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A Case For Xenobiology Failsafes


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I dream of a day when slimes will be weak to cold again. That coder who came on at the same time as BrightDawn was working on it, and he came up with a system where slimes would accumulate damage at a rate proportional to how far below 0 degrees Celsius the room was. But, there was a glitch.. and we were forever cut off from its glory when he resigned.

[some images]

All I could think of when I saw those combined with the medbay above was a

That's what happens when the AI notices that you're being attacked by slimes, clicks on a fire alarm, clicks on the potential "Activate Sprinkler System: Water" button, and then you don't get glomped a few dozen times while someone tries to find a fire extinguisher, then takes a good minute seconds to spray the slime multiple times, leading to it hopefully dying.

Going to make a comprehensive suggestion post detailing the ideas you've inspired.


I play RD most of the time and I was extremelly happy genetics was removed. But now..now xeno is even worse. We need to fix this shit. BAN ALL XENOBILOGISTS.. wait.. Im one of them...

Scratch that.

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