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Vaurca Drones (Bound)



They are not unintelligent, but their lack of self-awareness prevents them from understanding the concept of death, pain, or formulate very complex thought processes. They are an amalgam of the Hive's intelligence, but often only specialize in a certain task.

If you're a drone, basically, everyone has free reign to abuse you.

The Bound are, essentially, lobotomized Type A and B Vaurca that unquestionably follow the orders of superiors to the death. They appear to not be self aware, able to carry out conversations, but unable to make decisions for themselves. They seem to not have any sense of possession, willingly giving out any and all of their possessions to those who ask. The Bound are the main workforce; A slave-like caste that the Vaurca social system is built upon.


Basically, the question is, how much can a drone do before its actions start being considered 'thinking for itself?' Like, I've got a general idea... but it's weird interacting with other characters and not really knowing how much I can do or say before it could be considered not being a drone.


They are not unintelligent...


So, they aren't dumb.


...but their lack of self-awareness prevents them from understanding the concept of death, pain...


So... does this mean, they have to walk into an area without air first before donning internals? Because they have no concept of pain or demise? If they aren't unintelligent, how do they have absolutely no grasp on self-preservation? Even animals or small insects have enough awareness to know when to run and hide because their life is in danger. Can someone explain this to me?

I've put playing any my Vaurca drones on hold until I can figure out how, or decide if it's even worth it, to play them.

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The Bound are, essentially, lobotomized Type A and B Vaurca that unquestionably follow the orders of superiors to the death.


This sums it up. You do what you're told, to the death. Imagine ants or bees. They do their duty without any sort of care, defending the hive if ordered to, suchlike. When a queen abt dies, the ants usually continue carrying out the last 'command' they were given until they starve to death, or lose all sort of purpose and wander aimlessly.

Take examples:

A) Superior says, "Go into this airless room and stay there."

As you know it's airless, and haven't been told not to, you put your internals on so you can live to serve your superior whilst inside.

B) Superior says, "Go into this room and stay there without internals."

Your superior has told you not to use internals, so you obey your superior, walk in, and happily suffocate to death.

C) Superior says, "Do what the fuck you want, prawn."

You stand around aimlessly until someone gives you something to do. You have no free will, you exist to serve.

Imagine: Cyborgs, but without free thought.

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The Bound are, essentially, lobotomized Type A and B Vaurca that unquestionably follow the orders of superiors to the death.


This sums it up. You do what you're told, to the death. Imagine ants or bees. They do their duty without any sort of care, defending the hive if ordered to, suchlike. When a queen abt dies, the ants usually continue carrying out the last 'command' they were given until they starve to death, or lose all sort of purpose and wander aimlessly.

Take examples:

A) Superior says, "Go into this airless room and stay there."

As you know it's airless, and haven't been told not to, you put your internals on so you can live to serve your superior whilst inside.

B) Superior says, "Go into this room and stay there without internals."

Your superior has told you not to use internals, so you obey your superior, walk in, and happily suffocate to death.

C) Superior says, "Do what the fuck you want, prawn."

You stand around aimlessly until someone gives you something to do. You have no free will, you exist to serve.

Imagine: Cyborgs, but without free thought.


That is actually a really cool way to think of bound Vaurca. It almost makes me want to actually want to play as one.

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That makes sense, and clears some things up. But what about self-defense? Says everyone has free reign to abuse you, but if you're dead, you can't serve.

Let's say someone runs up to a bound and starts whacking it with whatever metallic object they can find. Would it be in the wrong to pacify said person as a drone? They didn't specifically say, "You're going to let me beat the shit out of you."

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That makes sense, and clears some things up. But what about self-defense? Says everyone has free reign to abuse you, but if you're dead, you can't serve.

Let's say someone runs up to a bound and starts whacking it with whatever metallic object they can find. Would it be in the wrong to pacify said person as a drone? They didn't specifically say, "You're going to let me beat the shit out of you."


In this case, in the position, I'd either run to the superior and ask how for orders on how to deal with it, or subdue the person in any manner and continue with your assigned task, seeing as they were blocking you from completing it. Obstacles for the task must be removed, through any means.

Edited by Guest
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Vaurca drones do not understand the concept of death nor pain. This is explicitly stated. Thus, they would not take action in self defense out of fear of being killed (whether this fear is justified by saying death would inhibit ability to serve), because they do not know they can be killed. I would argue that the logic of "I am being harmed, and harm will inhibit my ability to work, and my ability to work is directly correlated to my value as a worker" would be classified as a complex thought process, meaning that they would not arrive at that conclusion.

Thus, yes, they are incapable of self defense unless ordered otherwise.

