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Blades84 ban appeal

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BYOND Key:/b] Blades84

Total Ban Length: Permanent

Banning staff member's Key: Alberyk

Reason of Ban: "going really overboard with sexual connotations in game, pretty much breaking the non-erp rule"

Reason for Appeal: I don't see how asking someone if they've even been pregnant is at all tenamount to ERP, sure it was in poor taste and probably not the most stellar RP but it was in part a joke to lighten up the mood during the passage through the radiation belt; and out of curiosity considering the person was a Tajara (?) or some other form of non-human, it illicited a somewhat shocked response and an answer to my question which was: "I don't think that's possible" it was overheard by two people max and had little to no effect on gameplay, we continued work as normal afterward. I was playing MD that round and performed my job fine for the remainder of it until a ban was applied as I was saving someone who had apparently sustained heavy injuries during the aforementioned radiation storm.

To sum it up: While I do agree what I did here was poor RP, it wasn't at all ERP nor did it have any kind of detrimental effect on gameplay. Pregnancy and intercourse exist and simply mentioning them ingame isn't ERP or anything like it. I don't feel this warranted a permanent ban and I thought I was acting within the rules, I didn't think anybody would equate that dumb question to ERP and that wasn't my intention here at all. I will acknolwdge however that throughout the round I wasn't RPing so great in general, nor have I been in recent weeks and I apologize for that, if the ban is lifted I'll make a concious effort to improve my roleplaying IC and cut out a lot of the nuisance I've been causing and ask staff before I do something which I think might be of a questionable nature.


You don't say exactly what you said, or have a screenshot, but if what you say is truthful, I agree that a permanent ban is a bit much. As long as you weren't initiating ERP, I don't really see what you said as anything more than silly. As long as you didn't spend your whole round walking around asking Tajara if they've been knocked up, and actually were contributing to the round by doing your job, I really don't think this warranted a perma-ban, unless there's something we're not seeing in this post.


You were given multiple chances to improve your behavior. I had the case passed off to Alberyk as he was the one with permaban power and I already had a mind to perma you, due to your absolutely horrid behavior and the specific situation where you crossed a very finely written line.

For this specific case:


James (?) Shrimpton softly, "Hey yasney, (?) ever been impregnated by a human man?


Not only is this creepy and weird as fuck but we have explicit rules to keep these kinds of discussions off the server as we do not expect people in IC to be going any further than the standard shown affection that you would reasonably show another character that yours is romancing.

Repeatedly showing no understanding of what the rules mean and violating them at multiple turns can result in a permaban. The perma was applied as a last resort as you hadn't learned from your previously escalated bans.

  Scheveningen said:
You were given multiple chances to improve your behavior. I had the case passed off to Alberyk as he was the one with permaban power and I already had a mind to perma you, due to your absolutely horrid behavior and the specific situation where you crossed a very finely written line.

Still don't understand how asking someone that is "crossing the line"

For this specific case:


James (?) Shrimpton softly, "Hey yasney, (?) ever been impregnated by a human man?


Not only is this creepy and weird as fuck but we have explicit rules to keep these kinds of discussions off the server as we do not expect people in IC to be going any further than the standard shown affection that you would reasonably show another character that yours is romancing.

"Hey, have you ever been pregnant" isn't "creepy and weird as fuck" at least not in my book, still can't understand why the remark is so unacceptable?

Repeatedly showing no understanding of what the rules mean and violating them at multiple turns can result in a permaban. The perma was applied as a last resort as you hadn't learned from your previously escalated bans.


To the best of my recollection I have two warnings and one prior ban that I remember.

One warning was for killing myself with "not enough reason to" which in my opinion doesn't make much sense, if realism is what you're going for people kill themselves all the time in real life for unexplained reasons, if anything this just gives medical and the chaplain something to do.

I don't remember the reason for my other warning.

And the weekban was applied because I drank alcohol and got drunk as a medical doctor which again is something that happens all the time on this server, pretty much every round actually. Hardly breaking any rules.

I'll cut it out though, I know the rules and all of my bans were applied for things I felt were within the rules. I'm not intentionally breaking them.

  Scheveningen said:
Breaking RP, most certainly, and by extension it breaks the rules.

I don't see anything that "breaks RP" At worst, it's poor RP.

There are strange people who say that kind of stuff, regardless of if it's weird or not. The intent wasn't ERP, so in reality, I don't see any rules that it is breaking. It's just merely irritating if anything.

He did admit to having a warning for suicide, which is a no-no, but he got his warning and didn't do it again.

