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Seon-Rin Von Illdenberg returns...

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It's been at least 2 months since her special ban for being a undesirable mess that doesn't meet working standards and a "self antagging chuckle fuck"

But like everyone, people deserve second chances and it's not right in any way to ban characters but I did agree to not use her again that's why I bring forth this appeal.

As requested before her ban was to make an updated records with more likable "Realistic" feats which I do plan to make but the record generator is down so as a alternative I'll just show you a few things of the character plus, I usually make my characters first before I do the records like all my others.

The New Seon

Aeon-Gi Yoon Young-

Full name: Aeon-Gi Yoon Young

Age: 20

Employed: Janitor/Shaft Miner (Not 100% on her vocation)

Appearance: Similar to Seon.

Story: A abused child.

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Alright so, this happened a few months ago. You are right. I am worried this now character is going to be exactly like Seon and you are going to use her to continue your previous roleplay. Many people don't want a return of Seon because she was unrealistic. If you are just going to make another Von Illdenberg and label your unban request as the Return of Von Illdenberg. Then no, I would not want to see this happen because she was banned for a reason.

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Well I was not sure if she should would be a continuation of the original or a remake, but I choose the remake but I kept the same sur name (I'll change it though) but she is very different in the way she acts to where she works so she is no longer "Unrealistic" and about that unrealistic part I don't fully understand the unrealistic elements of her could you kindly point them out?

Also I labeled the thread "Seon-Rin Von Illdenberg returns" because a admin personally character banned her and her type of character so I'm her name broadly in that sense.

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One, Non Admins personal no more comments.


They are free to comment here aslong as they are relevant. Which thus far they are.


Genetic experimentations.


This alone makes me say "NOPE" because I SPECIFICALLY told you that this was NOT okay. And you apparently are electing to ignore that.

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Guest Menown

Community input on appeals is accepted, and will be considered by the Moderation & Administration staff. (Though, the staff are not always required to follow majority opinion on these matters.)


You don't dictate who can comment on your appeal, Meta.

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This is the basis of the character though, plus you personally dislike this feature it's not a real problem.


You need to read and understand this. You are making no meaningful changes to your characters, you actually made ANOTHER character that caused a controversy by being just as snowflakey as Seon. This post offers no promise of change, no evidence that you've even attempted it nor that you even understand why your character needs to be changed despite being informed of why repeatedly. Making meaningful changes to Seon/whatever IS required, the administrative staff will continue the restriction on Seon existing until you actually do something about how idiotically "Speshul" she was. Both my and other other admin's "Opinions" on this matter are decisively against Seon becoming a thing again because you have essentially ignored both the feedback from staff and players while assuming we're just going to go "Kay, she can come back." No. She can't. Not until you prove you can make her a more accepted character.

I will keep this appeal open for a couple days to offer you yet another chance to prove you are capable of making a decent character. If you do not, I will deny this.

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Genetic experimentations.


This alone makes me say "NOPE" because I SPECIFICALLY told you that this was NOT okay. And you apparently are electing to ignore that.


This is the basis of the character though, plus you personally dislike this feature it's not a real problem.


Then the basis of the character is unsuitable for this server; that is really the end of it.

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This is the basis of the character though, plus you personally dislike this feature it's not a real problem.


You need to read and understand this. You are making no meaningful changes to your characters, you actually made ANOTHER character that caused a controversy by being just as snowflakey as Seon. This post offers no promise of change, no evidence that you've even attempted it nor that you even understand why your character needs to be changed despite being informed of why repeatedly. Making meaningful changes to Seon/whatever IS required, the administrative staff will continue the restriction on Seon existing until you actually do something about how idiotically "Speshul" she was. Both my and other other admin's "Opinions" on this matter are decisively against Seon becoming a thing again because you have essentially ignored both the feedback from staff and players while assuming we're just going to go "Kay, she can come back." No. She can't. Not until you prove you can make her a more accepted character.

I will keep this appeal open for a couple days to offer you yet another chance to prove you are capable of making a decent character. If you do not, I will deny this.


The feedback from the players are just saying, don't bring her back and that's all but what I realized is you don't understand what what I'm doing.

Lets list out the bad things about Seon.

Flavour Text- This was deemed disturbing and too descriptive (Mostly by you) but I did bring lots of changes that made it acceptable.

Records- She was too skilled for her age and experience.

Behavior- She was a trouble seeker.

