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A Guide To Medicine [Need some editors]

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This is actually a book (two actually) I wrote for Alium, a while back, added to their archive. We don't have one but i figure if we ever do, it can be put in, or added manually whenever someone wants. But I need help going over it. because I wrote it a while back some of it is out of date. I took a run at updating it but I'm not sure what else has changed.

The book with in [*code]

Hello, this is my first book. My name is Doctor Crystal Brookes, and I've been a Nanotrasen Chemist, Doctor, and Certified Surgeon for a few years now. What I've found, in my time working for Nanotrasen, is there's a lot of knowledge gaps regarding surgery and advanced medical treatments. I'm here to fill those gaps. Volume One will cover common ailments, and Volume Two will cover surgical instructions. I hope this book helps! DISCLAIMER: This is not an emergency guide. Don't use it on short notice.

[br][PAGE TWO][br]

[center][b][large]The Basics[/center]

I'll only cover these briefly because I assume you know a bit of basic first aid. First of all, triage. If someone is dying, treat them before the guy with a papercut, obvious, yes? More importantly, wear a medical HUD to get an idea of how bad someone is. Treat bleeding patients first. Bandage their wounds to keep them from bleeding out. The only exception is cases where someone has been infected from [b][REDACTED][/b] in which case their time is very short and they need to get into surgery before [b][DATA EXPUNGED][/b] which can create a danger to the crew. Remember, the cloner is not an excuse for laziness. Extreme psychological trauma can come with being cloned and you should consider it a personal failure every time you have to clone a patient. [br][br]

Talk to your local chemist and have them build you a stock of the following important drugs, which I'll discuss throughout this book. Bicaridine, Dermaline, Inaprovaline, Dexalin Plus, Dylovene, Alkysine, Ryetalyn, and Tramadol. [br][br]

[PAGE 3]

[b]Suffocation damage[/b] is the most common type of damage because it happens to anyone who is badly injured. If a patient is in critical condition, administer inaprovaline but don't sit on your ass! This is a stall. Treat their wounds, or if you're in the medbay, throw them in cryo and let the Clonexadone do its work!  If it's very bad, dexalin plus can help, but the main wounds should be your focus. suffocation will clear itself up in time. [br][br]

[b]Brute damage[/b] is cuts and bruises. This can be very bad because blood loss from cuts can make your patient crash faster than you can do anything. If they're bleeding you NEED to apply bandages/Bruise packs. Bicaridine is your miracle drug, here, and you'll want to apply it in tandem with bruises and bandages to heal them quickly. Keep an eye on blood loss, because your patient might need blood (which I'll discuss later). Anything below 85%, and you're going to want to give them a transfusion. Remember [b]Cuts are your priority.[/b][br][br]

[b]Burn damage[/b] can come from lasers, electricution, or exposure to extreme cold or heat. You treat these with ointment and dermaline. Again, in tandem. Kelotane can also be used but Dermaline is more efficient and can be administered in smaller doses. These are pretty straight forward.[br][br]

[b]Toxin damage[/b], you treat with antitoxin. But there's a trick here that is VERY important. [b]You want to keep an eye on them because some drugs can have lasting effects and your patient may need longer term care. Do not release them until they've gone at least two minutes since they last took toxin damage.[/b][br][br]

[b]Unknown/Unlisted damage[/b]: Most of the time this comes from a patient who's been working xenobiology. The slimes cause this kind of damage. It can also come from a clone who was ejected too early. This can pretty much only be treated by time in the Cryo. Clonexadone is best!  It could also be a hallucination from the holodeck or drugs! If it's those, the patient just sleeps it off. Sedating them may be necessary if they're on drugs. Remember Dr. Crystal's magical solution! 5 units of Chloral Hydrate, 10 units of sleep toxin! Puts them down, keeps them down! [br][br]

[PAGE 4]

[center][b][large]Other Ailments[/center]

You wouldn't believe how often I see doctors who see a patient with a horrible headache or terrible itch, and have had NO IDEA how to treat them. It's horrible. So here's the guide on how to treat everything from Appendicitis to [REDACTED]. More details about surgical procedures are in Volume 2![br][br]