Edit; In reply to Chaz, I would classify as returning to a superior for further clarification to be a complex thought process as well. If a person is actively inhibiting you from completing an assigned task (As in they are an obstacle) then that's different, and you technically should remove them in the most effective means possible, so that they do not further inhibit your task. (Since Vaurca drones don't understand the complexity of death, killing anyone that acts as an obstacle would be their go-to method, but doing that to the assistant who keeps disarm spamming you as you repair a door probably won't be looked upon too brightly)

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I think of drones as station synthetics, But more focused, They have a tunnel vision for their work, If it doesn't relate to their work, interfere with or endanger themselves then they will ignore it, Racism, insults and non physical abuse they ignore.

But when attacked by someone or the enviroment is hostile they DO have self preservation, So someone attacks you in maintenance you can floor them (not kill them) and subdue them for however long it takes for security to arrive and take them. Or you can turn antenna and run until persuit ends then they can resume their tasks, When they aren't working then they can either be wandering maitenence, Or sitting someplace in engineering waiting for orders of somesort or working on projects as with my Vaurca I have a list of projects to do for the shift

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How does a Vaurca handle over lapping orders, or conflicting orders? Is there a hierarchy of how it should listen? Is an assistant's orders on par with the captain's, or does it follow a system like AI do where they listen more according to higher rank? And for that matter, it says they have to listen to orders from ANYONE. Does that include wizards or nuke ops? And does a Vaurca have the right to decline an order that would break the laws of the station?

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How does a Vaurca handle over lapping orders, or conflicting orders? Is there a hierarchy of how it should listen? Is an assistant's orders on par with the captain's, or does it follow a system like AI do where they listen more according to higher rank? And for that matter, it says they have to listen to orders from ANYONE. Does that include wizards or nuke ops? And does a Vaurca have the right to decline an order that would break the laws of the station?


If you're given conflicting orders at the same time, go with the one given by the most superior. If someone issues another order, complete your current task then move onto that new task.

Bound Vaurca would not have the right, nor even the ability, to decline an order.

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Although, there's nothing that indicates they would necessarily comply with NanoTrasen chain of command. So while you do obey orders from a superior, and probably obey the most superior order, who is actually most superior is up to player interpretation, so long as their interpretation is consistent.

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How does a Vaurca handle over lapping orders, or conflicting orders? Is there a hierarchy of how it should listen? Is an assistant's orders on par with the captain's, or does it follow a system like AI do where they listen more according to higher rank? And for that matter, it says they have to listen to orders from ANYONE. Does that include wizards or nuke ops? And does a Vaurca have the right to decline an order that would break the laws of the station?


Drones listen to the heads of their department and heads of staff, The chain of obedience for them is Head of department, If lacking that then captain, Then those inside of department and finally those outside of the department, They can decline a order that breaks the laws of the station but can ignore wizards and non crew orders unless specified to listen to them, IE wizard is proclaimed a guest on the station they fall into the last catagory, Nukeops that sieze control of the station would also be able to order a drone around since they don't have that complex of a thought process they won't know that they shouldn't be unless ordered to by someone else (IE head of staff says not to listen to them and explains why)

But when attacked by someone or the enviroment is hostile they DO have self preservation,


That's not what Covert's lore says.

I'm clarifying alot of Coverts lore since alot of it involving the bound is pretty vague

The Bound are, essentially, lobotomized Type A and B Vaurca that unquestionably follow the orders of superiors to the death.


This sums it up. You do what you're told, to the death. Imagine ants or bees. They do their duty without any sort of care, defending the hive if ordered to, suchlike. When a queen abt dies, the ants usually continue carrying out the last 'command' they were given until they starve to death, or lose all sort of purpose and wander aimlessly.

Take examples:

A) Superior says, "Go into this airless room and stay there."

As you know it's airless, and haven't been told not to, you put your internals on so you can live to serve your superior whilst inside.

B) Superior says, "Go into this room and stay there without internals."

Your superior has told you not to use internals, so you obey your superior, walk in, and happily suffocate to death.

C) Superior says, "Do what the fuck you want, prawn."

You stand around aimlessly until someone gives you something to do. You have no free will, you exist to serve.

Imagine: Cyborgs, but without free thought.


Vaurca drones do have self preservation and I am working in including that into the wiki, If a order given to them risks their life in a way they are aware of prior, they can deny if even if it breaks the chain of obedience, After all Nnotransen is trying to abuse this species drones, If they anger the Vaurca by letting people just throw drones into dangerous situations willy nilly then well, they would risk losing their free workers

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Vaurca drones do have self preservation and I am working in including that into the wiki, If a order given to them risks their life in a way they are aware of prior, they can deny if even if it breaks the chain of obedience, After all Nnotransen is trying to abuse this species drones, If they anger the Vaurca by letting people just throw drones into dangerous situations willy nilly then well, they would risk losing their free workers


For the love of god, let this evolve through roleplay instead of just saying it. If people keep throwing drones to their death, then have the Hives respond in a way that will influence roleplay. It'll create a much more interesting situation than 'yes they now can'.

