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Anyone ever forget they're an antag?

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So I'm on the server being all antaggy and stuff, and then I do something. And then something else. And eventually I forget to blow up the station. Anyone else have this problem, or am I crazy?


Once as a changeling, a mini-event occurred. A box appeared, and when you put an item into it, it traded it for a much rarer item. I got completely distracted that I forgot to actually be a ling. No genomes were taken that day.


I often forget when I'm an antag unless it's blatantly obvious like being a nuke-op, and even then I struggle to be antagonistic. I disabled all my antag options due to my struggles with being someone who is genuinely bad. Plus, given the amount of complaints on the player complaints against antags, I just get too scared to kill anyone for fears of "g-gank!"


I once went an entire round on a different server without noticing I was an antag. Ever since then I've made a habit of checking my notes/memories when I leave any non-obvious antag role enabled in preferences.

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