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[Retracted] Complete Garbage's Moderator Application

Guest Complete Garbage

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Guest Complete Garbage

Basic Information

Byond Account: Complete Garbage

Character Name(s): Sandman (Science IPC), Kahal Nazkiin (Taj HoS), Kasassara Tazuka (Medical Unathi), Zakar'iya Touma (Taj Gardener), Reas'Eras Kerr'Nova (Skrell CE), Nasser El-Hasem (Taj Miner), and Huzuizuh Guwan (Unathi Janitor)

AI Name(s): Sudo

Preferred means of contact: Discord

Age: 16

Timezone: CST (UTC−6:00)

When are you on Aurora?: Now that it's summer, usually at least a couple hours a day.


How long have you played SS13?: Hard to say. On this account, I think it's been 2-3 years? I had anoother account before this one though, and it's probably around 5 or 6 years old.

How long have you played on Aurora: Since September of 2015.

How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: A considerably large amount. I don't know everything off the top of my head, but I do know how to perform almost any job to a satisfactory standard. I am also (somewhat) familiar with admin/mod commands, but only in the context of hosting a test server.

Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: No.

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: I don't believe I have. I've been talked to about borderline-powergamey behavior, but I've always managed to correct myself after being bwoinked. As far as I can recall, I've never been banned or formally warned.


Why do you play SS13?: It's fun. I like the range of gameplay style the game offers, from fast-paced action to pure chairRP. SS13 offers a narrative like no other game does. Every player has an influence, however small, in the outcome; and even if you don't "win," you can still easily feel satisfied with the fact you contributed.

Why do you play on Aurora?: I find it to be a healthy mix of the aforementioned fast-action and chairRP. Sometimes it does get boring to just sit around, but most of the time, nothing's stopping you from making your own story. And when shit hits the fan, it's always fun to try and pick up the aftermath.

What do moderators do?: ((absolutely nothing)) Moderators act as the first line of defense in maintaining the integrity of the server rules. Essentially, they make sure nobody is ruining anybody else's round without a very good reason.

What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: Being a moderator means you must voulenteer to accept the responsibility of acting as a community role model and keeping the peace on the server. Moderators are there to ensure everyone is having fun, to enforce RP standards to a certain extent, and also to enforce the server rules in general.

Why do you want to be a moderator?: I like the community here, and I enjoy playing on the server. I enjoy the general atmosphere of the game, and, despite my shitposty nature at times, I do in fact try to take the game seriously. This community has brought me a lot of enjoyment, and I figured I'd like to put something back into it.

What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I believe that I am generally patient and able to handle stress. I also have a decent understanding of the server rules, corporate regulations, and station directives.

How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Well, I'm still here, aren't I? In all seriousness, pretty well. I try to keep my emotions in check while playing, and so far, I haven't gone on any major rampages or tirades. I believe I can remain rational in the face of stress.

Anything Else You Want to Add:

(Please don't bully me Coalf)


We've had discussions in the staffchat concerning your app, and I'd like to go over some points. Also, you were right, you've got no recorded bans and also no notes this year, so good on you for that one. But, lets get to it with the questions.

1: How do you feel that the behaviour of the moderator team affects the server as a whole? Is it largely impactful, of little importance or something else entirely? And what impact could bad moderator behaviour have on the server?

2: How effective are you at working with others?

3: Outwith the summer holidays, how much time do you tend to spend on the server?

4: Have you moderated/adminned for anything outwith SS13, and if so, what was your experience with that?

Now for some scenarios.

1: Somebody has ahelped to alert that there's an assistant milling around and is seemingly quite new, and this is reaffirmed when you talk to them. They have read the rules, but haven't played on HRP before. How would you proceed with this?

1.5: Situation is the same as above, but the player instead notes they were looking for a Low Roleplay environment. How do you proceed?

2: A player ahelps asking questions about a game mechanic you are unfamiliar with, and no other staff are online. How would you proceed?

3: You have been dealing with an issue concerning a player for a while, and they are refusing to accept responsibility for their actions and continue to argue with you over PM's, and even send it into Dsay/LOOC. How do you proceed with this?

That should be all for now, feel free to be as brief or detailed as you want. I look forward to seeing your response.

Guest Complete Garbage

We've had discussions in the staffchat concerning your app, and I'd like to go over some points. Also, you were right, you've got no recorded bans and also no notes this year, so good on you for that one. But, lets get to it with the questions.