(If you want you can add on to this list)

All these things are fixed in this character.

Flavour Text- It's still honest to what she looks like but lessened widely.

Records- Ultra standard, not a child with high science knowledge.

Behavior- I'm expecting to be modest, but y'know I haven't played yet.

And I'd like to add before I made Seon-Rin there was a character named Villa Moon which I made way back before which was the same exact character but less way less violent and more innocent. She was around when you were there and you never said a thing and/or even noticed her and I'm going to say it again, She was the same exact character but no one cared about her. So again I don't see much of the problem besides her being a asshole.

But if you really insist point out all of seon flaws and I'll fix them on the spot.

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This is the basis of the character though, plus you personally dislike this feature it's not a real problem.


You need to read and understand this. You are making no meaningful changes to your characters, you actually made ANOTHER character that caused a controversy by being just as snowflakey as Seon. This post offers no promise of change, no evidence that you've even attempted it nor that you even understand why your character needs to be changed despite being informed of why repeatedly. Making meaningful changes to Seon/whatever IS required, the administrative staff will continue the restriction on Seon existing until you actually do something about how idiotically "Speshul" she was. Both my and other other admin's "Opinions" on this matter are decisively against Seon becoming a thing again because you have essentially ignored both the feedback from staff and players while assuming we're just going to go "Kay, she can come back." No. She can't. Not until you prove you can make her a more accepted character.

I will keep this appeal open for a couple days to offer you yet another chance to prove you are capable of making a decent character. If you do not, I will deny this.


The feedback from the players are just saying, don't bring her back and that's all but what I realized is you don't understand what what I'm doing.

Lets list out the bad things about Seon.

Flavour Text- This was deemed disturbing and too descriptive (Mostly by you) but I did bring lots of changes that made it acceptable.

Records- She was too skilled for her age and experience.

Behavior- She was a trouble seeker.

(If you want you can add on to this list)

All these things are fixed in this character.

Flavour Text- It's still honest to what she looks like but lessened widely.

Records- Ultra standard, not a child with high science knowledge.

Behavior- I'm expecting to be modest, but y'know I haven't played yet.

And I'd like to add before I made Seon-Rin there was a character named Villa Moon which I made way back before which was the same exact character but less way less violent and more innocent. She was around when you were there and you never said a thing and/or even noticed her and I'm going to say it again, She was the same exact character but no one cared about her. So again I don't see much of the problem besides her being a asshole.

But if you really insist point out all of seon flaws and I'll fix them on the spot.

Then in what sense, if you're changing all this, are you 'bringing back' Seon-rin?

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The feedback from the players are just saying, don't bring her back and that's all


Below is an an EXTENSIVE list of player's suggestions, which really. Go far beyond "Don't bring her back". The suggestion "Don't bring her back" is likely rooted in your complete apathy for reforming Seon. Honestly, you are becoming intensely frustrating to me as you claim to be improving Seon/your other characters, while simultaneously refusing to alter them in any way, shape or form.


I sort of like her; but she needs to tone her behaviour right the hell down, and start acting like she would have been hired to begin with.


I'll honestly admit that I find the flavor text horrifyingly detailed. I may be a basement dweller with limited contact to the surface world, but I'm pretty sure humans don't look like that.


What Bokaza said. My main complaint is that her flavor text made me gag and I fully regret ever reading it. I hate very few things on this planet, and her flavor text is one of those things. Other than that, I share the exact same thoughts as Gollee. The lack to act like that is what has her on a dangerous path to begin with, but I sorta like the character.


I've noticed she gets arrested A LOT, she might wanna tone down her behaviour or she may end up being fired.


An interesting character, but as other people have said, too much of a delinquent to realistically keep her job. LiLITH likes her because she finds Illdenberg to be an anomaly worthy of study, but one of the meatsacks would've canned her by now no question.


Even as an antag she came across as just too creepy for me. IN a rev round, where you are still supposed to play your character for the most part, she captured my captain and forced him to strip. Then did shit like rubbing his chest. The man is old with prosthetic arm, foot, and heart... He appears his age too.


I am not a big fan, because her attitude is well, something you would literally never see in a workplace. If you get hauled to the brig literally almost every round, your character probably wouldn't be hired for long. Also, she somehow finds herself in a security position, and I imagine security personnel are held to a higher standard in terms of not having a lengthy rap sheet. Also, sometimes she is a cadet, other times she is a security officer which is kind of confusing, especially considering she also works in science? Either way, in the past week, I've had to arrest her five time, and she wasn't even an antagonist.


