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PHP Dev Application

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Ckey/BYOND Username: Arrow768

Position Being Applied For (coder, mapper, spriter): php developer

Past Experiences/Knowledge:

I have a pretty good knowledge of php and various db backends (mostly mysql/mariadb and postgresql)

But my html / javascript / css knowledge is not the best. (I am able to edit and adapt a design / create something with bootstrap, but I dont have much knowledge in creating something with css/less)

I mostly work with the laravel framework as its very well maintained and elegant.

But I have also worked with CI and "normal" php without any framework.

I have a sysadmin background (and thats part of the reason why I lack the html / java script / css knowledge, cause if I have to make something it needs to work and it needs to be finished quickly, design is not a top priority)

Examples of Past Work:

One of my projects is the store webpanel.

The first version was just a administration gui for a (sourcemod) gameserver plugin.

(Updated regularly since 3 years now)

Version 2 is a complete rewrite in laravel and features a admin and a userpanel.

It allows the users to interact with their stuff on the gameservers via the webpanel (sso via steam is included ofc)

I have also written a mybb plugin that integrates the store plugin into a mybb forum.

Access Details for a demo install can be provided via PM.

Preferred Mode of Communication (Skype, Steam, etc.):

I would prefer steam as a communication method.

(Just PM me and I´ll send you the steamid)

Additional Comments:

If you have got questions, just ask.

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