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Central Hub - Scientific and Medical Progress League

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Central Hub - SAMPLe
Desk of the Executive Director
Dr. Shkor-Dyet Dom'Pesh



Since Dr. Laurence Fisher founded this organization in February of 2458, the League has grown largely in size. From a small group of founders, we have become a thriving community of researchers who endeavor to give structure to the scientific process. From investigation of alien artifacts, to the development of revolutionary medical procedures, to innovation in engine design, SAMPLe is the leading organization in collective research efforts to help us build a better galaxy. Apply today!


Brief Explanation


SAMPLe exists to operate as a club and union of research, medical, and engineering professionals within NanoTrasen Corporate Conglomerate. The League itself serves as an organization to promote the following three goals:

  • Reproducible Research - Our primary goal, is to encourage all members to record their projects undertaken during work hours, and summarize their procedures into a set of instructions to reproduce the result they came across, this ensures that all claims in the scientific community are peer-reviewed, and promotes perfection of current procedures and scientific methods.
  • Inter Departmental Cooperation - Our secondary goal, is to encourage all members to create and execute research projects that can include the departments of Medical and Engineering, and actively utilizes the valuable skills of the professionals from either field. This not only involves more people and makes research more of a community activity, but it also gives projects more credibility, as there are more confirmed testers and witnesses.
  • Benefiting Society through Science - Our tertiary, and final purpose, is to encourage all members to conduct research that benefits society, rather than research that harms it, such as the research of new medical techniques and procedures, and chemicals, and the research of new, superior plant life. Through research, we can make the world a safer, cleaner and healthier place.

Registration and Membership


To register as a member of SAMPLe , you must simply reply to this notice with your name, regular position, department and sub-departments of employment within NanoTrasen (these correlate roughly to the same divisions within the League), and state that you would like to register as a member, your name will be added to the roster.


Ex: I, Dr. Laurence Fisher, Research Director, Science, Xenoarchaeology/Anomaly, would like to join SAMPLe, as a [positions listed below] .


We are currently looking to fill the following positions within SAMPLe, but are also taking an unlimited amount of Standard Members:


  • Standard Member - Regular member, when joining, is assigned to a division and department based on what they submitted in their request for membership

Uniform Policy


After our latest Division Chair meeting, and after a review of the latest uniform policies from NanoTrasen, it has been decided that the following (OPTIONAL) uniform for SAMPLe members would be put into effect:


Purple Armband (Science Armband) - All members

Purple Labcoat - All Science Division members

Purple Beret - All Division Chairs + Executive Director

Leadership and Administration


SAMPLe's leadership is made up of the Division Chairs and the Executive Director, and to a lesser-extent, Senior Members and the Legal Representative(s) .


The Executive Director holds exclusive authority over the League, and may exercise authority within any division when he sees fit to do so, this authority includes the right to dismiss members, welcome new members, and promoting and demoting members internally. Once SAMPLe's membership exceeds 10 registered members, the Division Chairs will be able to motion to replace the Executive Director with another member of the League, the member is not required to be in a leadership position to take this promotion.


The Division Chairs handle administration within their respective divisions, listening to complaints, overseeing research, providing aid and advice, as well as dealing with reprimand. They are permitted to create rules for their divisions, but these must go through the Executive Director for approval. The Division Chairs are responsible for appointing the Executive Director whenever they feel a new one is needed, which can only be done by unanimous vote, they are also able to instate League-wide rules by unanimous vote. They are appointed by the Executive Director, or voted in by their department.


The Senior Members are those within the League that have performed well, and have been suggested for this title by their Division Chair to the Executive Director. Senior Members are permitted to sit in and speak at Division Chair meetings, but may not vote. Division Chairs may appoint Senior Members delegative authority over a department within their division If a Division Chair position is vacated, the most senior Senior Member is put into their place in Interim, until the department is able to vote on a new one, or the Executive Director appoints one.


The Legal Representatives are employed to provide legal advice to all members of the League, and are permitted to sit and speak at Division Chair meetings. They are required to represent and advise any member of the League in matters of employment, unless omitted from doing so by the Executive Director. There may be more than one Legal Representative, and they are not required to be in the Medical, Research or Engineering departments. They are headed by the Legal Director and Executive Director.