[PAGE 5]

[b]Blood Loss (External)[/b]. Low blood count is a common ailment. Its symptoms include visible signs of bleeding, suffocation damage that reoccurs with no apparent source, patient feeling woozy, and paleness. The most important first step is to examine your patient visually and with a health analyzer to determine WHERE the blood loss is coming from and stop the bleeding. Now, if the  patient is too low on blood (Around 80% blood level.)  Give a blood transfusion. [br][br]

[b]Blood Loss (internal)[/b] Internal Bleeding is less common but even more serious. If your patient is suffering the symptoms of blood loss, but have no visible cuts,  they have internal bleeding. [b]This is the most serious kind of emergency you can face with a single patient.[/b]. The first thing is to stabilize the patient. Then IMMEDIATELY bring them to surgery. Give them a blood transfusion, and keep the bag on until the bleeding can be stopped. If there is no surgeon on hand, put them in Cryo or they WILL die. They will have to be kept in cryo to slow the bleeding but the situation must be remedied quickly or you're going to need a trip to the morgue and the cloner. Stasis bags are good for this too.[br][br]

[b]How to do a blood transfusion:[/b] And here we have the reason you're wearing a medical hud. Examine your patient and you'll be able to view their medical records and quickly find their bloodtype without looking into the computer and wasting precious lifesaving seconds. Keep in mind blood types do NOT have to be a perfect match. However, it is important that you try to match patients when possible to prevent waste. Try not to use O Negative blood on anyone but O Negative patients! Blood type works on markers. Positive means they can receive positive OR negative blood. Don't give patients blood with markers they don't have. O is not a marker, it eans no markers. There's a quickref list on the next page![br][br]

Once you've selected the blood, put it on the IV and make sure the IV is set to GIVE not TAKE blood. Lay the patient down and connect the IV. Scan their blood level regularly and stop around 90% to prevent waste (as long as they are no longer bleeding). They can regenerate the rest on their own with a nice healthy snack! Remember to replenish your blood supplies if you run out of a particular type! The IV can be used to take blood, for this purpose. It's unethical to take blood from a living person without their consent. Don't do it![br][br]

[PAGE 6]

[list][*][b]O-[/b] - Only O-[*][b]O+[/b] - O+, or O- [*][b]A+[/b] - A+, A-, O+, O- [*][b]A-[/b] - A-, O- [*][b]B+[/b] - B+, B-, O+, O-[*][b]B-[/b] - B-, O-[*][b]AB+[/b]- Any.[*][b]AB-[/b]- Any negative. [/list]

[PAGE 7]

[b] Blood Rejection[/b]: "Dr. Crystal, I fucked up and gave my patient the wrong blood. What do?" First, choke yourself. But don't take too long because your patient is dying. Unexplained suffocation and toxin damage come with blood rejection. All you can do here, is administer antitoxin until their body stops trying to kill them and hope you don't get sued for malpractice! The dirty secret is, it's better to go through blood rejection than die of blood loss. [br][br]

[b]Appendicitis[/b]: Symptoms include toxin damage, vomiting, coughing, and the health analyzer telling you in big bold red letters "THIS MOTHERFUCKER GOT APPENDICITIS, Y'ALL". Get them into surgery, quickly. If their appendix explodes, they die, and you suck as a doctor. See Volume 2 for surgical instructions.[br][br]

[b]Bone Fractures[/b]: Broken Bones are part of life in space. A toolbox to the arm, or a hatchet to the face, it happens. If your patient is screaming in pain, falling over, or dropping things they're trying to hold, odds are they have a broken limb. First thing's first. Tramadol is your friend. It'll soothe their pain. If the patient is suffering from skull or rib fractures, keep them immobile. Sedate them if you absolutely must. Bone shards might cause worse injuries. A broken rib can become a death sentence if it pierces an organ! Next, bring them to the medical scanner. Find out what's broken. Treat the external wounds with bandages and bicaridine, then turf them off the surgery! They're Volume 2's problem now![br][br]

