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Paw's Head of Staff Whitelist App

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BYOND key: Pawoverlord

Character names: Shauria Kyn [security and Captain], Rose Miller [scientist Major], Evirine Decorus [security], Marcia Bell [Chemist and Medical]

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: A few days.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I wish to be whitelisted for the Head positions. To help the station with future scenarios and possibly introduce new characters to the stations command staff.

Why did you come to Aurora?: My lady friend was interested in Space Station 13, we are both very heavily involved with Roleplay. I have a few years Baystation, as well as TG-Station, and from the servers I have seen, this was the one that we looked into coming to.

Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yes, I have a lot of experience with it as well, including holding court cases as a Magistrate and Captain. With that being said, I personally work with Security the best, and know almost all of Space Law by heart. (Just not the numbers!)

Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:


Roleplay in technical definition is about the taking of a role and enacting the character played in said scene. In practical use, roleplay is used in scenarios of which used in training applications. Some jobs, such as AT&T, apply these in use when trying to provide a realistic customer to agent setting. With practical use aside, in modern games such as RPGs, where the whole purpose is for Role Play, it's term has seemingly become a loose term, such games like Destiny, an action Role-Playing game. Where it is by technical definition, a form of Role-Play, it's effect seems lessened by the community it forms. This effect that players seek, is the effect of actually taking control of the character, having something unique that takes a life of it's own, this similar effect can be found in games such as Life is Feudal, or Haven & Hearth, where as it can be taken as a challenge to the player, it can also be taken in a creative way of playing an actual character taking on challenges specific to that character.


Roleplay is quite interesting to think upon, from some people's viewpoint, it is a way to give imagination life. This life, is the character intended on facing challenges, such as in Space Station, to see the result of having a scientist dedicated to work and what they would act like in times of both crisis, and non. In a way it shapes imaginations to expand in an entertaining way. With that being said, it is also an activity that can help relief stress from real world problems, by having a character setup in a fictional world where many things are not possible. Though in opposition of that, it would also prove to help grow with a community and learn English, and typing skills. In-Game of Space Station though, it is watching a character that was created by an individual, build relationships with other characters to achieve a greater goal, such as stopping Syndicates from bombing the station, or repelling an alien invasion. During this achievement, the players themselves communicate and build everlasting relationships immersed in a world where anything is truly possible.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

The question of an OOC purpose of a Head of Staff, ingame, depends on the department. As a whole, the staff is designed to hold together the station, and prevent order from being lost. These are the few who are held responsible for their entire department, and for everyone in the department. For the Chief Medical Officer, for example, this role is in set for someone who will organize their medical team, and maintain SoP within' the medical wards. This includes ensuring patients are treated with the upmost care, as well as the level of care to be competent. While the Head of Security is set to keep the Security crew in check, ensuring that they are following SoP with caring for criminals, and giving protection correctly to the staff of the station.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:

The OOC responsibility of a whitelisted player, especially towards other players, is to guide them, teach them, and help them ease into the community. To show how much you enjoy the game, and how mature, and responsible those of the title are. To help bring the community closer together, than that of a server without the effect of a whitelist. Shown on other servers, such as Baystation Hypatia, where there is no Whitelist, admins become paranoid of heads, often times outright banning players who have no experience with the game itself, or it's following department. (Not to disrespect the Hypatia community in any way) While on the other side of the spectrum, the TG Citadel Station, where players cannot access other races, or even some of the core features without being whitelisted. With the community being uninvolved with RP, the standard of whitelisting is lower, but it does not have a misleading effect. Having this whitelist in place improves the chances of a player becoming more involved with the community, to accept responsibility and show their commitment to a server, Space Station 13 or any other game. With this in mind, as a player, and a newfound member of the community, extending reach to newer members, and enjoying some of the events, stories, and personalities of the veterans would be a step towards upholding the responsibility given through whitelisting. Striving to do so, would be spending more time and getting involved through the community, such as through TeamSpeak, and Skype. Meeting the faces behind the characters (not literally) and getting to know the player and to make bonds and friendships.

Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name: Shauria Valentine Kyn

Character age: 38

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

Shauria originally lived with her grandmother as an orphan, struggling with the beginning of life's trials, she had begun as a janitor and book-keeper. Through this time she was only just starting her journey at the young age of eight-teen, serving on a station located very close to a known dangerous location. The station was eventually attacked, throughout this incident she begun to discover her talent in command, afterwards, she begun to pursue a career in Security, taking up a new turn towards Law School. Nearly ten years later, after she was finished with Law School, Shauria was involved in an incident aboard another more militarized station this was involving her ex-boyfriend, who was found out to have been conspiring the plot of destroying the station, during this incident her arm was caught into an airlock, and was forced to have it amputated.

After a three years, Shauria would final become accustom to mechanical arm that was given to her shortly after the incident. Soon after, she was referred for promotion towards Head of Security, and later on, upwards towards her Captainship. This would have her ecstatic, as she would begin her promotional training upwards towards her new position. Towards the beginning of her education, her grandmother would have passed away, ultimately crushing Shauria's emotion, revealing a cold heart for a few years, when she would have met Danil Tarasov, an inspiring Engineer who won her heart, despite his few mental disorders and disabilities, she would have found love.