SAMPLe Communication Network


SAMPLe utilizes a service known as 'Discord', to host our SCN. The SCN serves as a place for all members (and only members) of the League to communicate and coordinate, as well as engage in healthy comradery. The SCN also holds the Administration Channel, where the Chairperson's Board and Legal Department work on the League's agenda and policy. To connect to the SCN, please go here: SAMPLe Communication Network . Non-members that connect will be banned upon discovery. This service is for SAMPLe members only. Thank you.


Legal Disclosure

The following is a list of the channels within the SCN, this is a legal disclosure to ensure NanoTrasen and all employees concerned. Should it be requested, Central Command Internal Affairs are welcome to request access to any and all communication channels.
  • SAMPLe General - Public chat for all members to utilize for communication
  • SAMPle Administration - Private chat for the Executive Director, Chairperson Board, and Legal Director to coordinate SAMPLe's agenda
  • Legal Department - Private chat for the Executive Director, Legal Director and Legal Representatives to coordinate SAMPLe's legal efforts
  • Medical Division - For coordination of the Medical Division
  • Science Division - For coordination of the Science Division
  • Engineering Division - For coordination of the Engineering Division
  • ((OOC)) - A chat for SAMPLe players to communicate outside of their characters

Divisions and Departments


SAMPLe is sorted into four main 'divisions', those being Administrative, Science, Medical and Engineering, in each division, there is a number of 'departments', which respective Division Chairs are able to create and modify at will. This is a list of the aforementioned divisions, their current departments, and those in leadership roles within each.


Executive Director: Dr. Shkor-Dyet Dom'Pesh

Legal Director: Mr. Clement Beach

Chairperson's Board

Legal Department

Central Command Internal Affairs Liaison Group


Science Division

Division Chairperson: ResearchMate 2459

Research and Development Department

Robotic Engineering Department

Xenoarchaeology and Anomaly Department

Xenoflora and Xenofauna Studies Department

Genetic Engineering Department


Medical Division

Division Chairperson: Dr. Johnathan Eckstein

General Medicinal Research Department

Patient Treatment Advancements Department

Anatomical Developmental Studies Department

Virological Research and Development Department

Chemical Science Department


Engineering Division

Division Chairperson: Dr. Noel Tettering

Engine Technology and Theory Department

Life-support Research Department

Advanced Construction Department

Electrical Studies Department

Membership Registry


A complete list of all current SAMPLe members, and their role within SAMPLe. (Name, Rank, Division, Department)

Dr. Shkor-Dyet Dom'Pesh - Executive Director


Mr. Clement Beach - Legal Director

Mr. Alexander Sheppard - Legal Representative

Ms. Kellie Hastings - Legal Representative

Mr. Drew Valstrom - Legal Representative

Mr. Uriel Evans - Legal Representative


Mr. Terrance Clarke - Central Command Internal Affairs Liaison



ResearchMate 2459 - Science Division Chair

Dr. Kala Vanteil - Standard Member (Science, Xenoarchaeology and Anomaly)

Dr. Irene Niequist - Standard Member (Science, Xenoarchaeology and Anomaly)

Dr. Laurance Fisher - Standard Member (Science, Xenoarchaeology and Anomaly)

Dr. Jack Davidson - Standard Member (Science, Xenoarchaeology and Anomaly)

Dr. Talia Gauss - Standard Member (Science, Robotic Engineering)

Dr. Halo O'Kyle - Standard Member (Science, Robotic Engineering)

Dr. Kyyir'ry'avii 'Karima' Ille'nagri Al'Ghul Mo'Taki - Standard Member (Science, Robotic Engineering)

Dr. Martin Richter - Standard Member (Science, Genetic Engineering)

Dr. Auralia-Fedas Ro'Suos - Standard Member (Xenoflora and Xenofauna Studies)

Dr. Frank Hardie - Standard Member (Science, Xenoflora and Xenofauna Studies)

Dr. Daniel Seraph - Standard Member (Science, Xenoflora and Xenofauna Studies)

Dr. Morkai Quae'rin-Tup - Standard Member (Science, Xenoflora and Xenofauna Studies)

Dr. Verszo Tep'Perri - Standard Member (Science, Xenoflora and Xenofauna Studies)

Dr. Winoa Summers - Standard Member (Science, Xenoflora and Xenofauna Studies)

