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The Muncorn's Skrell Whitelist Application

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: The Muncorn

Character Names: Lyanna Field, Jeyne Kahale, Catherine Pierrsson

Species you are applying to play: Skrell

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Like, a nice turquoise, I was thinking.

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, quite thoroughly.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I've always quite enjoyed Skrell, and though I've never played them I've seen a fair few on other servers, back on Unbound Travels and the like. Also, there's a severe lack of any Skrell on Aurora, as in my month or so of playing here I have yet to see one to my current recall. So, I'd like to make some kind of dent in that, so we have some people playing what should be the second most populous race.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Skrell focus a lot more on intelligent thought and intellectual discussion than humans do, with very little interest in things other than that. They also have a hard time expressing emotions to other species due to the difficulties they have with Common speech, so that can lead to interesting RP, along with the differences of culture. Their interactions with other species, notably Unathi and Tajara, as they view them as inferior's in many aspects.


Character Name: Kelal'Nyka Vlargak

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Born in 2413, Kelal'Nyka was raised in the capital city of Kal'lo by his parents, who both worked as medical researchers. Following in their footsteps, he went to on to study medical sciences and started off by specialising in the treatment of specialised cancers, even helping in the development of a new biological treatment for certain respiratory based cancers. At the age of twenty-four, they started work as a general biologist onboard a Federation Owned Vessel, and worked there for around four years. During this time they also started to delve into several different medical sciences, especially focusing on cloning technology. After their work for the Federation, they moved to the Nyx system and started to train and thus, work, in the development of advanced cloning techniques and memory altering techniques.

After five years of working in cloning, they started work on a Federation owned military medical vessel, where they operated as a general medical practitioner, mainly dealing with cloning and cryogenic treatment. Kelal'Nyka continued work there for another year and a half, until February 2448, where they returned to Querr'balak to help his parents with their work, before helping them finish it and partaking in the unveiling and first practised test of the technology that happened at the start of June. They are currently pending transmission to a NanoTrasen owned vessel, as they still wish to pursue work in medical sciences.

What do you like about this character? Whilst I quite admittedly made this character up whilst developing this application, they represent a Skrell that is devoted to their work, with a large amount of accomplishment already under their belt at quite a young age. The potential for some development is there for sure, and this is what I like to focus on and what I hope will develop into RP with many different people.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would, without wanting to sound presumptive, rate my RP skill at being quite high. I've been roleplaying for a good solid 2 years now, and have been rapidly improving over that period. I've also mainly played very RP orientated positions, such as Psychologist, Bartender and Detective, so I've gotten a lot more exposure than a lot of other players that have played the same amount of time.

Notes: Squishy squish.

Edited by Guest

All of my experiences RPing with Muncorn have been incredibly positive. You can tell he puts a lot of thought into the characters he plays and I think he'd have no trouble when it came to playing a Skrell. +1


From what I see in this application, based on my knowledge of course, I do believe that Muncorn would make a great Skrell due to their understanding and thought process behind the Skrell. They have my vote due to their RP, their understanding, and their building of their character. +1 from little Evans


Woop, another Alien app to review. Grab some popcorn and review that shit!


Why do you wish to play this specific race: I've always quite enjoyed Skrell, and though I've never played them I've seen a fair few on other servers, back on Unbound Travels and the like. Also, there's a severe lack of any Skrell on Aurora, as in my month or so of playing here I have yet to see one to my current recall. So, I'd like to make some kind of dent in that, so we have some people playing what should be the second most populous race.


Yes, yes, yes! The few times a Skrell actually got onboard, they were mostly Heads and those are just two as far as I know. Then there is one pink-ish(?) Skrell in Security but I can't exactly remember their name. You would think that Nanotrasen would hire more Skrell especially due to their smarts and relationship with Humanity at most.


Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Raised in the capital of Jargon IV, [name] was a fairly normal Skrell child, studying medical sciences and specialising in the treatment of specialised cancers, even helping in the development of a new biological treatment for certain respiratory based cancers. At the age of twenty-four, they moved away from the Jargon system and started working as a biologist for a Federation owned science vessel, before advancing to becoming a trainee virologist on a research station based in the Nyx system. At the age of twenty-seven, they passed their official training as a virologist and is pending transmission to NanoTransen owned vessels.


Alright, all though it's a bit on the short-side compared to others, I still think you covered quite alot about your character.


How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would, without wanting to sound presumptive, rate my RP skill at being quite high. I've been roleplaying for a good solid 2 years now, and have been rapidly improving over that period. I've also mainly played very RP orientated positions, such as Psychologist, Bartender and Detective, so I've gotten a lot more exposure than a lot of other players that have played the same amount of time.


As someone who has roleplayed a lot with them on UT/Alphelion etc I can confirm that Mun is one Hell of a GOOD RPer.