Absolutely bizarre. Seems to exist solely to make conflict. Still have no idea what she's actually like. Appears to speak and think like a toddler.


This post took right the hell off-- Zero to a hundred real quick!

I've had to personally arrest Seon about seven times to my recollection, all of which were kind of silly. Silly in the sense that I was going "What is even going on." half the time. She legitimately says over comms every now and then, "Fuck cops." literally just because. I think I've heard it about four times now where there had been no reason or build-up to actually state that beforehand, literally just "Fuck Security."

With everything she does, she'd honestly get a psychiatric examination for Tourettes, ADHD, and undoubtedly some form of mental illness if she'd pull a knife on someone and start stabbing them with the intent to kill because she got her face slapped. If you were arrested for a minor crime, your file is looked at by Nanotrasen. If you're arrested for a major crime, you'd more than likely get fired less than three days after the incident occurs. If you have a long history of both, trailing back a little less than a month? Something doesn't quite add up.

It's not to say that I don't like the character, she just needs to be tweaked. Along with her flavor text. Like...really.

Adjust her behavior, adjust that flavor text, change her state of mind from a toddler to an adult.


Seon-rin is a troubled character and if you don't adjust how she is played there are probably going to be consequences.

She suffers several creative flaws, some of which overlap into toeing the line of what's acceptable in server rules.

1) Her records are extremely bizarre. She's not only a victim of genetic experiments, but she was riddled with bullets once, and violently attacked authorities during a confrontation. Not only that, but she was a star student at a research firm when she was 17, was a waitress on Mars and Earth for a combined total of 3 hours according to herself, and is now a lab assistant on the NSS Aurora at 19 despite her severe psychological and social impediments.

2) The lewd and erotic behavior is toeing the line of what's acceptable. It's clear that it makes several people that witness it uncomfortable. I'm sure uncomfortable.

3) This isn't something to be proud of. It won't make her an awesome Warden.

You said before that you had the desire to improve your character, and I believe that you're sincere. The best way to go about this would be to take an honest look at the backstory you have for her, how it shapes her as a character, and ask yourself: why? What narrative or niche are you trying to portray with the character? How do you want people to see her? How are you trying to make them see her like that?


Lets list out the bad things about Seon.




Flavour Text- This was deemed disturbing and too descriptive (Mostly by you)


Yes, it was marked as being markedly inappropriate and generally disgusting (As it went to in-depth detail about Seon's pubic hair). And while you seem so fond of "Mostly by you" and "Only you think that" in conversations with me. I at first failed to even notice this, it was originally brought up by Tishinastalker (If I recall correctly), and was commented upon after Tish had brought it up by Tainaiva and Teneza (Again if I recall correctly) both in a decidedly negative light. I believe the words "I almost threw up" were REPEATEDLY said by multiple parties. If you go through the "Seon-Rin what do you think of her?" thread, you'll find a dozen+ comments that mirror this.


but I did bring lots of changes that made it acceptable.


Then you have utterly failed at showing us. There's no link to your new flavor text, no list of changes and no promise of "I fixed it!" just "Oh yeah, I changed things!"


Records- She was too skilled for her age and experience.


Well....yeah. She was 17 (Originally) though you later brought it up to 19, had never attended any sort of education and was somehow working as a security cadet, security officer, Assistant,Geneticist, Lab Assistant,Scientist oh and she also had extensive engineering/martial arts knowledge "Because she was taught by her father". You later amended her to having attended a school (Who's name is in Hangul alphabet for some reason) and had her attending a university (Though still failed to mention what she was studying).


Behavior- She was a trouble seeker.


I'm going to expand on this, for any members of our community that have missed out on the "antics" of Seon-Rin. She has, been arrested (Probably 100+ times and almost always when Meta is NOT an antag), She has sexually assaulted a crewmember (One of Xelnaga's, quoted above), refused Duty Officer orders to take medication for her significant psychological/physiological problems, has 'flashed' crewmembers by lifting up her skirt in Public (Seriously, who does this?), pulled a knife on someone for slapping her (Again, when not an antag), has forced characters to kiss her, along with several other incidents that I'm not going to mention, I think everyone gets the picture.


All these things are fixed in this character.