Also, a week-ban for getting drunk IC? That's just silly, now. Arguably it breaks the "Try to perform your job to a satisfactory standard" rule, but even then, if he had been doing his job satisfactorily, it's iffy to me. Either way, he received a week ban and didn't do it again.

Saying creepy shit isn't ERP, and if that's his idea of how to initiate ERP, he's got serious trouble with social cues.

Honestly, this doesn't seem worth more than warning to me. Besides, I think it's fun if some characters are eccentric or dumb. Not everyone can be a stiff with a stick up their ass.

  TheLetterH said:
  Scheveningen said:
Breaking RP, most certainly, and by extension it breaks the rules.

I don't see anything that "breaks RP" At worst, it's poor RP.

There are strange people who say that kind of stuff, regardless of if it's weird or not. The intent wasn't ERP, so in reality, I don't see any rules that it is breaking. It's just merely irritating if anything.

He did admit to having a warning for suicide, which is a no-no, but he got his warning and didn't do it again.

Also, a week-ban for getting drunk IC? That's just silly, now. Arguably it breaks the "Try to perform your job to a satisfactory standard" rule, but even then, if he had been doing his job satisfactorily, it's iffy to me. Either way, he received a week ban and didn't do it again.

Saying creepy shit isn't ERP, and if that's his idea of how to initiate ERP, he's got serious trouble with social cues.

Honestly, this doesn't seem worth more than warning to me. Besides, I think it's fun if some characters are eccentric or dumb. Not everyone can be a stiff with a stick up their ass.

Did you happen to be present when the OP in question got banned? If you have any context to support their case that would be nice.

  Scheveningen said:
  TheLetterH said:
  Scheveningen said:
Breaking RP, most certainly, and by extension it breaks the rules.

I don't see anything that "breaks RP" At worst, it's poor RP.

There are strange people who say that kind of stuff, regardless of if it's weird or not. The intent wasn't ERP, so in reality, I don't see any rules that it is breaking. It's just merely irritating if anything.

He did admit to having a warning for suicide, which is a no-no, but he got his warning and didn't do it again.

Also, a week-ban for getting drunk IC? That's just silly, now. Arguably it breaks the "Try to perform your job to a satisfactory standard" rule, but even then, if he had been doing his job satisfactorily, it's iffy to me. Either way, he received a week ban and didn't do it again.

Saying creepy shit isn't ERP, and if that's his idea of how to initiate ERP, he's got serious trouble with social cues.

Honestly, this doesn't seem worth more than warning to me. Besides, I think it's fun if some characters are eccentric or dumb. Not everyone can be a stiff with a stick up their ass.

Did you happen to be present when the OP in question got banned? If you have any context to support their case that would be nice.


Yeah, I was actually, we were in maintenance tunnels due to a radiation belt. There was no ERP. He was bullshitting around during that, but after it ended he went straight back to his job.


Searching for you ckey, which is no older than three months; there are three warnings and some notes in a short span of time. Now, the weekban was given due to repeating a similar behavior, which breaks the following rules:


Try to perform your job to a satisfactory standard, especially in positions of power (security, head roles.) Minor failures at doing so will result in IC consequences, but constant, repeated failures without sense or reason can result in jobbans (NT would probably not hire your character if they were completely unable to do their job). Note that you are not expected to be a role model employee, but are asked to not use your job to grief and to also have an OOC understanding of what’s going on.


Characters must be believable, and well-rounded. No insane or psychotic characters. No Mary Sues. (Over the top characters, characters who know too much, have no weaknesses, etcetera.)


If I recall, you started a lot of trouble by drinking and then being arrested, in the end of the shift being dragged into the shuttle's brig, just to repeat the same thing in the next round. So, taking in mind the two warnings issued by the staff to you, the one about charging at armed hostiles with a shotgun as the bartender and the last one issued by Delta, on the top of the temporary ban, and the short spawn of time that those accidents happened, I did believe you had no desire in taking things a bit more serious and then applied this ban.

Now, in question of what was said, seems too much and it was going overbroad with what would be acceptable by the rules, while not really being explicit by itself.

I am not really against lifting this up, but if I do so, I wish for none of the behavior that resulted in warnings or ban to happen again.

  Alberyk said:

I am not really against lifting this up, but if I do so, I wish for none of the behavior that resulted in warnings or ban to happen again.


I'm not here to cause trouble, as I said I'm not trying to be malicious, they're just mistakes I've made. I'm not used to HRP stations so adjusting to the RP standards and differentiating what is and isn't allowed can be difficult at times, in future I'll ahelp or check the rules before acting questionably.


Alright, I will lift this ban, and I hope we can learn from what happened, so, be sure to read again the server rules.

Appeal accepted.

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