[b]Brain Damage:[/b] Symptoms for brain damage, again include the health analyzer telling you (God, I love that thing) the patient gibbering and acting like a complete retard (I know, I know. Hard to tell the difference, sometimes.), and an inability to use complex machinery. The body scanner can give you a better idea of the nature of the damage. Here, the magic potion is Alkysine. ALWAYS have some on hand because clones almost always have brain damage. If Alkysine doesn't help and the patient had brain damage, they probably have a Hematoma and need brain surgery. See Volume 2.[br][br]

[PAGE 8]

[b]Blindness[/b]: Symptoms include your patient screaming constantly about being blind, and a lack of response in the pupils. Use your penlight to check! Have your chemist make up some imidazoline, first. If this doesn't work, try surgery. See volume 2. If THAT doesn't work, somehow your patient has suffered genetic blindness. The geneticist can set them up with a clean SE injection. Or, try Ryetalyn.[br][br]

[b]Collapsed/Ruptured  Lung[/b]: A collapsed lung is no fun. I've had it happen a few times, in mining accidents. When your patient is gasping for air when there's no shortage, coughing up blood, suffering sharp chest pain, and were recently exposed to low pressure without internals, your only choice is to give them something for the pain, and treat it surgically. If your patient is consistently unable to bleed it may be a very severe rupture or collapse and should be treated as an extreme emergency. See Volume 2.[br][br]

[b]Deafness:[/b] Symptoms include your patient screaming constantly about being deaf. No surgery here, it'll go away in time, and if not, it's genetic. Send them to genetics if Ryetalyn doesn't help. 

[b]Dismemberment[/b]: Nothing worse than lacking a member. Symptoms include, your patient missing limbs, you idiot. If this happens, first treat the wound that caused it, then get them to surgery to put a robotic limb on them. See Volume 2. 

[PAGE 9]

[b]Decapitation[/b]: Your patient has no head. No really. That's it. As you may have guessed, they're dead. Rather than the surgery guide, I'll tell you how to do it here. Scalpel, Saw, Scalpel, Saw. In that order. Very easy, using the same procedures you would use if Put the brain in the fridge and either send it to robotics, or put it in a new body, then clone that new body.[br][br]

[b]Facial Deformation[/b]: Your patient's face has been burned or beaten into unrecognizability. They now have a face for radio, and since radio stations are so uncommon, you'd better fix it. Give them tramadol, and surgery. Volume 2. [br][br]

[b]Foreign Body (Parasite):[/b] There's something in your patient, and you don't know what it is. Maybe they had a bad encounter with a [b][REDACTED][/b] but the point is they need IMMEDIATE surgery. Symptoms include [b][DATA EXPUNGED][/b] out of your patient's stomach, muscle aches, pains, coughing, sneezing, sore throat. Use the health analyzer to confirm and get them to surgery AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If there's no surgeon, [b]SPACE THEM[/b]. This is not a joke. You need them off the station for the safety of the crew.[br][br]

[b]Foreign Body (Shrapnel, Implants, Glass, ETC.):[/b] Shrapnel and other foreign bodies can cause toxin damage and lead to infection which can cause... well... Toxin Damage. Immobilize the patient because moving around with shrapnel in them can lead to their wounds becoming more serious very quickly. Surgery will be needed, see Volume 2.

[Page 10]

[b]Genetic Defects[/b]: Blindness, Deafness, Random Swearing, Hallucinations not caused by drugs, and Seizures, to name a few possibilities.  Treat with Ryetalyn or send them to the geneticist. Treat any resulting symptoms as normal.[br][br]

[b]Heart Trauma[/b]: All the symptoms of low blood, without actual low blood. Constant respiratory damage with no source, wooziness, and such are caused by poor circulation due to heart damage. Check on the body scanner. This can get pretty bad. Get the patient to surgery (See Volume 2!)