Dr. Sophie Abbot - Standard Member (Science, Research and Development)

Dr. Aito Kusanagi - Standard Member (Science, Research and Development)

PAL-OS - Standard Member (Science, Research and Development)

Dr. Woalshi'Fedas Noual-Tresja - Standard Member (Science, Research and Development)

Mr. Kojo Akan -Standard Member (Science, Research and Development)

Mr. Dante Volvalaad -Standard Member (Science, Research and Development)



Dr. Jonathan Eckstein - Medical Division Chair

Dr. Nettie Clarke - Standard Member (Medical, Patient Treatment Advancements)

Dr. Samantha Black - Standard Member (Medical, Patient Treatment Advancements)

Dr. Alexander Farson - Standard Member (Medical, Patient Treatment Advancements)

Dr. Xinc - Standard Member (Medical, Anatomical Developmental Studies)

Dr. Sloan Strange - Standard Member (Medical, Anatomical Developmental Studies)

Dr. Phoebe Essel - Standard Member (Medical, Anatomical Developmental Studies)

Dr. Luigi Aggazi - Standard Member (Medical, Virological Research and Development)

Dr. Gerald Grant - Standard Member (Medical, Virological Research and Development)

Dr. Vol-Velos Oros'Sol - Standard Member (Medical, General Medicinal Research Department)



Dr. Noel Tettering - Engineering Division Chair

Mr. Connor Rohtin - Standard Member (Engineering, Engine Technology and Theory)

Zah Void - Standard Member (Engineering, Engine Technology and Theory)

Sieverts - Standard Member (Engineering, Advanced Construction)

Edited by Mofo1995
Added Mr. volvalaad, readded logo

Official Notice: Research Report Format

Desk of the Executive Director

Dr. Laurence Fisher


The format for research reports has been posted, when filing a report, please fill out the provided form, and send it to your Division Head, it's merit will then be decided prior to it being submitted for public review. If you believe the Division Chair has unnecessarily refused to publicize your report, you may direct it to the Executive Director for review.


Official Notice: Creation of the Research Hub

Desk of the Executive Director

Dr. Laurence Fisher


The Research Hub has been created and opened up for public view, all further research reports should and will be posted there by Division Chairs. Anyone who sees issues with the Research Hub is asked to contact myself, or a Division Chair directly and immediately. Thank you, and may your research progress well!


Division Chairperson Board - Monthly Meeting Bulletin

Desk of the Executive Director

Dr. Laurence Fisher

Over the last month, since the founding of SAMPLe , the Division Chair's and myself have discussed various things, this is a list of the things that were discussed, if you have any questions, please email me at SAMPLeAdmin@TauCeti.gov .


  • General recruitment
  • Recruitment of an Engineering Division Chair
  • SAMPLe advertising
  • Devolved authority to accept new members to the Division Chairs
  • Establishment of the Research Hub
  • Creation of a permanent sub-division list


Official Notice: Central Hub Renovations

Desk of the Executive Director

Dr. Laurence Fisher

As you may have noticed, the Central Hub has been updated, the section holding our research report format has been moved to our Research Hub.

The organization has been cosmetically restructured, as sub-divisions will now be referred to as departments, the Hub entry has been completely modified to reflect this change, a section of the Hub is now dedicated to keeping track of each division and their departments, as well as any leadership faculty within them, the Membership Registry has also been updated to reflect the new departments created by their respective Division Chairs.

And my final note; I in my role of Executive Director, have reformed the Legal Representatives into the Legal Department, which shall be headed by our Legal Director, Mr. Clement Beach.


Official Notice: SAMPLe Communication Network

Desk of the Executive Director

Dr. Laurence Fisher

SAMPLe Communication Network

SAMPLe utilizes a service known as 'Discord', to host our SCN. The SCN serves as a place for all members (and only members) of the League to communicate and coordinate, as well as engage in healthy comradery. The SCN also holds the Administration Channel, where the Chairperson's Board and Legal Department work on the League's agenda and policy. To connect to the SCN, please go here: SAMPLe Communication Network . Non-members that connect will be banned upon discovery. This service is for SAMPLe members only. Thank you.


