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[Accepted] PermaBanarroni

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BYOND Key: SteamyHotERP

Total Ban Length: perm

Banning staff member's Key: AdminBot

Reason of Ban: Plasmagrief

Reason for Appeal: Got banned from Aurora around the time i started playing ss13 if Im correct. Ban applied a couple years ago I think I deserve another shot.


Typing in other threads about slow response is not going to get you anywhere. You failed to provide us with the necessary information to look into your appeal, so it will take us time to find the relevant information.


It was a jokearriono and also i was asking for help to helping in finding the necessary information which im still asking for in fact. I would like to try and help with any information you can explain to me how to find that i have not already provided.


Welp my computer that had those account names is rip ill try and find them some other way tho.


Oops, misspelled your first ckey in the unban panel the first time, that is why I did not see it.

Anyway, here's the last known note for the recent ckey you tried, CaptainDeadBeard

2015-02-09 00:00:00 || TishinaStalker || Logged in as Security, and started beating personnel with a welding torch while being in metacommunication with Bjorn69. Logged upon contact. Permabanned.

And much of the same for SteamyHotERP, reason being verbatim: Plasmagrief.

And the ban was mirrored about eight times. Six times with the legacy system with jumbled IPs and CIDs. And twice just normally.

So that might show you kinda evaded in the past (assuming CaptainDeadBeard is you, you didn't appeal the ban for that account), granted it was like 2 years back when you did it. Only real disclosure needed from you is a simple promise to not do it again and just abide by the rules, and we'll lift both straight away, since we try to be gucci like that.

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