Jupiter Storm Posted May 31, 2017 Posted May 31, 2017 BYOND Key: Jupiter_Storm Character Names: Jorven Brent (Atmospheric Technician) | T.E.R.A - 193 (Cyborg) Species you are applying to play: IPC (M.M.I Variant - Wetware Processor) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: In depth and with great interest! Why do you wish to play this specific race: - I am very much into my cyberpunk style, and a huge lover of the whole general concept of extending one's life and overcoming the weaknesses of flesh through the total merging of man with machine. Honestly? If I could be a cyborg, I totally would. But that's what fantasy is all about right? Enjoying the things you can't do! - I've spent quite a bit of time developing Jorven as a character who has a very heavy dislike of his organic components, having deliberately chosen augmentation in the past to enhance his endurance for labour-intensive tasks, or to protect against the ravages of what is essentially a very unhealthy lifestyle. For me, it's time for him to make the jump, because that's really where his roleplay has always been leading. Essentially a life goal. To be a machine. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: For starters, I don't want the character to become a PTSD cyborg. He wanted this. It's an upgrade, for him. An ascension from mortality to something a little more permanent... at least as far as age and disease are concerned. A human who'd deliberately chosen to surrender their organic tissue and completely integrate with a machine chassis would, in all likelihood, have a fairly negative outlook on biologicals. Not necessarily nasty? More like pity, and impatience for the fallacies that plague beings composed of organic matter. ( Although, obviously, he himself would be flawed in this way, due to still having a human brain... Just significantly less so than before. ) I can see an MMI-Type IPC being very short, overly-logical, and inquisitive of others' ideas, but also more likely to follow regulations to the letter, and to behave in a far more sensible, composed manner. Which, for those who have roleplayed with Jorven before, is perhaps something that my RP sorely needs - and I feel that being an IPC would give me a fantastic platform on which to make such a sudden and drastic change in his behaviour. I think as well, that I would enjoy having him linked to the Artificial Intelligence (although not a mandatory thing for IPCs), which, whilst frowned upon by humans as being a form of slavery... Would actually be considered a higher form of enlightenment for one who places their faith in machines. It would mean a greater amount of interaction with the robotic roleplayers on-station, as well as certain 'forced' events that can alter your roleplay in an interesting (or even hilarious) way due to law changes and AI updates. Character Name: Jupiter / B.R.E.N.T (have not yet decided on this fully, but would welcome recommendations) Alternatively, even keeping the old human name of Jorven could make sense. Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs: Born to a family of average means on Sol IV in early 2430, Jorven had always been surrounded by technology and innovation. Growing up from a young age in a Martian Hive, biology and indeed nature itself - to him - would've always been something that was sustained and nurtured by machines, and not the other way around. Brent was a relatively intelligent boy, scoring very highly in high-school exams but flunking out on college with very low grades due to severe boredom and borderline depression born of a sense of stagnancy and longing - the vast shipyards of Sol IV lighting up the night sky frequently filled him with a fascination for exploration, as well as a dissatisfaction with his lot in life. At the age of 19, he graduated as an Atmospherics Technician in the Sol Navy, and spent five years an Enlisted Sailor, picking up heavy bionic augmentations due to injuries sustained during minor fleet actions, along with a degree studied part-time in Planetary Geology (I have the full list of modules in my Employment Records). He left the service as a Petty Officer Third-Class, taking with him the various qualifications he had acquired, along with a substantial amount of savings. Returning to Mars for a brief period, the next two years were spent refining his degree into a Master's, living mostly off his own savings and - like any middle-aged man with no job - his parents. A significant past-time was indulging in various philosophies and movements - chiefly a modern form of the Wiccan faith and the Synthetic Intelligence Movement. Having not only been raised, in a sense, and sustained indefinitely by machines, the latter was a very natural ideology for him to adopt. In 2458, Brent was accepted for a position with the well-respected NanoTrasen corporation, and continues to work for them to date - though often finds himself in conflict with many of their regulations and the attitudes of his co-workers, being far more used to an efficient military environment where improvements and shortcuts were fairly commonplace, with regulations often being overlooked and over-signed by level after level of supervising personnel. The very nature of working in the close confines of Aurora Station, a veritable nexus of technology, forward-thinking and deadly hazards, brought to the fore fresh desires for the enlightenment of machine intelligence, as well as frustrations with the limits of his own 'weak' meat-sack - particularly when it came to bursts of radiation, frequent biological hazards and the strain (both mental and physical) of operating under the station's somewhat 'powder keg' conditions. A partially fragmented perception of reality combined with a generally fatalistic and cynical view of the universe, drew Jorven Brent into a more isolated state, until he could only find solace in the voluntary surgical transition to a Man-Machine Interface, whereby he hoped to awaken to a superior level of understanding and true clarity of purpose. What do you like about this character? I like him because he is, in many ways, like myself. I do not enjoy roleplaying things that I cannot relate to in any way, therefore in any game I will only play the one character - or, occasionally, other insignificant 'filler' characters such as T.E.R.A or, in the past, redshirt grunts with little need to invest in emotionally or story-wise. I like to stick to what I know, and I know a -lot- about engineering, science and shameless cyber-fetishism. This experience would, I feel, really add to the quality of my roleplay in this area with the ability to apply IRL knowledge. The idea of achieving what he would regard as the vaunted state of true metamorphosis is extremely exciting for me, as I would not only be able to iron out the personality flaws that other roleplayers seem to strongly dislike, but would also get to enjoy the kind of industrial-punk science fiction that I am into and develop a more meaningful story and direction to give me a better sense of belonging in the setting. Deus ex mechanicus, praise be to the god of all machines! How would you rate your role-playing ability? Honestly no idea. I would've said it was good? But lately I'm clueless about that. Let others rate it. Notes: - One thing that I suspect others might say about the voluntary transition into a machine chassis is that it's an unrealistic objective for any person, given that you're basically giving up your humanity and the pleasures of being human. My reply to this, would be that this sort of thing is, in my opinion - as someone who IRL would gladly do such a thing were it possible - very similar to the reasons why someone might get a sex change, or drastically alter themselves through body art. - I have read the lore for IPCs in great depth, and whilst I understand that the only IPC sprite available in game is the Positronic Brain variant, I also recall that there is canonically a Cyborg-type variant of IPC whereby the main processor is an organic sapient brain instead of a synthetic one - 'wetware' processors, I believe was the term used on the wiki. It really doesn't bother me that if I get gibbed, the Positronic Brain would show. Suspension of disbelief! It could be a brain in an opaque box! I guess it could ruin others' immersion, maybe, but... Really? Thank you for your consideration!
Jupiter Storm Posted June 2, 2017 Author Posted June 2, 2017 MMI ipcs are a not a thing in the aurora universe. Oh right, well this is a very new thing, because two months ago, during my last application before I withdrew it, it was not an issue and was openly accepted - and was, in fact, referenced on the Aurora wiki entry for IPCs. Anyway, we may as well take this down I guess... If that's no longer a thing.
CakeIsOssim Posted June 16, 2017 Posted June 16, 2017 A lot of things can change in two months. Application rescinded. EDIT: I forgot to say, you should consider applying again, though not with an MMI-type. Do not let this discourage you from playing an IPC at all.
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