[b]Infection[/b]: So, your surgeon sucks ass and didn't wash their hands so now your patient has an infection. Symptoms include inflamed wounds after a surgery, and toxin damage without any chemicals in the bloodstream. Administer antitoxin and put ointment on the wound![br][br]

[b]Intoxication[/b]: You know what a drunk looks like. They slur, they stumble, they stammer. Space drugs come with hallucinations, drooling, and twitching. If they're drunk, give them Ethylredoxrazine, or just leave them alone. For space drugs, give them antitoxin. Sedate them if they're dangerous. Be prepared for them to come back because there are always more symptoms with space drugs. Severe intoxication can also lead to unconsciousness, toxin damage, and liver damage. Treat as appropriate.[br][br]

[b]Itching[/b]: Your patient can't stop scratching. Usually a symptom of space drug use. Give them inaprovaline.[br][br]

[Page 11]

[b]Headache[/b]: Your patient has a headache. Simple enough, again. Tramadol or Alkysine. I prefer Tramadol, beause Alkysine can have interactions with other drugs. This can be caused by Bicaridine, Cryo time, or Tricordrazine. A sharp headache localized to the eyes could be caused by eye damage, however.[br][br]

[b]Nausea[/b]: Simple. Your patient says they're nauseous, and if left untreated, they vomit. Give them antitoxin. This may be a symptom of toxin damage. Often caused by Kelotane and Dermaline.[br][br]

[b]Radiation Sickness:[/b] You're gonna have engineers in your medbay allthefuckingtime with this problem. Toxin damage, weakness, and DNA mutation are symptoms. Give them hyronalin. If it's REALLY bad, give them Arithrazine.  if you can't get those, just keep them under observation, and send them to genetics if they have any mutations.[br][br]


Hello, this is my first book, part two. My name is Doctor Crystal Brookes, and I've been a Nanotrasen Chemist, Doctor, and Certified Surgeon for a few years now. What I've found, in my time working for Nanotrasen, is there's a lot of knowledge gaps regarding surgery and advanced medical treatments. I'm here to fill those gaps. Volume One will cover common ailments, and Volume Two will cover surgical instructions. I hope this book helps! DISCLAIMER: This is not an emergency guide. Don't use it on short notice.[br][br]

[PAGE 2]


I gave you the diagnostics guide in Volume 1, here's the surgical treatments. How to do 'em, and what your tools are. [br][br]

[b]Prepping for Surgery[/b]. This has to be done before EVERY surgery to prevent infection and save your patient pain and suffering. So first of all, you need an operating table. In a [b]dire[/b] emergency (read: The medbay exploded, and your patient's appendix is about to join it.) you can do it elsewhere. Put on latex gloves and a sterile mask. No, you can't go with other kinds. Now strip your patient and put them on the table. Put a medical  mask on them, and connect a tank of sleeping gas and ask your patient to count down from 20. They won't reach zero, because they are on drugs. Now, wash your hands. This is very important. If your patient gets an infection, expect to have your surgical certs yanked! And you deserve it! 

[Page 3]

[center][b][large]Types of Surgery[/center]

The nitty gritty. Here I'll go through step by step instructions of how to do different types of surgery. And important note is that the surgical gods are fickle. Sometimes you can do the right thing and fail. Sometimes some steps won't be necessary or in a pinch, you need to do them in different order. Keep on your toes. Also make sure the limb you're operating on is organic.[br][br]

[b]Parasite Surgery[/b]: If your patient is hosting a parasite inside their chest, you need to get that sucker out of there ASAP. Make an incision in their chest, then use the hemostat to stop bleeding. Use retractors to open the skin, and then saw open the ribcage. Use the retractor to open the ribs. DO NOT PANIC if this breaks the ribs. Your patient may scream but this is reflex. They won't remember it. Use the hemostat to remove the parasite and close the ribcage again with the retractor. Use bone gel to fix the cut, and cauterize the wound. Perform bone repair surgery next if you damaged the ribs badly. [br][br]

[b]Appendectomy:[/b] It's important to work fast. There's a time bomb in your patient and it's ready to blow. Scalpel for the incision, as always, roughly in their groin area. Hemostat to stop the bleeding. Standard procedure. Then retractors to lift the skin. You'll use your scalpel to sever the appendix from the rest of the body and the hemostat to liberate it. Ta da! One saved life. Cauterize the wound and you're done![br][br]

[b]Broken Bones[/b]: I'm assuming you've already scanned the patient and figured out which bones are broken, so now, it's fixing bones time. First, make an incision with your scalpel. Then use the hemostat to stop any bleeding. Next, use the retractors to lift the skin. Then, apply bone gel to the bone, and use the setter to put it in place. You have to be careful here, or you may break another bone in the process. If you do, don't panic. Just means you have a second surgery to do. Apply more bone gel once you set the bone, and cauterize the incision.[br]Special care should be taken if we're talking about a broken skull however. You don't want to get any bone chips in the brain.

