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[Accepted]sebkillerDK's Tajaran whitelist application

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BYOND Key: sebkillerDK

Character Names: Jack walker. William wakefield. MX-42 (Android). Kaizen (AI).

Species you are applying to play: Tajaran.

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Silver.

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, several times, and i love it.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I want to try and improove my roleplaying, by trying to play something else than human, and with different culture and mindsets. I love the Tajaran lore and find it interesting and with great oppertunity for good and varying RP.

I find it interesting regarding their period of time compared to the human, with the home planet having a long history of noble rule and revolutionary wars for rights and rule.

I also think that the fact that there are different sub-species of tajara all with different traits and manners make way for plenty

of ways to interact with crew and other players in a large manner of ways, especially with other Tajarans who might be of opposing beliefs or maybe the same, allowing for more indepth roleplaying.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

First of all, Tajarans have different physioligy from humans and other species. They can't wear normal footwear or gloves and have to wear specialised or modifyed clothing to be able to fit their physioligy. For example hardsuits, who have to be specially refitted for a tajaran to wear one, which sometimes can create problems if the equipment needed to do so is not presen or available. Also the Tajaran sleep cycle varies greatly from other species, in that they tend to stay awake for long periods of time and then sleep for long periods aswell, having small powernaps in between the wake hourhs to keep them refreshed and active, thus sometimes forcing them to take a small break and relax somewhere until the next job comes up or they are required to do something else. Tajaran social behavior also differs alot when compared to humans, where humans tend to stand more united as a species in the whole, Tajarans have allways been divided by class in society and sub-species, thus tend to be less united than humans. Especially with the prolonged civil wars on their home planet, which has caused great suffering and hate between the different classes in society, and between the different species.

Character Name: Samiya Radka

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Samiya was born in a family of law enforcers, with a deep bond of police and law enforcement work being the primary occupation choice of the family. When the civil war started, Samiya and her Family was at first conflicted as to which side to support, some wanted to support the nobles, hoping to rettain their slightly elevated rights, while others wanted to support the PRA, as they believed that they had the best of the Tajaran as a species in mind, Samiya herself showed sympathy for the PRA, but did not do much in form of active resistence, due to her still not being meture enough to participate. When the dominance of the PRA became evident, and it was officially recognised as a legitimate goverment by other races, the entirety of the family decided to support them, signing up for police and law enforcement. When Samiya became mature enough to begin making her own decisions, she decided to follow the family tradition, and become a law enforcement officer for the PRA, she signed up and was eventually accepted into the force maintaining law and order for the PRA. Because no matter who's in charge, there are still and will allways be criminals to catch and deal with, such things have never changed nor will it ever.

At first, Things seemed fine, and she went from day to day, doing her job. But over time, she began noticing the corruption around her, even within the law department itself. She found the corruption to be very wrong, and against the basic principles of police Work, She also had rather big issues with the goverment, Funding mafias and supporting them, using them to bolster order throughout intimidation. When she at one point got enough, and adressed the problem to her supiriors, she was just simply shrugged off and told to go back to Work. This made Samiya furius, and she resigned the same day. Following that, she went on without a job for some time. Until she was offered to work for NanoTrasen as a security member, based on her time spent serving the PRA, helping to maintain law and order. Samiya, who was without work and anny notable source of income, accepted the offer, and agrred to work for NanoTrasen as security personel.

What do you like about this character?

I really like the idea of a character, who works for the greater god of the people around her, and to protect them aswell, spending all of her time trying to improve the situation by helping where she was most needed, and protecting those who needed it most. Also the fact that she highly dislikes corruption, and dosen't really approve of backend under the table deals. I also like her kindnes towards others, allways trying to do her best, while at the same time remaining professional in regards to her work, and other people, requireing actual interaction to get to know her.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would rate my roleplaying ability to be at a decently moderate level, to put it on a scale, i would rate myself to be a 6 maybe 7 on a scale of 0 to 10.

Notes: I apologise for anny eventual grammar or vocabulary mistakes or errors that i might have made, since English is not my native language.

Edited by Guest

I played with Seb, he's a cool guy but a few things.

How did Samiya's family remain neutral in such a conflict? Surely the previous monarchy used police force to enforce their rule.

How did Samiya reach NanoTrasen? Why would PRA let her go if she was such an excellent officer? Surely she must have done a few missteps for them to consider her "Not PRA worthy".

Was she ever part of a Njarir bust? Surely she or atleast her family must have been involved in weeding out the Njarir nobles.

