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In-Character Organizations: Registry

Guest XanderDox

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In-Character Organizations

That YOU can get involved in!

Here on Aurora, various players have created various groups that are IC, or an IC/OOC mix, to encourage depth and a sense of community. I seek to categorize and advertise all these various groups, so old and new players alike can come together and add more culture to our off-station universe!

The registry will work like this, there will be a primary list at the top, listing each organization, and their current activity level. Below the registry/list, each organization that is Active or Inactive/Derelict but 'Green' or 'Plaintext' level will have it's name and a corresponding spoiler below it, this will detail basic information, IC/OOC leaders, links, etc etc. Should you wish to have an organization added to this list, please don't hesitate to contact me to get it on here, and if you're looking to start up a group and need help gaining ground, I'm always free to help do startup, it's something I've relatively good at!

For any organization marked 'inactive' or 'derelict' I invite you to either (a) take it over if the OOC Organizer place is vacant, or (b) contact the OOC Organizer listed and request permission to revive it under your own leadership. Again, I'm always willing to help get you and your new group into the swing of things!

Organization Registry


Active - The organization has dedicated members/users and has done something within the past month


Inactive - The organization has few to no dedicated members/user, and has not done something within the past month

Derelict - The organization lacks any current members or leaders, and has not operated in a considerable amount of time

Red Text - Organization lacks structure and guide, major work for restart

Green Text - Organization has structure, fair to lots of potential to restart

Plain Text- Organization is either fine, or incredibly easy to restart with player involvement


Independent Health Advisory Board

Scientific and Medical Progress League

UNITY: Advocating for Synthetic Rights

~Social Screeching~ ((IC Shoutbox/Twitter))


Aurora Boxing League


Idris Incorporated: Banking Services

Wetskrell.nt Dating Services

NSS Aurora *Buy and Sell*

Aurora Theatre Club

The Free-Thinkers Alliance - Aurora Branch

The NanoTrasen Workers Union

Spacebook ((IC Facebook))

Adhomai Worker's Union


The Independent Health Advisory Board

OOC Organizer: Nanako, XanderDox

IC Leadership: Nanako Magojiro, Vincent Cauldron, Renholm Wilson

Organization Type: Committee

Governance Type: Chairperson and Executive Committee of equal power

Alternate Moniker: Health Advisory Board, I-HAB, IHAB

About: A group of medical, nutrition, engineering and security professionals that are dedicated to ensuring that NanoTrasen employees work in the healthiest and safest environment possible. We are completely a suggestive body, with no binding authority or official relation to Central Command. We are however endorsed by Central Command Internal Affairs and have an official Liaison from their division.

Organization Page: http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=6093

Scientific and Medical Progress League

OOC Organizer: Mofo1995

IC Leadership: Shkor-Dyet Dom'Pesh, Jonathan Eckstein, Auralia-Fedas Ro'Suos, Noel Tettering, Clement Beach

Organization Type: Research Cooperative

Governance Type: Executive Director+Chairperson Board

Alternate Moniker: SAMPLe

About: SAMPLe is a group of medical, science, and engineering personnel overseen by a team of chairpersons and an Executive Director, focused on creating reproducible research, promoting interdepartmental cooperation and benefiting society through advancements in science. With 25 members and rising, it is the largest organization serving on the NSS Aurora and NSS Exodus

Organization Page: http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=6118

UNITY: Advocating for Synthetic Rights

OOC Organizer: NebulaFlare

IC Leadership: N/A

Organization Type: Civil Rights Group

Governance Type: Unknown

Alternate Moniker: UNITY

About: UNITY: Advocating for Synthetic Rights, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the Synthetic Rights movement. They are advocates pushing for the acceptance of Synthetics in Tau Ceti System, being the voice of reason in both inside and outside the political and scientific communities.

Organization Page: http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=6044

~Social Screeching~ ((IC Shoutbox/Twitter))

OOC Organizer: XanderDox

IC Leadership: Arthur Curring

Organization Type: Social Media Platform

Governance Type: CEO Business Model

About: Social Screeching is a social networking site, that encourages the sharing of opinions and thoughts that present themselves throughout the workday!

Organization Page: http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=740

Aurora Boxing League

OOC Organizer: Canon35

IC Leadership: N/A

Organization Type: Club

Governance Type: N/A

Alternate Moniker: ABL

About: Aurora Boxing League is an open league based on holodeck boxing as a recreational pastime on official breaks.

Organization Page: http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=5758

Idris Incorporated: Banking Services

OOC Organizer: XanderDox

IC Leadership: N/A

Organization Type: Interstellar Corporation

Governance Type: CEO Business Model

Alternate Moniker: Idris Incorporated, Idris Inc.

About: Idris Incorporated: Banking Services, is the fourth largest bank in the Sol Alliance and maintains a branch in Tau Ceti. Employees of NanoTrasen and citizens of the Republic are able to register bank accounts with Idris Incorporated for safe-keeping of their funds.

Organization Page: http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=2186

Wetskrell.nt Dating Service

OOC Organizer: VACANT

IC Leadership: N/A

Organization Type: Subsidiary of NanoTrasen

Governance Type: Chief Creative Officer Business Model

Alternate Moniker: Wet Skrell

About: Wetskrell.nt Dating Service offers a mean to communicate and meet up with single co-workers in your area! A new feature in the site background checks 1/5 new members!

Organization Page: http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=2166

NSS Aurora *Buy and Sell*

OOC Organizer: VACANT

IC Leadership: N/A

Organization Type: Independent Trading Facilitator

Governance Type: N/A

About: NSS Aurora *Buy and Sell* is a webpage dedicated to offering a free space for employees working on the NSS Aurora and NSS Exodus to post free listings and search among them to, as you could imagine, buy and sell various items.

Organization Page: http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=2953

Aurora Theatre Club

OOC Organizer: Kirk

IC Leadership: Victoria Benjamin

Organization Type: Club

Governance Type: Club Founder

About: The Aurora Theatre Club is an employee-based dramatic arts company, open to all aspiring playwrights, actors/actresses and stage hands! It's a fun group to get involved with and performances are great for morale!

Organization Page: http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=3395

The NanoTrasen Workers Union

OOC Organizer: VACANT

IC Leadership: N/A

Organization Type: Workers Union / OOC-Agreement Collective

Governance Type: N/A

Alternate Moniker: NTWU

About: The NanoTrasen Workers Union is an IC-OOC collective of players that once signed an oath to be good players and character. There were plans of this expanding into an actual union, but failed when Jamini eventually departed from Aurora.

Organization Page: http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=2545

Adhomai Worker's Union

OOC Organizer: Senpai Jackboot

IC Leadership: Houssam Jawdat, Nazih Jawdat

Organization Type: Workers Union

Governance Type: Non-Elected President

Alternate Moniker: AWU

About: The Adhomai Worker's Union, despite the name, sought to represent all species (with a Taj-centric focus) , in all matters of employment and administrative punishment, as well as fighting for better hours, wages and benefits. The organization eventually staled and has not operated on the NSS Aurora or NSS Exodus in an extended amount of time; however it is possible their exploits elsewhere have been more successful.

Organization Page: http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=1373

Edited by Guest

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