What do you like about this character?:

Shauria as a character has been with me for nearly ten years not just as a Space Station character, but the personality itself has been used for many many years. Though it's relations and actual in game personality are different, such as the character from, say World of Warcraft RP, is not a cross over into the character for Space Station 13. Other things that I really like about Shauria, is her ability to talk to people, and inspire greatness, she is trusting and personable, and keeps to her professionalism.

What do you dislike about this character?:

As a character, what I do not like about her tends to be more of a complex manner, at one point in her life time she finds love, but then divorces him later down the road. She felt that he was not understanding enough, and that he was too weak, thus, her brash decision was to leave him to help him grow stronger as a person, to coach him from a distance. This is about the time when she meets the character Danil. For understanding of timeline.

Do you think this character is fit to be a Head of Staff? (Please note that Head characters must be over 30, unless given special clearance):

As this character, she would be fit as a Head of Staff, for her schooling and training in Law. She would be fit for duty and would be able to assist the station in any and every way she can.


Shauria shows signs of responsibility for being a Head of Staff through her experience with proper handling of criminals in security, to her leadership skills. She also has very small amounts of training with some medical and variants of things for use of emergency needs, though it is only to the extent of basics, such as knowing about Inap, and Anti-Toxin, but nothing more than that and bandages.

Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?:

With the nature of this question, I wish to state that this is a trick question, from the understanding of that people will always have some mentality of their work always being below than expectations, thus it would be treated as the rate of quality roleplay would be nearly either simply stating that they roleplay well, or that they don't roleplay well, when it could result that they could be belittling themselves or overstepping themselves throughout the question. But having come this far to examine the question here, it would serve to have no right, nor wrong answer. Because to get to this point of the questioning would require the dedication and willingness to advance further into the community, and to show their roleplaying quality as well as their responsibility for greater roles. Whilest it also could serve to possibly intimidate those who feel less then qualified for what's needed, believing this to be the deciding factor of their approval. Thus, it cannot be argued against itself without over criticizing oneself.


Extra notes:

As for the previous answer, to respectfully answer it as intended, I feel that the quality of my roleplay is decent, though it could always be worked on, where and how, I will yet discover. I have fifteen years worth of experience in Roleplay starting out in Gaia Online and World of Warcraft.

Edited by Guest

I would ask that you make a thread for each whitelist application, as they get processed separately. This shouldn't be too much work, given you've already filled out both forms - you just need to make a second thread and move one of them there.


It wasn't for any aliens, I was using the form provided for heads of staff whitelist application. Taking out the reference to aliens.

EDIT: I see it was a poorly constructed sentence on my behalf. A complete mistake.

  • 2 weeks later...

Your answers are generally pretty excellent, far beyond the quality of most applicants on Aurora.

There is something that bothers me tremendously on one section (And this just might be me)


Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:

Roleplay in technical definition is about the taking of a role and enacting the character played in said scene. In practical use, roleplay is used in scenarios of which used in training applications. Some jobs, such as AT&T, apply these in use when trying to provide a realistic customer to agent setting. With practical use aside, in modern games such as RPGs, where the whole purpose is for Role Play, it's term has seemingly become a loose term, such games like Destiny, an action Role-Playing game. Where it is by technical definition, a form of Role-Play, it's effect seems lessened by the community it forms. This effect that players seek, is the effect of actually taking control of the character, having something unique that takes a life of it's own, this similar effect can be found in games such as Life is Feudal, or Haven & Hearth, where as it can be taken as a challenge to the player, it can also be taken in a creative way of playing an actual character taking on challenges specific to that character.


This just looks like a general, dictionary definition of Roleplaying to me. As if you googled it and copy+pasted it, from how I see it. You answered it technically, but avoided actually answering what the question is intended to mean.

From how I see it, it's intended for you to say what roleplaying actually is in-game. What it means to roleplay and such. I'm confident that you can provide a satisfying answer after reading the rest of your application, I just want you to redo that particular part again please. You'll easily have my approval after that.


This just looks like a general, dictionary definition of Roleplaying to me. As if you googled it and copy+pasted it, from how I see it. You answered it technically, but avoided actually answering what the question is intended to mean.

From how I see it, it's intended for you to say what roleplaying actually is in-game. What it means to roleplay and such. I'm confident that you can provide a satisfying answer after reading the rest of your application, I just want you to redo that particular part again please. You'll easily have my approval after that.


I'm sorry for my late response time, I was a tad distracted, though yes, I actually didn't quite understand the question fully, so I wrote it as I felt, which was pretty technical, because of the nature of the question it made it really uncertain. But I'll definitely go back in there and brush that up.

EDIT: I've written up something that I feel fits better with the meaning of the question, instead of a textbook definition. I left the previous response in there listed as a spoiler, and wrote my new answer below it.


Little late to the party, but I'm gonna throw in my +1. Paw really knows what he's doing with multiple aspects of the game, and I've been roleplaying with him both on and off SS13 long enough to know that he could handle the job. I've witnessed him play heads and captain on another server, and he did an excellent job.

  • 2 weeks later...
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