Thank you in advance.

How did Samiya's family remain neutral in such a conflict? Surely the previous monarchy used police force to enforce their rule.


Hmmm. Now that i think about it, i have no definitive answer to defend that statement, so i'll change that.


How did Samiya reach NanoTrasen? Why would PRA let her go if she was such an excellent officer? Surely she must have done a few missteps for them to consider her "Not PRA worthy".

She came into contact with NanoTrasen while looking around for a new job, and since NT were quite fond of taking in Tajarans as a cheap workforce, she managed to land a contract after a few interveiws and the mandetory background checks. As for why she was discharged? Accidents happen sometimes, and she had at one point accidently shot and wounded a Fellow officer during a raid, followed by a few other mishaps, which lead to her in the end being deemed not worthy of serving the PRA. ((the raid part will become apperant in records when i get them done.))


Was she ever part of a Njarir bust? Surely she or atleast her family must have been involved in weeding out the Njarir nobles.

Yes she was, and it was in one of these raids where she accidently shot and wounded a Fellow officer.


Hello! I'm here to comment on this application.

You seem very enthusiastic about playing Tajara, which is good, but I have a few issues with your backstory.

First is the idea that the PRA has a high crime rate or a skyrocketing crime rate. While things like protection rackets run by the rather large mafia families and smuggling are two very big things, the PRA is actually noteworthy specifically because it is significantly more orderly and stable than the ALA (which is more like controlled anarchy) and the NKA (which is a severely impoverished faction). I think a better rework might be something along the lines of, she joined the police but couldn't stand the government-funded mafia families that are used to bolster order through intimidation. Only around the borders of the PRA and in far-flung rural areas are the crime rates in the PRA high, typically by ALA freedom fighters and Zhans from various mountain villages revolting from the intense oppression put on them, a typical factor that causes them to join the ALA. Downtown Nal'Tor is more akin to Moscow at the height of the Soviet Union's authoritarianism where everyone abdies by strict curfews and law enforcement is a dime a dozen zealously keeping the streets clean.

Another thing is the idea that the government let people out of the police force or had some sort of mass lay-offs. This certainly hasn't happened and wouldn't really be acceptable by the government. If a police chief did that, it would probably be a serious snag to his job from his higher ups since the PRA wants more law enforcement than ever to tie down and suppress ALA freedom fighters in their borders. For most of the war so far, the PRA has almost always been gaining ground, which means having large areas of ALA-loyal land in desperate need of strong policing in their borders.

I'm not going to criticize you for grammar or spelling mistakes, most of my applicants lately have been non-native speakers of English, so you're A-okay there.

You seem to have your character's personality writ as someone who is very justice-minded. A possible rewrite of backstory which maintains your characterization could be that Samiya couldn't handle the corruption rampant in the police department, or maybe she refused to take bribes from government endorsed smugglers, making her too innocent for the grimy world of Orwellian crony-law enforcement. Or maybe on the flipside, instead of being too morally upright from a human point of view, maybe she was a very overzealous police officer from even a Tajaran point of view, too willing to sentence criminals to severe crimes and unforgiving in her carrying out of the law, like Judge Dredd. Such that she was seen as too extreme even for her own police force.

You don't have to follow the suggestions of my last paragraph, but my issues with the backstory still stand. I'll give you three more days to rewrite or change anything you might need to in order to accommodate the lore better by fixing the issues I pointed out.


Thanks for the feedback Mofo, i will try to addes your points as good as i can. and i really like the suggested idea you wrote about Samiya not wanting to deal with the corruption or the mafias, i find that to be a good reason to leave the PRA police force and join up with NT.


Seb's a nice RPer, and I like this character mostly because I want to see Sumerek happy and in love.

The kitties need love too, +1.


There's always more to add- I often just fling out an app and build on the character as I play and get to know them better. So if there's anything missing, it's an opportunity. Like a husbando. She could use a husbando.

+1 waifu material for Sumerek

Also, as a player in general, Seb's a good dude, and he RP's well. Jack Walker and Sumerek Zver' are gym bros now.


You've gotten yourself a lot of feedback! This is good. When I get back from work at around 11 pm EST today, I'll read any changes you made and with taking the feedback into consideration, I'll process this application.


Okay! You have loads of positive feedback, including from people I trust and respect. You addressed all my problems perfectly with your backstory rewrite. I can't wait to see Samiya on station, just make sure not to be overzealous about your police work (in regards to validhunting) and everything will be fine.

Application accepted.

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