Official Notice: League Photo Day & Uniform Policy Update

Desk of the Executive Director

Dr. Laurence Fisher

Scientific and Medical Progress League Photo Day

This is a courtesy notice to all members, you may or may not receive a notification email from your Division Chair regarding this, so I am posting the notice here.

On Friday, March 18th, we will be meeting on the NSS Exodus at 7:00PM Tau Ceti-5 ((Eastern Standard Time)) for a picture of all our members.

Attendance is of course optional, but suggested. If you plan on attending, please wear some sort of purple clothing. I hope to see you all there!

Uniform Policy Update

In line with NanoTrasen's latest uniform regulations, the Division Chairs have voted in favour of changing the official (yet optional) uniform of SAMPLe members from a purple labcoat, to a purple armband. Members of leadership will also be required to wear purple berets, or an alternative form of headgear, and those within the Science Division will still be asked to wear purple labcoats in line with Division-set standards.

Again, completely optional but suggested to encourage cohesion. A uniform policy section has been added to the Hub for reference.


Official Notice

Desk of the Executive Director

Dr. Laurence Fisher


New Medical Division Chair

We are sad to see Dr. Aefia Vitellia leave us, as she's moved out of the Republic of Biesel, she served SAMPLe greatly as the Chairperson of the Medical Division. Her successor has been appointed, and as such we are happy to welcome Dr. Jonathan Eckstein to our team! He'll be leading the Medical Division from this point forwards.

Safety Procedure Project

Currently, SAMPLe is working on creating various safety procedures and protocol guides, which will be presented to NanoTrasen's Heads of Staff for review and critique, and perhaps eventually ascension to official protocol.


Official Notice

Desk of the Science Division Chairperson

Dr. Shkor-Dyet Dom'Pesh


OFFICIAL SAMPLe TOXINS SAFETY GUIDE by Science Chairperson Shkor-Dyet Dom'Pesh, slightly adapted for the Exodus from Aurora Research Director Farreipshi Tup'Tesh's Four Rules of Toxins.


RULE ONE: Full protective gear is required at all times in the toxins lab. This includes a full biosuit from the toximate 3000, and a gas mask with ENABLED air supply from the nearby locker.

REASON: The number one cause of death in toxins research is not fire or explosions, but leaks. Toxins in the air can infect one's clothes and poison them as they breathe it in and remain in contact with it on their skin. This protective gear fully protects the wearer from a toxins leak, and allows them to wait out the huge air scrubbers to clean the room.

RULE TWO: Do not open the manual release valve on canisters unless a tank has been added to the canister to be filled. Close the manual release valve BEFORE removing tanks from the canister.

REASON: This is the primary cause of toxins leaks as plasma researchers think either think they need to open the manual release valve to fill the burn chamber, or forget to close the valve before removing the tank. This can be extremely lethal if a superheated burn mix is released onto the user.

RULE THREE:Never leave the burn chamber unattended while there is a flame. Additionally, never let the flame surpass 6,000 Kelvin.

REASON: Much like camping, leaving a fire unattended is the quickest way to let a fire spread. Six thousand Kelvin is the melting point of plasteel, and the dangers of the prospect of this plasma fire pouring out into the toxins room proper as well as the rest of science needs little explaining, people can die.

RULE FOUR: Assemble all bombs at the Toxins Launch Room.

REASON: In the event that something goes tragically wrong in the process of assembling the bomb with the tank transfer valve, it is best to blow a hole in space at a remote corner of the station than to potentially destroy all of science. Afterall, an explosion in the toxins lab could breach a plasma canister and ignite it.


REASON: Station security has to deal with many threats from bald hooligans to attempting bombings against Miranda Trasen's life. Many Tajaran crew members have PTSD from the war on Adhomai. Give ample notice before all your tests, it is absolutely obligatory in order to make sure everyone is aware it is only a test and not a threatening situation.

I, Doctor Vol-Velos Oros'Sol, Medical, Psychologist, Medical Doctor, Would like to join SMAPLe as a standard member.

Copied to be held until acceptance for the new Hub.