1: How do you feel that the behaviour of the moderator team affects the server as a whole? Is it largely impactful, of little importance or something else entirely? And what impact could bad moderator behaviour have on the server?

The behavior of moderators does have quite an impact on the server as a whole. A moderator who maintains high personal roleplay standards and acts well within accordance of server rules will reflect well on the staff as well as the server's reputation in general. Likewise, a moderator who does not play their role to an acceptable standard or who will personally break the rules when they think they can get away with it will reflect poorly on the staff, and create tension between the staff and the playerbase.


2: How effective are you at working with others?

In a team setting, I believe I perform quite well. When working with others, communication is the key, and I believe I am a decent enough communicator to thrive in a team setting such as this.


3: Outwith the summer holidays, how much time do you tend to spend on the server?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by 'outwith the summer holidays,' but I'll try to answer as clearly as possible. During the summer, when I'm not going somewhere on vacation or busy with family(which probably won't happen often, (mostly because I don't have a life outside of SS13,) I'll try to spend anywhere between two to eight rounds on the server, depending on when I wake up/go to sleep/have to go and do other stuff. Outside of summer, the routine will be much the same on weekends, whereas on weekdays I'll probably only be able to do two or three rounds in the afternoon/evening.


4: Have you moderated/adminned for anything outwith SS13, and if so, what was your experience with that?

Not that I can think of. I've had some minor 'staff' positions on a few minecraft servers (very basic level development and such,) but never an enforcement or moderation role.


1: Somebody has ahelped to alert that there's an assistant milling around and is seemingly quite new, and this is reaffirmed when you talk to them. They have read the rules, but haven't played on HRP before. How would you proceed with this?

I would PM them with something to the effect of, "Welcome to the server," and then recommend they find someone to help them familiarize themselves with the basic mechanics. I'd also probably shoot them a couple wiki links for the basic guides (crash course in roleplaying, etc.)


1.5: Situation is the same as above, but the player instead notes they were looking for a Low Roleplay environment. How do you proceed?

I'd tell them that this is a high-roleplay environment, and I'd recommend they at least give it a try. If they still wanted med/lowRP, I'd tell them that there are plenty of other servers that offer that sort of environment, and wish them good luck in finding one.


2: A player ahelps asking questions about a game mechanic you are unfamiliar with, and no other staff are online. How would you proceed?

I would first ask them to give me a moment to see if I could find the information. I would then check both our own and Baystation's wiki for the relevant information, then either refer them to the wiki page directly or, if they were asking something specific, (i.e. how to disassemble an APC,) then I'd just PM them the steps directly.


3: You have been dealing with an issue concerning a player for a while, and they are refusing to accept responsibility for their actions and continue to argue with you over PM's, and even send it into Dsay/LOOC. How do you proceed with this?

If they were being especially disruptive about it, I'd probably mute them from said channels first. Then I would refer to an admin about what to do. If an admin weren't available, I'd tell them that I planned on referring the incident up the line, then warn them not to bring it up again until a higher-up could look into it. I would also link them to the staff complaints subforum and tell them they are welcome to post a complaint if they believe a ruling of mine was invalid. If they continued being disruptive, I would apply an appropriate ban.


Interview with the applicant:

SirCatnip - Today at 1:50 AM

Alright, anything you want to say on record before we start?

Complete Garbage - Today at 1:50 AM

Nothing I can think of, no.

SirCatnip - Today at 1:51 AM

Alright. First question;

A new player joins with a single-word name which is identical to their ckey, a bald 30 year old assistant. The account shows up as 0 days old. What do you do?

Complete Garbage - Today at 1:53 AM

I would PM them, asking if they'd read the server rules, and ask them if they'd like to change their name to something else.

SirCatnip - Today at 1:53 AM

They don't respond to your first PM, but continue walking to tool storage.

Complete Garbage - Today at 1:54 AM

I PM them again, asking them to please read the server rules before proceeding.

SirCatnip - Today at 1:55 AM

And if they still don't respond?

Complete Garbage - Today at 1:58 AM

I would PM again, informing them how to respond to a PM and persisting to ask that they read the rules.

If they continued not responding, and proceed to do something resembling griefing behavior, I would wind them, and attempt to talk to them. If I still get no response after waiting, I'd apply the appropriate punishment.

