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Frederic Van Belux's violin

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BYOND Key: Fred104

Character name: Frederic Van Belux

Item name: Fred's Violin

Why is your character carrying said item to work? well, Frederic Van Belux doesn't usually work for NT but rather use the network of shuttle and gateway to travel around the known space for cheap as he is currently traveling from place to place, he got this violin during is stay on the Exodus and decided to practice is play and get better as a distraction when he have to wait for shuttles or other way of travel to be available.

Item function(s): Its a violin, so play music.

Item description: like above except there is a twist! instead of making the sound of a violin it make the sound of a piano or a minimog to sow that my character actually learned how to play it properly! and be and make less ear bleeding, also there is my name crudely engrave on the back of the violin.

Item appearance: its just a violin, maybe make the color a little bit brighter so he standout? otherwise i don't care.

How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? be less CANCER! I usually play the violin in the bar to give a bit of ambiance but the problem is always that the violin SOUND HORRIBLE and its hard to get one on the Exodus (random luck) even do its not a weapon and anyone could take one with them, which my character want to, you should know because i do it rather often =p .

Additional comments: when i play violin my hears bleed too you know, the difference is that i enjoy it... sometimes.


I am not the one calling the shot (definitely not) but i say, lets give it a shot, if it cause issue we can remove it.

also i mostly want to save peoples ears because i am going to find a instrument no matter what when i can


...because i am going to find a instrument no matter what when i can


I would rather we not get into allowing music items, they cause lag and sound like crap (even the piano is not something I want to be hearing all the time as it walks around on a mobile source).

And of course if we let one person have his special snowflake noise maker, other people will want them as well.

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