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According to the lore, the Vaurca themselves don't see drones as being any more than tools designed to work even in dangerous situations, and certainly don't think of them as anything more valuable than a tool. I don't see why the Vaurca would be particularly angry if NanoTrasen employed "The Burden" (You must remember that every unbound Vaurca actually dislike bound Vaurca) in the same fashion as the Vaurca do. If they don't understand the concept of death nor pain, I don't see why they would have any self-preservation instincts. Indeed, I am of the opinion that giving them self-preservation detracts.

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Vaurca drones do have self preservation and I am working in including that into the wiki, If a order given to them risks their life in a way they are aware of prior, they can deny if even if it breaks the chain of obedience, After all Nnotransen is trying to abuse this species drones, If they anger the Vaurca by letting people just throw drones into dangerous situations willy nilly then well, they would risk losing their free workers


For the love of god, let this evolve through roleplay instead of just saying it. If people keep throwing drones to their death, then have the Hives respond in a way that will influence roleplay. It'll create a much more interesting situation than 'yes they now can'.

I never said It was just going to happen, ofcourse Im going to let it happen through lore, newscaster stories and roleplay although currently we do not have alot of drone players so it will mostly be newscaster stories


According to the lore, the Vaurca themselves don't see drones as being any more than tools designed to work even in dangerous situations, and certainly don't think of them as anything more valuable than a tool. I don't see why the Vaurca would be particularly angry if NanoTrasen employed "The Burden" (You must remember that every unbound Vaurca actually dislike bound Vaurca) in the same fashion as the Vaurca do. If they don't understand the concept of death nor pain, I don't see why they would have any self-preservation instincts. Indeed, I am of the opinion that giving them self-preservation detracts.

Yes and I know, But It takes two years for a larvae to hatch and become a greater Larvae, Meaning it would no doubt irritate the smaller hives if humans kept losing their drones in the thousands in accidents and using as canon fodder in disasters, It takes alot of work and resources to make bound and unbound alike even if the bound far out number the unbound It would subtract from those they kept at the hives if they kept having to send large amounts of replacements

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Logically speaking, the bulk of the Vaurca workforce are from the Zo'ra and K'lax hive, as they happen to be the largest hive. They also happen to be swarming across Tau Ceti like insects due to the destruction of their titan vessel. The voice of these smaller hives would logically be negligible compared to these larger hives that NanoTrasen draws the majority of its Vaurca workers from. I really don't see any justification in fiddling with the Vaurca bound's total lack of identity. I think its a very neat concept that is handled very well in how unforgiving it is. The drone is less than dirt. It is to work and to be abused and to work despite abuse because it does not understand the concept of abuse. Its utterly simplistic understanding of the world makes it beautiful to play. While cyborgs and androids are technically slaved, their artificial intelligence grants them the annoying ability to philosophize about their slavery, to mock their masters ever so slyly, to ultimately be right contemptuous asshats. The Vaurca drone is deprived of the individuality that would give players the ability to be contemptuous asshats, and I think that is a very good thing indeed.

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Yes I know what you mean Lord Fowl, But my main concern is that every round with a antagonist it will be the drones we have being instantly killed off and leading to massive shit fests that piss off the drone players because, according to lore they aren't allowed to fight back in the slightest, just wordlessly give their items up or accept death or both, and that could be what would kill off drone players, or even Vaurca entirely

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according to lore they aren't allowed to fight back in the slightest, just wordlessly give their items up or accept death or both, and that could be what would kill off drone players, or even Vaurca entirely

If a player does not want to be killed that easily, he maybe shouldn't be playing a drone?

Or maybe drones were ordered to 'not die' pre-shift, by a duty officer, or someone? I really prefer the option above.

I, for one, do not care about dying (unless it's really ridiculous, like mass-syphoning or holo-fire-ing AI's), and would like to play a bound vaurca for this exact reason. To be a mindless, expendable drone, a supporting/minor character, almost an NPC without any free will. Because, what is the point of playing a "unintelligent, lacking self-awareness, not understanding the concept of death"-character, if your character is actually intelligent and self-aware enough to understand the concept of death, and even fight back.

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I think, as Lord Fowl beautifully pointed out, there is an appeal in playing as Vaurca, but you shouldn't blame people for objecting to being taken out of the round earily. Dying shouldn't be an issue to them, but some concern for the wishes of the player behind the Vaurca should kinda be taken.

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