Kaed Posted April 3, 2017 Posted April 3, 2017 BYOND Key: Kaedwuff Game ID: bNO-a1fe Player Byond Key: The1Hitman and [AI's ckey, I don't remember their name either] Staff involved: NursieKitty and some others I apparently can't remember. Reason for complaint: Detective Victoria Haight was behaving like some sort of combination Judge Dredd and High Inquisitor in this round, overstepping both her authority as a detective and what she should reasonably be able to know as a non-antagonist player. She also said and did several things that were against regulation and fairly metagamey/showed an improper understanding of this server's regulations, and became increasingly awful as the round progressed. A summary of the events: This was a wizard round, with a peace-wizard going around growing healing plants and setting people on fire/blinding/polymorphing them etc. Point was, the wizard was not being overtly hostile or scary, despite clearly being dangerous, so for whatever reason, most of the crew just sort of let them wander about and do their snowflakey stuff. Not Slithiss, though. Due to what amounted to an unathi religious dispute (lizard wizard), my HoP unathi continually tried to get him to leave. He asked him several times to leave, tried to make the AI make the unathi feel unwelcome and be 'ousted' (to which the AI responded by trying to validhunt the wizard to the best of their abilities, even verbally pouting when I told them explicitly not to try and murder the wizard. That's a different, but related issue, more on that later). At one point I even tried to convince security to kick them off the station by filling out an injunction form and asking them politely to honor it. They didn't, because most of them were already friendos with His Whimsical Blueness or just wanted to avoid going near him. At no point previous to this had I performed anything resembling an aggressive action, despite being verbally opposed to the wizard's presence on the station (though the AI had several times, stopping each time I told him not to do a specific thing to the wizard, such as shocking doors, or door crushing. At one point, I told it to leave the wizard alone, and it flatly refused). I had decided at this point that Slithiss was just going to settle into skulking unhappily in his office, when an admin contacted me, asking if I wanted to be a vampire to oppose the wizard. I agreed to this, and, going for a flavor it the vampire thing being a religious rite, invited a security officer who had seemed slightly sympathetic to my issue with the wizard to come talk to me at my office. He came by, we talked, and I fed on him before dragging him off to medical to get a blood transfusion so he could run along on his merry way. This is the point where Victoria Haight came in. Apparently feeling that there was something deeply suspicious about an officer being called to the head of personnel's office, she opted to watch the entire meeting on camera. So she saw me hypno him and pin him down, then drag him out of my office. While I don't like that she decided to monitor the meeting, it's not like using cameras is breaking any rules, and is kind of a tough luck situation. The problem was her behavior following this. Rather than seek assistance from security and perform a formal arrest, she took it upon herself to not notify anyone else in security what she had seen and instead head straight to my office, demanding to see me, whereupon on my return she held me up at gunpoint with her revolver and, lacking cuffs in her no doubt extremely important haste to run over and apprehend me personally, got a nearby engineer to make her cable cuffs. My use of vampire presence was completely ignored, along with my attempts to reason with her, but I guess, theoretically, she did witness what amounted to assault and kidnapping, so maybe she was justified in continuing to be super aggressive despite ~vampire chill vibes~. She also shot me several times while I was standing there, but thinking back, she probably forgot to turn off 'no radio use' or something on her settings. Anyway, point is, I'm pretty sure all this happened because she wanted to be super secretive about it and not alert me by talking on the security channel, but there were plenty of more subtle and regulation friendly ways to go about this than she used. Detectives need to stop acting like they are The Law and bloody escalate a situation properly. The real problem, however, started when I tried healing myself with blood heal after being shot about four times and dragged to medical. Now, I haven't played vampire very much, so I guess at some point in the past Skull or whoever saw fit to make blood heal spam a bunch of extremely edgelordy emotes about barfing blood all over yourself and your bones rearranging themselves or something. I didn't even realize everyone was seeing this messages until they started getting weirded out and screaming. Yes, it's not normal for a person to be doing these things, but was also just shot and probably injured, so the leap of logic from seeing something out of your IC context to her screeching about Slithiss 'not being human!'