Official Notice

Desk of the Executive Director

Dr. Shkor-Dyet Dom'Pesh


Changes in Leadership

Following the stepping down of Dr. Laurence Fisher earlier today, the board of chairpersons convened to elect his successor. Following this election, I have been elevated to the position of Executive Director of the Scientific and Medical Progress League, and will continue to serve to the best of my abilities. In my stead as Science Chairperson, the esteemed Dr. Auralia-Fedas Ro'Suos has been selected to oversee the division. The May board meeting will be convening in one weeks time to discuss potential policy changes. We are still in need of an Engineering Division Chairperson, and so all are encouraged to attempt to actively recruit competent and motivated engineers.


I, Dr. Noel Tettering, Chief Engineer, Engineering, Nuclear Engine Design and Advanced Atmospherics, would like to join SAMPLe, as the Engineering division chairman .

I, Dr. Noel Tettering, Chief Engineer, Engineering, Nuclear Engine Design and Advanced Atmospherics, would like to join SAMPLe, as the Engineering division chairman .


You have been accepted to Sample as the Engineering Division Chairman, welcome to the League, Dr. Tettering.

I, Dr. Aito Kusanagi, Scientist, Science, Research and Development, would like to join SAMPLe, as a Standard Member.


Dr. Ro'Suos is busy recently, and so I will accept this for her. You have been accept to SAMPLe as a standard member in the Science Division under the Research and Development Department, welcome to the League, Dr. Kusanagi.


I, Doctor Vol-Velos Oros'Sol, Medical, Psychologist, Medical Doctor, Would like to join SMAPLe as a standard member.

Copied to be held until acceptance for the new Hub.


I will urge Dr. Eckstein to either accept this application or provide a reason to deny it, they have been very busy recently as well. In twenty four hours I will accept it on their behalf if no objections are raised.

I, Doctor Vol-Velos Oros'Sol, Medical, Psychologist, Medical Doctor, Would like to join SMAPLe as a standard member.


Apologies for the delay, doctor. You have been accept to SAMPLe as a standard member in the Medical Division, under the General Medicinal Research Department. Welcome to the League, Dr. Oros'Sol.


I, Unit PAL-OS, Telescientist, Researcher, Scientist, would like to join SAMPLe, as a Standard Member.

Unit brings the NT Research award to the table, awarded by Uriel Evans, and CCIA Amnesty Lund for our life saving advancements in telescience.

I, Unit PAL-OS, Telescientist, Researcher, Scientist, would like to join SAMPLe, as a Standard Member.

Unit brings the NT Research award to the table, awarded by Uriel Evans, and CCIA Amnesty Lund for our life saving advancements in telescience.


You have been accepted to SAMPLe as a standard member in the Science Division under the Research and Development Department, welcome to the League, PAL-OS

  • 2 weeks later...

She, Kyyir'ry'avii 'Karima' Ille'nagri Al'Ghul Mo'Taki, Roboticist, Synthetic programming and development, would like to join SAMPLe, as a standard member.


You have been accepted to SAMPLe as a standard member in the Science Division under the Robotic Engineering Department. Welcome to the league, Dr. Mo'Taki.


I, Dr. Gerald Grant, Medical,Virologist,Virological Research, would like to join SAMPLe, as a Standard Member.


You have been accepted to SAMPLe as a standard member in the Medical Division under the Virological Research and Development Department. Welcome to the league, Dr. Grant.


Hi, Dr. John Cox here i wish to Join Sample as a standard member under the Science wing as Research and Development and Robotics Division

  • 2 weeks later...

Samantha Black has resigned from SAMPLe. Her resignation letter included statements of a lack of professionalism from members on duty, and a lack of real progress in the medical fields.


I, Jack Davidson have to resign from SAMPLe, I haven't had time to get in contact, been busy with Councillor stuff in Mendell, sorry.

  • 3 months later...

Official Notice

Desk of the Executive Director

Dr. Shkor-Dyet Dom'Pesh


State of the League

As many of you are likely aware, participation in SAMPLe is not exactly active. Peer review is rare. There are a scant four research reports in total, and many members are either inactive or retired. In the face of this adversity to the organization, we can only do one thing. Press against the odds! We have brought on two more members: Dr. Woalshi'Fedas Noual-Tresja, and Dr. Winoa Summers. SAMPLe is forever searching for and recruiting science, medical, and engineering personnel who are wish to publish their research, or to peer review others' research in order to ensure quality of work. We will be enhancing recruitment efforts with the hopes of getting enthusiastic new members, and hopefully, more reports with reproducible results. Good luck, and happy researching!

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