the HoP, even with an active HoS, trying to attain the position of Acting Captain when none is required, or when another head would be suited better (no, the HoP is not next in line, it simply exists as an expectation during standard operation, not during crisis). Oh, and again, yelling. That doesn't go well for the whole, "Respect" thing, either.

So, yeah, I can't endorse this. I can give you feedback, as I did just now, but you've got ways to go.

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Skull considering your comments, I can I am not ready for this unban. I will continue to try and fix myself. Starting with a wipe of all my current characters. I apologise for my behaviour. Please lock this. I will wait another month before appealing again. I apologise for wasting time.

Thank you for your feedback.

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