[Page 4]

[b]Brain Damage/Subdural Hematoma[/b]: This is a tricky one and requires utmost care. This is someone's brain that you're dealing with after all. Few steps, but verrry dangerous. So take your time. Don't do this if you're tired or have had caffeine recently. Scalpel to cut the flesh. You may need to use the hemostat to stop bleeding, if not use your circularsaw to open the skull. Use your hemostat to remove any bone chips, then cautery to heal the incision.[br][br]

[b] Brain Removal[/b] Oh look at the time, it's time for your brain to come out. If your patient is JUSt a head, instructions are in volume 1. If not, read on. Have an MMI nearby, if the brain is destined for a cyborg. Use a scalpel to cut the flesh of the head, and saw the skull open. Next, sever the connective tissue with the scalpel and use the saw to sever the spine. The brain will pop out. If it's not going in an MMI now, put it in a freezer until it sees whatever its use is.[br][br]

[b]Eye Surgery:[/b] Another VERY sensitive surgery. You could do irrepairable damage if you're not on your A game so make sure you're not going to be impaired in any way. Focus on you patient's eyes and carefully cut around them (DON'T CUT THE EYES THEMSELVES) with your scalpel. Use your retractors to lift them from place, again being very careful. Use your hemostat to repair the damage, then return them to their place and cauterize the wounds. If your patient wasn't genetically blind, you just fixed their eyes. Space Jesus got nothing on you![br][br]

[b]Head Reattcahment:[/b] The cure for Decapitation, if you have the patient's body. First, you'll need an extra set of hands for this to keep the head steady. Place the head and body on your operating table. Use the retractor to peel back the flesh of the head and neck depending where exactly it was severed (most commonly, the neck is attached to the body, so focus on the head itself). Use the FixOVein to  start mending attachments in the throat and esophogus. Then use the hemostat to staple and stitch the flesh and muscle back together. Then use the cautery to adjust the area around the neck. Then you can finish by reattaching the head to the body. It's not good enough for the patient to live, but it's good enough for cloning. 

[Page 5]

[b]Facial Reconstruction[/b] While not lifesaving this will probably be the surgery your patients most appreciate. You're giving them back their identity. I've seen marriages formed because a doctor saved a patient's face. The important mistake that many make is you need to focus on the lower part of the patient's face first. Aim for their mouth, and you generally have the right idea. Use the scalpel to cut the skin, and the hemostat to stop bleeding, as always. Next, use retractors to caaaarefully lift the skin of the face. Now, your hemostat is your best friend. Use it to repair the patient's face. Refer to the patient's personnel file if you don't know what they looked like. Once you're done, use the retractors to pull everything back into place, and cauterize. Now your patient is back to their previous, ugly selves.[br][br]

[b]Foreign Body/Implant Removal[/b]: On the rare occasion security cares enough to give parolees implants, you might have to remove them when their time is up. Use your ADvanced Scanner to locate them and that's your target surgery area. Try not to remove an implant from anyone without consulting security first. Pulling the loyalty implant out of somebody is a good way to get thrown in jail. And if they have some other kind of implant there might be a security problem anyway. So first, like with every surgery, scalpel to open them up, carefully, and hemostat to stop the bleeding. Remember if you're removing from the chest, standard chest surgery procedures apply, about opening the ribcage.  Use your retractor to open the skin, and again, if necessary, use the hemostat to stop the bleeding, any blood will keep you from seeing where the implant is. Once you've done that, your good friend Mr. Hemostat will be used to extract the implant, and you can cauterize the wound. You can remove anything this way, so if some prankster surgically shoved a radio into someone's chest, this'll get it out. [br][br]

