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RunningWithScissors' Head whitelist application.

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BYOND key: RunningWithScissors

Character names: Samara Davidson, Chloe Iole, Coreth Hanford [iNACTIVE]

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: About four months.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: A lot of the time, if not the vast majority of the time, there aren't heads of staff on the server during the times that I play. I’d like to be able to help organize the crew during the times that I play. This doesn’t mean that I’ll be tripping on power, or anything like that. Just, trying to organize some sort of cooperation in the crew during the hours I play.

Why did you come to Aurora?: Frankly? Apollo went down, and I was looking for new places to play. I vastly prefer it here, you lot save a much better feel of a crew working together, often, rather than just a group of people tolerating each other’s existence.

Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yeah, and I have experience with playing HoP, Captain, and CMO on other servers.

Please provide well-articulated and argumented answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is, pretty obviously, playing a role. Here, especially, the variety of roles and personalities being played creates a sort of diversity, and I think that it should be about working with other people to try and create the best situation possible with the round type provided.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: To help with teaching and co-ordinating the players of the server, in an IC aspect that the Admin staff cannot, usually. They can also help coordinate the regular players, into doing something useful during antag rounds, or thinking up cool projects

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: I feel that the whitelisted players should be there to help the newer members of the crew in an IC aspect, that the admin staff can’t, a lot of the time. They should also be there to direct the crew,

Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name: Samara Davidson

Character age: 35 years old

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Samara Davidson was born on a fringe world named Cypra Mundi in the Mizar system, a mostly average planet famed for its strip mining. Whilst the settlements nearest the initial landing site were developed and pleasant, the outermost areas were desolate and dirty, inhabited by the engineering and maintenance teams that made sure the buildings and facilities were clean and running smoothly. These occasional glimpses at the more developed areas bred resentment against the upper classes, resulting in occasional riots and clashes between the agricultural workers in the slums demanding better reimbursements for the tithes they paid to the central cities, and the ‘pacification’ squads sent out by the government, made up of army soldiers. Samara’s father was the lead supervisor of the tithes, watching over the logistical nightmare of dozens of depots all unwilling, unable or ill-equipped to provide their shipments on time. As such, she spent most of her post-pubescent life tinkering with the devices and robots in the shipping facilities of the capital, managing the received orders, and occasionally leading expeditions underneath the planet’s surface, with teams of miners.

Eventually, the maintenance and agricultural teams revolted. A union leader who was often at odds with the governance of the planet managed to unite the pockets of dissent into a unified force, urging the engineers to create makeshift weapons from materials around the cities, taking the attention of pacification forces. Crime was rife on the streets of the cities in their absence, and Samara’s father decided to attempt to flee the city before anything endangered his family. Samara and her family were quickly moved out of system, and realized that they had to make something of themselves before the money smuggled away was completely used up. Samara realized that creating and engineering new robots like the yellow, wheeled hoppers that ran from point to point in the depots, which she often tinkered with, could be a way for her to earn a living without assistance, and asked to enroll in the Mendell City School of Applied Engineering to learn more about robotics. Her father agreed, and she began her studies in the area, keeping her head down and focused on her work. After graduating, Samara was offered a job by NanoTrasen, mainly focused on finding some way of using a new purple substance as a fuel source to power robotics. After moving around several sub-departments of science, mainly Xenobiology, Samara was transferred by Central Command to the Supply department, on account of her ability to manage the items given out by R&D, and her background in the area. Samara worked for several years as a Quartermaster, before eventually rising up the ranks to Head of Personnel.

What do you like about this character?: I’ve been playing Sam for about, um… five months now, on various servers. This usually means that I have a good idea of her mind-set, and outlook on things. They’re a very familiar character, so I find the quality of RP for her is, in my opinion, better than my newer ones.

What do you dislike about this character?: This familiarity does also mean that Samara’s very firm-set in her attitudes and opinions about things, which could lead to some tension or conflict within the command team. Nothing that would interfere with the crew working efficiently, but potentially something that could make some interesting RP. Hopefully. Maybe. Probably not.

Do you think this character is fit to be a Head of Staff? (Please note that Head characters must be over 30, unless given special clearance): Yeah.

Why?: She’s experienced in the field that she’d be working in, and generally competent. I… don’t really have much else to put here. Just, yeah.

Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?: When I’m really trying, or in a situation that lets me get into character? An 8/10, probably. I’d be the first to admit that my characters can lapse sometimes, but these won’t be the rounds where I have power.

Extra notes: This application is like, four months in the making now. I write slow. I just realized the "How long have you played" thing said three weeks. Heh.

Edited by Guest
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scissors has yet to impress me in terms of doing a flip whilst diving off of a bridge.

However, his RP is good enough. I've promoted him to HoP a few times (at request of another captain, apparently) and he's been shown to be quite competent in the role itself.

Scissors has my endorsement, but he still needs to figure out how to fly like a butterfly and not go kersplat whilst preparing for the International World High-Speed Solid Cement-Diving Championship.

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Scissors is a great RPer as well as a good player, as Chloe Iole is a competant and communicative member of security team. But from what I've seen, they might also have a tendency to hit cryo or go AFK often. Reason is not important, but it can be an issue as member of the command staff.


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A few months ago, I would've supported this without hesitation but after I came back, I saw that Samara married Acel and really that's just i mean okay. Samara's frequently shown she doesn't have the guts to kill everyone, which is I guess something that I can let pass but then marrying acel really just casts doubts on her ability to make professional judgments

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A few months ago, I would've supported this without hesitation but after I came back, I saw that Samara married Acel and really that's just i mean okay. Samara's frequently shown she doesn't have the guts to kill everyone, which is I guess something that I can let pass but then marrying acel really just casts doubts on her ability to make professional judgments


Is this a legitimate concern? I don't see where you are going with this.

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A few months ago, I would've supported this without hesitation but after I came back, I saw that Samara married Acel and really that's just i mean okay. Samara's frequently shown she doesn't have the guts to kill everyone, which is I guess something that I can let pass but then marrying acel really just casts doubts on her ability to make professional judgments


Is this a legitimate concern? I don't see where you are going with this.


Its a Joke


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