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(Denied) Sevine Tajara whitelist application

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BYOND Key: Sevine

Character Names: Nikhil Akash

Species you are applying to play: Tajara

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Ash gray fur, coarse black hair.

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I have!

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

Ever since Morrowind, my favorite trope is cat humanoids. I don't mean the furry-community type, either with dumb colors and piercings and rave goggles; I'm referring to the races like the Khajiit, and whatever the heck the lady from Treasure Planet was. I've always thought the idea of a seperate evolutionary path was neat as heck, and when I started getting into the sci-fi scene and my friend showed me Space Station, I was -really- excited to see they had Tajara. I've actually played on Aurorastation before, back a few years ago, and after that, I bounced around on different ss13 stations with the same character. I may need to ammend his lore to make him fit, but THat's completely fine, and I'm 100% willing to do that.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

First off, they have fur. On the old server that I used to run around on, the jumpsuits used to have a 'roll down' option, which I'd almost always toggle on and off because Nikhil was constantly overheating working as a Cargotech. When that station opened their doors a bit and allowed Tajara to be Quartermasters, and he was promoted, the first thing he did was drop the temperature in his room. A -lot-.

I always RP Nikhil as being more... clan focused, I suppose is the word? He forms bonds with a small group of people, and those people are his go-to's, despite things. I'm not sure if that's exactly different than humans, but I feel like it might be worth noting.

Character Name: Nikhil Akash

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Nikhil Akash grew up something of an orphan. Not in the bad sense of the word, but in the sense of, his sire abandoned him on a planetary transfer vessel. Nikhil grew up without really knowing either parents, but he came to terms with that when he reached adulthood, and now only looks back on it with odd inquiry when meeting older Tajaran. There's always that "Is this my dad?" sort of thing, but... Nikhil never lets the thoughts really pull him down for too long.

He signed on with Nanotransen the moment he was able, working the lowest of jobs he could find. He worked as a Cargo Technician Assistant, and after a long inaugeration period, he was promoted on his old station to Cargo Technician proper. Always quick to find his own way and solve problems in the best manner (Or, at least, in his eyes the best) he requested a transfer into Mining, which was aprooved and there Nikhil found his true calling. The silence of the asteroid, and the soft song of steel against metoerite was worth more than a paycheck.

What do you like about this character?


Look at that smug mug. Nikhil Akash is like the best friend you don't know you had that also will fight-brawl the bad guys if they show up. He's A Khajiit in space and robusts the anti-nanotransen dorks that decide to start a ruckus. Because Nikhil Akash fights for his job. Perhaps.. a bit too much.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I feel like saying "I'm pretty good" is really pretentious, But I've been RPing for quite a few years. I have a bit of issues with sentence structure (Using conflicting tenses, specifically) but otherwise, I consider myself fairly articulate when it comes to RP. I'm not on this server to mess around or cause problems OOC or break the game with IC justifications; I'm here to write and have fun. I'd give myself a solid 8.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Tajara applicants are asked to tie their character into the situation on Adhomai or within the realm of Tajara society. Your application doesn't fit the criteria; your backstory completely glosses over and ignores these aspects. While you can of course create a tajara character that subverts the expectations it's asked that you prove your understanding of the lore in the application itself. Being raised off of Adhomai and detached from the entire society and conflict is the exact thing we are no longer allowing.

Normally I don't comment on non-unathi applications to avoid possible bias (since i'm the literal boss of the developers in charge of the races) but Hivefleet has sporadic access to the forums at the moment and I didn't want to let this sit before he lets you know about the issues with the application.

I encourage you to rewrite the application before the standard +3 days it will take to make a decision. :)

I always RP Nikhil as being more... clan focused, I suppose is the word? He forms bonds with a small group of people, and those people are his go-to's, despite things.


I think you mean a biased, aggressive, clique centered character.

Just my two cents as a lore dev.

But as Jackboot said, I strongly suggest you review your application.


On top of the above, I'd also recommend playing characters that don't require a whitelist for awhile. Give it a couple weeks of consistant play time, so people can get an idea of who you are, how you play, etc. You won't get a whitelist if nobody knows who you are and nobody comments on your application as a result.

He's A Khajiit in space and robusts the anti-nanotransen dorks that decide to start a ruckus. Because Nikhil Akash fights for his job. Perhaps.. a bit too much. 


This part sounds a bit validhunty, especially when our lore shows nanotrasen as the assholes taking advantage of tajaras, i dont think a lot of tajara outside of security would risk their lives for their job.


i always RP Nikhil as being more... clan focused, I suppose is the word? He forms bonds with a small group of people, and those people are his go-to's, despite things. I'm not sure if that's exactly different than humans, but I feel like it might be worth noting.


How is he clan focused if he's a orphan? Making cliques and avoiding other players is usually frowned upon in here, its a sign of a bad player, try to avoid it.


On top of the above, I'd also recommend playing characters that don't require a whitelist for awhile. Give it a couple weeks of consistant play time, so people can get an idea of who you are, how you play, etc. You won't get a whitelist if nobody knows who you are and nobody comments on your application as a result.


Feedback isn't critical, you can have your app passed on how good it is, but this one isnt looking bright, needs more adhomai conflict involvement.

By the way, the small snippet you get in character creation is not our lore, go to the aurora wiki


From the way you type, I really want to accept this. You seem like you'd be a great addition to the team!

However I don't like the mix of cliquey behavior you say you plan to adopt when making this character, or the Adhomai Apathy-syndrome you exhibit without any civil war stuff in your backstory.

This application is denied. :C

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