[b]Internal Organ Repair[/b]: When your patient's got damage to their organs, you've got to work fast. Especially if it's their lungs. First use the scalpel to cut their chest open, and hemostat to stop bleeding, like always, now you use the retractor to open them up. Now like the [b][REDACTED][/b] surgery, you have to saw open the ribs with your circular saw and use the retractor to open them up. Don't panic if your patient screams or if you do worse damage to the ribs than you expected. It can happen. Now once you have them open, use an advanced trauma kit to very carefully repair any damage, or Nanopaste for artificial organs. Once this is done, use your retractor to close the ribcage, and bonegel to mend the ribs. Use your cautery to seal the incision. Do bone repair if you have to, afterwards. [br][br]

[b]Internal Bleeding[/b]: Probably the most important type of surgery you can do. Your patient's life is in immediate danger and if you don't fix it FAST you're gonna lose them. Inaprovaline and Bicaridine can slow the bleeding. Put them in the advanced scanner to find the damage. and use the scalpel to open up the affected area, and the hemostat to clear the blood so you can work. Once you  do, use the retractors to move the skin from the area. Now comes the handiest tool around, the FixOVein. This'll repair the damaged blood vessels. Use it to carefully mend the damage. Be thorough! You don't want to have to go back in. Once you're done, cauterize the wound.[br][br]

[b]Limb Replacement[/b]: First of all, you need a matching robotic limb from the Robotics department. Cut the limb with your scalpel to clean up the wound and use retractors to adjust the shape of the area. Use the cautery to seal the wound. Now your patient has a receptive stump for a robotic limb![br][br]

Edited by Guest
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Excellent work. Very nice. Just a few notes:

> Ryetalyn not Ryetalin

>Inaprovaline not Inapprovaline

>Chems. 5 units of Bicaridine, Dermaline and dexalin (not plus) will patch up about 25 health units Dylovene 30.

>Internal bleeds. Inaprovaline and bicaridine are good for slowing down the bleed. ODing them on bicaridine can also slowly seal it.

>On blood bags. They have a maximum of 200 units in metric that is 2 litres or 2000 millilitres of blood the Cl you see on scanners in regards to blood stands for centilitres. The body holds 560 units of blood normaly. And a patient below 40% blood will suffer from extreme oxy deprivation damage and toxic damage as their organs die. 99.9% of the time if you cross that line the patient is a goner in seconds. ((OOC note for those of you who do not know you can see how much blood a bag has by examining it on the IV))

>Brain damage. Alk will not fix damage to the actual organ the trauma we most often associate with brain damage is called a hematoma. Which is blood outside of a blood vessel and can happen anywhere like a bruise. But within the brain the pressure and swelling it can cause can be significantly more debilitating.

>I would pair dismemberment and decapitation as one. And surgically you can not re-capitate (I do not even think that is a word. But it is now.) people in order to clone them.

>Foreign Bodies are more often shrapnel from bullets than the unknown aliens. The shrapnel can cause toxic damage in the patient and movement can cause internal bleeds, broken bones and organ damage depending on where it is. Immobilize even if you have to strap them to a bed and sedate and cuff them. Surgery will be needed.

>Intoxication. Antitoxin will also help if they have overdone it. And if they have check their liver. If it is compromised and they drink again or suffer from some other form of toxins the body will be compromised and unable to handle toxins as well leading to more damage over a shorter time span.

>It may be worth binning half of the old virus types and putting a bit in for the current virus set up and some of the early warning signs

>Change Implant Removal to foreign body removal as implant are only known foreign bodies that are not causing issues.

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Yeah, Shrapnel didn't exist at the time I wrote this, that's one more thing that needs to be added. The only foreign body was chestbusters

Also very recently ruptured lungs became much more dangerous. They stop you from breathing altogether, now, at least sometimes.

I'll get on making the changes you mentioned

I also think things like itching and headaches were removed

I'm also going to delete the disease section entirely because I don't know how virology works in the game currently

Edit: Made changes

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