SirCatnip - Today at 2:01 AM

Oke, next question. A Cargo tech ahelps about fourty minutes into the round saying they have been perma-brigged for no reason, without access to their headset. How do you go about handling this?

Complete Garbage - Today at 2:02 AM

I would first ask for the name of whoever brigged them.

SirCatnip - Today at 2:05 AM

They tell you the name of an Officer, saying they came to search the warehouse, and ended up arresting them for items they deemed contraband that they found there.(edited)

Complete Garbage - Today at 2:09 AM

I would PM the officer, informing them that the warehouse has randomly-spawning items inside at roundstart, and that the cargo staff should not be held responsible for the contents of the warehouse, as long as they are not being abused. Then I would tell them that the charge for contraband is not permanant, and I would link them to our corporate regulations page. I would then ask them to release the detained CT and add a quick note about the incident to the officer's account.

SirCatnip - Today at 2:13 AM

Alright, next question; Suddenly a bunch of attack-logs appear involving two guys shooting eachother, neither of which are antagonists. You recognize one as being a regular player, but you don't really know this player that well. It looks like they're shooting at eachother with lethal weapons, but you were in the lobby so you don't have much else information on the situation. There are no other mods or staff on at the time.

Complete Garbage - Today at 2:14 AM

I would wind both, and PM each, asking about the situation.

SirCatnip - Today at 2:21 AM

Both sides tell you that the conflict has stemmed from an IC grudge between the two characters over various canon rounds, which started off from some fighting in a previous round, to IRs filed against eachother, which then escelated to outright sabotaging eachother and fighting, etc. They have both agreed to a fight which would remain canon. The fight itself started off with fists/tools being used, but escelated to killing.

Complete Garbage - Today at 2:22 AM

I apologize to each for the inconvenience, unwind them, and allow them to carry on once they've both gotten back up.

SirCatnip - Today at 2:24 AM

Alrighty, last question: A player adminhelps that another player, one you know well but have never had to deal with as a moderator, is powergaming. A quick check on them reveals that they, as a non-security role (such as either a quartermaster, scientist, or doctor), have managed to arm themselves heavily using the most powerful weapons they could have aquired in that job (such as a powered crossbow as an engineer or cargo tech, a polyacid syringe gun as a doctor, or a laser canon as a scientist), and is currently alone in a firefight with the nuke team. They are winning. What do you do?

Complete Garbage - Today at 2:28 AM

I would wind the powergaming player and the remaining ops, and ask the player why they had equipped all of this gear and were actively fighting in a combat situation as a non-security member.

Also, quick question,

SirCatnip - Today at 2:28 AM

Ask away.

Complete Garbage - Today at 2:29 AM

Are they inside of their own department when the incident occurs, or are they outside their department, in some place they don't seem to have any other reason to be?(edited)

SirCatnip - Today at 2:30 AM

Let's say it's a scientist. They're between the RnD entrance and the chapel, and seem to be pushing the mercs into departures.

Complete Garbage - Today at 2:32 AM

Okay. Then I think I would instead let the situation play out, and PM the mercs and scientist after, to ascertain information about what had happened.

SirCatnip - Today at 2:36 AM

Alright, afterward you find that the scientist hasn't got any combat skill listed on their character-skills, and their records are blank. They admit that they went a little overboard and seem willing to accept punishment. Their notes have some mention of doing this kind of thing in the past, such as walking around in EVA gear just incase, and a warning about smashing lights because of a blue APC.

Complete Garbage - Today at 2:39 AM

I would probably place a 3-day ban for powergaming and add a note asking them to be careful not to repeat this kind of thing again. Since they seemed to have been in their own department, pushing the antagonists out, I don't feel as if this was anything like hardcore validhunting, but rather an incident of self-defense that went a bit too far.

SirCatnip - Today at 2:39 AM

Okie. Any closing comments? Anything at all you want to bring up?

Complete Garbage - Today at 2:40 AM

Nothing that comes to mind.

SirCatnip - Today at 2:41 AM

Any problem with this being posted on your application?

Complete Garbage - Today at 2:41 AM

Not at all, go ahead.

  • 2 months later...
Guest Complete Garbage

Due to a number of circumstances beyond my control, I am not able to play Aurora as much as I thought I'd be able to. Because of this, I'd like to request this application be closed, at least for the time being.

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