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SonicGotNuked's full antag unban request

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BYOND Key: SonicGotNuked

Total Ban Length: Permanent

Banning staff member's Key: Alberyk

Reason of Ban: Shitty antag RP, multiple temp bans from antag. (3 days, a week, perm)

Reason for Appeal: I understand I fucked up, I fucked up multiple times and I understand why I got the ban a while back. I also understand that this will probably be the last straw against me for a while. I also say that I am sorry for the people that got affected from my shitty antaging. Lastly, if you where affected from my shitty antaging, I am sorry.


Hello, sorry for the wait.

The original ban reason is the following one:

"Banned from Syndicate - Bombing the central ring without any proper reason as new cop, and then just doing massive shoot-outs without any real prior interaction besides bombing the station or killing the crew."

While I am not really against unbanning you from antag positions, since you did improve when you started here, I am not fully if we should trust you back with antag positions, because you seems to make questionable choices while antagging. So, in the accident that resulted in your ban, could you explain what exactly is the issue with it and how it goes against the rules and general spirit of the server?

While I am not really against unbanning you from antag positions, since you did improve when you started here, I am not fully if we should trust you back with antag positions, because you seems to make questionable choices while antagging. So, in the accident that resulted in your ban, could you explain what exactly is the issue with it and how it goes against the rules and general spirit of the server?

The issue with what I did against the server rules is I had no prior RP buildup to bomb and lead the shooting. It was muderbone and ganking. Mercenarys are not nuke Ops and should not seeking to kill everyone without a solid RP buildup, and some people play Aurora because they don't like the murder bone, dislike the power game, etc. This sort of behavior from me left a sour taste in the crews mouth.

  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, I will lift this ban, but take in mind that any more displays of this kind of behavior will result in further punishment.

Appeal accepted.

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