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Incident Report 12282015


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Reporting Personnel:Safiya Isra

Rank of Reporting Personnel:Geneticist

Personnel Involved: Rin Fukuimoto (target of complaint), Anthony Carver, Safiya Isra

Time of Incident: (If unable to provide, leave blank)

Real time: 12/27/2015 ~4:00am est

Location of Incident: medbay, holodeck, medbay hallway

Nature of Incident: [x]Workplace Hazard [x]Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty []Harassment [x]Assault [x]Misconduct []Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.)

Overview of the Incident: Safiya thought she submitted this report but it looks like it never got to the duty officers desk. It started with Safiya responding to a fight that broke out between the bartender Rin and another crew member at the holodeck. When she arrived Rin Fukuimoto and Anthony carver where both in critical condition. Both suffered broken bones, massive trauma, and Anthony had internal bleeding. Safiya first stabilized Rin Fukuimoto then moved to treat Anthony and stabilize Anthony. As she was working, Rin stood up and started pouring a full bottle of alcohol down Anthony’s throat while he was unconscious and in critical. This could have easily killed the already dying Anthony. Safiya pushed Rin back and rushed Anthony to medbay. She left Rin to be treated by other doctors. After Safiya saved Anthony she found out Rin had died due to complications and being uncooperative during treatment. Upon Rin’s cloneing she demanded her things back from Safiya. Safiya was turning the items over to security as evidence for the attempted murder. Rin’s response was to rush into medbay surgery take the scalpel and lung at Safiya trying to stab her. Being surrounded by security at the time Rin was quickly apprehended and Safiya was unharmed. This was the second attempted murder in one shift by Rin. Safiya isn’t sure what lead to Rin’s release but Safiya ran into Rin in medical hall approximately 20 mins later. Without a word Rin smashed Safiya’s head with a glass bottle and lit her on fire then began assaulting safi. Safiya managed to subdue Rin with a syringe of sleep toxin and the assistance of security staff. The sleep toxin seemed to induce a case of SSD but Safiya was fearful of her life and needed to defend herself. Safiya was treated for major head trauma, bleeding, and burns, by other medical staff. The next shift Safiya saw Rin come in as a security officer. She was not aware that Rin had the requirements of security officer but Safiya does not feel safe on board a station that employs someone who will attempt murder three times in one shift and is obviously psychotic.

Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: there was no heads on and only two security cadets (who did their job well considering the lack of staff

Additional notes: (If there are none simply leave it blank)

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TO: Safiya Isra, NSS Aurora

FROM: DO Corps Secretarial Department, NMSS Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and logged, and placed within a queue for the Duty Officer corps to review.

You will be contacted, if necessary, by a Duty Officer when and if an investigation begins.


DTG: 28-12:01-TAU CETI STANDARD-12-2457


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TO: Safiya Isra, NSS Aurora

FROM: Greg Ashcraft, CCIA, NMSS Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report 12282015



This is a courtesy message to inform you that your case has been picked up and is now under review by a Duty Officer of Central Command Internal Affairs. You and all concerned parties will be contacted regarding this incident if interviews are necessary.


DTG: 13-03:06-TAU CETI STANDARD-2-2458

SIGN: Greg Ashcraft

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