Show us. You are just spouting words at this point with no evidence to back it up, and after several empty promises to "fix" Seon. You'll find that words without evidence at this point carry very little weight.


Flavour Text- It's still honest to what she looks like but lessened widely.


This is the BIGGEST issue. I'm going to quote your records to avoid having to explain it myself "2438 - Was genetically modified in the womb before birth, reasons are unknown. DNA was infused with various creatures DNA the procedure is highly illegal. Due to the slight failure of the procedure it was attempted to be reversed 2 years after birth and only 12.34% of the effects were corrected but interesting features are still manifesting."

This breaks the lore of our established universe. A human being CANNOT be infused with significant quantities of animal/alien DNA/genes and still retain any level of functioning biology. If this TRULY occurred as it would 'true to lore' then Seon would either A. be lying in a grave somewhere from massive genetic damage from this procedure, or B. Be lying in a hospital bed, drooling all over herself as the genetic damage would've caused horrific and unknowable implications on her personality, appearance and the function of her body. This seems the part that you are INSISTENT upon retaining, but this is the part that you CAN'T retain, this simply conflicts with our established universe and lore and just is not acceptable. This is not a arguable point, if you want Seon to exist, remove it.

Note: Genetic engineering IS a thing that exists in the universe, but it's focused mainly on improving ability (Through PRECISE targeting of genes) or correcting for hereditary diseases (Which I have MANY characters who have had this done) Genetic engineering is possible and somewhat common, you're just not taking it in a reasonable manner.


Records- Ultra standard, not a child with high science knowledge.


Again, post them.


Behavior- I'm expecting to be modest, but y'know I haven't played yet.


I simply can't accept this. I've seen both Seon and your other characters in-game and in every occurrence they are overly dramatic, troublesome or have odd quirks to their existence that conflict with our lore/cause fucktonnes of trouble. The massive pile of arrests, sexual assaults, and sheer idiotic behavior that simply don't fit with our Heavy RP environment is just really too big to ignore at this point.


But if you really insist point out all of seon flaws and I'll fix them on the spot.


I HAVE, as have DOZENS of people in the past. There's an entire thread on the forums that essentially does nothing but this actually. Yet while you are "Willing to fix them", you somehow haven't.

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One you write too many words, I might just be missing the point.

Two I rather show you her rather than write about her (Also including I cannot log into records)

Three You're not a geneticist

Four you did bash me daily about my flavour.

Five I'll write you a flavor of the new Rin.

Six Genetic experiment is her thing, It'll be less like her if she was not genetically morbid.

Seven- "I simply can't accept this. I've seen both Seon and your other characters in-game and in every occurrence they are overly dramatic, troublesome or have odd quirks to their existence that conflict with our lore/cause fucktonnes of trouble. The massive pile of arrests, sexual assaults, and sheer idiotic behavior that simply don't fit with our Heavy RP environment is just really too big to ignore at this point. "

Who now?

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One you write too many words, I might just be missing the point.


That's not an appropriate response to your own appeal at all. If you are incapable of understanding staff responses to your appeal, there's no point in appealing.


Two I rather show you her rather than write about her (Also including I cannot log into records)


This is not how appeals work. You don't get this appeal accepted and THEN show us that you've met the conditions for the appeal to be accepted. You have to display adequate evidence that you have improved


Three You're not a geneticist


This is a fallacious and childish response to legitimate critique. While I am NOT a geneticist, nor have I ever claimed to be such, I do have a adequate grasp of genetics due to my personal experience with hereditary medical conditions. Huntington's disease for instance (A serious terminal illness) is caused by a SINGLE genetic defect. This is a disease that utterly destroys your nervous system, and it takes but ONE gene being defective. So, spicing in thousands upon thousands of genes. Yeah, that's going to get bad reaaaaal quick.


Four you did bash me daily about my flavour.


There is a meaningful difference between "Bashing" and critiquing. Bashing would be me going "YOU FUCKING SUCK". Critiquing is me telling you that your flavor text is flawed in a polite manner, which I honestly believe I have done.


Six Genetic experiment is her thing, It'll be less like her if she was not genetically morbid.


It's at this point that I am rejecting this appeal. I have told you that this is something that directly conflicts with established lore and the style of the universe, I have suggested how you might change Seon to still integrate some measure of genetic modification and you have stubbornly refused. The Aurora Universe will not be altered simply to allow you to create a character of unreasonable, unbelievable genetic modification.

Appeal Denied.

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