. This is a fairly common accusation to level at someone doing weird things, but usually it is more relevant in servers that don't have xeno races. Their inexperience with this servers multispecies ability set was further backed up here when broke my cuffs during the ensuing confusion of the wizard showing up, and they began screaming even more about how this was evidence I was clearly a monster and 'not a member of the crew'. Maybe they thought I was a changeling or something, I don't know, but the whole thing felt like they were following a standard progression of behavior towards antagonists from an entirely different server with much lower roleplay standards. It is important to note that during this, the AI was attempting to get them to let me go, and at one point, insisted I was 'in charge of the station', which was not true, and further made everyone sure I had subverted the AI (I hadn't), thus making everything worse for me. A truly awful AI, this one. After that, Essel sent me off to be HoT (why, Essel ;n; I thought we were pals). This is where the next shitstorm began. I was basically stripped of everything including my headset, with the detective who apparently was in charge of security now on account of no one really caring/knowing enough to question this, then thrown in solitary, and being constantly accused of not actually being a crewmember despite literally zero evidence aside from me barfing blood up on myself a few times. At some point during this, the detective took our their laser rifle and began screaming at me to get down on the ground, firing at me once from outside of the cell, threatening to execute me if I didn't comply. This was incredibly confusing, because I was already locked up in a cell, with the door closed, and I attempted reasoning with her. It took about a minute of this screaming before she seemed to realized that I was, in fact, still handcuffed, and someone had just dropped a pair of handcuffs in the cell, and my apparently sudden decuffing was the result of this tirade. Presumably, she knew out of character that changelings and traitors could decuff themselves and immediately leapt to the conclusion that this had happened without checking the actual IC situation (more metagaming, and not even factual in this case). I also don't know why it was so important I remain cuffed in solitary confinement, in the first place? After that, she spent the rest of the round lurking right out side the door with her laser rifle in hand set to lethal, occasionally trying to engage me in insulting conversation I had no interest it, with periodic checks in the dark cell by flash light, I suppose to check if I hadn't somehow magicked myself out. Granted, if I was, in fact, a vampire that had any progress (and wasn't bugged by wizard shenanigans), I could have gotten out, but she shouldn't have known that, and she shouldn't have thought she was required to keep constant, intense watch on me, waiting for me to, say, turn into a monkey and try to escape by vent, or some such thing. I was also informed, at some point during my imprisonment, that Price had only gone to see me as part of some ploy to catch me in wrongdoing, and they had emerged victorious. Why they had such a plan in the first place, I don't know, as I became an antagonist less than ten minutes before I called Price to my office. Then, at the end of the round, she committed suicide for some reason. I only witnessed the tail end of it because I heard shots and moved closer to see, but the wizard was involved and trying to stop her. The wizard accused me of dominating her into suicide (I didn't), which could possibly even be why she did it? Maybe she thought killing herself would prove I was definitely the bad guy and made her do it. I don't know, honestly. I do know suicide 4noraisin is not acceptable on the server, though. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? Yes. I was told the issue was IC, and some vague things about checking with players that went nowhere. Approximate Date/Time: 4/3/2017, 1-4 am CST
ShameOnTurtles Posted April 5, 2017 Posted April 5, 2017 I'll be taking over this complaint. Once the other two involved parties post a verdict will be reached.
ShameOnTurtles Posted April 7, 2017 Posted April 7, 2017 What if there is no reply? I've spoken with Frenjo, the player of the AI that round, and they have nothing to add or correct barring the order at which you told them to stop shocking doors and stop door crushing. They have declined to post. As for The1Hitman, as Aboshehab said they are aware, If I'm not able to get into contact with them/they don't reply by the end of the weekend, I'll have to assume they're ignoring this complaint. I'll post my verdict at that point if it comes to pass. EDIT: Resolution reached, working on contacting the The1Hitman about it.
ShameOnTurtles Posted April 15, 2017 Posted April 15, 2017 Alright, sorry for the delay. Unfortunately, this complaint will come to a close without contact from The1Hitman, as it's been open too long regardless. In regards to the AI, I’ve spoken to them and they have been issued a verbal warning and note on the server for: Playing an overly bloodthirsty AI, leading to validhunting. Disobeying laws in favour of trying to shut down the antag, which ties into the first reason. As for The1Hitman, they will be issued a severe warning for: Metagaming/validhunting the Head of Personnel. Watching a meeting of an officer with a thus far cooperative and friendly head of staff is allowed, but ramboing to arrest them is not in these circumstances Failure to follow Standard Operating Procedure in regards to the Head of Personnel’s detainment, including the removal of the headset, instant solitary and constant surveillance in person. Committing suicide in character without an apparent valid reason, and without reaching out to staff beforehand. I will be locking and archiving this complaint. If any of you have further concerns, please direct them towards me in a PM.
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