Muncorn is somebody you could definitely trust with the Skrell app. They've obviously done their research, their Roleplaying skills are at a high level and they would most certainly be the perfect Skrell candidate. So the final verdict for me would definitely be a +1 and a gif for good luck:




Yeah, it's on the short side because I, quite admittedly, made that character up as I was writing the app. I've now fleshed it out a bit more, and I can put that down if need be, but like, meh.


I had a wonderful response to this about five hours ago in which I touched on little details and serious concerns. It was nice and even had some humor to balance out my in depth analysis. I've lost that post.

So instead I'm going to give you a quick version with the nice bits cut out.

You want feedback. Feedback is good for all of us.

I saw you RP earlier today and you weren't half bad.

You clearly have passion, so why isn't is in your application at all?

-You said "[Name]" instead of typing out a name in the biography. Could you not be bothered?

-The name you have for this character has no surname. You were proud to say you read the lore "quite thoroughly." Surely you saw a name or two. They tend to have surnames.

- Why is this character 27? I don't understand that part one bit. Skrell live a while, so it's not like you needed to rush him and have him young. Not to mention that age disqualifies him from working in quite a few positions that your biography suggests he'd likely be interested in. Like medical doctor. And virologist.

- I usually complain when people do the two paragraph minimum and call their character done. Your biography, despite its format, is technically three sentences.

- Your biography for the character is barebones to say the least. It's just a mention of his home and his resume.

Your biography, and really your entire application, is your opportunity to showcase your character and really sell it.

Acceptance isn't obligatory. That's why it's a whitelist.

Develop your character. From what I've seen of you by ghosting after you on station, you're not terrible. Show us.

Whiterabit says you usually put a lot of thought into the characters you play. This was not the time to suddenly stop.

This application wreaks of obligatory penciling in of the biography section, a lack of thought in regards to the character you're asking to be able to play and gives the impression that you're completely apathetic towards the whole ordeal.

As this application stands, I can't and won't accept it.

I suggest you start writing a character.


Loow, like.. Yeah, I can't argue against any of those points. However, the reason for [name] being there was because I had made the backstory before I had finalised the name, and I forgot to replace it afterwards, and I have now done so. Secondly, the Bay wiki and the Aurora wiki neither have any useful guide for how to name Skrell, other than Aurora's saying to have the attachments, which isn't entirely useful when you can't make a proper name in the first place. If someone can direct me to somewhere I can find more accurate information on how to name them, it'd be very much appreciated. As for the age, well, I'm used to young characters honestly, it's a habit. The backstory I have worked on since I posted what's here, and it's fairly fleshed out now, and once I can I'll write it up and put some more into what's in the app. So, yeah. Thanks for pointing this all out, I'll do what I can to fix everything.


Checklist of signs that Muncorn will probably do fine:

[+] Pretty good at RP

[+] Got feedback on application

[+] Responds well to criticism

[+] Shows interest in their character design

Despite how my last post reads, your application is not terrible.

Your character's first name is pretty good, and the inclusion of the name addition was a promising detail. If you've got some spare creativity lying around, come up with a last name that you'd like for the character and throw it in there.

The age thing comes as a surprise now and then, yes. Spacing out the achievements a little bit would make the young Kelal'Nyka a little bit older. That's one solution I see for the age limitation issue.

While getting hung up on little details is one of my favorite passtimes, the important thing is that you have a character that you really enjoy and would like to see on the station.

I'm interested to see what you write up for a backstory, because I honestly enjoy looking at a nice backstory on occasion.

It's a little worrying that there hasn't been activity on this thread for a few days. I was hoping that you would have made whatever changes you wanted to make by now, but you're not totally out of luck.

I'm holding off on making a final call on this application for a little while. Assuming nobody forces a call to be made on this earlier app due to time constraints, I can personally hold from making a call for 48 hours. If there hasn't been any change in this thread in that time, then I'll go ahead and pass a judgement on the application.


Yeah, been busy with school recently. Gonna start writing up a more extensive backstory like, right now. Thanks for all the feedback man.


Heyo. Came back two days later, just like I said I would.

Here's some little gripes before I go on much further.


Current in game year is actually 2458. Knock a hundred years off of your current dates, and your character will be more than a prophecy of things to come.

Also the spelling of Qerrbalak is a little off, but let's be fair. It's a crazy thing to spell.

Your backstory reads much better now than it did before.

I love the fact that, with the hundred year subtraction, Kelal'Nyka would have been born on the year of first contact between the Humans and Skrell. I'm just a fan of fun facts. Being raised in a galaxy where aliens are a known fact of life would likely have some impact on how he views them.

Have you put any thought into how he would feel about Humans? Tajara? Unathi? IPC's?


I have put thought into that, even if it's not written down. And, I'm still used to UT dates, where it's 2559, I'll go change that quick.


After chatting with TheMuncorn, I can say that they care about their design and have put some thought into it. I hope you enjoy playing Skrell.

Best of luck and don't be afraid to ask any questions you might have.

Application Accepted.



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